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Lunch time Pizza time
Date of Scene: 16 June 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Know what you get when you open up a stack of pizzas in the Xavier's Institute Kitchen? A crowd! Meets and greets for Mila!
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Blinkdog, Cypher, Colt Cassidy, Mila Mitchell, Nightcrawler, Deadpool
Tinyplot: Lunch time Pizza Time
Tinyplot2: Welcome to Xavier's

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is walking into the kitchen from the Garage. He has a stack of seven pizzas, crazy bread and the rest of the works. Seems lunch is going to be on the Kentuckian today. He will move to start laying out pizza boxes on the counters getting out plates and drinks, making sure it is all set out before sending out a text on the school broadcast "Pizza in the kitchen."

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden is elbow deep in hot water and dishes. Nope, no dishwasher for this grounded puppy. Its gotta be done the ooooold fassioned way. Which he doesnt mind at all. It is that kind of mindless task that sort of has a zen of its own as he cycles through each glass and dirty dish in turn. This is a task that is not foreign to the boy as he has taken up the odd job at restraunt's kitchens many times to earn some food.

Cypher has posed:
Doug is sitting on the counter, sipping a smoothie. "Oh hey. Pizza day?" He says. He leans in. "Which one's got pineapple on it? Oh, also, I was at the store earlier and bought you some dirt and worms. You know. Cause I ate all of your banana puddding."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will motion towards the 4th pizza, and looks over to Doug "Oh, so we are making one of your family recipes for dessert?" He teases the other man, and as he may have been the one to put Bobby on dish detail he looks to the kid and says "Take a break get you some food Bobby, besides you will have more to wash after everyone is finished."

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden frowns, "Wot, no paper plates? Its pizza not casserole." he says knowing full well that there'll be dirty glasses at the very least when everyone gets something to drink to go with it. "Okay..." he says a bit lamely and walks over after drying his hands and getting the suds off his elbows.

He gets a couple slices for himself and a glass of soda. So much food! It's like being in heaven, this place!

Colt Cassidy has posed:
Pizza Time. That's all Colt needs to hear as he comes into the kitchen rather shortly after the text is sent out, "I could smell it from down the hall. Which one has like, every meat type possible on it?" He starts to carefully open boxes to find the meatiest pizza and then grabs about three slices.

Cypher has posed:
Doug helps himself to a slice of pizza, to go with his smoothie. He pauses, and looks up at Sam with a string of cheese hanging out of his mouth. "...That depends, Sam. Do you like cherry jell-o with canned orange slices and walnuts?"

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Cut to a close-up of Mila, camera fixed on her in a tracking shot as she walks through a corridor, hands in her pockets, head sunk between her raised shoulders, biting her lower lip hard, walking as if in shame from something. "My name is Mila Mitchell. Until a week ago, my life was much simpler. Go to school. Hang out with your friends. Have fun. But now... now my world has been turned on its head. I find myself trapped among unknown people, starting an unknown life." As she proceeds, people at Xavier's turn to give her odd glances and her head sinks lower and lower into her shoulders, blushing redder and redder at every step. "Being a mutant isn't easy, and living with the shame wouldn't exactly be a piece of cake in any case. But in /my/ case... in my case it's particularly awkward." By now she's taken a turn into the room, and the camera, without a cut, circles around her, now looking at her from the back, as she crosses the threshold. The voiceover continues, "What could soothe my despair in such dire circumstances? Well... /something/ could be done, to be honest. I had heard there would be pizza in the kitchen, so needless to say, I faced my fears and headed down."

    "Hi, guys!", finally says the on-screen Mila, with an awkward wave. "Please ignore the voiceover, ok? It's... a power thing I'm trying to control." The voiceover, which is clearly audible by everyone, despite it not being clear from where it comes, continues, "My request was in earnest, but let's face it. I'll be the elephant in the room for as long as I stay here." Mila blushes so deep it would look impossible to get any redder, and buries her hand in her face. "But, then again," resumes the voiceover, "there is pizza. Pizza makes it worth it."

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden looks at Doug, "Dude. I've eaten out of garbage cans, and even that would give me pause." he comments while gnoshing into a slice of pizza mouth full as he talks.

As he settles in at the table he looks up seeing Mila enter. "Hey," not making any remark or notice of voiceover. "Pizza makes everything worth it." he says to the air and then goes back to eating. He then mumbles, "I turn into a furry flea bag at random and get stuck. You're not that special." he gives Mila a wink. "Tre-lax, have a slice. I'm new here too by the way. Name's Bobby."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Ever see that movie Aliens? Where the 'bugs' crawl along the cieling, really fast, seeking their prey? Kurt smelled pizza and so the kitchen door is open and Nightcrawler is an apt title as he moves along the cieling, tail moving to snag one of the packages of crazy bread so that he can dig some out.
    "Oh! Look. Pizza, I'm just in time ja?" grinning at Bobby, Sam and Doug in turn as he eyes the boxes.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Well no pterodactyl this week, but the first 3 are meat lover." He will look over to Doug, and says "I figured we were using the dirt and works were for one of the recipes." He teases. He does smile at Bobby "If we use paper plates around here, we would have to replant the nearest two forests every two weeks." He will smile, and heads to the door to bring more pizza in looking over to Mila, and says "And we have crazy bread too." He will step out and soon back in wit more boxes. Sam knows when it was just his class seven pizzas were not enough. hey maybe this is why he drives a station wagon.

Deadpool has posed:
So, Wade Wilson has been told to /not/ scare the students. No fite-fite or murder-hoboing in an obvious way. Or even a less obvious way. Maybe none of it where any student can observe.

"I would have taught assassination so well," comments one of the new arrivals to nobody. Talking to oneself isn't of a student-scare sort of caliber, though, so probably he's not getting any attention compared to the soundtrack of Ferris Bueller that just arrived ahead of him.

Wade doesn't look like Wade, because he's a fine abuser of Image Inducer. What came into his head today?

Chuck Norris.

None of the kids will probably get it, so it's fine. He's just a lone ranger. Maybe a teacher. He comes in rather clearly in Mila's wake, as if scenting the insanity-promise of what she's got going on, drawn to at least get a better look, though there's no judgement from him.

"Don't listen to him," challenges Wade to Mila and Bobby kindly. "At least everyone else can hear your sounds, not just you."

But then there's Kurt. And Wade can't maintain attention span. "/HEY/. Nobody told me the ceiling was fine. In fact, I think I was told 'stay off the <bleeping> ceiling."

Wade self-bleeps.

Cypher has posed:
"...It's chocolate pudding with crushed up oreos and gummi worms." Doug says, with a roll of his eyes. He takes another bite of his slice, and then says, "See, you open a box of pizza and everyone shows up. You never know who's going to walk in the door-" Then he looks around, and says, "...You come with your own narrator? Well that's -- potentially very awkward. Huh."

Colt Cassidy has posed:
The surge of new arrivals get a brief wave from Colt who's way too busy shoving pizza into his muzzle to worry about talking right now. He was starving. Which is actually a pretty normal state of being for him. Also he's from Texas so he knows who Chuck Norris is, it's hard not to. So he does eyeball Wade with some suspicion.

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell slides over to the table and offers a hand. "Mila, Mila Michell," she says to Bobby, and begins to consider which slice of pizza to pick. The voiceover resumes, "My fears, it would seem were unfounded. It was a bit early to say for sure, but the group seemed nice, after all. Let's face it. I'm not sure who has it worse. Being stuck as a flea bag is not what I'd call a nice experience, either. Who knows maybe I have found a kindred spirit." Mila gts a look where she'd rather die at that, but manages not to. "At first," her disembodied voice continues, "I wondered if the Crazy Bread comment was menat to make fun of me, but then I decided that it would not have mattered either way. At this point, it would be but a drop in the ocean." She turns to Samuel and opens and closes her mouth frantically, as if for apologizing, until something scuttles above them. She looks up, and the room is filled by an orchestra playing a sudden string hit, just like it is used in movie soundtrack to underline the sudden appearance of something startling. Mila does inded freak out a little at the appearance of Kurt, until she notices Wade that looks nothing like Wade. "This was too much. This was really too much. I was about to freak out and run out of the room, but then I remembered two things. First, there is pizza. Second, this is your life, now, deal with it. Third, the last guy with the brusque manners seemed to provide some common sense into this whole trainwreck. Without doubt, someone with such confidence and no-nonsense had to be the anchor of sanity of the group. I was glad that someone had come to give this gathering a direction."

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden shrugs as more come into the kitchen. Still, crowds are not his thing lately. What is up with that? He lived in NYC which is like crowd central second only to Tokyo. He gives another shrug to himself and just goes with it. He was here before even the pizza was afterall. "Well now we all know what the psychics feel like all the time. Just ignore it like they do. If it doesn't come out of your mouth, Mila, it didn't happen. Right?" .oO((God knows there's enough mindbenders around this place.))

He looks at 'Chuck' and has.... absolutely no idea who the guy is. He's 17 not 40, and hardly ever watched tv. "Whose the old guy?" he asks the room.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Stopping short, Kurt blinks and looks to Mila at the musical sting, blinking and becoming a little self conscious. "Sorry, should haf used the floor." he pauses to look at Chuck, brow knitting. The speech mannerisms are too familiar, and so Kurt, accepting as ever, offers the man a smile.
    "Good to see you're still alive Wade, but that's not been one of your issues, ja?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow will raise a bit at Chuck Norris, but at Kurt calling him on who he is. Sam tenses for a moment looking around the room, seeing those here who he feels the need to protect, but he takes a breath and remembers most of the violence he has seen around Wade has actually been focused on Wade. "Plenty of food for all, and you get used to people popping in out of no where, walking on the ceilings and walls, just remember as we try to look after one another here. Mind you if you walk on the ceiling, your the one who has to mop it." He teases towards Kurt.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade/Chuck_Norris is just ... touched (in various ways, currently maybe just mentally, but give it time), but specifically, he is touched in the heart-feels that Mila's narration might actually be about him, which he has found to be wonderful. Wade approaches her like he's just been called down on the 'Price is Right.' He'll offer a high-five or two on the way, though nobody probably takes him up on that.

"Pretty sure the only direction this gathering can possibly go is up, at this point. Do you take theme song requests, or is it more of just whatever comes to you?" Wade asks, in his rapidfire chattiness. Wade's voice is very specific and generally memorable, for those that have encountered him in the past.

Some people relate it to Pikachu, and that's okay.

A grin is flashed towards Sam; he knows he's recognized. Kurt's question. "It is /the/ issue, that makes all other issues have pages, but we're doing good on keeping those in mylar bags while here," Wade answers Kurt brightly, distracted. "Should I go ahead and come up there, or tempt you to come down for a hug with, say, this?" Wade asks, opening his arms wide, in a proper Titanic 'king of the world' spread.

"No tongue, promise."

Colt Cassidy has posed:
The big stone mutant finishes off his pizza, and goes to grab a couple more slices, "I'm glad I can't walk on the ceiling. People might think I was a stalactite." At least now he has a name to go with 'Chuck'. Though he was pretty sure Chuck Norris hasn't looked that youn since the 1990s anyway.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden looks at Mila, "See? Crazy is normal here. Tell your subconscious that it can play theme music too. Might embarass you less and get rid of that ear-worm crawling around in your head." he says hoping that latter part is metaphoric cause that would be really bad to point that out if there was one. Fortunately Mister Mind is nowhere to be seen and he is safe on that front. He looks to Colt, "Tite... oh yeah mite grow up, tite spaces growing down. Right. I remember that from like sixth grade."

Cypher has posed:
"This... is Deadpool. He's sort of like our Urkel. If Urkel were carrying around more armaments than the Canadian military." Doug says, around the straw for his smoothie.

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell says, to Bobby, "It's real! It may not come out of my head, but it does come into my ears!" She points at them, emphatically. Young and inexperienced, Mila does take up Wade on the offer of a high five, and, albeit a confused and reluctant one, she provides one in return. At Wade's question about taking requests, she replies, "...I have no idea, and, to be honest, I'm kind of scared to find out." She turns to Bobby. "What? No. No. Voiceovers are bad enough, if I started doing soundtracks I-" Right on cue, as Wade spreads his arms, the first notes of "My Heart Will Go On" fill the room in glorious Dolby Surround(tm). Mila's lower lip is quivering already, and she looks like she's on the verge of tears. "The moment was desperate. Never, in my life, I would have thought I'd touch such a low point." Wow, soundtrack /and/ voiceover at the same time? Mila, right as the voiceover finishes, grabs large quantities of pizza and stuffs them in her mouth. "That might have made me look like a ravenous hamster on crack, but who cares. It was an emergency, and depserate times require desperate measures."

Nightcrawler has posed:
?Kurt pushes off, curling into a ball to clear the others before he lands, tail tucked in close, arms out in traditional landing posture. Between Charles and Kurt, it's hard to tell of the X-Mansion team who may be more forgiving and understanding. "Bring it in, ja? Hands off the tail though." he laughs and happily accepts the hug, hugging the Merc with A Mouth tightly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will walk over and put a hand on Mila's shoulder, and says "Just stay calm, and relax Ah know it is a lot to take in but none here are going to judge you and we have all had our bad times. I had aliens get me high on goofatale, and flew through a giant bird trap, and ended up on a garbage barge in the hudson. We all have the times we wish others could not see us, so we all try to be there for one another

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden nods sagely at Doug, "Don't cheese off the 'Chuck' Got ya." He grins sheepishly as the music starts. "Sorry, my bad. Seriously though. They're like big on the whole family thing here. Just go with it, and dont feel so embarassed. It can always be worse. You could look like boiled vomit and walk around wearing red spandex and bootie pants all the time." he says casually. Wait what made him say that exactly? He shrugs and just goes with it.

Deadpool has posed:
Yay! Kurt is accepting the love!

"Yay!" Wade says, openly and warmly, as if he weren't actually often a mass-murderer. Let's go with cheerful and pleasant and well-behaved. Because it never lasts.

"Urkel? You know, with the amount of times I wonder 'did I do that', you could have done a lot worse, so I won't shoot," Wade says kindly to Doug. So behaved.

The soundtrack blossoming causes Wade to hum along; it might have been more, but really, Kurt is coming in for a hug and there's a whole lot of fuzz to embrace. "You know me so well. Hands up where you can see them. No ass or tail. Captain America doesn't like it either, go figure," Wade says, embracing Kurt overly close.

Wade's image inducer does nothing to mask that he's covered in gear and wearing his Deadpool costume of leather. "So fuzzy," Wade purrs. Not that any inch of his body is exposed enough to feel anything fuzzy. It's more a mental fuzzy. "Between us we'd have the hair density of ... okay maybe ...Logan?"

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"I gotta admit." Colt says, as he takes in the ongoing scene, "This isn't even the weirdest thing I've seen since I got here." He grabs another slice of pizza and leans against the counter while watching the goings on. It creaks a bit under the sudden weight increase but stays sturdy.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt accepts the overlong, overclose hug knowing it's Wade being Wade. "Well it's America's Ass. I'm sure he wouldn't want us aliens besmirching it, ja?" he laughs again at the Hair of Destiny crack, "I'd think Hank, more than Logan. He just has a chest wig, no?" snickering and releasing the hug, but not before digging out a line he's sure the Canadian will catch, "Your gun is digging into my hip."

Cypher has posed:
"Well, bullets are my secret weakness," Doug says, before he finishes his smoothie and shoots the empty cup at the trash bin. It bounces off the edge and across the floor, and he gets up and goes after it. "Man, I'll never make it to the NBA with a shot like that."

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell looks up at Samuel Guthrie with those big, lucid, shimmering eyes. The eyes of a broken young woman. The eyes of shattered dreams. The eyes of a hamster on crack with her cheek stuffed with pizza. Strings start playing in the background, a tense, uneasy melody, until, uncertain about what to do, she looks between Bobby and Samuel and... she looks like she's about to randomly hug someone, but then Colt's sudden injection of cool detachment manages to snap her out of her compulsion. "Uhm... thanks."

"I was really grateful to these people. I had never met them before, and yet, they were understanding and supportive. I felt like... I wouldn't quite use trite words like 'home', or 'family', even because, after being rejected by my old one, I cannot but shake the feeling they belong firmly in the past. But this... this at least kind of like I had imagined college to be like. A bunch of goofball doing dumb things and looking like complete idiots as they do so. At least, for the first time in days, after having been completely cut off from my past, I felt like I had a morsel of a /future/."

Mila waves her arms frantically. "I don't really think you guys look like complete idiots!" she whimpers.

Deadpool has posed:
"You just watch yourself, Ventura," Wade parrots back immediately to Kurt's quote in a great imitation from the movie, drawing one hand in to attempt to pat-pat Kurt's cheek twice. Patpat. There might have been a hip-wiggle in there too. Because really, Kurt should know better than to encourage or otherwise engage with Wade.

"You're not taking into account Logan's back hair, or other places. There's things I can't unsee, no matter how many ice-pick lobotomies I try," Wade stage-whispers in mixed awe and faked fright.

"Also, I love that comment. America's Ass. I feel like I've heard it. Doesn't make it worse to hear again, though," Wade chatterboxes, in his stream-of-consciousness manner.

Aside, Wade opens that arm out, as if to offer Mila join their group hug, even though Kurt is trying to escape. Wade's clingy. "Come come, a hug is in your future, kiddo," he offers. Wade is a lot of things, including sometimes pretty decent.

While also being a complete idiot, and being fine with it.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Accepting the pat on the cheek, and taking the hip wiggle in good grace as he looks to Mila, "Don't worry, Mein Dame. You have a way of thinking in metaphor, I am not offended." grabbing one of the pizza boxes, opening it and offering towards Deadpool. "Meat lovers, so I know you're all for that, ja?"
    Yes, he's engaging, but he's engaging in goofy things, side-bar humor, all those things that keep Wade playfu as opposed to swinging swords around, or shooting. The good man beneath the variegated ogre-like onion of the the entity that is Wade.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden sighs and gets up after finishing his food. He flashes everyone a smile and then he takes his plate and empty glass with him returning to the sink to finish out his pennance. He returns to his detension chore of washing dishes the ooooold fassioned way. Dunk, plunk, slosh, scrub, rinse, dry, klink, repeat.

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell gets up and rushes into the collective hug of soothing, unaware of what, exactly, is going on there. In her case, out of sincere trust of this man: it's a hug, what more do you need to know? "So there I am," continues the voiceover, "Mila Mitchell, the girl who would scoff at Free Hugs T-shirts, and now would pay a million dollars just for some some human contact. Well, okay, not really. I mean, I'm about to start college. I'll need all the money I can get to dump it into amenities like loans, textbooks, and instant ramen." The embodied Mila (as opposed to her disembodied voice), in the meantime, just hugs and sniffles, soothed by the contact with fellow humans (or hopefully such) who respect her, by the general atmosphere of support, and by the pizza, emanating whatever mysterious field it emanates. Pym particles? Deep magic? Psionics? Plenty of people have cracked them. But pizza, pizza remains a wonderful mystery." Zoom in on Mila's face, loosening into something vaguely resembling a smile through tears and with a stuffed mouth.

"Pizza makes everything better."

Deadpool has posed:
"You," Deadpool says firmly to Mila, "Need to meet a ninja turtle."

That statement was very important. He attempts to tousel her hair, because why not, and then attempts to squeeze the hug one last time.

"That reminds me. I'm supposed to be doing a job. I mean, I make my own hours, but if I can't hold myself to my own schedule, people won't buy as much merch." A pause.

Deadpool doesn't try to recover from that. He flips a nod at Kurt, actually picks up the whole meat-lovers' pizza box, and proceeds to parade off with it. Kurt did assist in averting the crisis that is the Deadpool.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"I'll admit that's at least in my top five weird things I've seen since I got here." Colt says as he watches Deadpool exit, "Though my #1 is in the mirror every morning so hey, my list may be a bit biased."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner actually flops onto a kitchen stool as Deadpool goes, sighing as the potential panic is averted. He does smile though, "Well, keeping Deadpool in a good pool is a key thing. If he gets bored some things catch on fire, or get shot. Or get shot while on fire... or sometimes are set on fire and he tries to shoot the flames because he honestly thinks it will put it out at that time." he gives a grimmace, "Or he'll pee on it, but then everyone finds out he was drinking gasoline again because it's one of the only things that he can get high doing."

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell blinks in confusion at Deadpool's important sounding statement. "What?". She replies to Colt, "There is no need to go so hard on yourself... actually, I think that if there was a mirror for the ears as opposed to the eyes, well, that would be my number one weirdest thing I've seen." Beat. "I mean, heard." Beat. "I mean, it'd be the weirdest thing I've experienced. Not the ear-mirror itself, I mean, I mean... listening to myself. In the background." She shakes her head and waves her arms. "...you know what I mean!" She listens with particular care to Kurt. "...so, Mr. Chuck Wade is kind of like the populace of the Roman Empire? Needs to be appeased with the Bread and Circuses, otherwise he will riot?"

Cypher has posed:
"To tell you the truth I've never seen nor heard of anybody innocent getting killed when it's *just* him acting out." Doug says, "There's usually somebody else involved. Heck, NTW takes a strip out of him all the time and the most I've ever really seen him do is snark back--" He shakes his head, "I mean, I wouldn't chance it though. The guy's crazier than ten pounds of cats in a five pound sack."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Looking to Mila, and Doug Kurt frowns, "He rivals Gotham's Joker for a body count." lips pursing, "Logan knows him better than all of us, but he doesn't like why he knows him in the slightest." taking another slice of pizza and eatting. "He means well, but not always, and the collateral damage is astronomical at the best of times."

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"It's okay, Mila." Colt replies, "I mean look at me, I'm a huge stone lizard thing. I know it's weird, but I also own it. I am..Getting used to it. And amittedly having folks around to give positive reinforcement and help me get through stuff helps a lot. I'm glad I'm here."

He finishes his last slice of pizza, "That being said I want to get out and help others who are in a similar situation to me, when I can. I know they came and helped you, I wish I could have gone with them."

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell shakes her head in genuine fear. "I'd rather not. I've hurt people down there. Sonic blasts. Made them bleed." She leans over to Colt. "And they were humans... what if... what if the sonic blasts cracked rock? I... I don't think I could have lived with that."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "The easy way is in Mutant Town, Mein Herr und Dame. Plenty of the wrong kind comes through there, and plenty of people find themselves in need. Don't go looking for fights, ja?" Kurt frowns standing up with his current slice, chewing a bite. "Those who look for a fight harbor an anger that they may not realize - but looking for those whom we can help lift up plants seeds of compassion." he gives them a weak smile. "Little goods are just as valuable as grand deeds."