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Latest revision as of 15:40, 14 May 2019

X-men to the pool hall
Date of Scene: 18 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Cyclops, Forge

Gambit has posed:
It's about five in the afternoon with the holiday break meaning that most everybody has a long weekend ahead of them. Remy is taking advantage of the time to goof around in the school's rec room. He moved a few beers to the rec room fridge where he can keep an eye on them should anyone under age approach, and is casually playing a bit of pool solitaire as it were.

Cyclops has posed:
    One thing teachers and students agree is the best! A three day weekend! Scott finds himself annoyed with all the free time however, yet that's usually saturday afternoon he starts to get antsy but today, the leader of the x-men finds himself finishing with his scheduled maintenance on his car in quick order as he uses a blue disposable rag to clean off his hands from any excess grease as he steps into the rec room and lifts a single brown brow above his glasses. "Remy..." Scott says, not sounding enthused as his face is aimed at the bottle near by the cajun.

Forge has posed:
Vacations don't apply to some of the staff in the same way as the students: in fact, vacations that help get a lot of people out from underfoot can mean that some work can get done. Forge arrives quietly in the rec room, with one of his mobile tech carts in tow. Forge isn't generally all that interesting to students, as he's sort of just 'around' now and then fixing something or other: he's become an ambiance, and overlookable.

Some might say that's true in general: he often fixes things or upgrades security before anyone even noticed there was a problem or a need. In this case, he stops his cart just inside the rec room doors, and slides the stepstool out from the bottom of it, eyes skimming up over the rec room doorframe and the array of subtle technology that runs along the ceiling.

Forge does cast a smile towards both Scott and Remy, as well, with a small greeting of wave of gloved right hand.

Gambit has posed:
"Scott," the Cajun acknowledges the team leader with a nod, and since his ball position had put him next to the mini fridge, he opens it and pulls out a second bottle, and gives it a gentle toss to the other man. Man has beer. Man shares beer with other man. Peace. He then adds a grin as the resident Handy man as it were comes in. "Yah wan' some suds too Forge?"

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott lifts his hand to quickly snag the beer out of the air with a decently firm grasp before he looks down and flips it around to hold it right side up and then, waits before he opens it. "Thanks Remy." Scott says with a look to his side as Forge enters. "How's it going Jonathon?" Scott asks before he quirks his brow up again. "What is it you're working on this time?" Summers asks with a curious tone, knowing Forge always does something more useful than most would realize at the time.

Forge has posed:
Forge at first gives an amused, thoughtful look to Remy's offer, while he sets out his short ladder. He decides to relent, "After this, sure," he decides, with one finger lifted to indicate the span of the ceiling wiring.

"It's going well; this is the last of these," Forge clarifies, picking up a spider-wire metal object from one of the cart's drawers, setting it on top. He brings out one of his weird multi-tools and then ascends the ladder, disengaging some of the wiring on the ceiling with an efficiency. "Some hardware to go along with security update. We'll have better surveillance on unknown visitors going forward," Forge explains calmly, as if he were improving coverage on fire extinguishers.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods and takes out another beer, though he doesn't throw this one since the man's hands are full, instead setting it on his cart. He then turns back to the pool table and considers it for a moment before saying "Now Ah 'eard a rumor once, pretty sure it was from a guy covered in blue fur who used five dollah words in a fifty cent sentence, dat yah used ta be pretty good at dis game Fearless." The Cajun's tone playfully challenging as he starts pulling the sunken balls back out of their pockets and rolling them gently down table.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott puffs out his lower lip in a slow agreeing nod towards Forge. "That right? It wont affect surveillance on known visitors?" Scott asks, knowing that could very well be the case, but he has to air out the questions to be sure, and he knows he has to pick his words carefully to make sure his context is clear.

    "ME?!" Scott asks, looking up at Remy with both eyebrows this time. "No. I don't know which silver tongued devil you were talking to, but that's - no." Scott says, shaking his head as he responds to Remy. Slowly Scott begins to put pressure on the tab of the can, just to crack the seal and let the carbonation vent a bit with a hiss.

Forge has posed:
"Thanks," Forge says to Remy as the beer is set in easy reach. The question about pool aimed across to Scott gets a private smile from Forge even as he works on his ceiling wiring. He draws down the piece he's removing, pulling a bundle of red and yellow cables loose. He climbs back down, to swap for the replacement part, and goes back up to plug it in, seeming to clearly know where each cable and link goes.

"No, although it could. The software I'm working on isn't targeted on tracking those in the database, but recognizing unknowns quickly, but it could be expanded, depending on what you want to do with it."

Once the exchange is done he lingers on top of the ladder, using his multi-tool to scan over it, and then refers to the screen. Satisfied, he pushes a panel closed over the tech and comes down, setting his tools on the cart and picking up the beer, opening it with a slight ratcheting sound of mechanical hand. He moves his cart more to a side out of the way, and approaches the pool table, smile mild.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs a bit, "Ah'm jus' saying what Ah 'eard.." The Cajun says in an amused tone, "COurse if yah were some sort of secret 'ustler out ta slow play some po' back swamp Cajun boy, dat's 'zactlly de sort of reaction Ah'd expect yah'd 'ave, don' yah t'ink Forge?" Remy says with a grin, racking the balls back on the table. "Ah mean we all seen dat episode of Fresh Prince, non ?" he adds taking a sip of his own half empty beer and picking up the cue ball, rolling it across his knuckles the way someone else might roll a coin. He adds to Forge, "Yah wan' me ta try an' crack de system foh yah later? Ah mean if yah wanna trouble shoot a security system, yah ask a security expert, non?"

Cyclops has posed:
    "Heck of an update but if it could switch over that fast, that's impressive work again Jonathon." Scott says, fully opening his beer at this time and taking a slow sip to make sure he wont retch at Remy's choice of drink. Not bad. Not his thing, but he could handle a few and not complain. "Though there shouldn't be too many unknowns here, as tight a ship as we should be running here." Scott says with a shrug of his shoulders.

    "You think I'm going to tell Kurt to tell everyone I'm a great pool player in order to hustle any of you?" Summers asks, with a look to Jonathon and Remy before he rolls his eyes hard enough the changes in his face could be seen and understood. "I don't have time for any of that, much less to keep up the time required to be great at this game." Scott notes with a chortle.

Forge has posed:
    "Ideally, my systems are rarely used," Forge chuckles in response, but nods his head once to the compliment, accepting it with general humility. "Other than the danger room, of course. I have added additional Sentinel training simulations, by the way," he adds. "And I'd appreciate the attempts to break my security, Remy. I'd like to track you doing it, learn what I can." He smiles, watching the two at the pool table, with a long, relaxed drink of his beer.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a bit at Forge, "Now dat'd take part of de fun outta it." But his tone is playful, relaxed. "Be nice ta see 'ow much more secure dis place is since de last time Ah circumvented de security of it." And when might /that/ have been? he sets the cueball down and looks to Scott, "WEll if yah not trying ta 'ustle me, how 'bout a game den mon ami. It's simple geometry, non? Angles an' such."

Cyclops has posed:
    "Ideally yes, but we all know how ideal this place can be at times." Scott says as he walks over to grab his own pool stick and frowns as he examines it and grabs the chalk and starts to butter that end up making it almost sprinkle blue powder. "You're on Remy, but don't over simplify it, it's way more than simple." Scott says with a curious smirk that fades rather quickly. "Why don't you go ahead and break. I would like to enjoy my beer a bit longer." Scott offers being polite and since Remy is already at the table.

Forge has posed:
"Yes, we certainly do. But that doesn't mean it's not worth improving as much as we can," Forge smiles, thoughtful. "I learned a great deal last time, Remy; look forward to the next challenge," he winks. That's very true: Forge loves to troubleshoot; it's his calling. He lifts the beer to Remy in an appreciative, non-verbal thank you for it, and turns with a sigh towards his cart, angling it to get it moving and out of the way. He's done with work, but no sense leaving some of his gear out where students can make things explode with it!

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau racked the balls in Diamond 9-ball pattern, and gives a hard break scattering them to all four corners of the table. None of them sink on the break though so he steps back and takes a swig of his own beer. "So what yah been up ta mon ami? 'aven' seen yah in a while.

Cyclops has posed:
    "Well those kids getting grabbed the other day kind of ruined that weekend, but I'm glad we got them back okay." Scott says with a frown as he walks around the table and lowers down with the stick in his hands and he practices his shot about three more times than he should and puts a bit of english on the cue causing it to spin the wrong way and bounces the one ball just next to the corner pocket. "Drat." Scott says as he stands back up and takes a sip. "What about you?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau pockets the one effortlessly, and follows it a moment later with an easy shot on the 2 in the side pocket. "Not allot. Been dealin' wit' some family stuff as it were. Family politics. Dare times Ah'm actully glad ta be away from it all." He tries a 3-7 combination in the corner, but the 7 just rattles agienst the cushions and does not fall.

Cyclops has posed:
    "I'm starting to understand that more and more." Scott says with a heavy sigh as he steps up and levels his cuestick at the white and pings it solidly and sends the four ball bouncing off the sides of the pocket twice before it lingers teasingly at the lip. "Oh, come on." He groans.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau chuckles a bit, "It's always nice when fate decides ta be an equal opportunity bitch." he says amused, pocketing the 3, and tapping the 4 in as well... tapping it too hard in fact so that the cue ball fall into the pocket with it. "Ordures sans m'ere!" he says at the ball in a growl worthy of Logan, shaking his head. He takes another draw from his beer, emptying it, and getting a fresh one from the fridge. "C'n Ah ask yah somet'ing? How do yah manage ta keep so many balls in de air at one time? Dis one of de biggest bunch of misfits around, mahself included, yet yah keep us on de same page...mostly."

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott reaches into the pocket to pull out the cue ball and smirks as he walks around to set it perfectly for the five ball and then lines up his shot and pauses to answer Remy's question. "Trick is. I don't." Scott says with a single laugh, "I expect everyone to carry their weight in the areas of their expertise and then everyone together all work as one. I've mostly been lucky with that." Scott says with a frown before he misses the six ball.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau chuckles a bit eyeing the table. Easy shot on the six or long table 6-9 in the corner for the win. He tries for the combo but the six misses the 9 and bounces around uselessly a few times. "So yah stratagy, as it were, is ta jus' let everyone do dare own t'ing an' 'ope foh de best?" he asks, mildly amused at the idea. "Guess it saves on beuacracy.

Cyclops has posed:
    "I don't hope. We have great people here Remy, and everyone seems to fit together like a puzzle. It's all a weirdly symbiotic relationship here. It's an odd family, but it is a family, Remy." Scott says, finishing his beer and taking the easy path and pocketting the six and then getting a lucky break on the seven ball with it rolling just barely into the side pocket before Scott eyes up the eight ball and sinks that one with the cue falling in right behind it. "Well..." He beginnings but doesn't finish that thought.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau chuckles a bit as he fetches out the cue ball, setting the easy shot up and taking it, sinking it with silence. "Family." The man says, the word softly, as if trying out an unfamiliar word on for size. "It's not a concept Ah'm zactlly used to. Every Family Ah've evah 'ad pretty much kicked me out."

Cyclops has posed:
    "I don't much remember my own, but Alex is around sometimes, and ... my children are flocking back to the past... so that's worrysome. At least you don't have any of that." Scott says with a smirk as he finishes his beer and waits for Remy to finish the game and smirks. "Good game LeBeau." Scott says, even before Remy has dropped the nine ball, he just assumes it's done and will forefeit either way, Scott's making his way towards the door after setting up his cue stick back on the rack.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods and offers the man a cordial handshake and a bit of a smile. "T'ank god foh small favors, non. Coul' yah imagine dis place if suddenly /mah/ kids were running around it? Be lucky if we 'ad a mansion left." He says amused taking the stick back from Scott to put back on the holder and beginin to unscrew his own cue.