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Cityfall: Silent But Deadly
Date of Scene: 26 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Darcy's 'date' with Elektra goes a little less than planned as May and Elektra have a meeting of minds in the back parkinglot. They come to an understanding.
Cast of Characters: Elektra, Darcy Lewis, Melinda May, Jessica Jones
Tinyplot: City Fall

Elektra has posed:
Elektra had taken the card Matt had given her, and regarded the simple script of numbers and elegant writing upon the back upon it, noting the precision, and the lack of defining pressure to the thing. It had not only impressed upon some level, but had amused her knowing that Matthew wouldn't have been able to read the number, and wondering what dynamics had passed between the pair.

It also left her pondering how to aproach making the contact with the Agent, settling, finally upon a possible solution: a place that was both terribly public and infinitely private all at once.

(unknown) >> We should talk about our mutual friends. Meet you at (Derby details included).

No other details.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"So, there's a game tonight. I'm not playing, but you gotta come watch, please?!" Darcy asks of May, having come into her office as if begging. "I kinda gotta date and while I'm not thinking about going home with her, I'm still trying to wrap my head around things with her and ... wow, this got awkward. Alright. Forget that first part and just say you'll hang with me?"

Melinda May has posed:
May receives the text from the unknown number and her first inclination is to accept it as Murdock's contact ... until she recognizes the date and time of the suggested meeting place. A glance at a post-it note covered in loopy scribbles confirms it, and Darcy popping her head into her office to beg her to be there is oddly well-timed. Fascinating. "Yes, I'll be there." She's driving herself, she knows better than to get into a car with Darcy.

(May) >> Acknowledged.

Fifteen minutes until the bout starts, and May is there in the stands, waiting for Darcy and her date to show up. She's not really sure what to expect in said date, and it complicates matters with trying to locate and speak with Murdock's contact who she is also watching out for.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

Elektra has posed:
Of course Elektra doesn't know that May knows about Darcy's Derby.. May didn't strike her as the derby sort. Then again, neither was she. It was, however a convenient location, and great cover.

(unkown) >> I'll see you there, then.

Which left onoly showing up and the reveal.

For her part, Elektra dresses in (for her) casual. So her jeans won't pass as cheap, but she does throw on one of Matt's tee's, a ball cap (also his) and shoves a wad of cash down the front of her bra (because she knows Darcy both won't expect it, and will approve).

There's no hiding the expense of her car, however.. but she does drive herself to pick up her 'date', calling out the window, "Hey lady, how much for a good time?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
With date and rescue secured, Darcy got dressed in her derby slutty best, and she stood outside the Triskleion trying really hard not to flip off everyone who walked by. When Elektra sticks her head out the car window, Darcy giggles and heads over.

"Way too much, but you're hot so I'll give you a discount," Darcy retorts, sliding into the passenger seat with a wicked grin. Her own shirt is old, a concert tee from decades ago, cut and tied into a corset top over a pleated skirt with a chain and bondage looking hip hugging belt. Fistnets and her army surplus combat boots complete the look. She leans over to give Elektra a kiss on the cheek, falling into chattering about nothing and everything on the way to the bout.

Ten minutes from go time, Darcy and Elektra are in. Darcy might have send May a text while she and her date are standing in line for tickets. Once banded for drinking, Darcy takes Elektra's hand and pull-hauls her date toward Suicide Seating.

"Trust me. This is the ONLY place to get the best upskirts. I mean view of the action," Darcy's saying.

Melinda May has posed:
Ten minutes. May's contact still hasn't shown, but there is Darcy being very much herself and dragging a familiar looking woman along. Looking around one last time, she sends a text to the contact and then heads down to meet Darcy and her friend.

(May) >> At venue. Heading toward front row seats.

"Darcy," she calls over the general noise of the audience and pre-bout PA system music. She doesn't say anything else though. Not yet.

Elektra has posed:
Ah, yes.. Elektra had not accounted for her date when she'd set a time. On her own, she'd have been punctual - early, even, scoping out the arrival. As it is, she sees May even as she gets the notification on her phone, and realizes Darcy is dragging her that direction, which leaves her smiling inwardly.

(unknown) >> Arriving shortly. I'll see you before you see me.

May has no clue.

"Agent May," Elektra says as they take their seats, Elektra deliberately letting Darcy sit between them. All the better to converse with May by text while giving Darcy attention as well - May none the wiser until Elektra reveals.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Hey! May!" Darcy calls out, trying to sound like she's surprised to see her SO. Note: Darcy failed miserably, but it was a cute attempt none the less. Darcy even tries to sell the surprise with waving hugely and then giving May a clomp of a hug. A brief one. Like hugLETGO! In the same heartbeat, she's back at Elektra's side, hand reaching for hers again. It's a very clear: My date! TADA!

Darcy has no idea.

"This is Ram. Ram this is..." /Agent May/ "Oh, you know each other. Awesome. Bad ass. I'm going to get the beer. Want me to see if they have tequila, May? They probably don't, but it's better than beer?" Darcy offers to May, waiting just long enough to get May's drink order before bouncing off to the pre-game concession, trying to hurry because Date and Boss sitting next to each other....

Darcy to May >> Don't scare her off, M3! She's been through hell already! Back soon.

Melinda May has posed:
May glances at her phone and is promptly clomped by Darcy. Kid's learned though, letting go as fast as she did. She nods a hello to Elektra and settles into her seat with her phone in hand just as Darcy offers to ask about tequila. "All right. But only if it's Tito's." If she's wearing a 'drinks are okay' bracelet, it's hidden by the sleeves of her jacket. She finally takes a second to reply to the text before setting her phone face down on one leg.

(May) >> All right.

She is not at all happy about trying to do this meet in so busy a venue, but she can't really reschedule now. Frustrating.

Elektra has posed:
There's that mild amusement from Elektra as Darcy hugs May /and/ remembers that they've met before. She's quick to offer Darcy cash when she scoots off to get refreshments - that was the deal after all - leaving her to sit, empty seat between her and May.

Waiting for the bout to begin, Elektra texts back:

(unknown) >> So, I hear you want to know if I'm up to the job. And my secrets. I'm wondering what you have to offer in return. And yes, I see you.

Melinda May has posed:
Glancing down at the new text on her phone, May settles in her chair as if unperturbed by the words on her phone's screen when in reality knowing the contact can see her is as unnerving as being somewhere and knowing the enemy has a sniper somewhere. She almost wishes she could have insisted that Barnes come along for this. After a moment, she types a reply.

(May) >> We should discuss this face to face. Pick a place.

Elektra has posed:
There's a smile from Elektra as she glances at her phone, a soft laugh issuing. It isn't long after that before she types back:

(unknown) >> Clever. And wise. I wouldn't trust me either. You really haven't allayed my fears, but I did promise to play nicely. Very well. Out back, where the lights have blown out. Five minutes.

Elektra glances away from her phone and makes a show of surveying the area for Darcy, before making a shrug. She pockets her device and settles back into waiting, thoroughly putting this ball into the other woman's court.

Melinda May has posed:
May glances over at Elektra through her peripheral vision, finding the amused laugh oddly timed. But, to be fair, there are people everywhere messing with their phones and reacting in all sorts of ways. The next text arrives, and she'd oddly relieved. Finally. Unlike everyone under the age of thirty, she never has been and never will be entirely comfortable with texting.

(May) >> Acknowledged.

She sets her phone down as well, then after a solid fifteen seconds of sitting calmly glances down at her phone again before saying to Elektra, "I need to take this phone call. I'll be right back." And then she's up and moving without really waiting for the younger woman's reply.

Three mintues later, she's out behind the building where the lights are burned out, watching for anyone approaching though there likely won't be anyone else in this area, not when the bout is just about to start.

Elektra has posed:
There's a faint uplift of brow from Elektra, as well as the barest flicker of a smile across her lips. "Oh? Well, I'll tell Darcy when she returns from the concessions. I imagine there's a lineup." Of course there is, a monster of a lineup, as is always pre-match anything. "Do be careful."

Her warning casual and offhand like she'd offer it to anyone, and not a harbinger of her knowing she's about to follow the other out and have a little chat. Not like she plans on merely waltzing out there, either - she'd planned for this. Or the possibility of this.

Elektra waits a full minute after May leaves, and abandons their seats. It's hit or miss if they'll be scooped up before DArcy returns, but Elektra can't concern herself with that. It does cause her a moment of regret knowing this was supposed to be Darcy's 'date', but the other was also necessary, and given Elektra's secret, she'd wanted to take measures. Perhaps not the best solution, but given the time frame, and other matters, it was what she had to work with.

By the time she arrives out back, she's a scraf drawn up over her face, and melts into the shadows, approaching the other woman via her highly tuned senses.

"Agent May. So we meet at last." Elektra's Yue (Cantonese) perfectly accented.

Melinda May has posed:
Had May not been alert for someone approaching, she might have been surprised by Elektra's approach. Instead, she simply turns to look at the woman with a raised eyebrow. The Yue is an interesting touch, especially considering that there's something familiar about this contact. So, she replies in kind.

"At last. I feel that is not entirely accurate." She doesn't cross her arms, still standing seemingly entirely at ease with her hands relaxed at her sides. "And not because your friend without eyes was very forthcoming. You asked what I was offering in return. I am offering plausible deniability, and two extra people for your team that will not slow you down."

Elektra has posed:
Her tones are carefully measured - but there is also a deliberate allowance of a telltale richness to them. Elektra dropping enough hints that eventually May should be able to piece things together. The conversation continues in Yue.

"Accuracy is a game people play. Death is the true indicator." Elektra tilts her head towards May, and seems utterly relaxed herself, but for the very obvious awareness of the space around her and the other woman, her body oriented to be on the alert and able to react. "As for my friend, he's been noted to be a fool by many. You'll forgive me if I wanted to be certain for myself."

"Deniability was never truly a concern of mine. Though it may interest you to know we've worked together before."

Another bread crumb. Deliberate. Precise. And playing out the line she's giving the Agent with a casual arrogance.

Melinda May has posed:
"I would disagree about death. It is not our place to decide for others." May watches theyoung woman carefully, mentally piecing together the hints and clues, but she's not entirely caught on yet. "Your friend walks a dark path." Is that a subtle dig at the blind man? "In your place I would verify as well."

The mention that they've worked together before has mai raising an eyebrow again and thinking back. Likely in conjunction with Murdock and his group... she can only think of one recent occasion, and that had been much too chaotic to really get a good feel for most people there. "We have. Do tell."

There's just the faintest hint of sarcasm to that last comment.

Elektra has posed:
"Now there is where you and my friend would agree - upon death. I can't say I've always held the same belief." Elektra isn't sure if she does now, though she hasn't killed since her fateful decision. "You ask much of us. Their secrets are dangerous. Someone should take care. I hold them dear and would hate to be disappointed in their appraisal of you."

Elektra does a slight half circle in space around May, forcing the other woman to acknowledge her, if only by eye tracking.

"We have. You helped me resolve a problem without raising alarms. I never did get to thank you for that." Lips pursing behind the scarf, hiding that smug amusement, knowing May is trying to place this all. "I trust it wasn't too difficult to deciper the drive I sent your way."

It's the missing piece. If May doesn't follow that, then she isn't what Elektra estimates her to be.

Melinda May has posed:
May does indeed track the woman's movements and doesn't bother to conceal that she's doing so. "I ask no more of you and your group than I would from myself or any individuals that consult for SHIELD. The difference is that I am not including official paperwork. But I can't promise that if I can't at least begin to trust the team I'll be working with." Yes, she just made it clear that she herself is planning to be one of the SHIELD agents included.

The additional comments about the problem resolved and the drive finally makes all the pieces fall into place for her and this time she raises both eyebrows at Elektra. "I could have very easily tasked Skye with collecting as much information as possible on everyone in your group. Instead I chose to meet with you in person."

Elektra has posed:
There's a rich little laugh from Elektra, "You could have, but you wanted to know for yourself. Though I'm glad you've made the first connection." She gives a little bow towards the Agent. "I must confess, I'm curious about *your* abilities, seeing as you seem so interested in ours. I would truly hate to engage in an operation of this nature without being able to trust my back to those I'm fighting with."

"So you know who I am. Or what I was. It isn't the whole tale, though, if we're to bare our souls to one another. Mind, I never did buy into that Catholic claptrap - that was always his delusion."

Melinda May has posed:
Now May finally crosses her arms, raising her eyebrows again at the younger woman. "You doubt my ability to participate in the mission that your group asked me to help with? What manner of reassurance do you want?"

Her stance hasn't changed at all, but to the trained eye she is clearly prepared for an imminent attack now where she'd merely been wary of one before.

Elektra has posed:
"What reassurances did you ask?"

Elektra continues the slow pace around May, not caring if the other woman turns or not as she does so. What May does - any reaction - is a measure of the woman. The shift in stance to one of expectation noted and given a nod to. "Now, see, that is much more like it. Too many fools wouldn't understand, or would be arrogant enough to think they needn't worry."

"The question is, do you trust me?" The question comes from one spot, and just as quickly, the rush comes from another. It isn't a trick of light or sound, merely her ability to move both swiftly and silently, and an indicator of her skill. The Devil of Hell's Kitchen might be good, but Elektra has moves he doesn't. And while Danny might be her match, his honour demanded other of him.

Elektra wasn't bound by such constraints.

Melinda May has posed:
Clearly prepared for SOMETHING, May reacts almost the same instant that Elektra rushes at her, using classic Tai Chi techniques to sidestep the lunge. At the same time, a pair of small grey metal batons appear in her hands to both deflect the younger woman's hands and try to knock against her wristbones almost like an instructor would do to a student in practice.

And then she has to comment, of course. And her tone is precisely the same Vulcan-esque calm as before. "I suspect your friend would not be terribly pleased if one of us injured the other in this little evaluation."

Elektra has posed:
"Likely not, but he's been disappointed in me before. I dare say he will be again. Besides, we haven't hurt one another..." The yet is implied, and in such a way as to insinuate that neither should they if they're both good enough.

May's sidestep taken in stride, Elektra neither overshooting nor overextending her attack, May's batons met with easy swipes of forearm pushing them out of the way harmlessly, leaving Elektra to counter barehanded. It's clear she's run into attacks of this sort before. It's also clear, by the ease of her motions and counters, that this is nothing more than warmup for her.

"What else did my friend tell you, since we're being so.. friendly." She switches effortlessly from Cantonese to effortless Mandarin, her accent clipped and precise as it should be.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica doesn't often stray from New York City, after all it's her home, she absolutely hates it, but she loves it too. But sometimes, cases draw her to other places, such as one James Metzler, a good boy from a good neighborhood who suddenly ranaway from home, out of the blue seemingly. With her new found surge in fame thanks to her guest starring on April O'neil's Truth Seekers podcast, she happened to luck out into getting the case. It wasn't as simple as most runaways, which normally points to teenage angst, or phase, and everybody moves on happy. This one was legit, and the more she went down the rabbit hole, the closer she got to it.

This is a case of a naieve teen buying the lies he was sold and winding up recruited by the Foot, to become a heroic ninja vessel to usher newfound justice and ninja rainbows for all, that or cinnamon toast crunch for breakfast, one or the other, whatever the Foot was selling these days.

Tracking down James brought her to this disgusting Gotham parkling lot, which obviously couldn't even afford lighting. Luckily, Jessica was doing well thank to the April bump, so her new night vision mode on her brand spanking new camera was able to work just fine. Surprisingly, while surveying the field and taking pictures from her perch atop a billboard, she happened to spot an interesting view, an apparent Elektra doing some of that ninja karate fighting with some other Asian. She hadn't seen May long enough to recognize her too well in motion in the dark, and night vision wasn't the clearest. "Damn..." she murmured to herself, as she kept looking at the fight, "didn't even need to buy tickets, better than UFC."

Melinda May has posed:
May keeps her eyes on Elektra now, fully expecting this fight to go from the mostly posturing it is now to deadly dangerous. She can't help but mentally apologize to Darcy for leaving her with her date but, well, this takes priority. She can already tell that this woman is EXTREMELY well trained, perhaps even to the point of giving Romanoff a moment of trouble. Likely not Barnes, though.

"Very little I didn't already know," she replies in Mandarin as well. Other than that Matt is Daredevil, and who Danny is at all, but those are not really that crucial notes in May's mind. "Nothing about you, if that's what you're concerned about."

She doesn't even begin to try a return attack, her motions entirely defensive.

Elektra has posed:
"Worried? No. Curious, yes."

The move to defensive is noted, causing Elektra to change tactics subtley - it's still attacks, but these are meant to gauge response times, reflexes, what particular counters the woman knows - as well as display her own skills. Matt had said May wished to know they were up to the job. Elektra wished May to know that if she was doing this there would be no question of up to.

That, if if May were to hold her secret, May would understand she'd earned it.

"He's always been too trusting. But then again, that has also been his strength. No. My secret is mine. He wouldn't have said, but I was curious. You're smart."

Mandarin moves to Tagalog.

"Care to earn a name?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica at this point all but forgotten about James, albeit if the other combatant proves to be Foot, which she doesn't look like, she may stop her for some questions after Elektra was done with her. Is she assuming Elektra will take this? Why yes she is, because she got stabbed out of a fight by her before, she can appreciate her skill. Even if she'd like to knock her out at least one, to at least claim they were even. For now she keeps watching through her camera, the array of languages and the distance all but ensuring she'll understand nothing of the exchange between the two.

Melinda May has posed:
May continues to redirect or completely deflect Elektra's attacks, very clearly letting more than one chance to retaliate pass by uncontested. Her reflexes are extremely good, though the main reason she misses fending off one small strike appears to be simply because she's not as fast as the woman half her age and not due to lack of any skill or technique.

"I'll be blunt. I don't care who you are. I told your friend that I would meet with you so we can all work together to get this Foot Clan out of New York. If you have a problem with that, I can't help you."

She switches to Tagalog just as seamlessly as Elektra does. "I've earned a name. I don't like it, and I don't care to earn another."

Elektra has posed:
There's that laugh again, deep and rich, and fully Elektra Natchios - a deliberate act.

"You have, have you? You misunderstand."

And as easily as it began, Elektra steps back and drops into an easy Bao Quan Li, fist in palm, and bowed over both in respect. "Then we understand one another Agent May. Let me introduce myself."

And just as easily, Elektra rises from that stance and draws the scarf from her face, switching to English. "I am Elektra Natchios, once The Fist who Rules the Hand, now Black Sky. I am pleased to meet you."

Jessica Jones has posed:
The fighting is apparently resolved, as Jessica can tell from the one thing she did pick up about Martial Arts, that bao quan li was a symbol of respect to one another. It apparently was appropriate both at start and end of fighting, but this time, the placement of it would suggest a signifying of the end of combat. Or at least Jess hopes it is, because she doesn't want to get drawn in to a karate exhibition. "Yo..." she calls out as she jumps down from the billboard to a less than graceful landing, as she stumbles forward and takes a moment to regain her footing.

A moment after stumbling she dusts her jacket, and makes sure her camera is fine, before approaching the duo. "So are you guys filming a Michael Jackson video remake? Or is this just how you guys do a handshake?" She asks while coming closer, "nice to see you not being a psycho, Elektra, it feels like it's easier to talk to you that way." She then waves at May, still not having a good recollection of her, even though they probably bounced into each other here and there in passing.

Melinda May has posed:
When Elektra steps back, May does as well. She tucks the batons away again and offers an equally respectful Bao Quan Li. The laugh is ... "Wuh duh ma huh tah duh fong kwong duh wai shung," she mutters softly to herself. She knows that laugh. "Acting SHIELD Deputy Director Melinda May." She offers the younger woman that proper introduction in English, but not her 'earned' SHIELD code name.

And then Jessica's there calling out at them. She looks over at the stumbling PI, again going into 'ready for a fight' without actually changing her stance. Then the woman proves she knows Elektra and, seriously? May's apparently the odd person out here. But. That reminds her of something.

"Did you tell Darcy you were stepping out, or did we both just leave her in there without saying anything?"

Elektra has posed:
Elektra gives a soft, short laugh at May's curse. "I've not heard that one used against me before. I'm impressed." Holy Mother of God and all her Whacky Nephews, indeed. "What can I say. I had to be certain. I have died for those people. It was necessary." She hasn't exactly dropped her assassin past, but honestly that won't be a surprise after the rest.

As for JJ, there's a slight shrug from Elektra denoting that, yes, she knows her. Turning to the other woman, "How kind of you to notice, JJ." There's an easy drawl to the greeting that suggests she could add insult to the words but choses not to, if only because it would contribute nothing, and she was that person.

Darcy, however - mention of the woman draws a faint furrow to the younger woman's brow. "No. And I already feel badly for using this time to speak to you, but as I say, it was necessary. If you were to know my secrets, and hold theirs, then I had to be certain. I do hope you understand."

It is, by no means, an apology.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica's approach to the two is slowed down to a halt once May introduces herself to Elektra proper. She'd seen May's face before, maybe even spoke to her in passing at Josie's or some other bar, but she never really picked on what May does for a living. Her expression becomes very cold, and quite unpleasant. At least she says nothing, she just stares. Her visage seems to belie she's considering whether to just turn back and leave or not.

Melinda May has posed:
May immediately notices Jessica's change of expression, and takes that to mean the PI has some kind of beef with SHIELD. She's not here to pick fights, and because of that she opts for a tactical retreat.

"I do understand," she tells Elektra. Her eyes glance toward Jessica again. "I'll go find Darcy and make sure she hasn't started a mosh pit or something similar."

The floor is yours, Jessica. Appreciate May backing down, it almost never happens.

Elektra has posed:
"Give my apologies? I'll be in shortly. I'd like a word with my friend here." Yes, Elektra did just call JJ 'friend' even if it's never been established explicitly, or even saying whether or not either considers it true. As an umbrella of protection, it suffices.

When May retreats, JJ is regarded calmly, "So. I'm not certain if you have been brought up to date or not, but matters have made it necessary to make a deal with the devil." Ironic given SHIELD is making a like deal with Matt. "Our secrets are ours. That little display you witnessed assured it." Not that May was likely to break her word given to Matt, but JJ wasn't present for that, and it's hardly a thing Elektra can use to emphacize her point. "I learned a simple truth in the Hand - alone, a finger is nothing. There is no blade that can be held by a single digit. Together, we are stronger. We become a weapon that can not be ignored."

Perhaps unexpected from someone who had been raised to be a singular answer to an ageless Prophecy, and trained to trust and rely upon no one.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica wasn't about to pick a fight with Melinda, she just had this eerie sensation that whenever she saw May somewhere, it was because May was spying on her, now that she realizes May is SHIELD. It's probably not how it works, after all, the best spies operate in ways you don't realize they are there...but can't help it when Jessica is already a paranoid with PTSD issues coupled with that stunt by the Crimson Tide which really made her livid with SHIELD.

Turns out Jessica is so rattled by the fact May is a SHIELD agent, or well, dupty director, that she even doesn't share a quip at Elektra calling her a friend. She just looks after May departing, as if May might backstab her or something on her way to check on Darcy.

Leveling her gaze with Elektra, Jessica starts to ease back down as May departs, "the devil? You mean SHIELD?" She asks loud enough so May could hear it, who knows, maybe she'd like a hand in trying this karate ninja stuff after all. "Please tell me you're not about to recruit me to the Hand? I wouldn't fit and I don't speak Japanese..."

Elektra has posed:
"Hardly," Elektra says with a low murmur, "You'd look ridiculous in the outfits."

She lets that comment sit out there for a second or two before following it up in a more serious manner, "I made my choice, JJ. They don't own me any longer and would destroy me before taking me back. What was broken once can not be controlled a second time. As long as I live, their Prophecy dies."

It's an easy shrug that accompanies that admission, an admission that Jessica is only the second person to hear so bluntly. When Elektra had pointed it out to Matt he'd been shocked; it had been clear he'd not understood that or followed the logic. It left Elektra in danger, and by some extension the other Defenders as well, but she'd also thrown in fully with them now, and her support was theirs.

She'd stood at that altar and defied the Hand. There was no turning back from that.

Less seriously, but still with a calm matter of factness, Elektra informs, "They wish the same as us in this, to end this Foot nonsense. Together we may strike a more decisive blow. I trust her."

Elektra, who trusts few and far between, and never lightly.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica opens her mouth to say something back to Elektra, but then just shrugs, "I'll let you have that one." She snorts at the mention of that Black Sky prophecy or whatever it was, "that's what happens when people believe their own bullshit. Serves them right." Not that Jessica can refute Elektra coming back from the dead and all that, but she chooses to ignore that part, it feels better.

But as Elektra goes on, Jessica squints, no telling if she was drinking earlier or not -- (lies, she obviously was) -- but she squints a bit and asks, "you mean SHIELD or the Hand? Because I can see the both of them wanting those Foot losers dead. Just so happens I'm here because I was trailing one of their new recruits, a kid they convinced to leave his parents behind...a dumbfuck. And when I find him, I'll punch the stupid right out of his ninja face."

Elektra has posed:
"The Hand are licking their wounds. Madame Gao has fled and abandoned those she left behind." Nothing that Matt wouldn't confirm. Gao had pulled her main soldiers and left distractions and those she did not mind losing while the Hand regrouped from their losses here and planned their next move. It would be some time before they were fully a threat - it had created the vacuum the Foot had moved into, allowing that.. foothold if you will.

"SHIELD. This has spread beyond our borders. You are aware of the corruption of the judges? The coins?" Elektra had only learned recently of these things. It had certainly changed the perspective of what the Foot was trying to accomplish from taking over abandoned territory into something else. But what?

She listens, "So, children? They're recruiting those as well?" It was a known fact that there were two things Elektra had forbidden when she ruled the Hand: The first was the trafficking of children. The second was recruiting them.

This is news to her, and her displeasure is evident. "Tell me more."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Corruption of judges is a new thing...?" Jessica asks, clearly not quite up to speed on the new threat from the Foot. But to answer Elektra's question, she provides, "they like to give teenagers the feeling they can be part of something big, help bring change to the world, sell'em a bridge or two in Brooklyn, and then have him undertake ninja training and join them in their...revolution or something?" Jessica shrugs, "didn't much care for the message, because all I heard was 'bullshit'."

Elektra has posed:
"Matt will wish to know more," Elektra says quietly. "And I know the rhetoric. It was a thing I did not allow to continue under my rule. They're children." If anyone knew what it was like to be taken young and brainwashed by the likes of the Hand, or the Foot, it was Elektra.

"The judges are new. They're not acting of their own volition. This is some sort of.." She hesitated to say sorcery. "Compulsion. I only know it is connected to coins that are in their possession. There are those who are finding their sentences sinificantly altered by judges with them in their possession. Matt has one."