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Latest revision as of 16:56, 14 May 2019

Two and a Half Crazies walk into a Bar
Date of Scene: 29 April 2019
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Killer Frost

Harley Quinn has posed:
It's evening time, Gotham always feels like it's evening. During the day people have lives and there's only the occassional terrorist action. But, at night, there's a lot more activity. One of those responsible for such dangerous evenings is currently inside of the Iceberg Lounge and she's taken over the microphone singing, They can't take that away from me.

In a sultry alto level voice, "The way you wear your hat... the way you sip your tea... The memory of all... that, no no, they can't take that away from me." She continues through the song, of course, and for those in the lounge it might just be a bit bizarre for the Queen of Gotham's Crime spree to be singing a very bluesy song. Even weirder because she's in her normal 'going out to mess up the city' costume. It only lasts a few minutes, and when it finishes there will be a few hoots and hollers, clapping, because who knows what kind of dire consequences might happen if they don't. And Harley will speak in her normal voice, "Oh, thank you all. You're beautiful, I'll be here all night."

And then she takes a really deep bow, folding in half, with an exaggerated motion, and then she's walking off the stage to head toward a table she was previously at.

Killer Frost has posed:
But someone was at that table. A woman with white hair, with a dark blue trench coat over a dress. A face that looks very familiar - even with the gloiwng blue eyes and the dark blue lips. "Hello Harley. My sister told me that you wanted to meet me? Here I am. Nice singing voice, by the way." She smiles faintly as she holds her hand out - a rose made of ice is laying in the palm of her hand. (Yes, it has thorns.)

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh, is that fer me?!" Harley mentions as she walks over to the rose, and grabs it, blood starting to drip from her gloved hands down onto the table. Harley doesn't even seem to flinch, but it's clearly her blood, from being stabbed by the thorns. "Me, meet you? I seem ta recall it was you who was interested in meetin' me? I ain't too sure now, all I remember is that fella was a big fella, an' I think he had a problem wit' the..." She lifts one of her hands up to do an improv signal about drinking, and then she's sitting down, holding onto the rose still, "I think this is really cool." A bit of a chuckle escapes her lips, "I slay me." A small pause, her eyes a bit wide, "Somedays."

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost smiles faintly. "It will last a while - but it will melt eventually." She hmmmmms softly, her voice having a shivering echo to it. "I like this town. I thought I'd move over. Oh, I know you have a Mr. Freeze, but my research says he's a phony. He doesn't actually have ice powers." She smiles faintly. "Wanna cause some havoc? I know just the thing..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Taking a bit of an exaggerated fall down into the chair on her side of the table, Harley oofs a bit, and settles the ice rose on the table which is now more a red rose from her blood, "You got somethin' in mind? I was just thinkin' wouldn't it be nice to cause some kind of fun." And she smiles as she looks over the table at Killer Frost, "I feel for Mister Freeze, you know he was a doctor before the... ice treatment. Lost his wife from what I heard, and apparently his credentials. It's a tragic tale fer sure, but what's all this about havoc?"

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost smiles faintly. "What does nobody expect in a lovely day in spring?" she asks as she steps outside, her hands shedding icy mist. She points them up at the sky... and... it starts snowing! "Let it snow... let it snow... let it snow..." she croons softly, as the snow is intensifying.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn comes outside with Killer Frost and she shivers a little bit. "Brrrr. Winter's Comin'." She says with her arms coming up to her chest, and she rubs up and down about her arms. The jacket she wears is more for style than really warmth, and she smiles a moment, "Well, I do like a bit of sledding. I ain't too sure that this is gonna cause a lot of Havoc though, more like ice cream sales to plummet. I ain't sure where you are from, Miss Frost, but 'ere in Gotham takes a bit more than weather changin' to get people concerned. After all, we're the land of freaks like the Bats, and Killer Crocc."

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost smiles softly as she looks at you. "But that's not all," she cooooos softly. "The snow... is the distraction." She gestures and the roads start to glow ice blue, spreadnig away from her. "I just turned every road close to me into black ice. Oh, I know it's petty - but it's going to be so much fun...." And she cocks her head as she hears a 'smash' already of a car crash.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn reaching up, she scratches at her head a little bit and looks over at Killer Frost. "I mean, sure. But you really didn't do anything." The woman looks around and quirks her mouth to the side, "I mean, it ain't that much fun ta jus' stand around an' have people plow into one another. Now, if I had control over the traffic lights, then I'd be a little more entertained. Right now I just gotta wait fer one person to plow into another, cause the roads are icy?" She slumps her shoulders some, "I can just see the headlines now. Midspring blizzard, people crash, expected." Starting to think about it, "What if we got inta a car, and you made ice all over it, to you know, give us more crashability. And we started playin' bumper cars on icy roads? Huh? What about that?"

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost laughs softly. "Oh, I do like the way you think. But we'd need something a bit more than a car - a Humvee sounds about right - I can help with the tractino if we're in it..." She grins softly. "Okay, I haven't really done many evil schemes lately - I'm a but rusty." She hmmmmms as she looks around. "Or...." She smiles as she points her hands at the icy street, and creates a sleigh made of ice. "Or we can make our own transportation..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"A sleigh?" Harley Quinn looks over it, and then back to Killer Frost, "You got a bunch of reindeer sittin' about somewhere to pull us?" And she's looking around maybe for that Humvee, unless Killer Frost suggests something else. "I ain't never thought of them as evil schemes, more like jus'... having fun." There's a bit of a shrug then, and she starts moving toward the sleigh with a skip, "Jingle bells batman smells, robin layed an egg. Batmobile, lost its wheel, and Joker got awaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!" She chuckles a bit as she sings, looking back over her shoulder, "It's true, all of it."

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost nods as she smiles, taking the rear position. "I don't need them. Beside, they're lazy and only work one day a year." She then faces the rear of the vehicle, holding her hands out, and jets of superchilled mist fire from her hand as she's using that to propel the sleigh. "You can use the steering column to aim it where you want - I'm the engine, you're the driver," she chirps, wondering just what you'll do with a stable vehicle on the icy roads that can take a beating.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"You know, you wouldn't think of it if you looked at 'em, but I suppose you'd be better at knowin'." Harley takes the comment about Reindeers being lazy pretty seriously. But it's not time to talk badly about Reindeer, it's time to get on this sleigh. And when it starts to move, Harley tests the steering to see how sharp she can turn one way, smashing into cars that line the side of the road, then turns it sharp the other way, cackling as the sleigh rides up a bit onto one side, then hits other cars before coming back to a level existence. Then they are off.

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost grins as she is firing ice blasts at cars to smash windows as the two sled their jolly way across Gotham. "Mmmmmmm.... too bad I don't see any heroes - it'd be fun to take them out," she cooooos softly. "So - what now?" she asks as she's still propelling the sleigh with one hand - and sniping car windows with the other.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh, I got a place ta go." Harley is squinting her eyes forward as the cold wind bites at her face. She is driving the sleigh with a purpose. On the way, she's knocking cars that are sliding down the screen off into the walls of buildings. Causing a few vehicles to go spiraling off here and there, Harley's got some kind of destination in mind, and is sliding around corners, and navigating the streets of Gotham toward that place. "I ain't so sure about capes, there might be one or two still around... who miht try an' stop us."

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost nods as she giggles. "Where are we going then, Harley Quinn?" she asks, pronouncing it 'harlequin' instead of as two different words. "Oh, isn't this fun? Just imagine how much property damage we're doing!" She then uses a few well-placed icicles to take out all the streetlights at the busiest intersection of Gotham, letting Harley navigate the icy streets which she's continuing to cast. "But once day comes, it'll be harder to do this..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
In answer to Killer Frost's question, there's a crashing of the sleigh into a local mall. Harley skitters and slides the sled through the mostly empty building. Just a few janitors or security folks to avoid, more importantly she's got to avoid all those benches and things. And then... right into the little child's mall train area, and crashing into a stair case. As the sleigh hits, anyone not well situated might go flying out the front of the sleigh, Harley just smashes into the stearing mechanism really hard. And then she's laughing, loudly, having it echo in the mall, and then she holds an arm over her ribcage, "Ewwww, tha' hurts a bit..." Stepping back, she looks over to Killer Frost, "Let's go! Nnnh, I think I got a bit of ice steering shoved into my lung..."

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost smiles. "Sorry, darlin'. Melting ice isn't my thing. That was fun - let's do it again sometime!" She then makes a freezing mist around her to shroud her from sight as she leaves, the mist leaving a lot of people freezing-cold as Killer Frost just flees out of the mall (after swiping a bunch of jewelry from one of the kiosks in the center aisle of the mall). She giggles and skips away, creating an ice ramp to slide away.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Watching as Killer Frost leaves, Harley Quinn climbs off of the sled, falling onto the ground a bit as she's stumbling, getting up and a bit hurt. She laughs back over her shoulder at that small children's train that she smashed right into, and says, "That's what ya get fer sayin' I was too big ta ride!" And she raises a shaking fist up at whomever it is who sees this later from mall security footage. And then she's stumbling out into the night.