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Reclamation, and Goodbye
Date of Scene: 20 April 2019
Location: MacKenzie King Station, Earth Orbit
Synopsis: Kinsey returns to MacKenzie King Station, realizing that this may not be her life anymore - a thought that is highlighted by the arrival of Red Lantern Razer demanding information about the prisoner she denied him.
Cast of Characters: Kinsey MacKenna, Saint Walker, Razer

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Things had taken a decided turn for the unexpected since the attack on the Space Station, and Kinsey's laughing agreement to go with Saint Walker to Odym. She'd gone on a whim, not expecting much of it beyond the possibility of seeing another planet up close and personal; there had been no reason to actually believe he'd be right about the other proposition..

Which was why it was so very bemusing to be fingering that ring on her finger and wondering just how the hell that had happened, while also feeling slightly pleased and proud of herself for the fact.

It did, however, leave more questions in its wake than answers.

Part of answering those questions for herself involved returning to the MacKenzie King Space Station where it all began, and seeing the progress on the renovations of the Science Lab - renovations that were very likely no longer going to be her purview to oversee and conduct.

Much as she was proud of herself, Kinsey couldn't help a small amount of melancholy and regret looking around at the business going on under her former second in command's directions. Still, wasn't that always part of the journey? Saying goodbye to the old, and facing forward into embracing the new?

Saint Walker has posed:
Walker too was aboard the quaint station the humans had constructed for themselves. It had a pleasant asthetic however, if the tech was far behind some places he'd visited.

Given a pass to wander the station, the tall slender alien makes his way through the various corridors, pausing to shake hands and pose for, 'selfies' with the crew. After all most of these humans had gone into space hoping to meet aliens and it seemed rude to deny them the evidence of their accomplishment.

Taking a shot with a burly human engineeer, he shakes the man's hand then makes his way towards the lab section with an eye to checking in on Kinsey.

Razer has posed:
Atrocitus had not been pleased. The prisoner being turned over to the authorities of Earth had been particularly an affront to the Red Lantern leader.

In all honesty, Atrocitus was never pleased. If he was, he'd be a Blue instead of the most fearsome of Reds.

Razer was sent to find out what was happening with their prisoner. There was no interstellar extradition treaty with Earth but, had they let the prisoner go, Razer would be bringing him back to Atrocitus.

Which brought him back here. To Backwards Planet. How some of the more impressive Green Lanterns came from this world, he would never understand. Maybe the lack of technology made them stronger mentally?

He was flying at high speed for the space station, heading for one of the hatches used usually for spacecraft to dock. It would work fine for him to enter as well.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
It's likely Kinsey's understanding of the hierarchy of Lanterns was still sketchy at best. As it was, she was still trying to convince Saint Walker that he didn't have to "Sister" her at every turn. He was the most infuriatingly cheerful creature, nodding and agreeing with her. 'Yes, Sister Kinsey. As you wish..'

Kinsey wasn't sure if this were a battle she should just accept she couldn't win and move forward from..

The repair work on the station was coming along. All the debris had been cleared, though they were still in the process of gutting the lab. The place looked as strange as it did familiar, only on the outside looking in accentuated the strange. It was hard to think that in mere weeks the place would start to shape up and begin looking like its new iteration and like nothing untoward had happened here at all. Harder, still, to think she wasn't likely to be part of the process. It was something she would have to ask Brother Walker about - what the future was likely to hold for her now.

As if on cue, or summoned, who should happen to show up right then, drawing a smile from the woman. Lips turning upwards at the edges, the yellow brown of her eyes glowing from within. "Ah. Brother Walker. I see you managed to get here safely. I hope you weren't put upon too much by the others on the station? I imagine many wished to thank you."

Saint Walker has posed:
Walker clasps his hands behind his back, "No, not at all Sister Kinsey," he says as though he had forgotten that he'd been told to dispense with that particular honorific. "I was pleased to pose for their, 'selfies' on 'immediategram?'" he asks not quite sure his ring translated what they were talking about properly. His association with Hal Jordan and Kinsey was beginning to give him an ear for English.

"And their gratitude was welcome but not needed, I was only doing my job."

Speaking of the job, duty calls in the form of a warning from his ring: "Warning: Red Lantern detected, closing rapdily."

Walker sighs, "They may be here for the prisoner, we should probably intercept them."

He is suddnenly bathed in blue light and floats off the floor. "Can you find us the quickest way outside?" he asks Kinsey.

Razer has posed:
Using his ring, Razer scans the hatch. Once he finds what he is looking for, he moves in and pulls out a set of tools. Then he begins to work on opening the door by hacking the system.

Certainly he could use his ring but that would damage the station. Again. He opted for the more polite method.

Knocking on a window or calling over the comms to ask for permission to board? Nah!

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
There's a pained noise from Kinsey that could be because of being called 'Sister' yet again (would she ever get used to that?), but is morely likely directed at the selfies. "Oh, they did not, did they?" Of course they did. "I am so sorry. We humans - we like to live vicariously through the exploits and accomplishments of others, and well, sometimes the closest any of us get to fame is.. as you've experienced, through a selfie. Though I must say I hadn't realized you were so very cognizant of that word."

She's about to say more when the warning comes in, in stereo - the young Blue startling as she realizes this was her life now, and that unexpected issuings of this sort were to be expected.

"Oh dear. Do you think he's about to get agressive about the matter again?" There being no Hal Jordan to negotiate between the Blue(s) and the Red this time.

"Well, what do we do?" Because this was still all so very new. "Lead on Brother Walker."

Saint Walker has posed:
"I learned it in my exploration of the station, crewman Wilson taught me the word when she asked for one," Walker explains with a grin. "And, hm, seems like a desperate cry for attention and a deep disatisfaction with their own lives, sad," he remarks and means it, his grin fading.

Though when it's time to deal with the approaching Red Lantern, those lips set into a determined line, "Follow me, we'll approach them cautiously and see if they are willing to negotiate."

Then with his ring leading the way the Blues make their way through the station on a course to intercept Razer as he tries to break into the station.

Pausing at what he hopes is a safe distance from Razer, (it's not), through his ring he says to all present: "Razer, would it not be better to ask permission to come aboard?"

Razer has posed:
"Blue Lanterns pres--" The voice from his ring gives the warning a bit too late. It was Razer's own fault really. He had not scanned the structure for any Lanterns. After all, why would they be here?

One moment the ring is talking, the next it cuts off completely as the red glow disappears from around Razer. He is reduced to his normal form. Brown clothing. No powers. No ability to live in space.

The cold is immediate and he shifts in the air, putting a foot against the metal side of the station in an attempt to push himself /away/ from the structure. Unfortunately, with the position Walker and Kinsey have taken up, it still won't get him out of range.

In less than a minute, he's going to be dead.

Knowing that fact, he does turn his head to glare at the two Blues floating nearby. Fully accusatory.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"Not to much sad as part of the human condition. Many see their place in life as inferior to others, so they formulate a way to rise up past that, if only temporarily. They honestly can't look outside their own existence to find other ways to believe they ahve value."

It was the same reason that bullies existed. And many criminals. When you were powerless, or felt that way, you sought power any way you could to bolster yourself, and even bad power was better than none at all.

"We're entirely too short-lived and vulnerable a species for many of us to fully realize philosophical maturity."

She follows along with her mentor, remembering, belatedly, as she sees the Red Lantern - the only one she's familiar with - floating helpless in space, recognizing that in the most technical of senses it was their fault.

"Does that always happen? And shouldn't we do something about it?" Asking and answering at least part of that question by approaching the helpless Razer. Not being cognizant enough, yet, of her powers to know she can stay at a distance and provide him with something of an atmosphere - enough to get him into the station at least.

Saint Walker has posed:
"That is indeed a sad way to live one's life. I hope when your training is done, you may return to your homeworld and bring it some much needed hope," Walker says. It was possible, with the slightly unconventional way Kinsey had been chosen, she did not have a sector asigned yet. It was something he would need to talk to Sayd and Ganthet about.

For a moment Walker's face falls from his serene determination to something more concerned. He reaches out his ring and surounds Razer in a bubble of the Blue Light of Hope, and likely more importantly to the Red Lantern: air.

"Sorry about that, brother," Walker apologizes, his tone sincere. "Though you might have avoided that by simply asking to come inside. I believe the humans would have welcomed you, they are quite interested in people from other worlds like ourselves."

He glances over his shoulder to Kinsey nodding to the door that Razer had been trying to hotwire. "Do you think you could let us in?" he asks ehr.

Razer has posed:
The glaring does not stop just because he's in the process of dying. Razer keeps his narrowed eyes on the pair as he floats in the void.

Thankfully, Walker opts to help him instead of letting him die there while the other Lantern just watches. As soon as he has air, Razer must mouth off.

"That would require me to be interested in dealing with the humans. I just wanted to find that /woman/ and see if she knows what happened to my prisoner." Not their prisoner. His.

Then he glances to the other Lantern. "Thanks for the lack of atmosphere," he says sarcastically. Then he sees who the Lantern is and he makes a face. "You are the one I was looking for. You're a Blue now? Why does that not surprise me?" She was so annoying the first time, with her hopefulness and demands to keep the prisoner on Earth, it is only right she turns out to be a Blue. "You didn't have the ring the last time."

He glances from one to the other, fully expecting an explanation, yet not asking for one.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"We will talk," Kinsey tells Saint Walker very seriously, something in her tones suggesting very highly that the new Blue is going to have a few words with the other about his understanding, and assessment, of humanity. And were he to know her better than he already does, this should not be a surprise to him. Kinsey might not be a violent person, but she's built a rather fierce reputation as a champion of those who can not champion themselves within certain circles.

She sees the error of her mistake about approaching the Red Lantern though, as Brother Walker neatly fixes the other's atmospheric problem, leaving her only to comply with opening the door to the station, or, rather, arranging to have it opened. Withe her clearance it's a small matter, if a surprising one to those on the inside.

The only real issue is that it takes some time for the series of airlocks and such to be navigated.
Razer's acidic assertion he has no interest in humans, a lack of interest that likely includes herself other than the fact that she is the one responsible for the prisoner not being in the Red Lantern's custody leaves the woman smiling somewhat, if mostly to herself.

"I do have a name," she asserts calmly, but not offering it quite yet. It may be he's forgotten it. The face Razer makes stating why was he not surprised earning amusement. "You say that like it's a bad thing? And no, you would be correct. I'm afraid it's a rather new acquisition." Of the ring.

A rather new and surprising one.

Adding, perhaps infuriatingly, "How might I help you... Brother Razer."

Saint Walker has posed:
"Most assuredly," Walker says with a solemn nod in response to Kinsey's sudden serious turn.

"True, but working with humans would expidite your mission, no doubt," Walker says as he guides Razer's little bubble of blue light inside the station once Kinsey has opened the doors. "Does Atrocitus, not value efficiency?"

The rest he leaves to Kinsey and when they are inside the station, he drops the sphere around Razer once he's lowered it to floor level. There was no sense being rude.

Razer has posed:
Once they are inside the station, Razor gives a nod to the duo. "Thank you for the rescue." An actual polite moment. Ruined a moment later by, "Which would have been unnecessary if you had not interrupted."

He does take a moment to look at Kinsey again. "Yes, you have a name. It is Kinsey MacKenna. We have met before." Since maybe she doesn't remember? It's possible.

Back to Walker. "Efficiency is necessary in some situations. Others, not so much." He gives a shrug then goes back to his task at hand, since they didn't elaborate on the ring thing. Maybe it's a secret.

"Has the prisoner been tried and convicted yet?" he asks flatly.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Amusement utterly colours Kinsey's eyes, "Oh, I remember. I wasn't sure if you had." Pointedly, and an observance of the REd Lantern's disdain for others. "Welcome to MacKenzie Station once again. Where are my manners. Though Brother Walker is correct, it is generally more expedient to follow protocol rather than risk unforseen events such as this. I must apologize, we hadn't meant to leave you bereft of your powers."

Adding, "But since you're here, I'm afraid I have no new news on the prisoner. I, myself, am not responsible for overseeing what will happen to him." Well, she hadn't been, because of cousre all of that had happened before the ring on her finger, and now, well, Brother Walker was, again, correct, she didn't know where she'd be assigned, or what would be considered the best use of her talents.

Given there was a need to negotiate between Earth and the Red Lanterns, it may very well be this would become her problem, if peripherally.

"Our justice system happens to work rather more slowly than you may be familiar with. We do tend to operate on a system of innocence until guilt is proven. It does take longer, but it assures that fewer false arrests and convictions will occur. I'm sure this must all be very frustrating for you. Were you bearing any documents or the like that might help us build a case against him?"

Saint Walker has posed:
Walker's eyes light up with hope at that moment of politeness from Razer only to dim again when he follows it up the way he does, Walker shakes his head.

As for Razer's comments, the Blue Lantern gives a nod. "I see, that's an interesting method of operation," if the word interesting was any more loaded in that sentence, it would burst.

As to the fate of the prisoner Walker is silent, and attentive. He had been curious about this himself. "Kinsey trusts her people to see justice done, as does Green Lantern Jordan, I feel we, as outsiders can be confident that the prisoner will not escape without punishment."

Razer has posed:
"I have no proof to give other than his confession," Razer says as he glances from one to the other.

He is fully aware they do not approve of Reds. It doesn't bother him. After all, he doesn't really like Blues. Lack of power not withstanding.

"If he escapes, or is released for some reason, I would appreciate receiving notification."

And now a few humans are starting to peek down the corridor from a juncture a bit away from their current location. Razer frowns a bit.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Here Kinsey sighs the sigh of the disappointed. "I see," she says in tones that eloquently say she sees nothing of the sort. Or, more rightly, sees that she was correct in stepping in and preventing Razer from dragging the prisoner off.

"Brother Razer, I must protest. That is not how we do things here on earth." Inwardly cringing at how /easy/ it was to use that Brother/Sister vernacular. It must be inherent in the ring. "You can't /just/ take a confession. Especially one I have no doubt you would encourage." Implying, again, in her tones, that she had no doubt that 'encourage' and 'torture' were not too far apart in the Red Lantern's execution of tactics.

"I assure you, human authorities are dealing with this matter in the most expedient manner possible. And were you to have any actual evidence of his crimes outside our juridiction, they could only serve to build a case against him.. There is the small matter of contacting you, though?"

To which Kibou happily begins a stream of, "Oh, it is entirely possible for any Lantern to contact another through their Rings. That is only one of the many functions we perform.."

Saint Walker has posed:
Seeing the humans, Walker raises his hand, "Please return to your duties, we will conclude our business shortly," he assures them with a smile.

He turns back to the conversation at hand letting the two talk among themselves. black eyes observing them both while they worked out the matter between them.

"Your ring is correct, it is an easy matter to contact each other through your rings."

Razer has posed:
"Crimes outside your jurisdiction would have no say in the prosecution within your space," Razer points out to Kinsey. "You were here when he confessed. Perhaps you should be providing the authorities on your planet with that information."

He watches as the humans disappear again down the hall. Then Razer turns back toward the airlock. "I will report this information to Atrocitus."

He pauses a moment, glancing back at them. "Should I shunt myself out into space to get the distance necessary or perhaps you both can go that way?" He points to the hallway behind them.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"Oh, that," Kinsey says flatly. "He's not confessed in court, and unless.. Oh my. I just realized. I may be called as a material witness. This could be awkward."

In truth, she hadn't thought of that. So many complications in her new life, though that one would have occurred regardless, having witnessed the events in question.

What's harder to deal with is not laughing at the request to move along down the hallway to 'the necessary distance'.

"This reminds me ever so much of High School. Though I'd have expected you to be past the age of worring about cooties." LIkely referencing something Razer is unfamiliar with. "And it would be rude to just toss you out in space. Especially since we're lacking a trebuchet."

Okay, there may not be laughing, but her amusement is hard to miss. It's right there in everyone's face.

Saint Walker has posed:
"Oh?" Walker asks about the awkwardness of being a witness.

Though he is already floating backwards while illuminated by the power of his ring. "I am not sure what kooties have to do with this, but we should back off and let him use his ring again, I am sure he has much to report to his brother and sister lanterns."

He leaves that final call to Kinsey, as she is their host, but he does incline his head. "Good journeys Brother Razer, I hope we will speak again soon."

Razer has posed:
The idea of the Reds being brothers and sisters actually elicits a bark of laughter from Razer. He doesn't bother sharing or elaborating why something they said was amusing. He simply moves to that airlock and steps inside. "Until the next time, Blues."

He closes the door to the interior and waits for the feel of power coursing over him again. His uniform reappears around him, sleek red and black. Then he floats into the air before hitting the button to open the exterior door. He streaks out into space as soon as able.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"I do not think he likes us," Kinsey remarks calmly as Razer takes his leave. "Are they always so angry?"

She turns to Saint Walker, "As for the awkward, there will be questions. Or, rather, I have questions about all of this, and what I would reveal, or how we comport ourselves in such a situation. This all got rather more complicated once the Ring was earned."

The things that are in the fine print nobody reads before saying yes.

Saint Walker has posed:
"No, I do not believe he does, at least, not yet," Walker says calmly returning to the deck of the station.

"Ah, I see you wish to know how much you can tell them about your experiences on Odym and elsewhere?" Walker asks. "I do not know what questions you will be asked but, what you tell them is up to you. We have no rules about who we reveal ourselves too because most of the time we do what we do in the open, Earth though is different, it is still young, your people are unfamiliar with the stars," he says musing. "Perhaps we should speak to the Green Lantern about this, since he has dealt with these issues himself." He leaves off Hal's name in case anyone else is listening.