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Latest revision as of 16:47, 14 May 2019

Earth Day!
Date of Scene: 27 April 2019
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Stone critters hassle people, Zombie-Girl and Lara kick their butt!
Cast of Characters: Thor, Lara Croft, Smart Alek, Zombie-Girl, Doctor Strange

Thor has posed:
    Midtown Manhattan, the height of the weekend and this late at night the city truly lives up to its reputation. The sidewalks are active with the rush and hustle of people, laughter is in the air, likely brought on by Spring since the weather has been wonderful the last few days. People are going out to dinner, enjoying a show, dancing, just spending time together with one another.
    It almost feels magical to the revelers. Yet there is a good reason for that, for the arcane to some can be a palpable thing. A feeling of tension in the air, tinged with a tang of ozone and potential for mischief. Those that might be keyed into such might well feel themselves drawn along the leylines that slice through the city invisibly. To a nexus point along Times Square. It's there, where the crowd is at its height and with the people gathered that one can feel an almost other-worldly focus.
    Then there's a subtle crackle. Barely noticed save by an outdoor diner at one of the many bistros along the street. A crumble and cascade of cement dust falling from the walls nearby and above. The crackle turns to a rumble as rock and stone and metal start to smash out of the walls of the buildings. Not exploding, simply withdrawing themselves with loud roars of sound, creating tall stone figures, barely able to be considered humanoid. Yet one can make out limbs and a head amongst the twisted rocks and pipework.
    At first the people are surprised. The crowd noise drops off as all eyes turn to the half dozen disturbances. Then when one of the beasts step fully /out/ of the building, leaving strange figure-like holes behind them, it sets its heavy foot down with a crunch upon the hood of a car, flattening it and setting off the alarm.
    That's when one person raises their voice to scream, joined quickly by another. Soon the running starts as well.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara had been out of the country for the past two weeks, on assignment in Symkaria to be precise. Now she'd returned, and as it so happens when she returns she often has to replace gear or at least refurbish it. One place she likes to have some of her equipment fixed at is here in MIdtown, an outdoor sporting center in the midst of the hustle and bustle. Having developed a nice rapport with the owner, Lara is now stepping out of the store after dropping off a duffle bag of her damaged climbing gear and other survival items.

Once outside, Lara starts to zip up her dark gray hoodie to mid chest level, then she draws her pone out of her hoodie's side pocket and starts to walk across the sidewalk toward her black Jeep that is parked just there. She scans her phone as she steps up to her vehicle... at least until the chaos starts.

The chaos causes Croft's eyes raise up as she scans for the origin of it all, to take in the full breadth of whats happening NOW.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek is his usual zoned out self.. he's eating at one of the MacDonalds or actually he's already lost his focus on the food and is watching the electronic noise of the various gadgets of people who come in and out of the restaurant.

Only when does his stomach create it's own rainbow of sound that he actually takes another bite of the carbonized protein, it's own structures are noticed but dull as a whift of the otherwordly energy cascades across his body. He turns to look out the window, picking up his sandwich, he stands up and stares out at the monsters who dislodged themselves from the buildings.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl walks through the crowd trying to go as unnoticed as she is able. For her this means wearing her ratty hooded coat that makes her look like some kind of hobo monk. Mind you this is still be better than her going out and about in all of her gray skinned glory. She has noticed the hum of the arcane, at least not consciously. But perhaps it was an instinct that lead her out of her lair and into this busy and noisy place. Or maybe the hand of fate has lead her here. Hell knows that the fates have pushed her into all kinds of situations much larger than she. When the creatures bust out of the wall, she drops her wallflower act and throws her coat to the side and slides her wrestling headgear on. Her outfit makes her look like some kind of a gothic wrestler.

Thor has posed:
    Down the street a way, Lara and Alek likely will see the six figures. They move slowly, hunched over, awkward and clumsy as if drunk or not comfortable with those long debris-like limbs. Another drops down from the side of the building and lands with a /CRUNCH/ upon the sidewalk, a busstop bench snaps in two and is kicked up partially in the air, one side of it smashing through the windshield of a nearby Prius.
    For a time they remain there, dizzily gathering themselves as they stomp across the asphalt. One reaches over and rests a hand upon the shoulder of its comrade, another 'looks' down towards the car that is partially wrapped arond its 'leg'. Heavy stone hands reach down and crump the hood even further as it lifts it up into the air, pieces breaking off and begins to shake it.
    Some of the crowd have remained behind to film the creatures, while most of the people are frequent enough to New York to know when weird things start to go down they beat feet and beat feet fast.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara had her fair share of experience with things that appear to be of magical origins, whether it being constructs made of the elements, or ghostly apparitions hellbent on possessing someone she might care to protect... So to see this newest event unfold in Manhattan? Well its also not her first dance in such things either, Manhattan was a hive of strange and powerful things in this world, its why so many flocked to it and why so many others... flee from it.

Quickly the SHIELD-employed archaeologist steps to the back of her vehicle and she sweeps the door to her Jeep's back open, she pulls out two specific sets of items, a quiver of arrows and a rather large and impressive compound hunting bow, black with crimson red strings.

The arrows are slung around a shoulder and Lara steps around her vehicle. She looks to the strange creatures down the street and she starts to pull an arrow--tipped with a special head designed for penetrating rock--she slips a heavy duty climbing rope through the metal ring at its end and raises her bow up...

Lara unleashes the rope arrow, it snaps out of the bow and whistles through the air to impact with the creature (hopefully) while the other end of the rope attached to it, remains connected to her belt...

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl rushes with reckless abandon to the nearest monster. "Hey you concreeps!" she shouts as she leaps onto the trunk of a car without breaking a step. She leaps off of the roof of the car and lets her momentum carry her so that she lands almost piggy back on one of the creatures. Looking at them getting a hand-hold shhouldn't be much of an issue.

     "Don't you know how expensive it is to own a car in the city? Motorists don't need you raising their insurance rates." She wraps her hands around a piece of rebar and holds tight.

Thor has posed:
    The arrow flies true, sinking with a /KACHUNK!/ into the 'shoulder' of one of the creatures. It turns slowly to the side, stony 'eyebrows' tightening into a V as it seems to glower at its own arm, then reaches around to try and swat at the arrow, to smack it free. But the archeologist found the sweet spot where it cannot reach, and instead just slowly begins to turn, turning and turning in a circle... unknowingly starting to wrap that rope around itself and pulling Lara closer by the belt.
    Two of the others turned to see what was happening to their comrade, only for one to suddenly be set upon by Zombie-Girl's heroic leap, landing hard on its back and getting a grip. She can see the monster's head turn left and right, as if trying to find her, but unable to get sight of her...
    But the third creature sees Zombie and starts to bring back a giant mace-like fist as it gets ready to strike down upon her, uncaring that it's hitting at one of its kin. The creatures are definitely strong... but they are slooooow.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek would have been scared and unable to do anything just a few months ago, but.. after being in this city and among the various 'bad things' that happen here. He actually keeps the limited amount of wits he has. He closes his eyes and makes a noise to those who can hear the WAY outside of the human range, it's actually a radio transmission which he sends to all the nearby switching stations for the lights in the area... the traffic lights are forced to switch to stop traffic from heading into the area. He opens his eyes again.. done what he is good at for the time being.

Lara Croft has posed:
The benefit of Manhattan's nearly endless madness is that there's also a nearly endless (seemingly) supply of super powered people who are willing to step in on these situations and help... Or So Lara Croft is hoping now that she's been pulled down by the rope on her belt and is being wound TOWARD the creature she'd just shot with the arrow.

As Lara is drug down the street on her back, she's passing by a city dumptruck and the driver is getting out to try to help her. "No!" Lara shouts at him, causing him to stop. "Just drive!" She's struggling at the rope on her belt which is attached to a metal climbing claw, it snaps free and she reaches out to try to latch it onto the garbage truck.

"Drive where?!" The man shouts back to the woman on the ground.

"Around the block!" Lara shouts back, betting on the odds of other--far more powerful people--enroute to stop these things. With a metal click she has the climbing claw hooked onto the back of the garbage truck now, freeing her.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl glances over her shoulder to see the other buildingolem. "Whoop," is her only reply. She digs her heels into the creature that she's holding to and pushes down with her hands and feet with all of her inhuman strength. The result is that she is launched upward a few feet right before the monster clobbers the other monster. She tries best as she can to aim herself to land on the arm of the monster that did the punching, but once you're airborn you have little control of where you land.

Thor has posed:
    With a heavy /KWABAM!/ the one creature positively clobbers the other, its heavy fist colliding loudly with the back of its kin. The struck golem staggers forwards, its limbs stretching out as it hits the ground fully, limbs sprawled as if it had just dropped from the sky into the ground.
    The other creatures turn to look at this situation, seeing Zombie-Girl holding onto the arm of the monster that struck its fellow. For a time they look on, puzzled, even as the fallen one starts to pick itself up with a scrape and scramble of stone and metal.
    For a moment there's a crimson flare of light from the center of its head, as a rune seems to flicker to life upon its forehead. Lara might recognize it, for she is familiar with the magic of the Norse. But in this case the significance might not be clear as another rune comes to life, though this time on the head of the creature that holds Zombie-Girl up in the air.
    With a snap of its arm side to side, the stone and metal monster tries to shake the young woman, as if she were some nuisance... even as the formerly fallen creature winds up to get its own back by hitting its comrade square in the jaw.

Lara Croft has posed:
The New York City dump truck driver does as he's told because he understand the meaning of it, to try to distract or keep the rocky creature busy. "Right." He mutters as he gets back inside. "Come on, Larry... you've always wanted to pitch in in one'a these fights, don't let the weird British woman down now!" He tries to encourage himself then as he lays on the gas and propels the garbage truck forward to try to drag the creature!

Lara, meanwhile is back on her feet and she's more resolved to help Zombie Girl who's being held. Two more arrows are launched at the creatures hand that is holding onto ZG, she's progressing toward the madness, one step at a time, continuing to hope in the back of her mind that you know... THOR, or SUPERMAN, or WONDER WOMAN is going to show up any second now!

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl half runs, half crawls along the shaking arm of the punchy creature until she is on its shoulders. She flashes Lara a thumbs up before wrapping her arms about what passes for its neck. "Dah-dah-dah-danger HUG!" she bellows as though it were a war cry. She bears down about its neck with all of her might and digs the heels of her sneakers into its upper back. The goal would be to remove the head from the neck like a French waiter removing a cork from a bottle of wine.

Thor has posed:
    The garbage truck driver puts the hammer down and the truck starts to roar forwards. He gets a good forty feet before the rope fully snaps to tension and the creature is /pulled/ off its feet. Sparks flare as a piece of pipe scrapes along the ground, its rocky form skittering along as it first impacts with one car, then another.
    But the other creatures have no care for their fallen comrade, not as the bright red runes spring to life on all five of them now. There's a series of heavy thundering footsteps as one rushes forwards and then leap/tackles into another, sending them both crashing into a storefront window, the glass shattering and some of the structure breaking and crumbling away.
    Another is trying to stand between the two brawlers, its stony arms out-stretched as it tries to keep them apart. It doesn't see the Zombie-Girl climb up the back of the other and suddenly /yank/ the creature backwards. Its head doesn't come away, though she can likely feel some give in the... force that she has a grip on, whatever force it is that is keeping those seperate pieces of rock and stone together. It staggers back a step, another, falling towards a parked white van.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Now. Of all times..." Says Stephen to himself before the scene cuts back to an all out brawl between rock creatures and two women doing their best with a truckster roaring that heavy diesel engine with a winey roar. While above a man enters the air from... air. The red cloak flaps from his shoulders in the strong winds through the street of New York.

    Stephen Strange steps on the air and looks down towards the event taking place with his arms slowly crossing. Unseen is the newest companion for the wizard, a hieracosphinx hidden from muggle eyes via its own nature, but Stephen sees it with a sigh and speaks to it. "Guess you're going to follow me everywhere huh." He sighs and waits to see what happens with the creatures below and the mortals fighting them.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's eyes and attentive nature take notice of the rune on the rock monster that her rope arrows was strung to. As the creature gets pulled down and across the street by the Garbage Truck, Lara starts to alter her course to take her toward it as it draws closer and closer to her! "What am I even doing..." She mutters with uncertainty thick on her voice.

Her body's muscles tense up as the creature gets ever closer and then she lunges AT IT to try to get on top of it. Lara's intention is to stand on the rock monster's form for only the briefest of moments, long enough to draw another arrow and aim it for that glowing rune upon its body, to release the shot and then hopefully... survive whatever is soon to follow.

She's not yet aware of Doctor Strange's arrival to the scene.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl feeling that she's not making much headway, and chuckles to herself for her own mental pun, switches up tactics. She decides that Lara has the right idea and reaches around the head and shoves her unliving hand into the even less living face hole of the creaure at the glowy bit. She might not be a wizard, or even all that bright, but she's spent enough time around magic and magic based creatures to know an enchantment when she sees one. If she can't pull the head off, maybe she can yank whatever that is out.

     "It's sleepy time for the Energizer Bunny," She stage whispers to the monster while trying to remove what she hopes to be a mystic power source.

Thor has posed:
    The monsters pay no nevermind to the appearance of Dr. Strange, now they are engulfed in the essence of their existence, having been brought to rage and exulting in it. A brawl breaks out between the ones remaining standing, their heavy stony limbs slamming into each other as those runes on their brows grow brighter.
    Along the ground the one that had been dragged by the garbage truck starts to gather itself up once the truck stops, planting one massive hand upon the ground and pushing itself partially upright... only for Lara to land on it and slam it back down. She nocks the arrow, takes aim, and it /thwoks!/ straight into that glowing rune. There's a bright crimson flare and with the arrow sticking out of its head, the monster seems to somehow twist its rocky features into a frown as it gets ready to punch Lara...
    But then its arm falls off.
    Meanwhile, Zombie-Girl snakes her hand around and can feel the warmth of the glowing rune. She's strong enough to get her fingers around it, digging into the cracked cement dust and stonework and feels the 'force' of something there. But with a tensing and a twist she's able to yank it free sharply.
    And as quick as that, the monster's limbs go limp and it falls all to pieces around her. No longer a motive being and just so much debris.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen continues to hover several feet in the air, well above the commotion. "Seems like they are figuring it out." Stephen says to himself as he looks back to his 'pet' and frowns. "Don't look at me like that. I didn't summon them. They're not from this plane. Don't you count that against us." The wizard remarks with a frown before he looks back down to the other rocks that are still active and physically confronting one another. "Now why would they be fighting themselves?" Stephen asks no one as he leans his chin forward and watches with interest.

Lara Croft has posed:
The shot landed squarely in the rune and the flash that it causes is more than a little blinding for the woman standing atop of the rocky construct. She raises her non-bow-holding hand up to shield her eyes just as she sees the stoney hand raise up to strike her!

Lara gasps as the hand falls apart and she takes that as her queue to abandoned this urban surf board. With a strong leap she jumps from the creature, into an experienced roll that leads her right back up onto her one foot and one knee in a crouch, clutching her bow.

As Lara starts to rise and turn around, she spots the unmistakable form of the floating red cloaked Doctor Strange, and with a soft smirk she starts to run toward the street section he hovers above.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl laughs in triumph when the hand finally yanks the rune free with a final satisfying wrench. She hold's it aloft and yells "Kali-MaaaaaAAAAHHHSHIT!" Her celebration is apparently short lived as she falls to the ground admist a pile that was previously a monster. She hits the ground with a concerning and unsettling *CRUNCH*. She rolls away from the pile and scrambles back to her feet. When she gets into a fighting stance her right arm has a concerning extra joint in the forearm.

     "Uh... um whoopsie," is her only response to that. Despite being pain immune, fighting with one arm is still less than ideal.

Thor has posed:
    Beneath Dr. Strange the group of creatures continue to hammer and smash into each other, pulverizing various parts of their bodies. Debris scatters like blasts from a shotgun each time one connects with the other, causing a few people to hustle away lest they get pelted by pebbles.
    The one-armed monstrosity now seems to try and punch at Lara with its now absent arm, its shoulder lashing forward unreaching even as she leaps out of the way. It turns and tries to push itself to its feet with its good arm, the asphalt giving way to the pressure of one of its feet.
    But then its awkward clambor upwards is brought to an abrupt halt when another figure flickers out of the sky, landing with a heavy /KABOOM!/ combined with a _CHOOM!_ of impact from the mighty hammer Mjolnir crashing into the golem's head and shattering it, rune and all.
    "Lady Croft, where are the oth..." Thor Odinson stands tall, black and silver armor-clad. He turns and espies the brawling creatures that are smashing into each other, brawling viciously amongst themselves while the remains of one lie on the wreckage of a car near Zombie-Girl.
    "Oh. There they are." He starts to run in that direction.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen has to move out of the way of the incoming god as he doesn't want to be Thor-Smashed any time soon. No. This mortal man isn't capable of surviving anything like that. "Nice of you to show up Odinson." Stephen says loud enough to be heard as the god arrives in time to see magic from his kind being used to harm Midgardians in a way Stephen is very opposed to. A yellow glove is snapped forward, pointing to the fighting duo with a frown as he expects Thor to not only solve this issue, but Stephen stands - floats, waiting for his chance to discuss this matter with someone who an answer his questions.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's gaze goes to Zombie Girl who seems to be doing her fair share in this fight, unfamiliar with her identity though. Lara just releases a light exhale as she hooks her bow around her upper body where it attaches to the quiver of arrows on her back. She then reaches her right hand into her hoodie and pulls a handgun out from the holster strapped to her torso over a charcoal gray long sleeve teeshirt.

Its then that Thor's arrival takes the entirety of her attention (as it would most anyone's) She recoils from the blasting impact of it, with her free hand going up to shield her eyes and her gun holding hand staying down aimed at the pavement beside her boot...

She settles back then and with a heavy sigh of relief, she nods to the King of New Asgard. "Its good to see you." The British woman says to the eye patch wearing Thunder God. He's already spotted them, but Lara motions in the direction of the earthy creatures anyway. "They seem to be weak in the glowing runes upon their bodies. Striking one seems to destabilize them... Somewhat." She asks then.

Lara gives another glance to Strange, but she's pretty sure they're still mad at each other. "Lets just hope more don't show up." She softly says then, expecting these two to take over for now? She's just a nobody SHIELD agent after all!

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl raises both of her arms up and whoops when Thor makes an entrance that makes her burn with envy. Though her one arm does still tilt to the side in an uncomfortable way when she does so. She grabs it near the wrist adn tugs to set the bone, waiting for her regeneration to take care of the rest.

     But not one to sit on the sidelines she runs to the middle of the street and leans kneels down to the side of a manhole cover. She squeezes the fingers of her good hand to the holes on the side and lifts it up to rest on the upper arm of her broken arm. "I've watched discus like three times in the Olympics, how hard could it be?"

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek is at one of the windows which the Runes take out.. he stumbles backwards onto his kieser and he crawls deeper into the MacDonalds.. which has others cowering in various corners, safer in here then in the streets with the rock monsters. He joins one fellow in a corner, he swipes the air in front of him as he gathers various wifi camera views of the action. Most are actually very much out of focus, but at least it's better then staring at a blank wall.

Thor has posed:
    Over his shoulder, Thor yells in greeting to Strange. "Doctor." Though his attention is focused mainly on the creatures before him. Yet one with such knowledge and perception as he, Strange can assuredly tell the magicks that animate these creatures is definitely Asgardian in origin, though not from one of their greater practicioners. The spell is entirely too basic for such a casting by Loki or Hela.
    Thor stops before the remaining brawling quartet and holds Mjolnir up to the sky, a rumble of thunder is heard and a crackle of lightning is seen as several bursts of electricity lick around the hammer. "Keep their attention for but a moment!" He turns and espies Zombie Girl, giving her a short sharp nod as power gathers around the Uru hammer.
    That having been said the four animated piles of debris turn and start stomping towards the heroes.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen sighs softly as he watches Thor steal the show, of course the literal god would lift his hammer and zap the rocks. The wizard even rolls his eyes slightly at the absurdity of the situation, but it is how things generally go around this part of town.

    His eyes linger on Zombie Girl, curious about the peculiar woman but he doesn't say anything towards her nor does he say anything that could distract Lara, no, the Wizard is silent in this moment as he takes a peek at his watch-sphinx and then looks back to the battle below.

Lara Croft has posed:
Now that Thor is here and taking the lead, Lara has a moment to draw her phone out and place a call for a SHIELD Scene Team, i.e. a 'clean up crew' to come and prepare for this. She's confident this is going to be wrapped up at this point, but at the same time one can never be too sure in this world. She speaks the necessary code and lingo into her phone before she hangs it up and slips it back into her hoodie against her left hip.

"Distractions..." Lara says softly then, she walks forward and raises her handgun. She doesn't expect this to do a lot... but nevertheless the Agent starts to fire off rounds, three in total, each one aimed at a different stony head!

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl would completely blush at the nod from Thor. Luckily her lack of a functional circulatory system prevents such embarassing shennanigans.

     She balances the manhole cover on top of her bad arm and starts to rotate around. Once she has built up enough momentum she alows the kinetic force to star to draw the lid away from her. With a final hard twirl she starts to release it when she's 90 degrees away from facing the monsters and completely lets go by the time she's facing them. With any luck it will clobber them one of them in the head. But it's not Mjolnir and she isn't Thor, so her aim could be completely off. Still, it will at least piss them off- which she will count as a partial victory.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek lets out a little cheer, a few people glance his way, as the man stares at a blank wall and seems to be enjoying some sort of invisible show, course he is after all, as he gets images from some cell phone that shows Thor with his hammer preparing to zap the golems, at least that is what it appears to be what he is doing. You don't get to see a 'god' very often.

Thor has posed:
    The four creatures barrel forwards, stomping across the street and thundering upon the asphalt. Each step leaves a heavy crater as it goes. All four seem to be hurling themselves towards where Thor stands, hammer aloft as power surges around and about the weapon.
    Lara's pistol barks several times, bullets ricocheting off of the beast though enough to get it to pause briefly and lift a heavy hand as if to shield itself. It turns, attention grabbed like a picador luring a bull. It stomps in her direction, raising a fist viciously.
    But then out of nowhere a manhole cover slashes through the air and collides with the creature's head. There's a loud /CLANG/ then it ricochets off into another series of /WHANG/ /BANG/ /KA-CLANG!/ as it hits several other of the close-standing creatures all who turn inwards wheeling away as they are _assaulted_ by this heavy metal thing that just attacked them then hit the ground and started rolling around them like a dime dropped from a pocket.
    The confusion only lasts a few moments. But it's enough, for once the power is gathered there within the Uru metal, Thor then smashes the hammer down upon the street with a loud roar of effort. There's a splashing blue arc of power shockwave that lashes out and several bolts of lightning leap forth, dancing from rune to rune upon the brows of the creatures. The runes all flare to life, brilliant for a moment like a quartet of stars... then they abruptly fade.
    The rock creatures all fall into their component parts, smashing to the ground and lying inert leaving the heroes there with the debris and the aftermath...
    And with Thor taking a deep breath. He holds it, then lets it out slowly as he shakes his head. To Zombie-Girl he smiles crookedly, "You enjoy my thanks, fair lady." But then he turns and meets Lara's gaze, "And you, Lady Croft." Upwards he calls, "A moment longer and I feared I would be too late, Doctor."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen watches the foes be vanquished with relative ease by Thor and that, in and of itself is an indicator for the Sorcerer Supreme. "I believe you already are too late." Stephen says as he decends from the air and lands on his thinly shoed feet and stands there, looking towards Thor with a curious glance. "Tell me, if you know, where did those creatures come from?" The wizard asks his voice firm but any sense of rage has been left out of his tone.

    Stephen's grey eyes look past Thor towards Lara with a subtle nod and then towards Zombie-Girl who also gets a nod from the wizard, but he doesn't speak to them at this time.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl just sort of stands gobstruck as her throw made her look like some kind of incredible sewage Captain America. "Well... yeah. Okay," she says after the manhole dover finally lands flat on the ground with a heavy reverberation that makes the street quaver just a bit.

     Her blush, again if she could, would deepen at the flattering words from the god of thunder. "I uh... heh. I mean. Thanks," she says to Thor. In a fit of nervousness and awkwardness she gives a playful punch against his bicep. She glances back at Dr. Strange and also gives him a nervous smile, but for different reasons. She doesn't know if he can detect her infernal power, or how he would react to such a thing. Not that it would be hard to miss. Hellfire literally burns from her eyes.

Lara Croft has posed:
The manhole display, the work from Thor and all of it as a whole... Lara just sighs with a clear relief when it calms down and she seems to relax further when Strange lands and moves to speak to Thor then. Her handgun is returned to the hidden holster beneath her hoodie and Lara moves to walk past the two men, she nods once to Stephen as well but is moving to speak with the NYPD Officers who've arrived on scene, she's already brandishing her SHIELD identification as well.

For the time being this is where the notorious explorer and lesser known SHIELD Acquisitions Agent remains, speaking to a few of the Police Officers that are tasked with... making sense of all of this for the general public's benefit. Most of this entire scene is online already from the various recording devices that the eye witnesses have been live streaming or posting to video sites, but that doesn't stop News Vans from rolling up as close as the PD cars will let them.

Thor has posed:
    A small smirk is given to the undead youth, then Thor puts the hammer to rest on his hip as he looks towards the damage and the wreckage. He frowns to himself and shakes his head, then eyes Dr. Strange with his one good eye. A grunt is heard as he steps forwards and starts to push at some of the shattered asphalt, as if trying to fill at least one of the many... many many pot holes.
    "This was my fault, Strange." He says, accepting the weight and the burden of the responsibility. "If you are to be cross with anyone then be cross with me."
    That having been said he turns away from the displeased doctor and looks towards Lara and ZeeGee. He lifts his voice, loud enough to carry so Lara can hear from her place near the police officers. "I am fortunate you were both here and acted so quickly. I am in your debt. If someone paid for my negligence with their life I would be be shamed and dishonored."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek is quickly overwhelmed by the wireless transmissions.. having 100 angles off Lara Croft, some of them.. well.. how did they manage that angle? He shakes away the images and gets up and heads towards the doorway, he peers out and heads a bit down the sidewalk, following a few of the other rubber necks who are now venturing to see the aftermath of one of those daily 'wierdness' in New York.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "No, I am not cross at you, because I am no fool Thor Odinson." Stephen says, stepping in line with Thor. "I know you fairly well and I know that is not a kind of magic you do." Strange notes and eyes Thor. "If there is trouble within your kingdom I will aid thee, but I can not help you if you do not ask for it." Stephen says, making a subtle offer, the kind a king would be expected to understand without having it spelled out for him directly. Stephen does can't his head slighty at Zombie-Girl, but infernal magic isn't something he's too concerned with at the moment, literal gods are lying to him and telling him to get the whole of all mage's hubris in check. Not an easy task.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl shrugs and says, "Hah. Yeah. Don't worry I'm pretty hard to keep dead." She brushes her hair back and looks at the rubble and destruction. "There will probably be some pretty pissed off motorists though. But, New York, am I right?"

     She flexes her arm that was broken. It hasnt fully healed, but it's well on its way. She walks over to Lara and sticks out her hand. "Zombie-Girl. Thanks for the assist," she says in a casual way.

Lara Croft has posed:
Once Lara parts with the Police Officers she's turning back around and finding Zombie Girl having approached her and offered a hand. Lara responds in kind and extends her own to take ZG's. "Lara." She says. "Croft." And with a light nod and a faint smile that comes and goes quickly, Lara's eyes scan out toward the remains of what just happened here. "Thank you." She then says in her thick London accent. "For your part in all of this. I don't... know what caused this, but I imagine that they're ontop of that now." She says further, nodding her head then toward the red cloaked Strange and Thor.

Thor has posed:
    "Be that as it may, conjurer. I am still the one responsible." Thor turns to consider Dr. Strange, then smiles and steps forwards to rest a hand on the man's shoulder. "Though your offer falls not on deaf ears, my friend. You and I shall speak further on this later. Allow me but some time to put my house in order." With that allowance offered, Thor turns away to look over the destruction once again.
    He shakes his head and grimaces to himself, then looks upon Zombie-Girl again, "Then we are lucky you are a durable sort, are you injured? Shall I take you to the hospital?" He does eye the injured limb that though it is no longer as damaged... it does seem to be healing itself. He quirks an eyebrow, but nods as if just accepting of that fact.
    To Lara he offers a nod, "Trust that such a thing shall not happen again." He steps back around to face them all and offers a nod. "I must away, there are some I must speak with." Then towards Dr. Strange, "I shall call upon you in an hour's time?"

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl shrugs and says, "Well Thor said something about being sorry. So I'm thinking that this has something to do with Asgard. Or one of the 'heims. Can't forget the 'heims." She glances back over her shoulder at the god and the Sorceror Supreme. "Anyway they will be able to figure it out. I was only here for the punchin."

     When Thor asks about the hospital she just laughs. "Hospital? I mean for me you'd be better off calling the coroner. I am injured but I've been hurt worse. I should be back to 100% in a few minutes."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen looks up at the sun with a hand lifted to protect his eyes then he looks back at Thor with a single blink. "I will expect thee at 3:43." The wizard responds before he lowers his hand and then looks over his shoulder at something that no one can see and says, "Come on I guess. I have much work to do." And with that Stephen disappears into thin air as though he was walking through a simple doorway.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek gets to see all the heroes with his own eyes eventually, though the overwhelming amount of activity from police, cellphones, etc make it hard for him to really focus his fanboy. He stumbles over to a wall and leans on it. He notices now Zombie Girl and gives a wave if she notices him, he calls over, "You did great!"

Thor has posed:
    "Til then," Thor answers Strange, then he shifts focus to ZeeGee and Lara, looking to one and then the other in turn. "Well met, Zombie-Girl. Lady Croft." He smiles back to them both a little apologetically but then he hefts Mjolnir from his belt and twirls it several times, the hammer making a steady /whom-whom-whom/ noise before he hurls it upwards and leaps into the air, disappearing from view shortly thereafter.