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City Fall: What Do You Do With a Problem Like the Foot Clan
Date of Scene: 18 April 2019
Location: New york City
Synopsis: Matt, Kate, Danny and Karen talk out plans to beat the Foot Clan, afterwards, Matt and Kate talk about relationships and a certain chainsmoking warlock.
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Hawkeye (Bishop), Iron Fist, Karen Page
Tinyplot: City Fall

Daredevil has posed:
With the last Defenders get together broken up by a visit by Agent May, Matt called a new one at his place under the guise of a pizza party.

Okay, maybe it was a pizza party, but one where business was going to be discussed. Calls went out and in fine Defender tradition, he meeting was held with whomever showed up when they showed up. So, what if they weren't as organized as the Avengers, at least they had hot pizza and cold beer.

Cracking one of the latter, Matt stands in his living room listning to the city and putting his thoughts together.

His door has a note on it reading: Come in

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Of course Kate showed up - not just for the pizza. Kate also had a confession to make to Matt, which is why she shows up early. However, early is a relative term in these sorts of things, and beyond that, once there, she doesn't know how to break her news to him.

She is, it should be noted, a much better frame of mind than last they met, if flirting with the anxiety of how was Matt (or worse, Elektra) going to react when she admitted what had happened.

Iron Fist has posed:
Never let it be said that Danny Rand ever passed up an opportunity for pizza and beer. Granted, he could easily get his own (and everyone else's within a city block), but there are two things he has learned.

One, regardless on how many times offers for bankrolling events go out, there are just going to be some people that want to do it on their own...and that is to be respected.

And two...pizza and beer taste better when it is free. It is a simple statement of fact.

And so Danny does arrive, at a leisurely time, but still what some would consider a respectable time. Not too early, but not too late, either. He doesn't even bother to knock on the door, just taking the note at face value and walks right in. Besides, it isn't like the owner of the place isn't aware that Danny has entered the premises.

Daredevil has posed:
When Kate arrives, Matt turns smiling, "Hey Kate," he greets warmly. "How are you doing?"

Matt had left Josie's more or less sober after that last meeting but Kate... not so much. He'd been worried about her and he was glad she'd come.

And Danny was right, Matt could tell as soon as he entered the building, so when the Iron Fist strolls in, Matt gives him a warm, "Hey Danny."

He nods to the living room where he laid out the pizza and beer. "So, shall we make ourselves comfortable? I'm not sure who else is coming so we may as well start."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Like Danny after her, Kate lets herself in - though she's not a front door person today. Today it's from the roof. She'd needed to think about a few things (why did nothing she did to fix things make other things simpler?), and well, depending on how things went here tonight, after she was headed back out to the rooftops for her other full time job. Even though she'd told JJ she'd be back on motel duty, tonight was one of those nights they didn't have any scheduled peeping Tom shows, for which Kate was infinitely grateful.

As she'd mused to herself more than once, 'People pay the rent with this?' While she wasn't ready, yet, to give up the PI business, it certainly wasn't as glamourous as the movies painted it out to be.

"Hey, Matt. Uh.. things are.. complicated." There. That was a safe word, right? Complicated. She's just saying, "Actually, I have something I needed to talk to you about before the others get here. It has to to with Elektra, and something I did by accident. Please don't kill me.." When Danny walks in.

It would seem that Danny and Kate are destined to not have the greatest of opening scenarios in their mutual life. But hey, at least this time she isn't taped to hit (she is, however, armed to bear), or telling him rudely to get out.

Baby steps, right?

Iron Fist has posed:
"Heya Matt." Simple greeting from Danny. And, really, Danny looks pretty simple with his wardrobe. His usual sandals, which have been left by the door as he entered, leaving him presently with bare feet. A pair of loose fitting pants and a blue Pac-Man t-shirt probably obtained from a vintage store. Which is just another fancier term for a thrift store. Still, it works for him.

However, Danny doesn't actually cross the room though. Not yet. For, while he may not have as sharp of senses as Matt, he can certainly hear the plea to not murder a certain archer before he stepped in the room.

Which brings up awkward scenario number 11. Should he step out and let the two talk? Or...should he just stay and see if he can be of help? Or...what if this is one of those weird relationship things that happens after the whole relationship thing? So many different questions.

But only one gets vocalized. "Hmm...you two want me to step out for a sec?"

Yeah...that was totally the right question to ask.

Daredevil has posed:
The arrival from the roof earns a smile from Matt. "Doing some work tonight?' he asks Kate, meaning the after hours bow and arrow kind. That sort of thing usually led to rooftops.

Her answer to his question has him cocking his head quizzically, "Complicated, how so?" he asks before she tells him he has something to talk to him about, something about Elektra. A frown slowly replaces his smile as he asks, "What happened?"

Danny's arrival and freezing at the door is noted and when he asks his question, Matt turns to Kate, it was her news and thus her call.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate is careful to disarm - for some value of disarm - before stepping into the room proper. And by that, her bow is unstrung and set down. She doesn't expect to run into difficulties while having pizza and beer in his place after all.

What she's not expecting is the early arrival of Danny, or his (until she steps into the main of the room) disembodied voice asking if she and Matt need a little time alone.

"Ugh," she says under her breath. "I have the worst luck of any human being I know." However, luck, or timing aside, this wasn't going to get easier, and maybe the pressence of someone else might buffer Matt's reaction.

"Go on and stay," Danny is told as Kate finds a place to sit that has ample free access to an exit. She might need it.

"So, this guy I've been sort of seeing..." That right that is not a good sign. Especially the sort of part - though it explains her foul mood the other night, and perhaps a myriad of other things too. However. "I went to tell him exactly what I thought of him and one thing led to another and I might have told him your girlfriend was undead." Which might not sound as bad as it is unless you knew who Kate was 'sort of' dating, and his occupation.

Iron Fist has posed:
    "Alright....if you're sure." That prompts a walk across from the front door to one of the chairs around the coffee table. Danny looks to simply fall into the chair, if one was looking, but it seems just a bit too fluid to be a simple fall. Yet, somehow he looks completely comfortable and at ease doing it. The pizza and beer is untouched, for now, but Danny is in prime position to partake, should he desire it.

But...presently, he desires to keep quiet and let Kate say her peace to Matt. Because...he knows what happens when one annoys Kate and he is in no mood for a repeat of events from the other day.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt waits until the going and staying is sorted out before he turns to face Kate while she spools out her tale.

"This guy got a thing for booze and cigarettes?" he asks her. He can smell both on Kate's skin. As well as other things that he can't quite place, probably picked up from the guy or his place. Matt doesn't usually like to tip his hand about what he can tell just by smelling someone but in this case he can't help himself, he needs to know what they're dealing with here.

Matt slips into lawyer mode, taking a breath and working through the questions to ask, "Alright, I've got some questions. Who is this guy, what exactly does he know, and what do you think he's going to do about it?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Wow," Kate remarks as Matt pegs John down to his bad habits. Thankfully she's not aware of the 'something else' he senses because she'd likely blush to the tips of her black hair. Okay.. so not nearly as devastating an image as a redhead blushing, but somehow on Kate the look evoked all the pathos of red hair and freckles without either.

"Yeah, that would be him." Of course she's uncomfortable about all of this now because so many frank discussions. Not to mention Kate was more than a little aware that she's made some poor life choices already about the man, not the least of which was this spilling of the beans.

"His name is John. John Constantine. He's a warlock. Purveyor of the Dark Arts" - she covers the litany of his business cards - "And before you fly off the handle, he's a good bloke. I mean, he does crap magic, but he's good inside."

At least she hoped so, or she was screwed.

"I don't think he's going to use it against us - her - but, well, I didn't mention names, but he's not dumb. You don't even need a PI liscence to find out who she is with what I told him. I'm so sorry. We were drunk, and we'd just argued, and I don't even remember how it came up - Oh. We were talking about danger. About people using people we cared about to hurt us."

Her look is both apologetic and miserable, something easily enough sensed if not seen. "I know. We'll talk about this later. Just.." A helpless shrug from the girl.

Iron Fist has posed:
Okay....how can one comment on that without betraying the fact that he was listening? That's Danny's situation right now and it makes for an awkward moment. The mention of warlock and dark arts might get a eyebrow raised in curiousity, but this is from a man who fought a dragon and plunged his hands into its molten heart, so who is he to question the existence of male witches?

Though, it is probably a good thing Danny doesn't know this John guy. Because he would totally call him a male witch.

So, the best thing to do is to be quiet for the moment. And the best way to be quiet? With a mouthful of pizza.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt lets out a dissapointed sigh. Though really what Kate had told the guy wasn't all that bad. "And that's all you told him?" he asks. "Not that I think you're lying, Kate, but you were drunk, and it's important you telll us everything."

As for the claims of John being a warlock, Matt just groans, less about any danger, but really Kate? Hooking up with a guy calling himself a warlock?

Says the guy hooking up with the undead... or whatever it was Elektra was now.

"Not much to talk about later, just damage control, you know you screwed up, nothing to be gained by hammering you about it," he sighs again this time a cleansing breath, letting go of his anger. "So, apology accepted."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate gives Matt a glowering stare. "Is that your way of asking did I say you were Daredevil? No, Matt. I did not. And if I were that drunk would I even remember?" Oh god, had she said that? She hadn't, right? She hadn't told John more than that? "But he'll find out she's Elektra. And her involvement in the Hand. And it won't take him anything to put two and two together and figure out there's more here than meets the eye."

Her irritation deflates and she goes back to her dejection. "What else do you want to know?"

Not that this covered Matt's reasons for inviting them all here, but it was important, as all their secrets could be on the line.

"He knows who I am. But not about the Defenders."

Iron Fist has posed:
"I am betting the answer is no." Danny pauses as he chooses to lean back, elaborating on his decision. "You know...as in no you wouldn't remember if you was that drunk. But, just guessing."

Speaking of drinking, beer has been obtained. There is a short pause while Danny partakes, then he stretchs out like a feline on the chair. "So...what's the real reason for the invite? I doubt it was just because you was feeling generous."

Karen Page has posed:
In contrast to the others already in the room with Matt, the next guest to arrive is anything but stealthy. Footsteps with the scuffing slowness of exhaustion from climbing stairs approach, then keys jangle softly outside the apartment door before a key can be heard slotting into the deadbolt and the lock turning. The door is shoved open, the keys jangling much more noisily before a voice announces the new arrival's identity.

"Matt? I got your text about pizza. I brought up your mail--" The door is closed while Karen basically talks loudly to the whole apartment, the keys clattering into the bowl on the table by the door promptly followed by the slap of a stack of paper on the same table a split second before the lights in the room turn on. "--and I have the deed history information from City Hall. You will not //believe// how long it took me to figure ou..."

Karen walks briskly into the living and stops abruptly when she realizes that Matt's not home by himself. "Uh. Hi." Her eyes flick between the other two visitors, the manila folder in her hand flopping over before she unconsciously clutches it to her chest.

Daredevil has posed:
"No," Matt says flatly. "It's my way of asking if you told him anything else. I'm trying to help you Kate, help all of us, but I need know everything in order to do that."

As for the remark about if she was that drunk, would she remember, Matt raises an eybrow. See? This is why he's worried.

He takes in the rest, he can find Elektra, knows about her ties to the Hand, but nothing about the Defenders... Not ideal, but something they could work with.

"Right now, if that's what you remember, then we're good, but if you remember anything else, I'm your first call, okay?" he says, putting some warmth in his tone. "We'll sort this out."

Danny's question shakes Matt out of lawyer mode for a moment and he says, "Oh right, um, some details about the Foot Clan, and some ideas about how to deal with them."

"Actually, hold on," he tilts his head. "Karen's coming, I want her to be a part of this too."

He smiles when she enters, "Hey Karen, thanks for bringing up the mail. If you want to grab a seat you're right on time."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate rubs her temples. "I was drunk Matt. Very drunk. And angry. Well, I wasn't then. I don't think he's going to spill the beans to anyone else, but he might stick his nose into our business, if only because I think he likes me. It's.. complicated. I didn't mention who you were, or anyone else, but like I said, he's going to figure out that it's Elektra, and that the whole business about her being..."

Kate stops when Karen waltzes in, not knowing what exactly it is Karen knows about Elektra, and given she's already spilled in front of one person, she's not about to add a second in the same sentence she's apologizing for the first. To cover her abrupt stop, she leans and grabs a slice, asking, "Hey, do you have anything to drink other than beer?" Settling back quietly as Matt takes the floor again to bring up why they had all been gathered.

Iron Fist has posed:
Lawyer mode isn't a whole lot of fun to be facing....though it is somewhat amusing to watch. Though, really, it looked like Kate was well and truly sorry for whatever details she might have let slip out. Hence the question. Not only is Danny curious as to the need to lure people with food...but it was a distraction to save Kate from the cross examination.

But, you know, Karen showing up is an even better distraction.

Danny turns in the chair to face the entrance and gives a wave to Karen as she enters, as if the two of them were the best of friends. "Hello..." Yes, that just happens to be billionaire not-playboy Danny Rand, just sitting in the middle of the living room with bare feet eating pizza. Because of course he is. "any place you like to sit? I can move elsewhere if your heart is set on this chair. I have to admit, it is rather comfortable." There is a bit of a grin playing across his features. He is having fun, but seems somewhat serious at the same time.

That seriousness stays with him as Danny glances over to regard Matt. It's his place, so he gets to lead the topic of conversation.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen eyes the other two for a moment longer. If she recognizes either of them, she doesn't let on. The lure of the pizza and beer is too great, though, and stuffs the folder into her slouchy overlarge purse before dropping it with a flumph behind the sofa and stepping around to sit next to Matt and snag a beer. Pizza quickly follows, and she asks her boss with her mouth full, "Just in time for what?"

She sets her pizza aside to open the beer with the ease of practice, looking at the bespectacled man questioningly as she does so.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt rests his hands on his hips and nods, listening as Kate continues.

When she stops, when Karen enters, he gives her a nod, "It's okay, Karen knows," he says. "Karen Page, this is Kate Bishop, Kate Bishop this is Karen Page." They both might have heard of each other in the paper, Karen as a reporter, Kate on page six as Matt's girlfriend, back when he had the Natchios fortune to his name.

As for drinks, "Oh yeah, juice and water in the fridge, oh and Foggy might have left some Coke too, help yourself."

"I called you guys to talk about the Foot Clan," Matt says without any preamble. "I've mentioned it to some of you already, basically they're the guys who moved in after we drove out the Hand." Hell they'd been part of the reason why that final battle had gone in their favour.

"I've been keeping tabs on them for a bit, but now they're really making moves, best as I can tell they're bringing a lot of the gangs in the city under control, when a gang signs on, they get a gold coin, and I've gotten word from a source, those coins have been responsibles for the recent spate of judges giving thugs a slap on the wrist lately," Matt moves to the sideboard where he has a file, printed out in text instead of braile. "I did a bit of digging, put together a list of crooks and judges. I figure it might be a good idea to have a chat with a few of the crooks and get our hands on one of those coins as a start to figuring out how to stop whatever it is that they do."

He takes a moment to pause and take in the reactions of his audience, a habit from his time in the court room. "And then after that I have a /really/ bad idea."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
There's a nod from Kate who is reassured by Matt's words, but not entirely. She's more than aware of how close she came to slipping again.

"Hi, Karen. You're one of the office girls." Matt and Foggy both had spoken of their excellent assistant and how invaluable she was to the firm.

"Anyone want a drink since I'm up?" Kate pads to the kitchen with enough familiarity to suggest she's been here more than a few times, and totally helped herself before.

"And since when do you have any ideas that aren't /really/ bad," she calls from the kitchen where noises of drink getting can be heard. After all, Matt had dated both her, and Elektra. Enough said.

Iron Fist has posed:
There isn't much in the way of talking coming from Danny's direction. He seems to be contemplating the gameplan that Matt has laid down. "So...it's a matter of getting a gold coin? Because, if that's the case, it shouldn't be all that tough to do. I assume the Foot is staying in Hell's Kitchen for now...but....if they are expanding, then they are going to want to do that whole protection racket you always see on the cop shows."

Yeah, Danny watches television.

"They will probably come to call to the bigger businesses at some point. can always set up something there."

Then...a break, as Danny casts a cautious glance back to Matt. "I am almost afraid to ask. What is the really bad idea?"

Karen Page has posed:
Karen's eyebrows draw together in a frown at Kate's calling her 'one of the office girls', but then Matt's explaining why they're all here and she lets it go in favor of hearing her boss out. And then that frown is back, only now it's aimed at Matt. She takes a swig of her beer then stares at Matt hard just as Kate pipes up about his bad ideas.

"I'm with your ex on the bad ideas thing. But I know that look. There's no stopping you, only trying to keep you from killing yourself doing this." She sets her beer and pizza down, dusting off her hands and turning around to reach over the back of the sofa to get her purse. "Let me guess, I get to go back to City Hall to find out which gangs have had people let off way too lightly to be normal so you know who to go beat up on." She tugs an already half-full legal pad and a pen from her bag and settles back on the sofa again, flipping to a blank page and starting to scribble hastily.

Daredevil has posed:
For Matt's part he doesn't speak up about needing a slice, he's firmly fixed on the task at hand.

Though that doesn't stop him from laughing at Kate's opinion of his ideas. "I'm not going to argue that," he says with a smile. "But this one might be pretty bad even for me."

Danny's remarks are met with a nod. "Yeah, figured they'd come calling at Rand, or if Rand put out the right feelers, they might come looking for them. Might give us an idea of what they're after long term."

For Karen he nods, "Pretty much, we'll need details on the crooks, their judges and who represented them we need to see if the coins themselves are doing the fixing or if there's some sort of conspiracy," he says frowning at that thought. He and Foggy had clerked for a few of the judges he knew about already and they were good men. "Once we have the names, Kate, was hoping you could track them down, follow them, see what's going on."

Then finally it's time for the bad idea. "Well," he says. "The Foot are trying to take control of the gangs in the city, I was thinking if we could get our hands on some of the Foot's uniforms we could go pay a few visits to these gangs, do what we do, and sow a little animosity between them and the Foot."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"My boss is not going to like this," Kate says with a smirk. Used to be her boss was herself.. "I'll see if she can spare me."

Very likely a joke as Jessica would snark regardless of whether or not she could spare Kate. Not to mention depending on when things went down, odds were even Jessica would want to be in on things. "Think I can manage," she agrees, just glad that she's no longer the centre of attention and having to explain her indiscretions.

Even if she suspects Matt may wish her to stay behind class, so to speak, to have a private talk with teacher.

Iron Fist has posed:
"So, basically I need to play dumb and let myself get approached. Or, we play dress-up and beat on some gangs." There is a pause as Danny places a finger on his chin, then holds out his hands like a balance scale. "Hmm....sit around and wait..." One hand tips down, "...or go kick some tail." The other hand tilts down. "Honestly Matt, I'm leaning to the second option. It's more proactive and doubles as exercise. I mean, you can't go wrong with that."

All joking aside, Danny sits up...and his demeanor changes from whimsical to serious. At least, as serious as Danny can be. "If we want to use Rand as our in with the Foot, then we can do that. Though, anyone who knows anything knows to talk to Joy. But, perhaps that's why they will come to me. I still am majority shareholder and I have that whole naive air about me that people are just dying to take advantage of." And, with that, it suddenly becomes clear that Danny knows he is more innocent than most...and that maybe part of it is put on by him.


Karen Page has posed:
When Matt agrees with her assessment and then goes on to voice his 'bad idea', Karen points her beer at him. "That sounds like you //want// to get beat up. What am I saying? I know you want to get beat up. I'll pull the court records, but no way in hell am I going to sit at home like a good little secretary and wait to hear if you got yourself shanked again or not."

The beer gets set back down and she starts rapidly jotting notes into the legal pad. "I'll probably need some reason for pulling all of these files in City Hell. You have a case on the books that this would fit with? You know I lie like a cheap rug." Not true, but she's guessing that neither the blonde guy nor the ex know that.

Daredevil has posed:
Okay... maybe it wasn't such a bad idea. Either that or Matt's friends judgement was just as bad as his own. Just to check, he asks, "What? No boos and thrown pizza?" he asks with a wry smile.

Then it's on to the business at hand, "Yeah, definitely invite Jess along, there's going to be a lot of names to cover, I invited her tonight, but I think she's busy," he says and where Jess was concerned that either meant bar hopping or a case, or sometimes both. "I'll talk to Elektra and go over the Hugo Foundation funds rules, and see if we can hire you guys for the job," he says before nodding to Karen. "Consider yourself on the clock for the research as well."

The fund made it so Nelson and Murdock could pay their people in more than pie these days.

Danny's remarks are met with a grin, "Figured you'd want in on that," though the grin only widens when Danny tips his hand a little about the naivety he wore like a suit of armour. "Nice, and yeah, do what you can on that end, obviously I don't want to put Rand or it's people in trouble."

"I try to avoid it," Matt says of getting beaten up. "And I didn't figure you'd sit on your hands, if we can find evidence of this whole conspiracy, I'm going to guess the paper's going to want to know about it."

The question about the case is met with a nod, "New York v. Murray and Davis, the kid robbers I'm working with, they're getting the book thrown at them because of all of the other guys getting off, let them know at City Hall, you're pulling this for background."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"So," Kate drawls thoughtfully. "We go out and forcibly recruit? You know what would help with that? If we arranged with someplace like SHIELD to come break things up."

As she says it, she's debating the pros and cons of that one to herself. More people involved - more secrets possibly leaked.. then again, the annoyance factor, and rival clans blaming the FOOT for the arrest of their people. Who would believe protests to the otherwise? Of course they'd deny getting everyone arrested, wouldn't they? And if Agent May agreed to it, it wouldn't even be a real arrest of the Defender's crew.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny waves off endangering Rand with a flick of his wrist. "Oh, Rand isn't in any danger. Joy is too smart to let anything happen...and the orphan doesn't have any real leverage in terms of loved ones that is known publicly." The hand drops down as Danny allows himself to slide back into casual mode. "Still, I can see what I can dig up. Could be fun. A whole spy scenario." At that, Danny grins. "with the cool spy gadgets and everything. That would be so much fun."

There is a shrug given as Danny leans back into the chair once more, reaching for a bottle. "Then again, just beating on gangs and Foot alike would be fun, too. But, adding that whole double agent spin on it just ramps the entertainment up an notch or two."

Karen Page has posed:
Karen takes rapid notes as Matt names which case she can use as her reason for going back through court records. "That works. And yeah, I'll likely be offering this to my editor as a byline at the very least." She doesn't voice it aloud, but she's very glad to hear that the Hugo Foundation will be helping pay the bills on this one. There are days when she thought she'd be past living on peanut butter and celery by now.

"How fast do you want this information? I'm pretty sure City Hall's locked up for the night by now, but I can get in there first thing in the morning." Even if that means foregoing coffee to get there the instant the doors are open. The clerks ought to be used to that by now anyway.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt shakes his head. "No, not recruiting, but attacking gangs already recruited to be underlings of the Foot. Get them wondering if they can really trust the Foot, or if they've just set themselves up as their next targets. The point is to sow chaos, and if SHIELD wants to swing in behind and the guys we find up afterwards, all the better, it might even get the remaining gangs under Foot control that the Foot sold them out."

Danny's enthusiasm is met with a warm laugh, "Do you have spy gadgets?" Matt asks him, wondering if the answer really was yes, he certainly had the money for it. "Though if you get one of those cars with machine guns in the headlights, don't tell Elektra," he jokes lightly. Yes, the car theft jokes continue, even if E wasn't there to defend herself.

"And trust my Danny, this isn't either or, it's both, so you get to wear a mask /and/ beat people up, and play spy."

Karen's question gets a nod, "Tomorrow would be great, we can have Mary cover at the office, but at the very least by the end of the hol-" he begins to say holy, but stops himself. "Weekend," Easter and all of that.

"The last thing we'll need for my bad idea to work is Foot costumes, or pictures of them anyhow, I know a guy who can make them from what we can get, I'd take this one but I'm told my photography skills are sub-par," he says with a faint smile at his own joke.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Uh, I guess I could try and contact her?" Kate was as likely a candidate as any for that part of the job. It certainly couldn't be Matt. Danny likely either. Leaving the chameleon to come up with some story as to what the group wanted of the spy agency. Which worked, given Kate hadn't a so very secret super-hero identity. She'd kept her aresenal in her office for gosh sakes!

"I could do pictures, too." Or Karen. Karen worked for a paper, if only part time - it was a good cover. "Karen might have the better reason to there. Or maybe there are stock photos already at the paper?"

The joke about the car, and the one about the photography totally go over her head, perhaps an indicator of how absorbed she was in her own issues lately.

Karen Page has posed:
Adding a few last notes to the legal pad, Karen finally stops and sets it aside to reclaim her slice of pizza. "Tomorrow morning first thing. And you'll owe me coffee, Matt. And not the sludge from the coffee pot in the office." She looks over at Kate and consider the request. "I can't promise, but I'll try. I mean, these /are/ ninjas you're talking about, right? I didn't think ninjas were really all that fond of getting their pictures taken."

She then glances over at Danny with a very blatant attempt at looking inoocent. It's decidedly unconvincing.

Iron Fist has posed:
"Super secret spy beatdown? Matt, you know just what to say to warm my heart." Danny flashes a grin that eventually is obscured by the neck of the beer bottle as he takes a drink. "And no...I don't have any spy gadgets." Then, with that grin twisting into more of a smirk, Danny adds additional commentary. "at least, not yet."

The bottle is placed down on the coffee table, as Danny shifts in the chair, seemingly almost laying across the arms of it. "It is really more of finding a place to keep it all secret. I was thinking of getting somewhere and calling it something like the Fist Lair or something...but then realized that that particular name sounded way too pornographic to ever be taken seriously."

The line was said with a straight face....for like a second or three. But then, the cracks start showing, before a soft chuckle escapes from Danny's throat. He definitely was not being serious that time, one hopes.

Karen's 'innocent' glance is met with a return innocent expression of his own. And...Danny's is more convincing. "And no, I never met a photogenic ninja. Though, if I find one, I will send him or her your way."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt considers Kate for a moment his red lenses turned her way for her sake more than his, "Only if you want to Kate," Matt says. "I know you're a bit more open than the rest of us, but, still, SHIELD can do a lot to mess with people in our profession's lives." Even with friendship with Skye and Natasha, Matt trusted them, he didn't trust SHIELD. Not fully.

"I'll let you two work out the pictures," he says his attention taking in Karen and Kate this time.

As for Karen's point about ninja and not wanting their pictures taken, he frowns considering before suggesting: "Maybe it would be better as a joint effort, provided Danny doesn't find any photogenic ones to send your way," he says with a smile. "Karen can shoot ninjas with a camera, and Kate can shoot any that get too close with a bow."

Danny's little quip about the shopping spree for spy gear isn't missed. "Well if you're going shopping, let me know." After all he'd handled some of the tech toys Spider-man had, it might be time that Daredevil got a few of his own.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"And just who else do you think in our little group is going to go calling on her? She'll have questions. I'm the only one open about who I am. That leaves.. oh, I don't know.. exactly ONE of us actually able to talk to her."

Which was little more than the truth, even if Matt was also right that this would be opening the door for SHIELD to snoop into her business more fully if they hadn't already, and given that May had met her and the others, the possibility existed Agent May already had. Which also suggested it was a moot observation.

"Maybe we should both try?" Kate had a few toys that might help her in that regard, including some she needn't be near her target to use by even a small stretch of the imagination. Plus, of the two, Kate and Karen, Kate was decidedly more likely to run into the ninjas in question in her daily life.

"Tell you what, you cover stock photos if there are any. I'll cover thugs in the street duty. Between us I'm sure we'll manage."

Giving Matt a 'so there, Karen doens't get hurt this way' kind of look. Even if he can't see it.

Karen Page has posed:
Since Karen has no idea who they're talking about, she doesn't protest Kate calling dibs on contacting that Agent person. She swallows her bite of pizza before replying with, "If there are any photos of those ninjas to be had, I'll find them. Though really, they're ninjas, right? Doesn't that mean they run around wearing black pajamas and footie socks?"

She's beeing very intentionally obtuse there, and isn't even sorry about it. She just reaches for her beer to take a swig.

Iron Fist has posed:
"I don't know who you are even talking about. So yeah, Katie has the right of it. She's the only one able to go talk to any sort of law enforcement agency without, you know, exposing vigilante tendencies."

Danny missed the sardonic nature of Karen's question about a ninja's personal fashion choice. He sits up, looking like he was going to offer some sincere explanation about the whole idea of a basic uniform being rather counter-productive to the whole stealth thing when he realizes that it was supposed to be a joke. Which...prompts him to slouch back down in the chair and fall silent. It would have been all nondescript and unnoticeable, except for the reddening of cheeks with the slight embarrassment of it taking Danny that long to figure out when his own schtick is used against him.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt offers a grin, "Fair enough," he says of Kate being the one to talk to SHIELD.

Mission assigned, such as anyone assigns missions in the Defenders, Matt leaves the details to Karen and Kate. "Whichever way it goes, don't get stabbed," he warns good naturedly. "None of us want to answer to Claire."

Matt can't see but he can feel the slight rise in heat on Danny's cheeks as the man slouches back down in his chair, wordlessly Matt swings by the kitchen and grabs the man another beer, despositing by his seat.

"Anyhow, I think that about covers everything I had, make sure you pass on the news to everyone else you run into this week, any info they'll be able to provide will help," Matt says.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Claire is mean," Kate mutters, reaching for another slice of pizza. Nobody wanted to tango with Claire. She was the kind of nurse who poked a bruise while bandaging a cut, just to remind you she thought you deserved what you got, but she was going to do her job regardless.

Kate's experience of Claire was 'you can't fix stupid, but you can put a bandgage on it'.

Karen Page has posed:
Finishing off her slice, Karen offers Danny a small apologetic smile. "I get sarcastic when I'm feeling defensive. Most 'cause I didn't really grow up picking fights with people." Clean out an industrical coffemaker, yes. Degrease a restaurant deep fryer, ugh yes. Pick fights, nope. "Or throw pointy sticks at people from really far away."

That was was aimed at Kate. Duh.

"Thanks for the pizza, Matt, but I better get going. I still have a few hours of work left to do tonight and I don't want to be up burning the 3am oil again."

Iron Fist has posed:
The bottle is accepted from Matt with a murmur of thanks, perfect audible for Matt and maybe not so much for the rest. Karen, though, does get a smile from him as he shakes his head. "Oh, no...don't worry about that. I was just embarassed I almost didn't catch the sarcasm. Maybe I am not as good at acting naive as I thought I was." He tips a wink to Karen. "Anyways, in my experience, I find that you don't really pick the fight with people. The fight picks you."

And Danny goes right on smiling, as if he didn't just drop some ancient Chinese wisdom down like it was nothing.

"Good game plan. Everyone has their parts. Go Team!"

Daredevil has posed:
It's a while later when Karen and Danny take their leave, leaving Matt and Kate once again alone in the apartment.

Condensing leftover pizza into a single box, he offers it to Kate. "You and Lucky want this?" he asks her. "I've already had my one meal today," he says before adding an explanation. "Easter fasting."

Whether the box is taken or not, Matt heads to the kitchen next. "So, you trust this Constantine guy?" he asks getting onto the topic at hand.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate was always glad of free food, and Gino wasn't a slouch when it came to pizza. "Lucky loves the crusts," she says with a small grin, knowing that she'd been asked to stay behind for reasons other than gathering up leftovers to take home.

She curls up on the couch, making herself comfortable, expecting the inevitable and still pretending it wasn't coming despite this fact. "I never understood that fasting thing." However, arguing religion with Matt was an almost pointless endeavour. He was steadfastly, and stubbornly, Catholic. So Catholic that if they hadn't out bigger capital letters to spell 'Big C Catholic' he'd have been first in line to get one. And yet, despite that, he'd still taken up with Elektra. Kate hadn't understood that, other than even she had to admit the woman was hot.

When his question comes of did she trust John, it isn't a surprise. "That's a loaded question." Which wasn't to say yes, but neither was it a no. It was just a question that was going to take explanation, and likely lots of it.

Daredevil has posed:
"I remember," Matt says with a sincere smile. They'd spent more than a few nights at Kate's place hiding out from the photographers while hanging around and eating pizza. "Hope he's doing okay."

Matt moves some empties to the recycle bin in the kitchens, the bottles clattering against each other as he dumps them in. "It's a sacrifice of time and hunger, I figure with everything that's happened I owe it to God to be a good Catholic this Easter." After all Elektra was back in his life.

"True," Matt admits as he comes back with a fresh beer for Kate if she wants one. "So, how about we unload it a little bit, tell me about him." He puts the beer down next to her.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate can't help a smile as her thoughts drift to where Matt's do. "You know, that was fun. I feel like we forgot how to be friends since then. I'm really sorry about that. I guess I got caught up in things."

Like John, and her confusion over him. Then again, there had also been Elektra's momentous deciwsion, and the reformation of the Defenders - it hadn't all been her fault their drawing apart.

"I don't know what to say?" It was both a truth and a lie. What could Kate say about John? Lots of things, really, but none that were simple. "I met him at Club Lux. I was trying to listen to some advice JJ gave me. Which was pretty stupid on my part." Not that Kate could tell if she'd actually meant to follow up on the advice, after all, of all the places she could have gone to pick someone up, why had she chosen there? Other than defiance. "I was really drunk. He took me back to his place because I wasn't in any state to take myself home and I was eyballing the men in the place like they were dim sum and this was Sunday morning brunch."

Daredevil has posed:
"Guess so," Matt aggress about forgetting how to be friends. "And you weren't the only one who was caught up in things, it's alright. but I'd like to see if we can remember the friends part of things again, those were good times."

He'd enjoyed ducking the photographers and having a little taste of the life of the rich and moderately famous. It was made all the better by sharing it with Kate, to have someone to chuckle about the whole thing with while they scarfed down pizza and Kate watched, and Matt listened to, a movie.

Matt nods, when she said she didn't know what to say, Matt had started to suggest she just start at the beginning only to have her do that anyway so there was nothing to do but listen, and to quietly direct things, like he was dealing with a witness on the stand, gently coaxing to let them tell their story. "Okay, I think I can guess what Jess' advice was," after all Jess made a habit of picking up random guys when she was feeling down on herself. "So what happened after he took you home?" he asks.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Who knows what happened after that," Kate admits. "I vaguely remember sitting on a chair? His couch? Asking for another drink.. and next thing I know it was morning and I had the mother of all hangovers."

Thinking back, that surprises her. All this while she'd convinced herself she'd been drunk when she'd slept with John, and that hadn't been the case at all. Mind, she wouldn't have been at his place if she weren't drunk, but that was besides the point.

Kate nods, and remarks dryoly, "Yeah, that was exactly her advice. I was upset about you. And Clint. And totally - just what's wrong with me anyway that I can't seem to find decent men? It's like all the guys I find are unattainable. They either don't want me, or don't see me, or worse, are happy to sleep with me but woah don't ask for anything else."

She heaves a sigh. "JJ told me I was uptight and needed to loosen up. She suggested that my problem was I needed to get.. well, that I should find myself some stranger and sleep with them without all the baggage of stupid relationship expectations."

Daredevil has posed:
"Wow, you must have been pretty drunk," Matt says when she explains the gaps in her memory. "I don't envy you that hangover the next morning."

"Yeah, that's Jess' way of dealing with things," Matt says without judgement, and a bit of a shrug. "Time was, it was mine too. So I've been there."

As for Kate's concerns about why men don't like her, "Honestly, if our kiss had happened before Elektra had come back, I think there might have been something, at least on my end, as for the other men in your life, you want the honest answer? I think you set yourself up for it, I mean you're smart, you can tell if a guy likes you are not, and I don't know maybe sub-conciously you pick guys that aren't looking for anything, or anything more than sex because you're not at a place to really get into things yet."

He offers a shrug. "At least that's my opinion on it."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate makes a disgusted face. "See? That's what John says too. All about the you've got low self esteem luv and you're selling yourself short. Which isn't really a great statement on himself, I guess."

She doesn't look all that pleased about Matt's answer, not even the bit about 'before Elektra came back'.

"Who are you kidding, anyway? She'd have come back and you'd have kicked yourself for wanting her and not wanting to be with me, or whowever it was, and you'd still end up with her. Only everyone involved would be miserable."

Except maybe Elektra.

"I don't know what I want. I don't want to be overlooked, though. Or treated like some cute little kid sister. Or a convenience until the real thing comes back or along. I don't understand how people balance both those things. And he was supposed to be easy."

Her complaint comes with getting up off the couch. "I'm getting a beer. Would you like one?"

Daredevil has posed:
"No, not really a vote in this John guy's favour, but his advice, not wrong, at least from my point of view," Matt offers.

"Not saying you're wrong Kate, but who knows what might have happened, and besides, the point is I did care about you," though the more he thought about it the more he had to admit she was right.

He lets out a breath. "Yeah, a beer would be great."

"Anyhow Kate, I'm sorry things have been shit for you and I'm sorry I added to it," he says as she goes for those beers.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Darn tooting you should be sorry," Kate says firmly as she breezes back with a beer for each. "And your point of view?" There's a snicker from Kate. "You just can't help the blind jokes, can you."

More seriously, and after she's opened the beer and handed him one, "You might have cared, Matt, but we both know I was a placeholder. At least once you got wind Elektra might be not dead. You didn't even care that she had no clue who you were, or that she might always be their plaything." Kate sighs. "Doesn't matter. We weren't really a couple, were we? And John's okay. He's a lot better than he gives himself credit for. I don't know. He gets me? Just spends way too much time protesting it isn't a relationship, which I never said it was anyway."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt takes the offered beer. "To be fair, I didn't see that one until I said it," he says of his previous blind joke, this time fully intending to make one now.

Leaving the stuff about their past alone, it was something of a tender spot for him, he nods about John, "Gets you how?" he asks about John remembering that was who they were talking about. "And heh, so how does he get you?" he asks. "So far what I know about him is that he smokes like a chimney, drinks like a fish, and has low self confidence. Didn't really figure that being your type, and more on point, someone particularly trustworthy to leave our secrets with."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"The self-confidence thing is a sham. He'd deny that, but it's true. I'd be willing to bet if push came to shove he'd come through and then have some glowering comment about how we were all going to forget that, or it was a fluke or something, but he'd be lying."

She sips her beer. "I'm not sure how he gets me. He just does? He sees me as a person. Not as a label, or someone else's sidekick, or like I'm this idea in his head. I'm just kinda me when I'm with him." Brow furrowing as she says it. "And just what is my type anyway? So far my type is anyone I can't have, and he fits right into that."

Daredevil has posed:
"So, humble or just really self-hating?" Matt follows up at John's false lack of self-confidence.

"That sounds really good, Kate," Matt says, he knew what that was like and what kind of allure it presented, after all that's what he'd felt with Elektra, someone who got him and didn't need him to be anyone else but who he was. "It can get a little intense too," Matt warns with a bit of a smile. "But I"m glad you found it," he sniffs again. "Even if it's with a human chimney," he chuckles.

"And fair point on your type, I guess I just figured you'd end up with someone in the whole vigilante buisness, most other people don't get it."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"John makes self-hatred look like his profession the way you make Catholic guilty look like yours. Seriously. I can't speak for the smoking, but I know that's why he drinks."

More beer disappears the way of the first sips. Swallows, now.

"Intense," she laughs softly under her breath. "And I didn't find anything. That's the problem."

Kate pauses, "What makes you think he isn't in the vigilante business? Do you even know what he does, Matt?"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt can't quite keep the frown from his lips about the depths of John's self-loathing. "I'm not sure it's the same as my guilt," he says, though if he was honest with himself it probably was.

Kate's drink spawns one of Matt's own before he sloshes the rest in the bottle a bit listing to the sloshing of beer and the popping of foam.

"Ah," Matt says of her not finding anything. "Right, it's just a hook up." He wasn't sure if he could have managed that with Elektra. "So, you good with it like that?"

"And figured you'd mention, plus he does magic, not many of those guys go out and fight crime."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"I think I'd be better with it if it were just a hook-up," Kate admits. "I have no clue what it is."

She's past the point of considering that this might not be helping her case in convincing Matt that John is safe with Elektra's secret.

She looks over and snorts a laugh. "You figured I'd mention? Mention what? And it is with magic. Stuff with demons and possessions and things like that. Undead creatures.." Which probably explains how Elektra came up in the first place. "Not really the sort of thing people go into for the money. I don't even know if he makes good money or not, but not sure you could pay me enough to get involved with that stuff." And John had hinted at worse.

"And why would you think I'd hook up with a vigilante? I've tried. Twice now. Where did that get me?" Even if that was by a very, very loose definition of 'hook up'. "It's not like any of you are interested."

Then again, neither was John.

Daredevil has posed:
"I can understand that," Matt says of wishing it had just been a hook up.

"I figured you'd mention if he was in the business or not," Matt says taking a sip of his beer. Frowning at the magic stuff. It was definitely outside of his comfort zone as well. "Yeah, me neither, sounds like a total horror show with not much to show for it," he says before chuckling wryly. "Not that our line of work is much better."

"And common interests?" Matt says. "Generally speaking people outside the life don't really get it, or get the people who live it, kills the romance pretty quick." He knew from experience, plus he had the whole business of hiding his super-senses, there was no real way to let anyone in without telling them his secret. "And right, you've tried twice, and there's how many vigilante's in the city? Anyhow it was just my assumption."

He gets down to the point of the matter then: "But this John, despite all his flaws, you trust him? You think he's not going to say anything about Elektra?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate arches a brow at Matt. "Let's see, how many? And how many have shown interest in me? Zero. Including you and Clint. Seriously, I think I'm broken." She does offer, "I guess it's not really in the business, but business adjacent? It's kind of why I say he's lying about his whole no good doesn't care thing. I'm pretty sure you can sell magic on safer grounds than he does, so why does he do /that/?"

Not to mention there was the whole trying to chase her off at every turn. It wasn't even that John didn't want a relationship, it was how much time and effort he devoted to trying to convince /her/ she didn't want a relationship with him. It was weird. Especially as she wasn't asking for one. AT least she didn't think she was?

"I wouldn't mind someone. I'm just not really seeing it happen. Like you say, people don't get us. How do you explain your day job and then your night job? What do I say about the fact that I'm doing either with a trust fund on the side and my father's fortune just waiting for me when he dies. Sooner if I'd just give in and marry some Harvard jerk and push out some grandbabies."

Kate sighs deeply at the thought, and how limited her options seemed to her.

"John? Yeah. He's not going to tell anyone. He worries too much about people being caught up in his garbage to do that. Just he might go looking on his own for more answers. Figured you should know before he started poking around." A fromwn. "You might want to keep Elektra from hurting him."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt meets that arched brow with a smile over his beer bottle. "And how many have you met?" he counters. "Not including Green Arrow, because he'd have to stop being an asshole to notice women."

"Business adjacent seems to fit," he agrees. "We all do throw ourselves at dangers we don't need to face with little promise of reward, so, yeah, good point."

It did seem to put Matt more at ease about the guy, he could understand those motivations because they mirrored his own.

Matt nods in understanding of trying to explain all this to people. "Hard isn't it? Got to figure it's especially hard when you've got that money, like you said, you're set for life, you don't have to do any of this but you do, which despite how hard it is to explain to civilians, it's pretty great."

"Good, I'll let Elektra know he might be sniffing around, that's our best chance to have this be settled quietly and without any bloodshed."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Have you not heard my ads? I'm famous! They should be finding me. I'm not just rich, I'm cute, good with a bow, and I understand why you're out late at night. What's not to love?" Despite the chipper of her tones, by the end it's more than clear it's forced. "Seriously, Matt. Don't you think if any of them were interested they'd have sent out feelers before now? Like you said, who else gets us."

She shrugs.

"I'm trying to make peace with it. And I am never dating Green Arrow. The man is an arrogant pig. Talking to you like I was your property. What are we, living in the stone ages? What do you know about archery gear?"

There's a short, sharp laugh with that, Kate downing the rest of her beer. "I'd almost suggest letting her meet him, but I'm not sure they'd get on. Or that we should encourage that. And I am sorry it slipped out. Was a case of.. he's easy to talk to. All of this - what we do? He gets it. It's just part of the daily grind to him."

Daredevil has posed:
"Yeah, but would you go out with them if they started hitting you up at the office?" Matt asks with a smile. "Seems sort of desperate to me." Not that he didn't have admirers show up at Nelson and Murdock, but he tended to avoid them.

"And sad to say, even in our buisness we usually have to do our own leg work, I mean, look at us, we all decided to echew regular socializing at night to go punch people in the face, it doesn't really say, 'assertive daters seeking a relationship' does it?" Matt asks taking another sip of his beer before nodding. "Probably best to make peace with it, but not for the reasons you'd think, the times I've found people I could really form a connection to was when I wasn't going out of the way to look, just... open to the possibility."

He shrugs and chuckles. "Though JJ and Claire would probably both agree I am the last person who should be giving dating advice."

"Well if she asks, I'll have to arrange for them to meet devided by safety glass," he shakes his head. "I totally get it Kate, and from what you've told me about this guy, while he's not exactly sane, he's pretty much our kind of crazy," he says before adding. "Plus you vouch for him so that counts for a lot."

Then as something like a wicked smile crosses his features Matt drains his bottle and asks,:"Tell your dad about him yet?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"You are the last person who should be giving dating advice," Kate agrees. "Except maybe for me. And this is all JJ's fault anyway." Kate frowning, and looking at her empty beer. "Need another?"
She gets up, and takes the empties to the kitchen, retrieving more. For herself, certainly. Matt, too, if he'd like another.
"And I wasn't looking. Thing is, I like him. I don't think I - you know, these are just crazy thoughts anyway. If I'm not trying to have more then I shouldn't worry about what I I think. And if I were wanting more, he's made it abundantly clear he's not the person. My head just hurts trying to figure it all out. I've been giving serious thought to a convent - and I know, not a whole lot of dating life there either. Kinda the point."

There's a clink of bottles from the kitchen, then an aghast protest from Kate, peeking out from the kitchen, "Tell my father? Are we kidding?"

Daredevil has posed:
"Sure," Matt says about another beer. "And right, might not want to tell JJ that."

"No, no, wasn't saying you were looking, just that making peace with things, might be a good way to handle it, let things come to you, from men that want more than this John seems to want." He chuckles then. "Well I know some nuns, just say the word and we can have you in a habit in no time."

"Yes, yes I most definitely was!" Matt calls to the kitchen. "He'd probably have a heart attack."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Can you imagine? I'm sure his will is peppered with instructions to have me fitted with a business suit before his body is cold." Kate miiiight be kidding?

She returns from the kitchen with two more beer.

"I /wasn't/ looking. I wasn't even really looking for a one night stand. I was just being stubborn and angry. I was almost out the door when he showed up anyway. And John lies about what he wants, too. He's all 'I don't do relationships luv' while latching onto the connection like a leech. Kinda like you with Elektra - you knew she was bad and you couldn't help yourself. Like that. Says he doesn't want it while clinging to it and trying to keep it in a cage."

"And not tell JJ what? That this is her fault? I might. Who was she kidding anyway. It was horrible advice to give me, even if it was a joke - she had to know I'd listen to it."

Daredevil has posed:
"Probably a stiupation that you marry one of those Harvard jerks too," Matt adds with a smile.

He takes the beer when it's offered.

Matt listens to the relationship talk, chuckling, "I wasn't that bad was I?" he asks of his relationship with Elektra. "As for the rest of it, I've got nothing, the guy could be being straight up with you about not wanting a relationship or he could be full of shit, but I can see why the whole thing has gotten under your skin like it did, must be frustrating."

"And yeah, telling her it's her fault," Matt says with a smile. "And I dunno, in the right circumstances I could see it working, but it doesn't seem like those were the right circumstances."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Oh, you were that bad," Kate says pointedly. "But that's okay. I guess if I found someone I connected to like that I'd want to make it work, too. Even if it was stupid. Besides, she seems to have turned out okay." Oh so reluctantly said.

"I just wish it made sense in my head. Not just him, me. Oh well, that's what beer is for, right?" Beer lifted in a salute to Matt, adding, "And if I ever do announce I'm marrying one of those Harvard jerks, shoot me, okay? Please."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt chuckles, but it had really turned out okay, or at least better than any time before it.

As for the Harvard jerks, Matt can't help but smile and raise his beer: "Deal."