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Latest revision as of 16:19, 14 May 2019

City Fall: April Showers Bring May Calling Cards
Date of Scene: 23 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Kate delivers May's
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Bishop), Daredevil, Iron Fist
Tinyplot: City Fall

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
The talk with Agent May had gone relatively well considering how badly it could have gone. Had any of them thought a tiny bit about the logistics of /why/ someone in May's position at SHIELD would take interest in this little foray of theirs, they'd have realized the flaw in their plan..

So there was that little tidbit to impart. More importantly, Kate had things to talk to the gang about direct from the Assistant Director's mouth. Plus.. you know, a couple of items for a good faith showing in this little card game they were entering into.

Totally a 'I'm showing you mine, care to show me yours?' thing going on, if understated.

The usual call went out. Time. Date. Place. If you had to ask who it was from, you likely shouldn't have gotten the invite in the first place.

All that was left was waiting for whoever to show up.

Daredevil has posed:
Kate's message reaches Matt while he's visiting his two newest clients in the Tombs, indeed it's a minor miracle the text reaches him, when his phone reads it out, he makes some hurried excuses cutting his meeting short and begins the trek through Manhattan.

When he arrives, he comes armed with coffee and pastry from Mercutio's pushing his way through the door backwards to protect his cargo.

"Hey, I'm here, brought coffee and snacks," he announces as he sets down his cargo on the desk by the door and leans his cane beside it.

Iron Fist has posed:
Of course there are no questions asked when Danny receives the invite. The fact that it has the place set as Fogwell's is more than enough clue as to what exactly the meeting may be for. Unlike Matt, Danny's meeting (because of course he was in one) is cut short by the fact that Danny just decreed it to be so. One of the perks of his position. Just a 'hey, I am not feeling it right now. Let's do this later' and suddenly Danny's schedule is free.

When he does walk in, it is in full business attire...with the exception of the shoes. Or, the lack of them, in this case, as Danny walks in barefoot. Chances are he left the footwear in whatever vehicle he came over in and, from the grin on his face, he prefers to be sans footwear. At least for the moment.

"I just want to thank whoever sent that invite for getting me out of at least two hours of analytics research. Because I really was not looking forward to that."R

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate, already here, raises a hand, "Me. I'd be responsible." Though it could have been any of them, really. "I wanted to bring everyone up to date on my talk with SHIELD."

She looks about at who all is there, and goes to the door, peeking out into the hallway for stragglers before giving a shrug. It's not a full crowd, but honestly, she can work with this pair. They were the two most likely to have opinions on the matter - unless you counted Elektra, but Elektra was also the sort that if she were going to express an opinion she'd show as she pleased, and voice her thoughts regardless of circumstance.

"I have to go to work after this. JJ's been on my case about slacking. Says if she has to sit outside the Motel 6 tonight she's billing me. So."

Closing the door firmly behind her, having ascertained that nobody was in the hallway, Kate returns to where the two men are to make it a more intimate conversation.

And of course she grabs coffee and snacks. "Remind me to take some with me when I leave."

Daredevil has posed:
Danny's entrence is met with a grin and a coffee from Matt. "Your thing sounds worse than mine, and I was at the Tombs," he says meaning the somewhat infamous Manhattan jail.

When Kate does he check of their surroundings, Matt does as well, going quiet for a moment to let his senses drink in the sound of the activity in and around the gym. Once that check is done, he offers Kate a coffee too and then steps aside to let people at the pastry. "Leftovers are all yours," he confirms as he leans against a spot on the wall.

"Fun, fun," he remarks of the Motel 6 woes, as he takes a sip of his own coffee. "So what happened with SHIELD?"

Iron Fist has posed:
The coffee is accepted with thanks. "It wouldn't be so bad if the presenters didn't insist on making it a contest on how dry and monotonous their delivery can be." The sip of coffee stifles the chuckle that threatens to spring forth.

Danny himself doesn't bother to perform a check. What, with Matt and Kate both doing it, it would just be overkill. Instead, he stands off to the side, leaning against the wall as the two do their thing, taking a moment of zen.

Another slight grin crosses Danny's features. "Though, I think Katey has us beat. I can't think of anything interesting sitting at a Motel 6." Though, when Matt asks about the SHIELD meeting, Danny quiets down. After all, that is the interest now. "Yeah, how did that go? Do they have a Q branch you got to visit or anything?" Yes, Danny dropped a Bond joke...and yes, it is not all that funny.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate puts her coffee cup down and pulls a couple things from her pockets. The first is a card with only a phone number printed on it - which Kate has already put into the contacts section of her phone. The second is a well maintained, perfectly balanced throwing knife - Matt should recognize the scent as one that lingers around Agent May.


"So, we'll start with our little mistake and move onto those things."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt smiles from his perch by the wall, "Well at least you've got pie charts or whatever to look at, I am usually about ready to tunnel out of court when opposing counsel doesn't know the meaning of inflection."

Though he has to admit, Kate's option sounds so much worse, "True," Matt agrees readily with Danny.

When the items are produced Matt detaches from the wall and crosses to them, setting down his coffee. The card gets the first 'look' Matt running his fingers over the riased text comitting the details to memory. The second he already had a better idea about, it smelled like May, and there was no mistaking the shape reported by his radar sense. He hefts it, feeling that perfect balance before setting down again.

He's tempted to ask about the meaning of the knife, but it's Kate's meeting, he nods when she sets the order of things, "So what'd we do wrong?" he asks concern in his tone and expression. They couldn't afford to be sloppy with SHIELD.

Iron Fist has posed:
There might be a minor expression of surprise as Kate pulls out the kunai-style throwing knife from a pocket and sets it down, along with the business card. But...it is the throwing knife that earns his attention. "Well, it isn't every day you see someone pull out a kunai like that." It would appear that Danny is at least familiar with the type of weapon, if not why a SHIELD agent would be carrying one. "From the looks of it, a well cared-for weapon."

There isn't an immediate reaching for said weapon. And, in Danny's mind, at least, a good reason to. The steel is a great medium for fingerprints. Still, he does admire it from afar. "So...the kunai's significance. Show and tell? Proof of skills?"

The kunai is forgotten, as Danny catches the fact that they might have did something wrong. "did we do something wrong? I mean, besides our usual brand of wrong-doing?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate lets them peruse the items, keeping a close eye on that knife which she has /every/ intention of keeping. "They're good faith items."

That isn't what the others need to hear though. Or at least not all of it.

"We forgot that we all knew why we were going to her." A dramatic pause, waiting to see if they needed more than that line to figure it out. Continuing, then, "But she has no reason to help us. I'm just some girl she met here and went out for drinks and wings with. She has no clue who we are.. unless she does. Which means she's going to follow the breadcrumbs."

A nod to the items.

"That's why them. I'm to tell you all that she won't drop our secrets. She does, however, want us to help her out in return."

That's not the whole of it, but it's the start.

Daredevil has posed:

Matt commits the name to memory. He'd handled the things before when he trained with Stick but his mentor wasn't big on fancy names for thing a knife was a knife a stick was a stick.

Danny's question mirror Matt's own, and so he leans silently listening to the answers, letting out a 'heh' as the whole in their plan was revealed. It was so obvious to be a little embarassing that they'd missed it. All three of them. See this is why they're not Avengers.

Matt's lips draw into a line when the counter offer is delivered. "Help her out how?" he asks crossing an arm over his chest as he sips his coffee.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny may not be a detective as a profession, but it doesn't mean he can't put two and two together. "The very reason it was Katey that went to SHIELD. The silly secret identity thing." A soft laugh escapes Danny's throat. "By going to her, we tipped our hand. So, of course the super secret spy is going to want to know who she is dealing with. That's funny."

Of course, when Matt brings up the question of how to help her, that brings Danny out of his revelry, turning to Kate to await the answer to that question.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate nods at Danny, and touches a finger to her nose. "Right in one. We were so stupid. Though she didn't push that, she was very subtle. I think I was to guess she can figure it out, and I think we're supposed to take a leap of faith and trust her without her having to guess."

Again a look to the items. "The card has her number. Any time day or night she said. She'd know it was us and respond. She's got our backs." Which was, in and of itself, odd. "The blade was. I guess her promise to us. That and I'm guessing by your reaction, Danny, that it's impressive?"

Which made the agent all that more intriguing.

Then she hits them with the rest: "She wants us to take a SHIELD agent in with us. Possibly two. And no, not Hawkeye."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt frowns all serious in the face of Danny's good humour. "It's not that silly, Danny," Matt says. "My life, Foggy and Karen's lives all go to hell if people find out Matt Murdock is Daredevil."

Still despite things pretty much being close to a nightmare scenario, Matt makes himself listen trying to hear Kate over the beating of his heart.

It's a good thing too because the terms are not the worst. "So, May's promising to turn a blind eye and effectively forget what she knows in exchange for cooperation, like bringing a couple of agents along when we pay a visit to those gangs?"

As for those agents not including Hawkeye, the Man Without Fear can't help but quip: "I hear he's only the second best Hawkeye anyhow."

Iron Fist has posed:
"Oh, yes. that would be an understatement. Though, it isn't necessarily the weapon itself, but more why someone would have a weapon of that calibur."

But before Danny explains, first he turns to Matt. "Not silly as in ha-ha. Silly as in we're in some serious ca-ca now." So, Danny's little way of swearing without swearing...a trait he shares with Kate. "I know it's serious. There's...others...that are in danger if the name Danny Rand becomes synonymous with the Iron Fist." He doesn't elaborate on who...but it is apparent there is at least someone.

Then, back to the explanation. "You see, a kunai is commonly associated with one well versed in the ways of ninjutsu. And, with the way this weapon has been cared for, someone who takes extreme care. And...to just give that to you, Kate? With no stipulation of its return? Well...it tells me that this agent of yours is playing it as straight as she possibly can."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
All of Danny's commentary is filed away, and not found to be wanting against what little Kate had already observed of the woman, but then again, she didn't know her as well as Matt did, and ultimately, Matt was the one with the bigger secret - and the secret that would hurt many others if it got out.

"Right, so this was her showing us hers. I know who she wants to send in with us. She'll accept if we say no, but she still asks if we'll do the other job for her."

Then Kate goes out on that limb, "I think we should. She can find out who we are easily enough, so why borrow trouble if she's willing to make this overture?"

Matt's joke about Hawkeye has her laughing, but not nearly as much or as brightly as she once might have. Then again, she hadn't made the comment about herself being the 'other better Hawkeye' this time either.

Daredevil has posed:
"Sorry," Matt apologizes when Danny makes his meaning clear. "Didn't mean to undersell the risk to you or Rand."

Then he's focused on Kate and her read on the situation, nodding when she's finished speaking. "I wouldn't mind meeting May face to face on this, just to be sure she's on the up and up, but on the face of it. I think I can live with that, with one caveat she writes nothing down about us, Index leak aside, I trust their data security," if only because he knows the person securing it, "But still, if there's no written record, then there's no print out to get lost, or file to be shoulder surfed."

His attention shifts to the others to get their thoughs.

"But you're right Kate, if this deal is square, we'd be stupid to pass it up."

Iron Fist has posed:
"No need to be sorry." And there is that Danny Rand smile. "Just letting you know that I get where you're coming from, Matt."

Then, shift back to the task at hand. "So...we're of the mindset to do a more formal meet and greet with this Agent May? With full disclosure?" There is a momentary lapse, as Danny considers the implications. "Well...I'm kinda thinking along the lines of our esteemed lawyer here. No recording, no writing. We would want to do this in a more public domain, I would imagine. I would think someplace that isn't under surveillance or whatever it is that they do."

Then, without missing a beat, Danny adds... "Sounds like fun."

"Wait, wait. Kate, you said you know who she wants to send in with us. Who?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate savours her coffee while the others mull over the problem at hand. She's had a lot longer to consider how she feels about the matter than they have, but when a consensus is reached, she nods. "We could ask her here?" Which would kind of be coming full circle in many ways.

"Oh, who? Uh.. so, one of their Agents - a James "Bucky" Barnes, and believe it or not, her."

Daredevil has posed:
Nodding to Danny, Matt says: "Thanks, man."

"And yeah, that's mindset anyhow..." he says of the meet taking in the idea of having it here. That was a tacit acknowledgement of who they were, but then May probably already knew even if she didn't know which faces were under which masks.

"Sure, here works, if Danny doesn't have any objections."

As for the list of agents. There's a moment before James "Bucky" Barnes clicks, "The guy from the Captain America comics?" he asks remembering them from his youth before the accident. As for May, that's no surrprise, the way she moved and the ease with which she carried her weapon load spoke of the right skill set.

Iron Fist has posed:
"Here works." Danny seems to be in serious mode, for the time being. "I mean, you know this place inside and out. It isn't like any of us is going to be caught unawares here. And...it is more safe than other places I can think of."

There is a moment of hesitation, before Danny turns to Matt. "Wait...you mean Cap's sidekick? But...wasn't that like during World War 2? That....that can't be the same guy. He'd be like a 100 years old or something. Taking Agent May, I can understand. But...really want to take a potential geriatic centenarian into a fight?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
There's a small cough from Kate who has seen Bucky up close and personal like (okay, not *that* up close and personal)... "Oh, he's not potentially geriatric or centernarian - wow, Danny, where'd you learn words like that anyway? Anway.. he's not. He doens't look much older than, well, okay, older than you two, but he's pretty.." She stops herself because, wow, Kate, when did you start evaluating males that way?

"And do you really think she'd suggest someone she didn't think would suit the job?" Much eye rolling accompanies that. "That's who, though. And he seemed fine with it." There's a pause. "Oh, crud. She already knew everything. She brought him into our meeting. I feel so stupid now."

Daredevil has posed:
"Yeah, but that's a pretty distinctive name, who calls themselves Bucky these days... and well Cap's kicking around..."Matt says, after all when your girlfriend is raised from the dead, your idea of possible expands exponentially.

"Anyhow, I agree Kate, whoever this guy is, I trust Agent May wouldn't bring him if he wasn't up to it," he says before remarking at Kate's revolution. "He was there? This Bucky guy?"

He was beginning to feel like the Defenders might be a little outclassed when it came to defending their secrets from SHIELD.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny casts a sidelong glance to Kate and offers an answer for his verboseness. "Hmm....really good private tutors. Some of which might have actually been 100 years old, if you judge by the wrinkling."

As far as this Barnes being that old? "Well...yeah. guess you're right there. If Cap is around, then there is no reason why his sidekick couldn't be. Considering I essentially lived in Heaven for over half my life, I suppose I should be a little more open to the possibility." There isn't additional explanation to that, at least, for now, as Danny is already moving on. "Okay. If you all think it is a good idea, I'm in, too."

There is a glance over towards Kate's way as she gets just a little flustered in attempting to describe the physical characteristics of one James Buchanan Barnes. It is enough to warrant a grin, but fortunately, Danny keeps his comments to himself.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate groans the groan of a fellow tutor survivor. "And smelled like mothballs, I bet?" Because hers did. She'd grown up thinking it was part of the job description: Must be older than dirt and smell like mothballs.

"I didn't ask questions. He came in shortly after she did, and sat down. He didn't look surprised by anything." Whether by virture of his training, or being prepped beforehand. Who knew. "Long story short, that's who she's asking for, though she's willing to take herself out of the equation, but given those knives.. I don't know. Maybe we can figure it out once we're all showing our hands."

Danny's looking over her way over Barnes is not missed, and helplessly, the young woman blushes. "Can we talk about something else now?"