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Latest revision as of 11:24, 7 June 2019

Vampires, Spike and Russians. Oh my!
Date of Scene: 07 June 2019
Location: Caernarvon, Bludhaven
Synopsis: Spike and Galina trade blows with vampires, and snarky quips with each other.
Cast of Characters: Spike, Crimson Dynamo

Spike has posed:
In the past few minutes, Spike had been walking in his little bit of Bloodhaven, the Caernarvon neighborhood. He'd come across a Russian woman who had, frankly, done him a huge, huge favor by pummelling a vampire that had been getting under Spike's skin for a while. She'd beaten him with brass knuckles and something something voltage. And called Spike a....what was it...Royalist prick, too. Spike had also learnd a new fact. Bullets cost money.

Spike looks to the downed vampire again, "So let's see. You just got your butt handed to you. I didn't even do most of it....though...." Spike breaks off as two more vampires join the fray and Spike wastes no time in punching the nearest one in the face, there's the crack of bone, as Spike drives an industrial boot into groin. There's a high pitched shriek as Spike's entangled in a good, old fashioned bout of fisticuffs. He's not stupid enough to take his eye off who he's beating up yet...that's a way to get hurt. Stilll...he's listening for that Russian girl to give the other vamp a savage beatdown again. He....very very grudgingly, admits he likes it....though he likes fighting just as much if not more. That's what he's doing, swinging away like some drunk guy. In fact he's stone cold sober but he's pretending to be wasted to blend in with the after pub crowds, he's got the swaying on his feet bit down, and he's giving all sorts of very, very interesting British choice words to the vamp he's punching....each word punctuated by a punch. "You bloody soddding pathetic waste of space" is the current phrase, punctuated by savage punches wherever Spike can land them. Which is everywhere, realy.....he's got an easy target and he's taking full advantage of it. Spike.....adores fighting.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    Casually half turns to spit, before dipping her head to ever so casually light up another smoke whilst Spike brawls. If he needed help he'd be shouting surely, but she's hardly the sort of girl to just cut in on somone elses fun clearly. "You're on public street tovarish, you keep this going and you're going to get a cape or the police down here to hastle things."Though, well she's not exactly stopping things either now is she?

    No indeed she gathers up her coat, and tucks those brass knucks back where they go. Right next to her keys, obviously. "I don't know anyone who fights out of Bludhaven, so if it's a cape don't expect me to say shit on your behalf. I don't know these fucking people out here."

Spike has posed:
"They're just posers" Spike says as the brawling dies down. Mostly due to Spike running out of things to punch. And he'd rather not, really, pick a fight with somebody with brass knuckles. he values certain bits of himself way too much really, though....as he looks back to the pair of vampires that are on the ground. "You got a bit of wood?" Spike asks casually to Galina. "So who is this mystery Russian woman who just, you know" he says lighting his own cigarette again....his previous one having ended up out cold and lost. "I mean, it's not every day or night somebody just comes walking into Bloodhaven and beats up the lowlives. Admittedly they deserve it....but nobody had the balls to come in here and do it" Spike says with a slight mocking tone. That's more aimed at the fine, fine citizens of the area. "It takes a bloody Russian to come in with your Cyrillic writings" he says and nods. "That certainly does not say From Russia with Love" he says, quoting the Bond film title. "You ask me, I'm fine with some Russian woman coming into my part of the city, cleaning up the rubbish around here" Spike adds, glancing at her arm as he reads off the Cyrillic writing and sounds a little impressed. "So, you're Russian, you come in, you deal with the lowlifes here. What else do you do?" he asks. He's....actually genuinely curious. "Aside from smoke, of course" he adds, taking a puff from his own smoke as he says it. "Vampire posers. That's all those idiots are. Pathetic wannabe vampire big shots. Oooh look at me, I got fangs and I need blood, aren't I tough?" Spike sneers. "Yeah, right. I'm doing the world a favor. I'm keeping the world from knowing how inept vampires are. And you" he nods to Galina. "Are helping out with that immensely. So, I don't say this often, but thank you" he nods. Mark this night down. Spike actually thanked somebody. The chip is apparently having an effect on him...or....he just feels like being nice. One or the other. Or both.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "A bit of wood, nyet tovarish."She offers casually. "Who the fuck am I, goodness you people need to read newspaper more often. I'm the fucking Crimson Dynamo, you're lucky I'm doing this as more of a hobby than anything."Theres a pause to ash her cigarette as she watches cooly. "I haven't even collapsed one building all day, is amazing feat for me."Is she joking, well maybe?

    "Is good you are fine with it, because it happened and if you don't clean house It will probably happen again. Next time I may melt some pavement, and get paid for the effort."She gives her shoulders another shrug, before flicking her cigarette aside and taking a step back to turn away. "I'm going, boys have fun with your wood."She even has jokes yo!

Spike has posed:
Spike shakes his head and grits his teeth. "All those posers do is watch vampire movies. Then go out and think ooh, I'm a vampire. I saw this on the big screen" Spike says...with obvious disgust in his voice. "That's like one of you lot watching something like....ah crap I can't think of any Russian shows" Spike points out then laughs. "There's always the slayer's house. It needs renovating" Spike points out as he' still puffing away, though as she turns to go, Spike looks to her. "Thanks again, but....be careful. I know you're the Crimson Dynamo...but...just....be careful" he says with a tone somewhere between sarcasm and concern....though whether that's more for himself or the vampires....

Spike actually snorts. "Who the hell reads newspapers any more? Get with the times. Everyone's going digital" he says. Including Spike, it seems, who has 'borrowed' things to read up on papers online in his crypt...though he's picky. "Funny, you never show up in any of the papers I read. Admittedly. British papers are more concerned with oh look, here's an article about tea, here's one about how we're going to win some big sports prize...then one months later about oh we failed, let's blame everyone" Spike adds, not stopping her going. Just....voicing his thoughts. "So, any Russian papers I should read up on then?" he adds before he stubs out his cigarette and puts his hands in his pockets, looking bored now the fight's over. Admittedly he'll just find a secluded spot to dust the vamps. No snse in doing it on the sidewalk.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    Just lifts a hand to wave as she slips off into the night"Careful is for other people, goodnight royalist jerk."