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X-men Natural Disaster
Date of Scene: 29 May 2019
Location: Civic Center - Empire Bay
Synopsis: The X-men, Scott, Doug, Emma, Kurt, Nate, Storm, Rogue, Sam, Sunspot, and Kitty, respond to a suspension bridge collapsing after an earthquake. Blinkdog arrives to help survivors
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Emma Frost, X-Man, Storm, Nightcrawler, Sunspot, Cyclops, Cannonball, Rogue, Cypher, Blinkdog

Shadowcat has posed:
Adam Westbrook was on his way home from work, as were many people. He took the exit towards the giant suspension bridge that connected Empire Bay with some of the suburbs across the bay. His radio was tuned to a sports station where they are arguing about who the Giants should have play quarterback this year. Suddenly, the car started to jump about on the road. With a gasp, Adam realized that the car wasn't moving, the road was! The suspension bridge's roadway was undulating, sending cars sliding across it, hitting each other and the protective barrier along the edge.

Over in Empire Bay there were signs of dust and even some debris falling from buildings as glass shattered. It was an earthquake! And the bridge was not handling it well. The end of the span in front of Adam developed a massive crack and then a section of it completely collapsed. Vertical suspension cables along that length snapped, while others started to visibly unravel. The whole roadway along the bridge swayed crazily. Back behind Adam, at the far end of the bridge, another crack develops, pulling apart the roadway and leaving a 15 feet wide chasm looking down at the water below.


Back at Xavier's school, Charles Xavier was using Cerebro when so many minds being gripped by terror caught his attention. He quickly read their thoughts to realize a large scale earthquake was hitting Empire Bay. His thoughts go out to the X-men and New Mutants: "Empire Bay is in danger from an earthquake. The bridge there is collapse. Many lives are at risk. You have to help them.

The Blackbird is soon blasting through the sky towards Empire Bay. It's a short trip at the speeds the plane is capable of. Soon the mutant responders are on the scene.

The bridge span is completely missing at one end, and the other has a huge gap, trapping dozens of cars with occupants. Some of the retaining barriers along the side have collapsed, so cars could slide off sideways and make the crushing fall to the water, should the bridge sway too much more.

A ferry in the water below the bridge was hit by the falling span of roadway. The front of the ferry is completely crushed, and it is slowly tipping forward, the stern starting to raise up into the air.

More of the suspension cables are visibly fraying or snapping over time. Each one that snaps sends the roadway swaying. The ground has stopped shaking for now, but aftershocks are possible.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma Frost sits in the sleek jet at the back. She's not quite as senior as most anyone else on board, so she gets last pick of the seat. Or that's what Rogue told and demanded. Sitting in the back though doesn't make Emma any less effective as a telepath, and she gets to work, like an operator at a switch board she's reaching out with her mind and plugging direct links from brain to brain in the team, setting up the vital mental communication link the team has become accustomed to.

    <<Alright Scott, team is plugged in an ready to go.>> The White Queen reports from her back seat before her head snaps up and she pouts. "Thoughts of that nature will not be tollerated at this time." She says loudly, but doesn't out the person or what the thought itself was.

X-Man has posed:
    The Blackbird. Sure, it's a marvel of alien technology mingled with human ingenuity, but... But to someone like Nate Grey, it feels cramped and claustrophobic. Where he comes from, vehicles are the sort of thing you only see among the elite of the elite within Apocalypse's upper echelons of society. Outside of the megacities people live mostly like the dark ages. Nate was one of those outsiders. He had never seen the inside of a vehicle until he came to this universe. He still finds it more comforting to fly on his own volition.

    But for now, he abides. The team uses the jet. So Nate is strapped in to a seat, wearing a black, literal bathrobe of terrycloth and a pair of pajama pants that are striped in varying shades of gray. No shirt, no shoes. It's not his way. But he doesn't look comfortable. Restless, maybe. Perturbed. His heel bounces his knee up and down, jittery, as he peers down at the screen of his smart phone in his hand. It's an attempt to take his mind off of feeling like he's crushed in a tin can with a lot of other people. When Emma calls out about certain types of thoughts not being allowed, Nate crosses one leg over the other and sinks deeper into the seat.

Storm has posed:
Ororo bails from the Blackbird a half a kilometer away and surges ahead with a steady flightpath. She's clad all in black, subtle yellow lines adding some depth and contours to the outfit. A gold-hemmed cloak flaps in her wake. << Laying down cover,>> Ororo broadcasts. Her eyes go milky white as a dense fogbank springs out of nowhere, encircling the bridge area to block off prying eyes without compromising the vision of the team of operators.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Ducking his head at Emma's shout, Kurt tries to look innocent as he has the Bamfs gathered with him, to one side, and in clear view of 'dem legs'. The little imps all laugh at Nightcrawler, rolling on the floor like little blue-black ballls of mirth as Kurt adjusts his straps in the jump seat. His tail flicking and lashing around his own leg so as to keep it from slapping things, or people, with nervous movement.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto spent most of the flight in the Blackbird talking on a cellphone. Apparently Da Costa International has a branch office in Empire City. It took some damage, but it must not be serious as they still have landlines working. He has been trying to get them to find out what has happened, though. Which is not really what they supposed to be doing. Or have been trained to do. Da Costa International is not into information gathering or relief from natural disasters.

He realizes this. But what is the use of having thousands of people in the payroll if they can't help when helping is important? Clearly he needs to review his business model. Or maybe invest into new ones.

Since he is a so-so flyer, Sunspot stays in the Blackbird until it lands, but he tries to be the first to get out and check the state of the bridge.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde is busy hacking some webcams on the flight out trying to get an advanced idea of the situation. "Looks like one end of the bridge is utterly gone. Like, 100 feet of roadway. The other has a big crack in it. A 10 to 20 foot gap, so no driving the cars off of the span," she says. That's all that she has time to check before the Blackbird is landing.

Shadowcat has on her X-man uniform, and Lockheed is perched on her shoulder. As the jet reaches the site, she looks out of the window. "Ferry's sinking," she says with a frown. "Not sure how long it's going to take to go down. Full load of cars at rush hour though, probably a couple dozen people on it at least," she says.

Cyclops has posed:
<<All right people, we're going to have to move fast.>> Cyclops is probably a little too used to telepaths being in his head, all told, so he adjusts instantly to the new contact. <<Sam, I want you take Doug onto the bridge. There'll be a lot of people speaking a lot of different languages up there and I need him to keep them calm and moving in an orderly fashion. Be ready to evac who you can if things start going south. Emma, I need you trying to "spot" anyone that's seriously injured for priority evacuation. Storm, keep us covered, and use your winds to play "safety net" for anyone that spills off the bridge. Nate, you're our backup spotter, and I need you to try to keep the bridge steady with your TK, but if occupied vehicles start dropping, they're the priority.>> There's the briefest of pauses, <<Any other fliers, swingers, crawlers, and teleporters, you're the evac team. Sunspot, you're our jaws of life if we need it. Start getting people off that bridge and onto solid ground>> Sitting behind the pilot's wheel, Scott doesn't land the Blackbird, but brings it to a hover and opens the large sliding hatch in the floor in the floor to allow folks to safely exit. With the announcement of the emperiled ferry, Scott rapidly adjusts, <<Strike that. Nate, take care of that ferry first. We'll have to trust the bridge can hold out.>>

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is wearing his newer costume a pair of dark blue pants with a rest stripe along the outside seam with a black belt around his waist that has a pair of pouchs at his hips (Liefield is not draying him so only two) A dark blue long sleeved jacket on, that buttons on a flap across the chest on the left side The buttons each a little X symbol. He lowers his black metal gogles witht he slightly red lenses to his eyes as he walks to the back of the plane, and offers a hand to Doug and Roberto. "Ready for old times boys?" his back to the hatch waiting for his friends to join him.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is inside the cockpit of the blackbird at the controls. She shouts back to everyone. "Don't let this get any more outta hand than it already is, yeah?" But her main goal here is to keep the squad ready to have a quick evac, i.e. pilot the Blackbird or at least help pilot it.

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks down at the simple black and gray uniform he's wearing, and he adjusts his headset. He looks... skeptical, but mostly at himself. "No." He says to Sam, candidly. "...But what choice do we have?" His hair blows in the wind, as he crouches, and then studies the bridge, before he brings up an image of it on a tablet and starts noting stress points in the bridge's superstructure with flicks of his fingers. They appear as red circles. "...These locations need shoring up. If more of the bridge starts coming apart, this is where it'll happen."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner frowns and tries to concentrait into the link, <<Ororo, I know this is Bobby's gig - but can you freeze the water around the ferry, keep it floating?>>. He removes his straps, looking down to the Bamfs and then he is on the cieling with a quick hop, moving on all fours to get a look out one of the view ports. "Ach, I wish Piotr or Hank were here..." brow knitting as he tries to come up with a game plan for evac.

Sunspot has posed:
Sunspot takes flight and heads for the bridge, "I might need to need telepathic guidance to find the injured," he states. Otherwise he can pull out people in pairs. No wait, he can pull out whole vehicles; it is sunny enough he will keep his powers.

Except Storm is making it foggy. Still, he should be able to pull out a few vehicles before running out of energy reserves. "I'll start on one side. Cannonball or Rogue can start on the other?" He suggests.

X-Man has posed:
    <<Ferry first. Got it.>> Nate replies, his voice ringing loud and clear across the telepathic channels, as if he were in HD Audio among radio static. Without even unstrapping from the seat, Nate Grey seems to melt through it, sinking through the floor and out of the bottom of the hull. His left eye flares with brilliant golden light that becomes a fiery aura that surrounds his body. The Dudely attire he wears sparkles and crackles, and bleeds away, becoming, in its place, transformed into a jumpsuit of tight fitting leather in blue, with a bold white X across his lean, muscular torso, zipped up the front save for the upturned collar. Anyone familiar with Scott would recognize the design as his old blue and white uniform. Minus the head condom.

    Hovering above the bridge, X-Man lowers his face and focuses his will. Raising one hand, palm open and fingers upturned, he reaches out with his mind to find that dangerously tipping ferry. The crushed front end groans in protest as rent steel strains against its own weight, but it begins to rise out of the water. <<I'm going to lift the ferry to the bridge to let others evacuate the people.>>

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will take Dougs hand and fall backwards and ignite taking himself and the other man into the air. As Sunspot flys away he says "Ah keep forgetting he can do that, do Ah get to get super strength next?" He jokes trying to keep the mood light. He will head towards the opposite end of the bridge, and cut his power a couple feet aove the bridge so Doug and he have a small drop but better than coming in like a cannonball. "Ok, you got this." Sam moves to start helping people. Women and children getting priority. A couple or three at a time, depending on how well he can carry them.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Based on the demands of Scott, Emma realizes she doesn't have to get out of the jet as she's going to be a simple mind scan of the bridge but she doesn't like that objective and she wants to be seen actually helping, but she knows that would sour the budding relationship she has with the microsociety of the school. So Emma stays in place and focuses on finding any minds that seem imobile for one reason or another.

    Emma's fingers hold tightly onto the cape she's been sitting on since they took off and she slowly clenches her fist. <<On the far side of the bridge Kurt, there's a woman who's bleeding onto her shirt and pants, barely conscious and her toddler is beyond scared in the back seat. Red SUV, older.>> Emma thinks towards the blue boy knowing he'll be the fastest. <<They could use your help out there Rogue, you don't have to put weight on the bridge to help people.>> The woman says, wondering why the belle is staying on the jet this time.

Cyclops has posed:
<<Negative, Nate...put it on solid ground, or at least get it close enough to shore that the passengers can evac themselves. The weight might be more than the remains of the bridge can take.>> Cyclops sends over the "Emmanet" rather emphatically. <<Rogue, I've got the jet. You can start getting cars off that bridge.>> Mountain-shattering eyebeams are not the most useful thing in a search and rescue, but coordination and "eyes in the sky" certainly can be.

Nightcrawler has posed:
B-B-B-B-B-BAMFFFFF!! A veritable fog machine worth of brimstone smoke is left behind by Nightcrawler and the imps as they disappear in unison, guided by Emma to the ground, three inside the SUV and two with Kurt outside as they begin to work, unlocking the doors to perform first responder aid while the little fuzzballs giggle and stand so that the child can see them, with their hair flopping about, trying to look like plush dolls.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty phases herself and Lockheed down out of the plane. <<We'll help get people out of vehicles,>> she sends through the link that Emma is providing. Kitty reaches up and Lockheed grabs her hand, wings flapping extra hard as he picks up her, Kitty phasing part of her body to help remove the weight. The dragon flies her out to the bridge span.

She pauses, looking at the mess of cars. <<Talk about a traffic pileup,>> she sends. <<So many of these cars are slid into each other and the barriers, people can't get out!>>

Shadowcat runs forward, phasing through the first vehicle while Lockheed flies overhead. "It's ok, I'll get you out of here," she says to a woman who is pushing on her car door with her feet, trying to force it open wider than the handswidth she's managed to open it.

"What!? Who are you!? Please, save little Jimmy!" she says, pointing to her four year old in his car seat. He's busy playing a game on his phone oblivious to the situation.

Kitty grabs them both, "It'll just feel funny for a second," she tells them as she phases them both, bringing them to an open spot of road, and then releasing them. "Stay here, away from the edges. Someone will help get you back to land shortly," she says, before heading back into the mess of wrecked vehicles.

Cypher has posed:
Doug goes 'Whoop!' as Sam pulls him off the bridge, and he lans, tucking and rolling, before he gets to his feet. He comes face to face with a crowd of people, and to get their attention, sticks two fingers in his mouth and lets out a piercing whistle. *FWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~* He points. "THIS WAY. Do NOT push. We WILL get you off the bridge. If you SEE someone who needs help, HELP THEM." He looks at the group, and then picks out an old woman. "Ma'am. What did you do before you retired?"

"I was a Kindergarten teacher!"

"Perfect! Keep these people together and get them over *there* where my teammates can start airlifting you to safety." He points, and then sets off to help more people. "Forma un grupo ordenado y dirígete de esa manera. ¡Revisa los carros que pasas para ver si hay alguien atrapado dentro!"

Sunspot has posed:
Right, Nightcrawler is better for evac injured than himself. So Roberto starts the process of hauling cars and vans out of the bridge remains and into the shore. Starting with the heavier to also relieve the shattered bridge of some weight.

He is not as fast a flier as Sam, but in his powered up, pitch black form, he can carry several tons with ease. It is still going to take hours to clear the whole bridge if he has to do it alone.

X-Man has posed:
    <<There's a building that's crumpling. Support beams have been weakened.>> Nate calls out across the telepathic channel. <<Several people trapped inside. The stairwell has caved in... I'm going to go get that.>>

    Nate sounds as calm as a Hindu Cow through the mental link between the team. When his father issues the order to move the ferry to dry land, Nate gives the feeling of compliance, but his lips curl into a lopsided grin. <<Don't worry. I've got this.>>

    Nate isn't exactly modest when it comes to his near infinite power. If anything, he's a bit TOO confident in his ability. And as such, the young mutant only rises towards the heavens, wreathed in a golden corona of psionic power. The ferry, wrecked as it is, has righted itself in the air, held aloft by the force of Nate's will, and following him as if tethered to him by an invisible chain. Once he's far over the bridge, with the half demolished ship in tow, he leans forward and begins rushing towards the land. His mind expands, and he focuses harder.

    Crackling lashes of golden light dimly sparkle around the bridge, forming ropes of psychic power to try to hold the bridge together so nothing more falls apart. Simultaneously, he extends a hand in towards the city, where in the distance, he also reaches out trying to stabilize an eleven story building that is teetering and on the brink of total structural collapse.

    Nate doesn't seem to notice the blood that is starting to seep out of his left nostril, as the corresponding eye flares even brighter, with a light nearly as intense as staring at the sun.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty has been helping people out of trapped vehicles one after another. <<I have a dozen people at the east end of the bridge who need transport over to the->> she manages to get out, when there's a rumbling feeling.

The bridge starts to sway dangerously as an aftershock comes in! A few of the support cables snap, the massive cables of metal flying up into the air with dangerously speeds as the tension on them suddenly becomes too much, making them a danger to any flyers in the air.

Kitty watches in horror as a pair of vehicles slide towards a gap in the retaining barrier. She phases and dives through one of the cars, coming out the other side with the driver, and only occupant.

The other car? It keeps sliding towards the drop off, too far for Kitty to reach them. <<Mini-van! East end of bridge, going over the edge!>> she cries out to get the attention of someone capable of saving the family of three inside!

Nightcrawler has posed:
    The Bamfs move around rushing children, that don't cringe at the sight of them too much, to safe points, giggling, dancing, and jumping like little blue pied pipers while Kurt works triage. Disappearing and reappearing multiple times, to and from the Blackbird, hospitals, and anywhere else he has seen and can logically assume there will be back and neck boards he can put the most wounded on. <<Nate, if you can, I am getting those who can't walk out. Can you move them to stable ground once they are strapped in?>>
    One of the cables whips towards him, and Nightcrawler is forced to disappear and reappear in a split second move, turned with a cut across his cheek, he is spinning but not dead and he is on the ground for a few moments, his mind wavering in the link as he fights to keep conscious and keep to his work.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has the Blackbird in hover mode and she slips out the back of it, she soars through the sky and vanishes beneath the bridge. <<"I'm gonna try'n stabilize this part'a it, keep it steady while people evacuate up above. I'm not sure how much this thing weighs though... it might just crumble down all around me.">>

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma's in the black bird and her fingers are clutched onto the cape she wears for this kind of work, but she's still strapped into her seat at the back of the bus- err Jet. Frost looks forward, opening her eyes and gasping. "Oh. Oh God. Scott." With her words only spoken and not telepathically sent, her own nose starts to ooze blood. Her eyes go unfocused as she tries to hold it together, but her mind is being used against her by a greater force.

    The whole team might not feel the change, because it's not physical, but the mental connection fades and vanishes. The mind link Emma was sharing for the team is gone as the white queen was out matched.

Cyclops has posed:
Cyclops frowns behind the controls of the Blackbird, being the naturally pragmatic sort that isn't as confident of Nate's abilities as he is. Albeit mostly because he hasn't had enough time to fully observe them in the field. So instead of discouragement, he settles on a <<Just be careful, Nate.>> He brings the around, still studying the bridge and trying to keep an eye (even two, despite his codename) on the situation from his vantage point. <<Kurt, I know it's going to be a strain, but if you can get multiples out at a time, we might need that kind of speed.>> Too many people, not enough time. Cyclops grits his teeth while his mind races for solutions.

X-Man has posed:
    <<Sure...Kurt!>> Nate says, before the mental connection begins to wane and peeter off. However, the aftershocks come, and Nate's focus suffers for it. He is, after all, trying to hold the bridge together while simultaneous hold a bridge up, AND send a ferry to ground. The lashes of golden light that wind around the bridge start to grow dim, with some visibly fizzling out of existence. Others physically SNAP! in half with a sound like a firecracker and the smell of ionized air, before they, too, dissipate into flittering embers and vanish. From inside the city, there is the sound of deafeningly loud pops as steel beams give way, and the rumble of concrete breaking, grinding against one another, and starting to fall.


    Nate grits his teeth, snarling as he refocuses himself. The ferry is send careening into the ground at the shore. It is not a smooth landing. The front end of the ship crashes into stone and pavement, and chews it up for nearly half a football field as the ship comes skidding to a halt.

    But at least those people are safe. Ish.

    Nate's eye flares have grown wilder, more erratic. If anyone should look up to him, flying in the sky, they might see that the socket of his eye is peeling, the flesh withering away in strips like paper, carried off in the wind of his telekinesis. Blood has drenched his lower face, dripping from his chin, and down his chest. He holds both arms outstretched, one arm towards the bridge, and the other towards the building just off of the shore that now leans dangerously to one side.

    And yet, he's still reaching out with his mind. More. People, the people that Kurt asked him to help, are lifting into the air. It is unsteady. They bob up and down, like his grip is failing, but they are starting to rise and move.

Cypher has posed:
"Listen," Doug tells a group of people on the bridge. "We are trying to get all of you out of here, but we can't do it alone. This has to be a team effort. I need you guys to get organized. Round people up, get them together in the safest spots so that we can evacuate them out more easily. Break up into teams and *stick together*." He looks up and around, and then radios, "This is getting out of hand, down here. I'm trying to get these people organized, but--" He watches a cable go *TWUNG-SPANG* and then crush an abandoned car. "Where's Superman when you need him..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is on a trip back, as the sables start snapping. He will move to intercept as many as he can trusting in his blast field to keep him from being hurt and trying to make sure they fall away from people. He sees the Mini-van and grits his teeth as he pours on the speed to get past and under the minivan. The the blast field disapears for a moment, as Sam cuts his power and grabs hold of the bottom of the minivan before kicking his power back in. this causes the field to help take in the van and not send him blasting through it. With a grunt the Minivan's decent will stop and start going upward a bit and then a controled slope downward towards shore.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott frowns, feeling something amiss in the back of his head...in the sense of literally missing. He glances over his shoulder to where Emma has fallen unconscious, a moment of shock hitting his face. "Emma!" He quickly sets the Blackbird to auto-hover mode a safe distance away from the bridge, and snatches a radio headset to place over his head as he races to the back of the jet to assess the White Queen's condition, even while cueing the radio to speak, "Somebody give me some kind of count on the bridge. I think we're reaching the point where we're going to have to start ferrying them with the jet." Secrecy be damned, there are too many lives at stake.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty watches the mini-van go over the side, her heart feeling like it is dropping to the bottom of her body, when suddenly Cannonball appears pushing the van back into the air and over towards shore.

"YES!" she cries out, jumping and with her arms in the air like she were cheering at a sporting event. She thinks to him, but then seems to realize the psychic connection is down. She switches to comms. <<Is Emma ok? Don't think I'm in the link anymore," she says.

"There's a dozen at the east end. Another, two to three dozen, some still in vehicles. At least," she says. Kitty heads over, holding up a hand to fend off the heat from a vehicle that has caught fire. A bit of smoke obscures the area.

Kitty emerges from the smoke, seeing a few more wrecked vehicles. "Um, guys, I have a prison transport here," she says. She runs forward, phasing into the vehicle and finding a man in a guard uniform unconscious. She manages to rouse him. "Hey, you're ok. Did you have any passengers in here? Any prisoners?" Kitty asks.

The guard nods his head. "Yeah, two bad, bad dudes. I unlocked them and they jumped me. They are wearing..." he says and then stops, looking out the window. "Orange prison jumpsuits, like those," he says, pointing out the window. There are two prison jumpsuits, and two unconscious men in their underwear there.

Kitty fumes and says over comms, "Ok, we have two escaped prisoners, who are in normal clothing now," she says. "Repeat, two of the people on the bridge are escaped violent convicts, in normal clothing now!"

X-Man has posed:
    Nate's temple, and part of his cheekbone has eroded away, leaving only golden fire blazing out of the hole in him violently, showering sparks into the air. The building just off shore tilts and starts to fall, but that fall is noticeable slowed and when the side of the building touches base with the city floor, it doesn't do so with a crash, but with only a heavy, resounding thud.

    Unfortunately, the bridge suffers no great resolution thanks to the efforts of Nathan Grey. The young, near cosmic level mutant's single blue eye goes glassy and vacant. His outstretched arms dip and then fall, giving out. The golden aura that surrounds him sputters and extinguishes.

    Nate Grey becomes a limp ragdoll, and plummets towards the water below, with only a trail of psionic fire leaving a streaking trail that becomes golden smoke behind him.


    Queue the dramatic underwater shot of Nate sinking into the darkness of the abyss while The Sound of Silence plays in the background.

Cypher has posed:
And the telepaths are on the ropes. Doug looks up, and then climbs onto a car, in a crouch. He scans the people on the bridge, and then says, "...They split up. They're hiding in the crowd, trying to get evacuated along with everybody else." His eyes narrow, as he start sorting out bits of information from people's postures, the way they're interacting with the crowd, what they're looking at. "...Shaved head. six foot two. Has a tattoo on the outside of his outer right forearm." He squints, and then puts on a pair of glasses. A bat of an eyelash, and they magnify what he's looking at. "...Aryan Nations markings." Then he looks up, and watches Nate fall out of the sky. "Sam-- we lost X-Man!"

Emma Frost has posed:
    Underneath the (hopefully) highly trained medical hand of Scott Summers, Emma has fallen forwards on her chair as the power drain of Nate caused her to reach her limit and in a hurry. The blonde woman is leaning forward but caught by the harness at her shoulders and chest, keeping her from hitting the floor in a heap.

    Emma's nose continues to bleed from the popped vessel in her nasal cavity and it's gotten on her corset and even her gloves, boots and now the floor unceremoneously and likely disturbingly.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Unable to hear Scott as the link drops, Kurt lifts his head momentarily confused - no more link. he has no choice but to keep going. Grabbing people who are uninjured, or at least only have a few bumps, "You and you at each end, keep them level, go hurry, mach schnell!" He frowns, so many people... "Gott im Himmel, leite uns" crossing himself.
    One at a time, keeping the distance short to reduce the fatigue, Kurt begins porting people out and returning to the bridge, moving as quick as he can despite the growing ache that is starting bone deep, and then Nate sails past the bridge, limp. "Tell me if you need me to go after him... I'm evacuating as fast as I can."  He explodes intopurple smoke with another civillian in tow, setting the poor exhausted man down on safe ground before looking back to the bridge, and doing it again. "Meine Hand ist Seine, und das Licht und die Wärme des Himmels strömen in meine Seele," BAMF again "wo die Kälte der Enttäuschung sie auslöschen würde." BAMF and again, "Möge er meinen Geist erheben und mir Kraft geben," BAMF and again... He drops to one knee, coughing and grating out "das zu tun, was ich tun soll, und sollte er mich nach Hause rufen, werde ich gehen und wissen," BAMF once more "dass ich ihm mit jedem Atemzug gedient habe." BAMF and again he appears, carrying a woman, his eyes looking dimmed, breath coming in ragged gasps as he speaks on comms, "Anyone... how many more... I can keep going..."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott doesn't do "panic" thankfully, and has a full bevy of first aid training, as well as no small experience with overextended telepaths of exceptional power. "Emma is down, stay on regular comms. Keep focusing on herding the people. Doug, keep an eye on our escapees if you can, but they get evacuated too. Hopefully just far enough to go right back into police custody. And someone try to get Nate out of the water before he drowns." He breaks out a clean bit of gauze and carefully wipes Emma's nose, while his other hand checks her pulse, just to be sure. "Come on, Emma. We need you. You knew signing on with us was never going to be easy or fun...."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is telling the people in the van they are safe, and as his com kicks in a brow will raise, but hearing Nate is going down the young man will turn and dive into the water as he hits it he looks like a torpedo now. "Which way was he?" He asks as he is heading roughly the right way but depending on one of the ones topside to give him directions on which way to to get the right spot.

Shadowcat has posed:
There is a small splash above Nate. A small form that draws nearer. Grasping him by the back of his shirt and then towing him back upwards. They break the surface and Lockheed spreads his wings, shaking water from them and beginning to flap hard. Lifting Nate with his water-logged clothing is tougher than lifting a partially-phased Kitty,but with hard flaps of his wings, the pair finally lift free of the water. Lockheed flies him to the shore where some of the rescued people are at.

Kitty hears Doug over comms. "Alright, I've got the cuffs," she says. She waits for the inevitable quip from Rogue as Kitty works her way through the crowd. Spotting the first convict by Doug's description, she suddenly grabs him in a wrist lock, putting the man on his knees. One wrist is cuffed, then the other joins it behind it his back.

"One down. Any sight of the other?" she asks Doug over comms.

Cypher has posed:
Doug hops down off the car, and twiddles with his headset, before he walks up to a group of civillians, next to a middle-aged, overweight, bald man. Without being prompted, he reaches down to his belt and unholsters a taser, before he jabs the guy under the ribs, and then puts him in a chokehold, neatly taking him out. "...Got him." He radios to Kitty. "...I can't believe that hold worked. RR's been teaching me how to take down people bigger than I am quickly--"

X-Man has posed:
    Rescued by the second most teensie dragon next to the dreaded fire ant, Nate's unconscious form is laid out on the pebble strewn shore, drenched and with a gaping, charred hole in his face. An actual, literally hole over his left eye, cheek and temple. However, the edges of that singed hole in his head are lined with a thin line of golden light, and slowly starting to recreate flesh and bone. At least he won't end up taking over Chamber's schtick.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott tries to make Emma as comfortable as can be managed while strapped into one of the Blackbird's seats, and pulls a thermal blanket out from one of the overhead supply bins to keep her warm for the time being. Not much else he can do for her at the moment, so he races back to the jet controls, "Clear some space on the bridge, I'm going to bring the Blackbird in low and we'll start loading people on and ferrying them to shore. Kurt, Kitty, keep working on trapped and injured people. We're going to get this done, people."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie continues his ziping and zooming under the water. Pressing himself to hold his breath as long as he can before he surfaces cutting his blast field to not go out of the water. He gulps in air, and says over the com. "Ah ca't find him, where did he go down, ah need some directions here people."

Cypher has posed:
"...I saw Lockheed pull him out of the water, at your 10:00." Doug radios, "...Go check on him and make sure he's all right?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde calls out to Sam over comms, "Lockheed just pulled him out. X-man is over on shore if you want to check on him." She runs over to where the Blackbird is coming down at a hover. "Cyclops, if you hold it just above the bridge, I'll ferry the people up through the bottom of the plane," she says.

Kitty turns to motion people forward. "Nightcrawler, how are you holding up?" she asks over comms. She takes hold of a woman and her child, phasing them and running up through the air like she were going up invisible stairs, through the belly of the plane and inside. She emerges moments later, just falling out and stopping herself on the bridge to repeat the process.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    There is a haze from his leaps to and from the Brimstone dimension. "I will keep going. Don't worry Kitty." standing with his hands on his knees, tail limb, the Bamfs even looking tired as they continue to move people. "He guides me and I will not fail Him." crossing himself for the second time in minutes as he moves a pair, and another. "Anyone with eyes above, give me locations."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will jet over to Nate, coming up on land to check on the man winceing as he sees the damage, but a brow raised as it is healing. He will kneal down to check the man's pulse, and says over the coms . "Looks like he will live, and has a healing factor to rival Wolverine's." He will stay with the man, to see if he gains consiousness or needs to be carried to the jet.

Cypher has posed:
"I'm getting things organized up here," Doug says, "And we're getting things moving, but the clock's running out." He moves among the cars, and then spies a little girl in a car. She's locked herself in in in a panic. he sets his jaw, and then says, "I'm really sorry about this!" As he grabs a hunk of fallen concrete and smashes in the passenger side window to unlock the car and pull her out. He passes the screaming toddler off to two women nearby to get her to safety.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde ferries people back and forth up to the plane, until finally there isn't enough room for her to safely phase people back in without them overlapping someone else. "Alright Cyclops, get them to land," she says. Kitty returns to the bridge, telling the remaining people, "The plane will be right back soon, ok? Just don't panic, we'll be-"

Kitty's encouraging them to not panic takes a set back as there is a giant groaning sound from the bridge. A few of the cables at the end start to give way, people running back up the bridge's roadway, having seen how the bottom parts slam into the pavement. Kitty grabs several people in the crowd as one such cable lashes towards them, smashing through their phased bodies into the street, and then lying still.

She unphases them and lets out a breath. "Let's all move back, I don't know if this section of the bridge is going to-"

Kitty getting interrupted by bad events is getting tiring. There's a sound of crumbling concrete and Kitty and the few people run just as the part they were standing on gives way. Kitty leaps, one of the people catching her hand and helping pull her back up. "Thank you," she tells them as she catches her breath, then shoos people back from that crumbling edge further, and goes to help get people out of cars while waiting for the plane to return.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will pick up Nate, and flys him up to the black bird. He will make sure the other is buckled in so he can continue to regenerate. He will then fly back to the bridge and continue ferrying one or two at a time, better to keep them moving than just wait for the plane.

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks up, and then says, "Let's get the last of these people out of here--" He glances up, and then suddenly moves, without prompting, to push a man out of the way, just as a piece of metal and masonry breaks loose. He's still moving himself, but the falling debris tags him, and he lands in a heap, with his leg pinned under it. "Hnnnnnn - my leg! I'm stuck! ...I think it's broken-"

Nightcrawler has posed:
Leaping over a snapping wire, tucking into a ball with a child clutched to his chest, before Kurt runs along the side of a box truck, diving to the top of a sedan and then sprinting through a clear point. Tail lashing back and forth - a child being too weak of body to be transported his way. "Kitty... I'm not sure how many are left." Kurt sets the child down, making sure she runs the correct way before he turns and fluidly smashes hip first into a stopped car, spinning and landing on hands and knees.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFannen first noticed when a crowd of people started gathering at the window of an electronic's store in Harlem. As he watched the news broadcasts through the window he thought to himself that it was all a lot of trouble. There was nothing he could do without exposing himself. His life is complicated enough without appearing on television. Besides with that many powered people present what is to prevent the bad people taking an interest too. After all he's met some of them before. Not to mention those sentinel things that have been in the newspapers lately.

Still... there will be a lot of people in need of help just outside the zone of interest. Perhaps there was something he could do afterall. Better late than sorry, Bobbly moved to duck into a dark alley willing himself to change. For once it worked without fighting him. There was somewhere he had to go first. It would technically be stealing but it was for a good cause.

Soon after he appeared at a church and made his way quietly into the back rooms avoiding people as he went by teleporting behind them in the halls. Soon he was at a supply closet. Filling his arms with blankets and bundling first-aid kits in a pile on one of the blankets he hefted everything up and vanished... Soon he would appear within running distance in an out of the way alcove. He keeps his dog-like face hidden behind the stack of blankets and covered with his hoodie as much as possible.

X-Man has posed:
    No sooner than he's strapped down to a seat, Nate's right, normal, blue eye snaps open wide like a silver dollar. The remnant of the hole, now centered just over his eye erupts once more, spewing forth gouts of golden fire that sparks like electricity. He draws in a deep breath, loud wheezing, as he starts.

    And he hears the groaning of the bridge. The collapsing of pieces of it. The strange sound of the metal support beams snapping and whipping about like deadly blades that are over a foot or two thick.

    Nate scrambles out of his seat and rises to his feet, pushing past people that had been loaded up on the cargo bay and leaping out of the back. The aura of psychic power stutters around him, but it does begin once again as he freefalls, allowing him to swoop back up to the bridge.

    Reestablishing the mental link, Nate calls out to once and all, <<I'm... I'm going to fix the bridge.>>

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde, as Shadowcat, keeps the people backing up, as over time more and more of the concrete has crumbled at the edges of the bridge. <<It looks in really bad shape. I think if we just get everyone off of it, that it's a big win,>> she thinks. <<Are you even ok to be up already, X-man? Don't want you overdoing it,>> she adds.

The Blackbird has left the people on shore where the entrance to the bridge is, or was, and flies back over to start loading more people. That's when Kitty hears Doug cry out. "Do-... Cypher!" she says, just avoiding using his real name in front of the people. She waves to Nighcrawler to join her as Kitty runs through the cars over to wear Doug is.

"Ok, going to phase you out," she says, taking Doug's shoulder in hand and phasing him before pulling him out from beneath the debris. "Nightcrawler, can you get him to safety?" she asks. "I'll get the rest of the people on the plane."

Kitty glances over towards where the crowd of refugees is already milling back on land. Probably a number of them are in shock, not to mention the outright wounded, and with so much going on, it may take awhile to get any kind of supplies or medical aid to them.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Keeping pace with Kitty, despite the feeling like all of his muscles were tearing, Kurt moves to grab Doug, "Ja. I can get him clear." looking to the "I apologize ahead of time, Doug. Neither of this will enjoy this." not wishing to risk his leg further, Doug is introduced to the Brimstone dimension as the air rushes into where they stood with a louder, chuffing BAMF. It's a roiling dimension of smoke, and unearthly sound - the home of creatures like Kurt, like the Bamfs, like Azazel. It's a fleeting glimpse, but even Wolverine hated going through the first time he BAMF!ed.
    The effect is draining as well, like running a 4k, and Kurt can do this up to two miles at a time, safely. He's running on fumes now, but he musters the strength to keep from falling on Doug, who never even had to be picked up. His face does slap against the pavement, brimstone smoke rolling out of his mouth, nose, ears, it permeates his clothes and makes him look like he's steaming.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog runs, making his way past people hurredly moving in the other direction, or past those who were just standing and gawking. He needed to make it to a spot where the people from the bridge and nearby were gathering. Where they were tending to the hurt. After some searching and running away from individuals who spotted his face and started to stare he soon discovered a place where people were standing around, or sitting, or laying on the ground looking lost and unsure what to do. That was where he needed to go. There was a patch of roadway leading eventually towards the ruined bridge where they were gathering. Some placed there by rescuers, others winding up there after fleeing their vehicles early on enough to get away from the bridge's disruption before they were cut off for one reason or another. These were the people he could help.

Moving into the middle of them he set down his large bundle and grabbed one man who was standing looking around as in shock. The man stared at him, eyeing Blinkdog's face where his muzzle stuck out from under the hood. "Forget that! This stuff is for you guys! Start passing it out!" Blinkdog yelled at him. Getting through the mand nodded and began to stoop down grabbing things to pass out and gathering other's attention to help out as well.

Seeing that his care package was being recieved, Blinkdog backed away into the crowd of people and vanished to get another armload. If not from the same church then from one of the homeless shelters nearby.... well anywhere within a twenty-mile radius which are plenty in this densely packed city. Before he left he saw other spots where people were being gathered. They would need supplies too. He just hopes that this wont cause more trouble than its worth. (OOC> Yes I do a name and desc change when he transforms. He even thinks of himself as a different person and name for the telepaths present.)

Cypher has posed:
Doug, who's been dead, comes through it somewhat rattled. He puts his weight on his good leg, and then says, "Don't pass out on me now, Kurt, we need to get the hell out of here." He reaches down to put his shoulder under Nightcrawler, and hold him up. "...Two for pickup?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will fly over to the other two heroes, and as he lands he says "Cannonball airlines, we travel in the straightest of lines, turning well 50/50." He jokes he is much better than he used to be. He will offer Doug and Kurt each a shoulder to leans on and so he can hold them both well and not drop them on the blast off.

Cypher has posed:
"How's your landings?" Doug asks, as Sam picks them up. "And did you like the mixtape?"

X-Man has posed:
    <<I can manage.>> Nate replies across the mental link. Hey. The water washed away all the blood, at least. <<Look at Kurt. He's exhausted but still doing it. I can do this. Look after Doug. He's my only friend that watches Days with me. I... I can take it from here.>>

    Thankfully, Kitty and Kurt do manage to tend to Doug, which is a big relief for Nate, for what it's worth. And it seems that Dougie's not much worse for wear. He's seen worse.

    Down to the surface of the bridge, Nate hovers, his feet only a foot or two above what's left of cracked and crumbling pavement. He closes his eyes, and dips his chin to his chest. His head is throbbing. His pulse feels like a sledgehammer beating against the inside of his skull, and like something is trying to escape behind each eyeball. Yes, the golden one has grown back. But, he takes in a deep, deep breath.

    Must. Focus.

    A surge of golden light rushes out from him, like a warm breeze. He opens his hands to either side of his body, and tries to clear his mind. Tries to drown the pain underneath the calm of a zenlike serenity.

    The pieces of the bridge start to come together. Steel and concrete rise from the water and begin to realign themselves like jigsaw pieces. The suspension cables writhe about in the air like entranced serpents, seeking out the places that they belonged, the places where once, they were joined. They twist and coil, winding together. Steel beams slide together, locking into place as giant nuts and bolts screw themselves back into place. Places where it was once bent straighten. Places where it was shattered fit together and meld seamlessly back into place.

    Nate's nose is bleeding again, but he keeps going. Hovering forward, he just focuses on the bridge. Fix the bridge. That's all he has to do. Fix the damned bridge. And as he traverses along it's length, that's what happens around him, piece by piece.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog returns again, this time appearing right in the middle of a group of people gathered near the gravel beach. One woman lets out a little yelp and puts her hands to her mouth as he just pops in soundlessly from nowhere. His arms are laden with more supplies. Another bundle of blankets and medical supplies. This time featuring a lot of ace-bandages, tape, and gause. He had raided a hospital ER this time. The staff there weren't happy with him and security had been called this time and were just about on him when he vanished. Later a small article in a newspaper would claim a mutant attacked the hospital stealing drugs when they were preparing for incoming from the recent disaster. A lie, but the truth wouldn't sell papers.

While he gets the crowd to settle down and realize he brought things they need, Blinkdog looks out seeing the other powered moving. Some flying, some... doing other things. He blinks having not seen this group before. Interesting. They are all wearing similar clothes. A uniform maybe? He shutters, thats all he needs. To get wrapped up in some kind of military or government group of powereds. Sure they let them out to do things like this but they must also be poked and prodded and god knows what else. No, better to avoid them just in case.

Shadowcat has posed:
As Kitty sees what is happening with the bridge, she moves over to the last car. A church van that is pinned by a pickup truck, the median barrier, and then a car against the back doors. She gets them out one by one, phasing. And then she sees what Nate is doing. "Ok, everyone, just... let's stand here in this open area. Sit down and let's stay out of the way."

The priest who was driving reaches out and everyone makes a prayer circle. One of them offers their hand to Shadowcat, and she reaches over to take it. "I'm Jewish, maybe something from the Old Testamant?" the lady X-man asks the priest, and pulling out a Star of David necklace.

The priest smiles to the costumed girl and says, "I think we can manage that." And they all bow their heads and pray together as the bridge is miraculously fixed around them.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will notice the port out of the corner of hsi eye. He has Kurt who is bamfing about down there. Well right now, he has to get the hurt guys settled in and make sure they are secure, and no other folks need help. He will check on the kid after the emergency is to a dull roar.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog vanishes once more. A few minutes later he returns with more blankets. Scenes like this never have enough blankets. They're useful for making temporary bedding, but also for making strips of cloth to bind wounds, or help with splints. They can be rolled up to make pillows, or temporary panchos. They're as useful in these situations as duct tape is to handymen. He got this stack from a department store. The staffer there had one time shooed him out hitting him with a broom, threatening to call the police if he didn't leave. He never forgot it. Now this was their price for his inconvenience a donation to charity.

Seeing that one group is well taken care of he tries popping over to the bridge itself spotting people huddled in the middle. He is drawn to them not noticing that he has been spotted. Again appearing in the middle of them he tries his best not to smile at them as it looks like his is bearing his teeth. He just silently drops the stack of blankes among them walking about and handing some of them out.

X-Man has posed:
    This is not fun. It is manageable. It might have been easy, had he not just so recently burnt himself out. But right now, this is a nightmare. Nate's mind is on fire, like he's developed acute Encephalitis. He feels feverish, like his skin is burning, but his veins are filled with ice water. His hands tremble, and the blood runs from the corners of his eyes as well as his nose. But he's not a quitter. As Nate nears the end of the bridge, and the last of the damage that is done, it rights itself as if time itself had been turned back.

    His work complete, X-Man finally opens his bloodied eyes and exhales a deep, weary sigh, before he slumps down onto his knees, where he rests on his heels.

    <<Is there anything else? Anyone left to rescue? Anything else that needs fixing? I'd like to go home now, please.>>

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog spots something that makes him stop in his tracks. There is a man on the ground being tended to by a woman who is crying over him. The man's face is turning blue. There's no blood or any sign of wounds. Heart attack maybe?

Blinkdog always keeps Presbyterian Hospital's ER fresh in his mind, visiting often to make sure it doesn't change too much. It was one of those, just in case, things one does. Sure, they wouldn't do much for a mutant like him but they would at least stabilize him. Or try to. He hoped...

Dashing up to the man and woman, the lady looks up and gasps. Blinkdog's hood had fallen down unnoticed by him. As he bends down to pick the man up the woman tries to fight him off. He ignores her and vanishes. A split second later he sets the man down right on the reception desk in front of a very surprised looking nurse. "Heart attack or something, hurry!" he yells at her and vanishes again re-appearing in another spot on the bridge. The lady from a moment ago sees him as he walks away pulling his hood up. "STOP! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY HUSBAND YOU MURDERER!?!" she shouts. Blinkdog hearing that steps into a thick group of people. Again he vanishes. Too much heat now, and this whole mess is scary. What if he looses his transformation? No, it can't be trusted. Got to leave now. Leave while he still can. Besides it seems like the worst of it has been handled by those others.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde pops up to her feet, thanking the prayer group once Nate is past them and they are safe again. She hurries after him until the X-man is at the end of the bridge and has repaired it fully. When he turns, Shadowcat is there, slipping an arm beneath his shoulder and offering him support, perhaps even stopping him from making it down to his knees. "It's ok, gotcha. You did an amazing job," she tells him. "I think that's everyone," she says gently. "You can take a breather."

When he's ready, she'll offer her assistance in walking over to where the rescued people have been landed. She catches sight of Blinkdog as she approaches, but isn't sure what is going on, looking about for any of the other X-men who caught the happenings.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks down over the scene, and says over the com. Did you catch the nightcrawler 2.0?" He will ask "Furry, Porter, wasn't blue though.' He seemed to be helping but Ah have lost him.