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Latest revision as of 16:52, 14 May 2019

A drink after work and more
Date of Scene: 28 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Overlord, Harley Quinn, Killer Frost

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller has came into the bar after a shift on the docks. The large man has what might be the sturdiest stool in the place, and is sitting at the bar. He has a pitcher of beer in front of him, as well, as one of the bowls of bar nuts. The large man has seats on each side of him free. While he maybe coming here occasionally he has not became a regular enough for soome of the others to get used to elbowing a guy his size.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Into the bar, Harley Quinn has on her more 'normal' clothes though that still might be an understatement. She's got a pair of blue and red shiney short-shorts that immediately go into mostly see-through fishnets, which have tears and holes about them all the way down into her white high heeled boots. Some of her stomach is bared, and she's got her hair in pigtails that are dyed a bright red on the ends. A thick white collar around her neck showcases one word, <Puddin'> in thick gold writing, and her top is a mid-sleeved (down to her elbows) white snug shirt with the top in red, across the front it says <Daddy's Lil' Monster>. But otherwise she has on some eyeliner around her eyes, and is not currently in clown face... so she looks semi-regular.

"Now this 'ere looks like a place where a party happens!" And she's kind of walking with a near goosestep level of foot first, leg follows, as she moves in, whistling innocently as she looks around. Walking up to the bar she takes a seat, "You know how I know this is a fine establishment? This 'ere bar is clean. No grime, not broken ta pieces, or bloody." She's got her face really really close to the bar, inspecting it from close up, and since she's distracted she bumps her shoulder right into Joseph, of whom she looks up, "Ey Mister, yer takin' up too much space. Could you do a little less workin' out and a bit more conservation of mass?"

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller will look over to Harley a brow raised for a moment but he says "I am, if I was not I would be twice this size, you know how hard it is to keep yourself at once size all day, it is a hassle I tell ya." He chuckles and seems to be joking "Place is a decent place from what I have seen so far. Good beer, not watered down.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Most of any beer is water, I learned that in a chemistry class while I was getting my Doctorate." And Harley lifts her head up from the bar to sit more upright, "Maybe you should get one of those waist trainers, it helps to keep you all together." Harley states before smiling and adding, "Alcohol, doesn't do nothin' for me, I'm just coming inside to wait it out for a ride. Gotta get back to Gotham before the night is over, and I figure. This place had a nice Neon Sign to it, so I figure I come on in and waste my time. I was hopin' fer a juke box."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller shakes his head and says "No Jukebox, just some pool tables in the back. And hear ya about it not doing much for ya, I have to drink about a kegs worth of the stuff, before I start to feel it, but I doubt our resistance is for the same reason. "So, a Doctor?" He asks seeming a bit surprised at this "Whats your specialty Doc?"

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow steps into the bar, sighing softly. She's wearing a simple blue blouse and skirt - nothing too formal, as she plops down at the bar, muttering softly to herself. Occasionally, one of her eyes glows faintly and she scowls. "It's not funny," she mutters, apparently having an argument with a voice in her head. She doesn't sound like the most sane person right now. "Strawberry margarita," she finally orders to the barkeep. She then raises an eyebrow. Harley Quinn is here. Interesting. Killer Frost has wanted to meet her for a while. After making friends with Ivy and Joker.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Looking over at Joseph, Harley Quinn looks up at the taller person and smiles to him with a bit of a smirk, "The fact that you know you have to drink an entire keg of beer to get a bit tipsy, tells me you might have an addiction personality disorder. You associate the 'worth' of alcohol to the way it makes you feel, instead of the nuances of its taste." She then sits upright more, "And yes, a doctor of psychology and neurological disorders. And you know what the real crime is? Student loans. Those things'll follow you, would have to rob a bank ta pay'em off."

She lingers there with a moment or two, "Though if you do that it's kind of just likee giving the bank back it's money." Throwing her arms exaggeratedly into the air she flails, almost falling backwards if it weren't for the quick actions of her feet to maintain her balance, "Oh well, the house always wins." Looking over at Caitlin as she sits down and talks with herself, she elbows Joseph, "There's rare instances of actual Multiple Personality Disorder in the wild. Now if we just sit back and observe, we might get a special treat." She's not even being quiet.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller smirks a bit to Harley and says "Don't drink so much for the taste or the effect. More gives me a minor feeling of being one of the normal folks not that I get that feeling often. His hand will move to catch her, but she catches herself before his help is needed. He will look down the bar at the woman mentioned, and will rise a brow. He is quiet for now seeing how this will play out.

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow whirls suddenly to stare at Harley, holding her drink, eyebrow raised. "Oh right - I've read up on you. My sister was quite interested in the fallen psychologist who went mad studying the Joker." She walks over. "My name is Caltlin Snow," she states. "And..." She ponders. "I'm not sure if what I have officially counts as multiple personality disorder - I'm more a doctor than a psychologist - but it manifests itself similarly."

Harley Quinn has posed:
The whirling gets a bit of a stare from Harley at Caitlin and she then laughs a bit at the woman. "Oh, your sister tellin' ya things about me, huh? Who's your sister? Do I know 'er from my Arkham days or is she no longer with us?" The woman with the brightly colored pigtails waits, watching Caitlin a moment, "I ain't gone crazy from studyin' the Joker. So, your sister's misinformed." And she turns her attention back to Joseph to shake her head a bit, saying, "You see how I have to deal with all these crazies. It's like a person allergic to cats, all the cats love'em."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller hmms at Caitlin's comment helps him putthepieces of the puzzle to who the woman is. He hmms a bit and does stiffen a bit, butdoes not go all hero on the ladies. He in stead does turn to face them, ready to put himself between the civilans and them if things start to get out of hand. "Not sure what you ladies have pland but Josie I am sure would appreciate it if things come to blows, or bombs, that it is taken outside. Can we keep the blood off the floors, as you said is a respectable place."

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow smiles faintly. "My sister is with me," she states. "It's... the other me. Easier to call her 'sister'." She glances at Joseph. "I'm not violent. Killer Frost is though. And... she's kinda protective of me." She hmmmms softly. "I'm not crazy. It took me a while to realize it - but I'm not." She hmmmmmms softly.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The comment coming from the big man gets a confused look from Harley, as she looks at the man, "First of all, I don't plan things out. That ain't my style mister. Second of all, I don't know this here Josie, so I can't make no promises. And third of all..." She thinks, and then thinks some more, turning her attention over to Caitlin as she speaks up, smiling to the other woman, "Oh don't worry, I ain't judgin'. Crazy is jus' a state of mind. You know Killer Frost? That lady seems chill."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller 's brow raises and says "Hey just prefer not t have things broken, and all, it is hard to find a good place to drink after work where there is not alot of problems." He tells Harley. The name Killer Frost gets a brow raised as it aint one he has heard but he files it away to remember

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow grins widely. "I know her better than anyone," she muses softly, clicking her tongue. "I'll tell her you wanted to meet her. She does seem enamored with the rogues in Gotham." She hmmmmms softly as she sips her margarita. "Perhaps we can even study the mechanics of the mind sometime." Her eye glows blue again for a moment before it fades.

Harley Quinn has posed:
There's a car horn outside that's custom, it makes the sound similar to that of an ice cream truck. "Oh, my ride's here." And Harley gets off of her stool. "And tell that sister of yours she should stop by the Iceberg lounge in Gotham to say hello." To Joseph she offers a small finger wiggle wave, "Toodles mister."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller looks over and says "So that young lady there was Harley Quinn, and your sister is wanting to talk to her. Seems a bit of a scary thought there. So, care to tell me abit about yourself, since you told us a bit about your sister?

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow smiles faintly. "I'm just a scientist and a doctor. Not really much to say. I work at Star Labs - and sometimes assist the Flash. I normally work out of Central City in Missouri but I'm here now for a scientific expo and am thinking of transferring here." She smiles softly. "And you?"

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller says, "Joe smith, dock worker, and considering bouncer." He fills in what he does for a living "Thinking about starting the hero thing here in town trying to help people. I gotta admit am a bit curious you work with flash but your sister is interested in Harley, seems a bit of a tricky situation."

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow nods. "Oh, you have no idea," she mutters. "It's rather a headache - but we've agreed to let each other do what we want- fighting over it just doesn't work." She smiles faintly. "You know how siblings are." She doesn't elaborate that her 'sister' actually shares her body.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller looks down a moment of sadness crossing hsi face. He takes the picture of beer, and downs a large amount of it, and then says "It may sound wierd, but cherish it while you have it. Not something you ever wish to loose.'

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow nods. "I do have one advantage - I can't lose my sister. We are together forever." She smiles as she sips her magarita. "Well, I should go..." she muses softly as she gently sets the empty glass down. "It was nice to meet you." She bows, pays up, and leave.s