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Revision as of 17:35, 17 June 2019

Poking Around
Date of Scene: 17 June 2019
Location: Main Foyer - Xavier's School
Synopsis: The police show up to ask some questions at Xavier's.
Cast of Characters: Frank Quaid, Magik, Blinkdog, Cannonball, Cypher, Shadowcat
Tinyplot: Poking Around
Tinyplot2: Dead as a Dog

Frank Quaid has posed:
It is a warm evening and the sun will be up for a while yet. The grounds at Xavier's are as immaculate as ever and the students are spread around.

A black Tahoe pulls slowly onto the drive and comes along toward the mansion. It parks off to the side not far from the stairs.

Detective Sergeant Elaina Bever, a tall, dark haired woman in her early 40's, climbs out of the driver's seat. She is wearing black slacks, flats, a white blouse and a dark jacket. Captain Frank Quaid gets out of the passenger side, dressed in a dark blue suit. He finishes tapping on his Blackberry and pockets it. He has a large white dressing on his nose and two black eyes. r
"We don't come here enough," Elaina points out.

"I know, I know, you want the barbeque thing," Frank replies.

"Sure, they're fun here."

Frank and Elaina walk up the stairs into the Xavier's lobby.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin was just passing by the entrance after grabbing a drink when she hears a car pull up. Curious, she moves to the doorway to look out the window at the approaching police. "Oh. This can't be good," she murmurs while lifting the glass of her iced tea to take a sip. She half turns away only to lift fingers to her lips letting out a sharp, loud whistle that rings through the hall and likely further in. "Best behaivor! Authorities!" she calls out before turning to face the closed door again. Hm.

The door is opened an she steps out, another sip of her tea taken as she regards the pair with eyebrows raised. "Oh, good evening. Is something the matter?"

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden is coming down the stairs when he sees the front door being opened and what lay beyond. He knows a cop when he sees one. He also knows not to run from them. Its like running from a junk yard dog, it just triggers a chase. So he just freezes like a statue and stares trying his best to turn invisible. Unfortunately that isnt one of his abilities however, infact he has none at all at this moment other than looking like troubled youth just begging for a trip to juvie. ((Yeah lets play this cool.))Oo. he thinks, and utterly fails at it. He is just too new to Xaviers to be able to blend in to its background just yet.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking up rom the back yard. He is pulling shards of wood from his hair muttering a bit under his breath "Oh yea lets blind the guy coming in for a landing that will be hi lar ri us."

Cypher has posed:
Doug had just come back from the day's errands. He comes up the front drive in the speedy little motorbike he's been favoring ever since that race (he's developed a taste for the little adrenaline buzz, you see) and he parks it and gets out, before he reaches up and takes off his helmet and trots up the drive and up the walk.

Shadowcat has posed:
The word would be going out through the school already before the gate was opened. Though the visitors know of the school already, so people are just getting word to be on good behavior. Kitty heads over to the front foyer. She's not one of administrators, but at least has a position that if none of them are about she tries to be available.

"Hey Bobby," she says as she passes him on the stairs. "We're familiar with them, we've interacted before," she adds. Leaving out that doesn't necessarily mean a visit is always a good thing. But thinking it might set him more on ease.

Kitty was chewing bubble gum, popping a bubble at the bottom of the stairs. She leans into a room though to grab a kleenex and dispose of the gum before going to meet the officers. Professional and all, right. She heads outside and down the stairs to walk over their way. "Afternoon," she says towards them.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden nods numbly at Kitty as she tells him to relax basically. He still hasn't moved though from where he is standing and leaning sideways on the banister looking for all the world like he has half the place's silver stuffed behind his back under his shirt. Its from living the street life. You feel out of place on anything that isn't paved in asphalt or concrete and it shows. Cops are a problem to be avoided but they have radar for kids like him and he's sending out that becon 'fish out of water' like a cherry bomb in a library.

He moves to sit down on the stairs, kinda slow and clumsy but he manages without looking like a complete klutz and watches from his vantage point.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank waves to Kitty as he comes up the stairs. Elaina smiles and offers a hand, followed by Frank.

"It's been a while, Kitty. You look great. I like that shirt," Elaina says as they walk into the lobby.

Frank glances over his shoulder as they go inside and sees the young guy on the motorcycle. Inside, he glances around taking in the faces. Some he recognizes, others not so much.

"Nothing too serious," Frank replies to Illyana with a bit of a smile. "Unless you think he's ready to turn himself in," Frank deadpans and points at Bobby.

Elaina notices Sam and gestures to the right side of her head as if to point out some wood he missed.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will reach up, and find it looking over and says "Thanks ma'am." He does stop muttering to himself as impolite to do in front of company. He looks around trying to tell what's going on. He keeps quiet for a moment looking to kitty for his key of action

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin glances over her shoulder toward Bobby with a look of confusion. "Turn himself in for what?" An unconcerned shrug is given again. "Bobby, did you leave the toilet seat up again?" It's a light tease meant to hopefully get the kid to relax a bit, but who knows.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles to Frank and Elaina, shaking their hands. "Thank you," she says of the compliment. "So not that we're not pleased to see you, but what brings you out?" she asks. "Things have been a little tense, with the situations going on out there," Kitty says.

She winces at the joke leveled towards Bobby. "And, some are still getting used to fitting in," she adds, giving Bobby a smile and gesture with her hands to try to help keep him calm. Kitty moves over, just coincidentally moving between the officers and where Bobby is, giving him that extra degree of separation.

Cypher has posed:
Doug exhales, and then looks up at Kitty. "Zey nito do kukn far konflikt. Aber zey zenen kukn far emetser?" He takes off his helmet and says, "Hey, 'Yana." Doug strolls past Sam, and then reaches up to pick a twig with leaves on it out of his hair. "...White oak."

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden 's thoughts rapidly zero in on his last 'crime'. ((It was for the people at the bridge collapse, honest!))Oo. he almost blurts it out but with Kitty's gesture he just keeps his mouth clammed shut. Then there was that woman screaming 'murderer' at him when... nah that guy survived. He'd checked. The ER treated him just in time for his heart attack. Though there was that one article in the Bugel about a coyote boy steeling drugs from the hospital... even though it was blankets he was taking. Good thing Charles isn't here right now or his next round of detention chores would be to pay back for all those blankets he stole.

Yeah his brain is definitely racing all over the place. If he could teleport he would have done so by now. Alas... it looks like they're here on a social call and not for him thankfully. Fortunately there are plenty of other people entering the room now to dilute the whole 'target' thing he's got going. "V.. very funny." he says to Illyana's remark.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Elaina winks at Sam when he gets that chunk of wood out of his hair. She raises an eyebrow in Doug's direction when he speaks not in English in front of them.

"That's a capital crime once you get married," Frank points out to Illyana. He turns his attention to Kitty. "I bet," Frank says of things being tense. "I'm not happy about what's going on. I'm not the Commissioner, but none of my units have called for those things, and we won't. You've got my word on that."

Elaina nods in agreement, looking serious. "I couldn't believe what happened in Bushwick. We're all pretty upset about it."

"I'm hoping you can help me out with a couple of things. Bushwick is one. The mall last week is another. And I wanted to check if you were missing any students with... unusual mutations."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises frowning a bit as he hears of mutants missing, and starts going through his head if anyone he normally sees in Mutant Town has been missing. He looks over to Doug, and says "Remind me to get a new one at the nursery."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde tells Frank, "Ah, I am afraid I'm way behind on some of the happenings. Someone else will have to speak to Bushwick or the mall. What kind of unusual mutation are you talking about though?" Kitty asks. "Around here everything unusual is usual. And there's more of it than you'd believe probably," she tells him. "Can you get into specifics with it?" Kitty asks him.

Cypher has posed:
"I haven't heard anything about any students unaccounted for or missing. We keep a strict headcount and students need to get a pass to leave the grounds, carry a phone with them and advise of where they're going." He gives Sam and Illyana a look, slightly sheepish, because yeah sure you're supposed to do that but DID THEY? "...But if someone was missing... people talk. There are no secrets among the students in a school this size. Not *really*."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Good to know," Elaina says to Doug. "Especially with everything happening." She gives Frank a slight shrug of the shoulders.

Frank's forehead creases just a little at Kitty's answer. "Can you talk to the others for me then? It's /really/ important we get on top of those issues if anyone you know was involved. Those aren't going away. Too many bodies, too much news."

Frank pulls his Blackberry out of his pocket. "We have a few murder victims we can't identify. I don't know if they're mutants or something else, but they look a lot like werewolves. It's bloody," he cautions Kitty and shows her a picture from the crime scene behind Luke's Bar the other night. "I was hoping they wouldn't be yours..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow will raise and says "Werewolves? Mind if Ah take a look, some are not supposed to be local, but does not hurt to make sure." He tells the man and steps up hoping to make sure it aint a certain asguardian.

Cypher has posed:
Doug leans in and examines the phone. "...Werewolves? Well, this past of Westchester County's always had its share of *cryptids*. Remember the Christmas Killer, that animal that tore a bunch of people up a few years ago, that turned out to be a rabid black bear?" Nope, sure was NOT a demon. "I-- ...huh." He studies the photo, and whistles. "That--"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes the phone and looks it over. She'll show it to Samuel, and anyone else who comes around wishing to see it. Her lips press together a little bit. "We do have some furred students, but this isn't any of ours, no," Kitty says. She glances over to Frank and says, "I might be able to get you some information though. Not the first time I've heard of something like this. But I'll have to see if I can track down anyone with much useful information," she tells him. "Let me see what I can find out and get back to you?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug studies the photo, and then holds it up. "This..." He says, "Mmmmhm." He says. "Well whoever killed this was an *artist* of death. They knew precisely where to put those bullets to drop something that is not made to drop easy."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Ok, not who I was thinking about, was not a big chance and to be honest, not sure bullets would take them down." He looks over to the officers, and says "Little chance of them being around but always best to make sure, Ah am sure you understand.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden raises his hand slowly, "Um... " he swallows hard, "I... um... used to be homeless... I kinda saw a lot of things you know?" He tries to figure out how to say this without sounding crazy, "Um... some werewolves are mutants... but some are kinda... you know... like real. Like diseased real. Not mutants at all." He swallows, "And some of those guys are like scary mean and all the street people know to stay the hell away from em."

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin fell back into the shadows to let the others deal with this. She just remains there, waiting to teleport anyone away if need be, while sipping her tea. At least until she realizes nothing bad is going to happen then slips off.

Frank Quaid has posed:
One would be forgiven for thinking the cops are part lycan. They go from nodding and listening politely as everyone is talking to having their ears veritably perk up. The dance is choreographed after that. Elaina slips right up into Kitty and Doug's personal space, edging out Frank.

"Thanks, Kitty. It would be a huge help. We don't want to jump to conclusions but... Look at him," she says and points to the screen. "If you know anyone like this guy, I would love to meet them," Elaina says. "I didn't believe this was real at first," she says with a smile. She fishes a card out of her jacket and hands it to Doug. "You watch a lot of TV or just have an eye for this! What makes you say that?" She asks Doug.

Franks steps around Kitty, puts his hands in his pockets and walks right over to Bobby. His smile reaches his eyes. Mostly. "How street were these guys you heard about? Like dope sick, dime bag dealing two-timers a few months out of jail kind of people? Die before taking three strikes types?" His tone is friendly enough but he's pretty intense right now.

Cypher has posed:
...This time, Doug intervenes. He moves to put his hand on Bobby's arm, lightly, and then he says, "Sir, with all due respect, maybe you should ask permission before you start asking our students questions. Some of them come from troubled backgrounds and are *extremely* sensitive about the police." His eyebrows raise, and his expression is stern.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden swallows, "Its okay." he says, "More like the latter... drifters... like here and gone but everyone would get word to lay low and avoid them. I'm not the best one to ask. Go to the shelters, the older people, they know. They know all about them."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde nods to Elaina and says, "I'll see what I can find out, sure." She looks at the picture again and then shakes her head. "I really don't think you would, actually," she says with a frown as she studies it. "Could I get a copy of this, for purposes of trying to get you information?" she asks Elaina. If so she'll do the transfer thing to her phone.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie starts to say something but seeing Doug covering it he does smile slightly, seems he might be proud of his friend for stepping up.

Cypher has posed:
Doug relaxes as Bobby consents to be interviewed. He remains close at hand while the young mutant is being questioned.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Just don't give it out, Frank'll have my head if it hits the news," Elaina says. "Captain Quaid, I mean," she says with a teasing smirk and a wink to Kitty. She holds her hand out for Frank's phone and if given it, sends the picture to Kitty. "Call him, text him any time. He has no life, never sleeps. I think he's a vampire," she confides to Kitty.

Frank stays quiet while Bobby speaks. "What do you like to eat?" Frank asks Bobby. "Whatever you like, my treat, you and your friend," Frank says with a tilt of the head to Doug. "Anything you can tell me about these rumours would be a big help," he says. He gives Bobby his card to think about.

"Well, it's late, we should go. Thanks for your time," Frank says to the group. "We'll be in touch."

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden takes the card and nods, "That is totally all that I can really speak about. Really, find the oldest lady in any shelter in Harlem. Especially if they look romany. They'll tell ya way more than I ever could." he looks around, "Can I go now?" he asks.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Yeah, of course. Thanks," Frank says to Bobby with a nod.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden is gone just like he teleported away. He didnt but hey, kids and cops. *poof*