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Speedster meets SHIELD
Date of Scene: 27 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Coulson plans an interception of Impulse during his daily rounds, and evaluates the young hero for SHIELD.
Cast of Characters: Phil Coulson, Impulse

Phil Coulson has posed:
Patterns were easy to map out if you had the resources of SHIELD. Phil might not be a genius, but he's fairly intelligent... and could task analysts in the Triskellion to find the most probable places for 'Impulse' to be intercepted at.

A week or so of this eventually gave Phil a nice list to scout. In the end, a soup kitchen in New York was chosen. It was a nice close distance from backup, and most outside variables were accounted for... now it was time to see if the two teams of four around the perimeter and the empty soup kitchen with a sign saying 'Impulse, we need to talk' hanging directly center from the ceiling was enough to get his attention.

Phil Coulson himself was dressed in his usual agent attire. Black business suit with tie, with his ICER at the hip and a Beretta at his back holster. He was sitting next to the sign at one of the tables, his fingers steepled on the table as he whistles a tune to himself. A tablet was on the table next to him, with all his files and camera feeds behind a password screen.

Impulse has posed:
New York, The Big Apple, and a city full of hungry people in need. It's not nearly as bad as Gotham, but not much is. About three miles away from the soup kitchen Impulse has staged this delivery. bringing everything from a store in Garden City Kansas he goes to work moving faster than the human eye can track, just a blur of crimson and bronze lightning streaking by Impulse takes note when Gideon notices heavier than normal radio chatter. Encrypted to a higher degree than what's in a civilian band, he starts to really look, the teen finding the team outside the soup kitchen. Leaving them alone for the time being he quickly checks /everywhere/ for boobie traps, Gideon comparing the area with their last visit a couple of days ago.

Then it's through the wall phasing to find the second team inside. These guys aren't so lucky. Four mundane humans without the training of The Batman meet hypersonic super speed. Before they can even react, guns are phased out of holsters and shaken apart, punches to the temple are placed with just enough force to cause instant unconciousness and each one will find themselves stripped down to their boxers five miles in random directions before he's back in the kitchen the gear piled up on a prep table, a radio in his hand as he presses the talk button.

    "You have my attention." comes a mildly vibratory, and much deeper voice than the actual teen has.

Phil Coulson has posed:
Well, that's a new one.

He knows his agents, and he knows who was on this channel. That voice was not one of his. Phil reaches up and presses transmit on his shoulder mounted transceiver, "I assume the new voice is Impulse, and that one of my teams is going to have a nasty headache tomorrow." Coulson quips, without any humor. "This is Senior Agent Coulson, with SHIELD. We need to talk to you." A beat, "and while you're deciding on what you should do next, please make sure my agents can get back to base without an issue."

Coulson bring up his watch, looking at the time, "I'd also appreciate it if you could come to my table so we can chat face to face."

Impulse has posed:
"Fine." The teenager says, the rolling of the eyes an audible force in his voice. "Mind if I crack your radio encryption to talk to you while I get your boyo's someplace safe?" he asks already moving to dump the gear infront of the outside team. "And where do you want to meet?" he asks once that jobs done.

Phil Coulson has posed:
"I'm inside the soup kitchen proper." He smiles, "Can't really miss me, being the only one in here." The radio encryption question is ignored for a moment, then... "if I asked politely for our comms to remain secure, would you actually leave them alone?" Phil asks, curiosity in his voice.

Impulse has posed:
Impulse appears infront of Coulson, his form hazy and indistinct while the radio comm's suddenly start coming to life from the outside team. "Team Lead, all of team two's equipment just arrived without the team! Wait! Rodgers just showed up, stripped to his boxers and unconcious, Jacobsen, Smythe, and Rodriguez just arrived too!" the team reports clearly wanting orders as to what to do next.

With that task done, the radio Impulse was using is placed on a table next to Coulson as the original indistinct Impulse is joined by a second one the teen moving fast enough to appear in two places at once. "Wouldn't have asked if I was just going to do it anyway. Your encryption is pretty good for what's governmentally available. So, what do you want to talk to me about? Did Sam tell you about me or something?" the teenager asks in that still artificially deep voice.

Phil Coulson has posed:
The transmit button is hit again, with Coulson speaking right in front of Impulse, "Bravo, call in for medical transport from base and standby." Coulson orders in his formal official tone. His eyes never leave Impulse, and his hand drifts back to the table, "You're not exactly being subtle about your activities, son." Phil notes with a hint of amusement, "A blind Rhino could figure out what you're doing with your time." He brings up his left hand and gestures around the room, "we asked the staff to clear out for a few hours for this."

Then, Phil looks to Impulse, "I'm Senior Agent Coulson. I'm with SHIELD." Coulson holds up his badge to show to Impulse, "We've had some reports about you, and decided it was time to approach you about a number of concerns."

Impulse has posed:
Both Impulses tilt their heads to the right "Concerns about what? I make my money scrounging the streets, and vending machine coin returns in a three state chunk, so my money isn't illegal, I spread my food buying around the entire country so I'm not emptying out grocery stores and leaving them empty for other folks to not be able to use. And people gotta eat." he finishes his arms crossing his chest in a bit of a defensive motion.

Phil Coulson has posed:
"This?" He gestures around once again with a finger this time, his eyes never leaving Impulse, "is not what we have concerns about. It's not hard to see you were called the 'scarlet samaritan' for a reason." He smiles. It's a fatherly smile almost. Seems like Impulse is bringing out Phils paternal side, "it's everything else. You described how to do a paradox to one calling himself Batman?" Phil asks, raised eyebrows.

Impulse has posed:
Impulse rolls his eyes and actually stops being in two places at once from the force of it, the two images of Impulse snaping together in the center his voice going to his normal obviously teenaged voice. "ohh /COME ON/!" he exclaims ludicrously. "You guys have /such/ a bass ackwards view of temporal dynamics and mechanics." he says with a frustrated sigh. "Seriously.. And how did you know about that conversation? I wouldn't think Batman would be all buddy buddy with you guys." he asks his voice filled with the teenaged equivalent of ennui.

Phil Coulson has posed:
"Young man, I'm here as a courtesy. I don't know the details of it, but obviously, we know about that conversation." Phil smiles warmly, "I'm here to make my own evaluation and see what's going on with you. From the little I've gathered, you have something to do with time travel?"

Impulse has posed:
Impulse sighs.. "yeah, havn't really been too secretive of that. 30th century, /almost/ the 31st century. Temporal Mechanics is a highschool subject for those with the aptitude." he explains "Gideon, give me a hand here?" he says as faint blue lights start to appear in space. "Phil Coulson, Born 1972." a faint blue line appears with a small white dot with a 1972 floating above it. "Father Robert Coulson, Mother Julie Coulson Both born sometime in the 1940's or sooner." he waves his hand again and two dots appear with a '1940?' floating over them.

"Now then, I go back in time from the present to prevent your birth." he continues narrating, a yellow dot appearing further along the line with 'present' floating above it. "I go back in time. I succeed. You don't cease to exist. I do." he explains a second red line appearing branching off from '1940?' with the yellow Impulse dot returning to the 'present' on the red line.

"Now then, this new timeline is my new reality. Your reality continues on to infinity, my reality continues on into infinity and I return to a present, not much different from the present of Now. You just never were born." he explains "Sure, a few more people died that didn't when you were involved, a few more live than did when you were involved, but the high points of this new time line still happen. Vietnam, Korea, the apperance of Batman, Superman, The Justice League, Mutants.. all of it still happens, cause Time has it's own.. Inertia that counter acts the Butterfly effect."

Phil Coulson has posed:
Phil can be a good listener... and listen he does. He stares, frowns, gives a curious eyebrow... and otherwise watches the whole display of blue and white light. To his credit, he only frowns a bit as Impulse explains he's a time travel himself.

Eventually though, Phil leans forward, and gives Impulse a fatherly smile, "young man, that was a lot of words to say 'I'm from another timeline, and will go into another timeline every time I time travel, and it doesn't effect anyone around me because it will have already happened there'." He points a finger at Impulse from where they're steepled briefly, "so what are /you/ doing in our era?"

Impulse has posed:
Impulse shrugs.. "puberty?" he says simply and a bit snarkily. "Not here on purpose, was an accident that happened during a medical treatment. So I'm here now. Lemons... Lemonaid." he explains with a bit of a too carefully crafted devil may care additude.

Phil Coulson has posed:
That gets a chuckle out of Phil, and he nods. "I'm assuming you can't go back, so you're making the most of it... and you're looking to help where you can." Phil explains out his thought process out loud, before he presses the transceiver on his shoulder again. "Alpha Team, report." A voice comes over the radio, "All clear Sir. Medical transport brought Bravo in a few minutes ago." Phil nods, before he looks back to Impulse.

"You're a bit energetic, but I'm not seeing anything bad here. I will warn you though... people in this era can get very territorial. The Batman in particular isn't one who likes to deal with intruders into his city. If you're going to keep doing what you're doing, I'd recommend being a bit more subtly, or at least more indirect. He doesn't take kindly to what he sees as 'interference'." Phil offers in advice, before he stands up, and moves to takes out a smartphone from a jacket pocket. He places it on the table, "this is a burner phone with a number in it directly to our service. We have it on file under a consultant directory to give you some anonymity. If you'd like to be able to contact SHIELD, this is an easy way for us both to remain in contact."

Impulse has posed:
Impulse quirks a brow and pats his pocketless suit. "Thanks.. I know just where to put it." he says grabbing the burner phone the material of his suit shifting, an appropriate USB cord plugging into the phone, the entire screen flashing momentarily before the suit /eats/ the phone. A moment later a bulge appears in his palm the suit 3d printing something in real time, a one inch red button with a yellow lightning bolt in the center on a small half inch thick, two inch wide square.

Gideon can emulate the phone you gave me to make calls to you. This, is a one time use emergency button. You need a speedsters help with something, hit it it'll send a one time signal to me that'll have Gideon activate your burner phone to take a call and I'll be there in a flash. I can give you another after it's been used. Be careful with it though, the tech is predominantly 21st century, but the encryption is a one megabyte encryption, your computers wouldn't be able to crack it, and if it got tampered with Gideion might not recognize it as legitimate." he explains holding the 'panic button' out to Coulson.

Phil Coulson has posed:
It takes a few moments for Phil to actually say something after watching the phone be eaten. He looks from the button, to Impulse. Back to the button, "I'd ask 'how did you do that?' but I'm pretty sure the answer would be 'futuretech'." Phil notes with an air of amusement, before he takes the button with a cloth, so his hand doesn't touch it. Placing it into a plastic baggie, he puts it into one of his jacket pockets, before he nods, and offers a hand for a handshake. "A pleasure meeting you Impulse. We'll be in touch if we need to discuss anything with you further."

Impulse has posed:
Impulse grins. "Nanites, courtesy of Palmer Industries, in partnership with WayneTech" he says with a grin. "Nice meeting you too Agent Coulson." he adds shaking the man's hand "now I'm going to go get the food I was delivering here, and I'm gonna help get their prep work done so folks don't go hungry." he says vanishing in a flash of lightning back into the kitchen.