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Latest revision as of 06:11, 21 May 2019

Kentucky Fried Get together
Date of Scene: 20 May 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Samuel's fried chicken draws a bevy of students and staff
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Shadowcat, Magik, Sunspot, Storm, Cypher, X-Man, Cyclops

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is in the kitchen. The smell of fried chicken is starting to hit the mansion. The young man has the chicken dredge linned up, and seems to be frying perhaps a coop of chickens. There is a radio playing some odd blur grass metal in the background.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is in the kitchen. The smell of fried chicken is starting to hit the mansion. The young man has the chicken dredge linned up, and seems to be frying perhaps a coop of chickens. There is a radio playing some odd blue grass metal in the background.

Shadowcat has posed:
Lockheed beats Kitty to the kitchen. He smells that friend chicken when she is still down the hallway, winging his way darting between students to swoop into the kitchen. He flies over and lands on Samuel's shoulder, a good ten seconds in advance of Kitty making it to the room.

"Traitor!" she calls to the small purple dragon. "That's all it takes for you to turn coats on me? 11 Kentucky herbs and spices?" she asks with mock severity. Lockheed just gives a little nod of his head and turns back to see how long until the chicken is ready.

"Hey Sam, smells great. Anything I can help with?" Kitty asks as she goes over and gets a sliced carrot from the fridge to nibble on.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin smelled something that was familiar enough to draw her out of her room. She'd holed up there for awhile, trying to get back into the mentality of being here after a short stint... Elsewhere. As much as she might try to avoid it, it did on occasion demand her attention. Now she steps down the hall letting one hand trail over the wall as she walks into the kitchen just a short bit behind Kitty. Her head tilts to the side regarding the scene here with a small growing smile.

"Mind another?" She asks by way of greeting everyone. "It does smell wonderful."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto is back to Westchester at last. His trip somewhat rushed when he read about Xavier being shot. He had been planning his returns for July, but in truth he can do most of his business work from the New York office. Maybe with brief trips back to Rio every month.

Business is important. Family is more important. And saving the world... is usually on the table.

He called Sam ahead, and emailed the school admin. Sadly he seems to have misplaced the phone numbers of the other ex-classmates. Or maybe they never gave them to him. No, definitely misplaced. In his defense his last years and a bit has been hectic.

He drove his Jaguar to Salem Center, and then flew the last few miles to the school like a proper mutant. Impressions and all that. Now he is heading towards the main door and texting Sam along the way. 'I just got to the grounds, where are you?'

Storm has posed:
"Twelve herbs and spices," Ororo corrects Kitty with a smile as she enters the kitchen from a side door. She wears an ankle-length, sleeveless white dress and low-wedged slippers. The collar runs level with her collarbone and it ties off over her shoulders. Bold red batches of striping run in scattered directions over the close-fitting garment.

She walks over to Samuel and pushes her mohawked mane of braids away, letting them arc gracefully over her left shoulder. She presents him with a little bundle of twisted leaves. "Malli, a good batch, too," she assures him, and sets the herbs near a mortar and pestle.

She looks back to Illyana and grins at the blonde. "Illyana! It is good to see you, child. I hope you've staying out of trouble, too?" she inquires with a semi-playful tone, and walks over to offer the younger X-er an affectionate welcome.

Cypher has posed:
Kitty told Doug that he had *one night* to sit and be funky about how everything went down. So he sat and was funky for a night. He always did have his brushes with the Black Dog. When he's up, he's up, and when he's down?

But, this morning, he seems to be in a more cheerful mood along with the rising sun, as he wanders downstairs in his bathrobe and fuzzy slippers, with his t-shirt with a bullseye on it.

"Woooo-oooo I'm a rebel just for kicks, now, let me kick it like it's nineteen-eighty-six, yeah, might be over now, but I feel it still--" he spins in a circle, before he goes to pour himself some OJ, lost in his own little world.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's phone beeps, and he looks over to Doug "Get that for me?" Hw motions towards the phone. He knows lockhead well enpough he offers the little dragon the test piece as it comes out of the oil. "I am making enough should be enough for everyone and left overs for maybe a day or so." He looks over to Sunspot "My ma's recipe."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's phone beeps, and he looks over to Doug "Get that for me?" Hw motions towards the phone. He knows lockhead well enpough he offers the little dragon the test piece as it comes out of the oil. "I am making enough should be enough for everyone and left overs for maybe a day or so." He looks over to Ororo "My ma's recipe."

Shadowcat has posed:
Second best thing about Lockheed as taste tester is you don't have to wait for the food to cool off before giving it to him. If he can handle fire shooting out of his mouth, he can handle fried chicken.

Of course, the best thing about having Lockheed as a taste tester, is he's a freaking extra-terrestrial dragon!

Kitty looks up as others are drawn to the kitchen by the smell of the chicken. "Yana!" Kitty says, beaming a smile as her long-time friend comes in. Kitty moves over to give her a quick but warm hug if allowed. "I didn't realize you were back," she says.

Ororo and Doug are given smiles as they enter. Doug in particular gets a grin from Kitty as he has moved on from having been down. "Ororo, thank you for the nice float yesterday," she says to the African woman.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin lingers in the doorway just a moment longer. One step, then another, draws her away though her hand remains up until the wall falls away from her touch. It swings back down to her side as she watches the entrance of so many familiar faces with a lingering smile of her own. It felt good to be home.

When Ororo steps closer she offers the woman a one armed hug with a quick nod to her question. "Da. I've not caused trouble lately. I am... Trying very hard not to do bad things." In spite of the apparent innocent nature of such a remark, she's quite dead serious about it. It was always a difficult issue for her when parts of her just wanted to do horrible things.

Doug's singing garners her attention along with a tip of her head. Before she can say anything she slips from Ororo to give Kitty a similar greeting as well with a hug. It was breif, but she was accepting of such gestures from both women. "Just last night. I was thinking on many things. Like for now, I am thinking I need to be eating whatever Sam is cooking."

Cypher has posed:
Doug sweeps the phone up, and raises an eyebrow. "Well look at that." He holds the phone out to Sam. "It's hot-shot. Apparently he just walked in the door." He says, "Which means he'll be smelling that right about... now, which means he'll be speeding up about half a step to get in here before everyone eats it all--"

He considers, and then says, "...You know... huh." He grins at Sam and the others, and then puts a finger over his mouth, before he hunkers down behind a kitchen island, opposite the door.

Storm has posed:
Ororo hugs Illyana exactly as long as she prefers, and gives the other woman a quick squeeze of the arm as she breaks away. "It was my pleasure, Kitty," Ororo assures the brunette X-er.. She looks back to Illyana. "It is the trying that counts the most, Illyana. The secret to crossing a desert? Never quit walking," she says, and laughs with a grin, as if sharing an in-joke.

Ororo glances at Doug when he cautions them, then rolls her eyes with a tolerant smile and backs up so she's standing behind the door. She's clearly at least getting out of the way of Doug's intended surprise so she doesn't spoil it.

Sunspot has posed:
And of course Sam is not picking up the phone. Spoiling his triumphant (hah!) return. Yet there are only a few places where he could have vanished in the last fifteen minutes. He will start with the barn!

No, actually he just asks the first student that crosses his path. Then heads for the kitchen. "Pick up the phone, Sammy. Some best friend," he mutters. Oblivious to zombie-Doug ambush.

Shadowcat has posed:
Lockheed has his first taste, and flies over to Kitty's shoulder to make her smell it on his breath. Jerk. Kitty pets him though and watches as Doug prepares the surprise, turning away so she doesn't spoil it. "Wow, haven't seen Roberto in... I'm not even sure how long," Kitty says. She was gone for a year herself, before coming back home in early February and being here since.

Kitty moves over out of the way and tells Illyana, "Hey, need to talk to you about some serious stuff later. It can wait until later though. Probably good to have Rogue there too," she says.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin tilts her head at Kitty with her blue eyes honing in on her friend sharply. Almost predatory in their intensity when Kitty mentions needing to talk. "Of course." There's an itching at the back of her skull that she ignores. It was not time to demand to know, immediately, what was wrong with her friend. If it was to be waited on it would wait. It couldn't be so serious as to require her immediate attention. Instead she gives Kitty a small nod murmuring, "Just say when and I will be there. Always."

With the assurance made she lets her gaze flit back to Ororo offering a more relaxed smile. "Yes, a constant walk." She did understand in her own way after all. For now though she allows herself to relax watching the antics about to occur.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks ober to doug, and sas "At least text him and let him know Ah am in here, Ah got Chicken all over my hands." He says as he continues to cook shakoing hsi head at Doug's antics

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises an eyebrow, and then he finally texts Bobby back. 'I'm in the kitchen, making, scrambled eggs and squirrel's brains, dee-licious' - which is a bit cheeky of him all told, so he then shoots Bobby 'Just kidding, I'm making ma's fried chicken' - He sets the phone on the counter.

Then he waits, quietly, for Bobby to come into the kitchen and say his hellos, before he springs up from behind the counter, making a 28 days later Zombie noise. "RaaaaAAAAaaaaAAaAaAAAaAAagh~!" ...But crazy as he might be, he doesn't *charge* Bobby, because charging a guy who can one-hand a pickup truck is trurly mental.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto was not expecting a real welcoming party given Xavier is hospitalized, but at least they could have come to meet him, right? Maybe he is getting grumpy in his old age. Or maybe it is the zombie of Doug Ramsey making silly zombie noises.

"Madre de Dios," he goes pitch black for a second, then facepalms. "Doug! You are back and no one told me. I hate you all!" He decides, grinning to the congregated oh-so-evil bunch of X people. He headlocks (or tries to) Doug first, maybe because he is a zombie.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin watches Sunspot's reaction to zombie-Doug. It was amusing enough that she actually laughs out loud forgetting her attempts to be somber, and serious. The laugh trails off into a light snort as her hand claps over her mouth, and she glances to the others present. "I'm sorry was laughing at that bad? It was pretty funny though."

Storm has posed:
Ororo grins at the interaction, still loosely hugging her stomach. She does at least politely look away so Roberto doesn't feel like she's laughing *at* him, but...

"It *was* funny," she agrees with Illyana, and shakes her head again with a little tinkle of glass beads.

"Welcome, Roberto," she says, and walks over to offer 'Berto a gentle handclasp and warm hug. "It is always good to see you in the mansion."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "All good." He tells Illyana, and says "Hey Ah am cooking what more ya want for coming back? Could ask Lockheed to dive bomb ya if you want. " He grins and says "Welcome back brother."

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks up, from where he's trapped in a headlock. "If it wasn't funny, I wouldn't do it." He tries to get out of the headlock, and then says, "Ack... nice to see you TOO, hot shot." He waves one arm. "...If I was a zombie, rest assured I'd pass up trying to chew through your thick skull for Sam's cooking--"

He demonstrates by flailing an arm toward it and making more zombie noises. "Rrrrrr RARRRRRR-"

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto lets Doug go when Ororo hugs him, "Storm, good to be back. Well, visiting at least," then he walks to Kitty and Illyana for more polite greetings. Kisses in the cheeks of they allow. "It was... kid of funny, but I will have my revenge," he glances at Doug, losing his smile. Some explanations are due. Death and resurrection are not joking matters. He is not that jaded yet.

Finally Sam, which gets a more effusive hugging. "Thanks you, brother. Food will do it. It was a long trip back."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hugs Berto back, but makes sure to keep his hands off the shirt. chickeny hands and a shirt that probably costs more than his car not a good combo. "Well now that you back, Ah might be dragging you and Ilyana into a mision we were given by the Prof if your up to it." He is near the deep fryer, and has a batter and dredge station set up where he is cooking chicken, trying his best to put the colonel to shame.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin reaches up to sweep her hair to the side, back over her shoulder where it rested out of the way. Talk of a potential mission has her eyebrows raise questioningly. "Oh? I've heard there's much I've missed while I was absent. I need to be filled in." While everyone else was talking about missions for now she steps forward to snake a hand out for some chicken already on a plate. It was worth a shot.

Cypher has posed:
Doug slips free, and then he says, "And a hug for you too--" He holds his arms out to Illyana, pauses for her to decide whether or not she wants a hug. Either way, a moment later, he's darting away, and then he says, "You know what?" He snaps his fingers, and then looks around, and finally opens a cabinet. "There he is, old smoky!" The old waffle-maker, so named after the time Doug tried to make waffles and started a fire, but the thing's indestructable. "Don't worry, I've got this down now." He finds some bisquik and some eggs, and busily whisks up some batter, whistling cheerfully. Helping! He's a helper!

Storm has posed:
"I am only catching up now as well, Illyana," Ororo tells the blonde. She moves to seat herself at the counter, crossing her legs at the knee and smoothing out her skirt. Fingers curl around a glass and she pours herself some ice water, then sits back and gives her attention to the boys so they can break down the highlights of the last few weeks.

X-Man has posed:
    The smell of chicken seems to have summoned forth the ever elusive figure that is one Nathaniel Grey. The door to the kitchen swings open, and the young psion comes pushing in to the kitchen, his left eye flaring with sparks of golden energy as he looks around. It should be noted that he's breaking Convenience Store Law at the moment, as is his custom. No shirt. No shoes. A black terrycloth bathrobe and black and grey striped pajama pants, though. That's his jam. But, Nate halts abruptly when he sees... so... many... people. His eyes widen and he sucks in a deep breath that expands his chest, and holds it for just a few seconds before releasing half as a sigh, and half as a greeting. Sort of. "Oh. Hai, Mark!"

Sunspot has posed:
"Count on me," replies Berto to Sam. "Is the Professor okay? Can he receive visitors?" And more and more people pours into the kitchen. Which is normal, it is a busy school and all. But really, too many cooks will make the place catch fire. Wouldn't be the first time.

"I am going to... see who else is around. Rahne should be here too, is Dani in the grounds? I will find them." He heads out. Wait... "hey, and don't eat all the chicken. I am hungry." He will be back soon. Maybe.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie does not slap Illyana's hand maybe he is being nice maybe she got away with something, but as he puts the last of the large batch of chicken on to fry he will start cleaning up giving Doug room for the waffles. At the MArk comment he will look around to see who Nate is talking about.

Cyclops has posed:
"Evening folks." Scott Summers speaks as he steps into the kitchen. While it's a bit crowded, that's not entirely unusual around here. "Mark? Do we have a Mark?" Scott glances in Ororo's direction, brows raising over his ruby-quartz glasses, "I'm missing something, aren't I?" He moves to the coffee maker, popping in a "pod" to get a refill on the mug in his hand...finals-grading time and all. "Did I just see Mr. Da Costa? And welcome back, Miss Rasputin."

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin retreats with a wing. She was at least nice enough to not grab a large peice. Just enough for a little taste... Sure she wanted that huge thigh peice right THERE, but she opts to tone down her want. It was probably not good to go with all her desires typically. It's drawn up for a nibble while her eyes sweep over to Nate with an eyebrow lifting. Then Scott enters, and she merely shrugs. "No more than I am," she assures. Which was often quite a lot. "Thank you, Mr. Summers. Yes, Roberto was just here."

Cypher has posed:
Doug watches Bobby go out the door, and he says, "There goes an incredibly busy man." He shakes his head, and then he looks up at Nate, and then he snorts. "Guess if I had a secondary mutation of 'shredded abs' I'd develop a shirt allergy, too-" He starts the first batch of waffles, before he says, "See, Sam, you start making fried chicken and everybody walks in. Scott." Doug raises a hand. "Sam's making his mother's fried chicken."

Storm has posed:
Ororo flashes Nate a bemused eye when he walks in. But, at least he's wearing a bathrobe. Doug's comment almost earns him a snicker, but she covers her smile at the last moment with a motion of her hand.

"Scott, welcome," she tells her friend, and beckons him over. "I met with Mister Green," she adds. "He is quite the individual. Where on Earth did you find him?"

X-Man has posed:
    At the seeming confusion about Mark, Nate just turns his head to one side, half scowling and half grinning like people must be putting him on. "C'mon. Really? None of you got that reference? I'm not even FROM this timeline and I even know that one."

    When Doug mentions his "allergy" Nate looks down at himself, and then looks around their surroundings for a few moments, before shrugging his shoulders, "Dude, I mean... if you can't roam around your own home in pajama pants and no shirt, then are you even living?"

    With that, Nate turns to look at Scott. It's always a bit of a strange feeling seeing the man himself. His progenitor. A man that his own true "father" held in such high esteem. If only for the genetics that made Nate what he is. He turns his attention away from Slim, and instead looks over to Illyana, giving the blonde Russian an upnod as she monches her wing. "Is it at least as good as it smells?"

Cypher has posed:
    Doug says, only a little bit tartly, "You also roam around the grounds, the woods, Downtown Salem Center, and from what I've heard the mall in pajama pants and no shirt, Nate." He flips open the waffle maker with the end of his spoon and levers out a waffle, before he loads it onto a plate and holds it out to the man. "Here. ...Have some carbs."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott nods towards Doug, grinning just a touch, "Well, I suppose I can stick around long enough to grab a piece before I get back to grading tests." He moves over to stand beside Ororo after adding a touch of cream to his coffee, then quirks a wry half-smile at her, "We actually met him through Miss Ferguson. Or I guess I should say he was referred to us by her. You're right though, he's certainly remarkable. Even by our standards." Scott is no less off-put by Nate as Nate is by him, so while he's not really trying to be standoffish he's probably standoffish. But that's hardly unusual for Scott.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Rachel is going to be upset she missed this" He will comment, and says "Of course it is good, my Ma taught me how to it, might not be as good as hers, but aint had any complaints." He will smile and once his hands are clean he will say "Food is good, doug's waffles should be done for the first batch son right?

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin considers this entire conversation a moment. "What are 'shredded abs'?" She inquires as her eyes roam over the shirtless Nate. "They do not look shredded to me. He is in perfect health." There were still some phrases that she didn't quite get at first. It was almost familiar, not knowing such things. It reminded her of older times. Another nibble of the wing is given along with an emphatic nod and muffled noise of agreement. Licking over her lips she supplies to the others, "Very good." A glance is sent toward Scott and Ororo openly eaves dropping, but it's nothing particularily of importance to her at the moment. Instead she looks to Doug. "Do we need the fire extinguisher yet?"

X-Man has posed:
    "...So?" He says with a shrug of his broad shoulders, before reaching out shamelessly to take the plate offered to him, with no hesitation at all. "Namor runs around with no shirt, and everyone's like "Oh, he's so kingly and regal!" but when I do it, it's all "Nate, put a shirt on" and "Geeze, do you wash clothes with those abs?" or "Sir, this is a school zone and I get a feeling you're not supposed to be within a hundred yards". It's really not fair to attack me like that, you know? That's all I'm trying to say."

    He reaches out a hand, palm open and fingers loose, as a bottle of syrup exits the fridge and comes to his summons. Dousing his waffle in the thick, golden brown sweetness, Nate keeps talking, "It's a phrase, Illyana. Relating to the way my abdominals look like they're chiseled into my flesh. Or something."

    With his waffles nicely covered in syrup, it's now time for some of that famous Guthrie chicken that Sam was just talking up. He looks over the assorted pieces of fried meaty goodness and decides on a juicy thigh to place on his plate. "Fried chicken is something we didn't really have where I'm from. I still can't get over how good it tastes. Thank you."

Cypher has posed:
    Doug starts up a second batch, and then says, "Well, Nate," Doug says, "You have what we'd call an 'irrepressible spirit'. You can't trap an irrepressible spirit in shoes and a shirt." He filches a drumstick, and puts it between his teeth, as he starts up on a fresh batch of batter. "I hink hhe sehrit sheashoning in Sham's chicken ish--" He cuts himself off. "Heheheh... heheheheh."
    He puts his earbuds back in, and starts to dance to the beat. He's got some swaying action and footwork going on, as he mixes.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and seems to think about something "I need to make a call guys, should be plenty of food." He taps Doug and lets him know how long tilkl he should take up the last batch of chicken

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin narrows her eyes thoughtfully. "That is a silly saying. Flesh looks nothing like yours after it has been chiseled. Far too little blood." Another bite to her wing comes, and she slowly blinks considering. A deep breath is drawn, and let out, and her gaze moves to Doug as if to confirm. "I should not mention such things. Right?" Mm. Better to just change the topic entirely.

"This chicken is very good, Samuel. It is only missing mashed potatoes."

Cyclops has posed:
"You have a...unique perspective, Miss Rasputin, and you're welcome to share as much of it as you feel comfortable with. Just maybe not around the younger students if it can be avoided." Scott replies to Illyana's rhetorical question, then adds, "But it's a figure of speech, an analogy derived from the sculpting of Classical and Renaissance statues." See? Teacher doing teacherly things. He does move to acquire a small plate and a not-so-small piece of chicken for himself, moving back over to his position beside Ororo while he samples it. He nods in approval and lifts the breast in salute to Sam's cooking as he steps out of the room, but doesn't get the chance to compliment him before he's gone.

Cypher has posed:
"...I was just teasing, Nate." Doug says, before he dances over and uses a pair of tongs to turn the chicken in the skillet. He's come a long way from the kid who used to burn water. Must have been all that time living alone in the woods. "Illyana, if you weren't a little scary, you wouldn't be the friend I know and love. Ba ba ba, ba da da da ba da da ba..." He goes back to dancing to the beat in his earbuds.

X-Man has posed:
    Nate pauses as he's about to take a bite of his chicken, as Illyana mentions the lack of blood. He lifts one eyebrow and casts his blue-and-gold eyed stare up at her. The steaming fried birb is held in front of his open lips for a solid five seconds of silence, before he finally just places it in his mouth to take a big chunk of it. Chewing it over, he nods his head and grins. Around a mouthful, he says, "Mmph!Goo'! Sho goo'!"

    When Doug admits that he's teasin, Nate just grins and gives a faint nod of his head, winking that glowing eye at him before his form lifts just a few inches from the ground. "It's all good, man. As long as you're paying me in waffles, say what you will."

    With that, he lifts his plate as a sort of salute to Doug, and then starts to head for the door. "I'm gonna go enjoy this in front of a television. I've got like five episodes of Days of Our Lives recorded and need to catch up. If anyone needs me for anything just like... think really hard at me or something."

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin inclines her head toward Scott at his own input toward such things. "Still, my ... upbringing is often brought into question. I am trying to adapt." Torture bad. Don't mention torture. They might question how you know. "I will not speak of such things in front of children, da." She agrees with a solemn nod. Sneaking another peice of chicken now that it was totaly done, a much larger peice, she adds, "I believe I will be going myself for now. I have much to catch up on."

Cypher has posed:
    Doug looks up at Nate, and then says, "...Wait for me- I want to know if Stefano's really come back from the dead in a younger clone body or if it's just a red herring!" He takes the last of the chicken out and plates it up, steals a choice piece and a waffle, and chasses after the Mutant shaman.

Cyclops has posed:
"Have a good night, folks." Scott calls after the departing folks, before spending a few moments chowing down on his own piece of chicken. More fuel for late-night paper-grading....