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You called...
Date of Scene: 24 June 2019
Location: Deep forest near Apple Park - Salem Center
Synopsis: Megatron encouters only two Dinobots. Though one Lex Luthor observes from nearby gathering as much information on the Aliens as he can. They are elusive however. Lex may have enough though that he can make contact with them another time. Meanwhile, Megatron gives the Dinobots a false set of coordinates and heads for the Ark by himself. It is risky, but something he is willing to do.
Thanks to: Thanks to Claremont for playing Sludge and facilitating ^.^
Cast of Characters: Megatron, Grimlock, Lex Luthor, 8024
Tinyplot: Transformers: You called...?
Tinyplot2: Transformers

Megatron has posed:
Megatron is prepared. There is always a chance for something to go awry. The pulse he sent was under a flag of truce, but if any Autobots received it... or those who are not aligned with either side like bounty hunters and enforcers of the Galactic Alliance treaty banning his kind from even being on Earth... well lets just say there may be plenty of unfriendlies who got the signal. Nearby and some points further there are buried caches of supplies, and bolt holes that are now shielded from scans should the need for retreat arise. Megatron is no coward however, but preparation in this wild primitive world with its dangerous indigenous population is necessary. There are just too many unknowns. Is he alone? Did any Decepticon receive the signal? Did any Autobot?

It has been a clear summer day. The weather is perfect by Human standards. Now as it rolls into the evening hours Megatron has set up camp wearing his holomatter avatar and carrying his physical self in a case attached to its arm. By all appearances "Zolten rex" is just another camper roughing it in the wilderness. He chose this place for its remoteness. It is far from the Human population centers, and yet they are just within range should escape be necessary. The large City had smaller communities surrounding it for miles. Now about ten Kilks from Westchester which is 29mi/44km from Central Park. (So about 36miles total) he went deep into the woods after reaching a cultivated park. He sought a place deep into the wilderness far from the Humans hiking trails and campsites.

The site looks very much like one any normal Human would set up. He had found a clearing in the middle of a dense patch of woods. One Cyberklik (1km) away an old disused logging road connects eventually up with one of the Human state highways. It was passable enough for the vehicle he drove here in to make it and would be for any Vehicon arriving by the same route. It has been humiliating having to disguise himself and operate as one of these vermin for weeks now, but it had to be done. A ring of rocks hem in a campfire well prepared in advance. There are several logs to serve as seating, as well as a couple natural strewn boulders for larger guests.

One piece of equipment is out of place. It is made up of a patchwork of wires and a rats nest of ribbon cables and computer parts all nestled into a wooden box and connected to at least six car batteries. It is putting out a much smaller beacon signal, again in a Cybertronian subspace frequency but with a much more limited range. About 3 cyberkliks before it dies off. It will most definitely burn itself out into slag just like the larger array that sent out the emergency pulse. This should last long enough get them to be able to home in on this exact location though. Human technology, at least the kind that is readily available to the public is so fragile and limited it is laughable.

The fire crackles as he waits for the appointed hour to arrive. He pokes it with a stick and even makes like he is drinking one of their concoctions they call beer. The precautionary ruse is still necessary, they have those things they call Park Rangers after all.

Grimlock has posed:
Yes, he had stolen a ship. In Grimlock's mind, this was not theft though. They were just humans after all. Sure, he didn't want them to die but if he took their boat, well, they'd be fine. Probably. Or something. Either way, after the pulse that was sent out, the dinobots have been carefully traveling north from the Savage Land. Avoiding human populations when possible and making their way up toward this very spot. It was not a short journey by any stretch but they are steady in their actions and movements. Now, as they finally reach what they believe to be the area that sent out the signal, a new signal is found.

Grimlock tells the others to stay back and away from this even as he approaches. Unlike most, he doesn't really have a form that would, uh, make people look the other way. Most aren't going to go 'Oh, look, a T-Rex, no big deal.' He so rarely uses his holomatter projector. Of course, now they are in a wooded area so he can hide his form.

It's rather likely that Megatron can hear the sound of something rather huge moving nearby. Then it stops and moments later none other than Mr. T, complete with chains, comes walking out of the woods in a sleeveless jean jacket, glaring around as he takes in the scene.

Lex Luthor has posed:
When the signal was first detected by LexCorp satellites, it had caused a stir in his monitoring crew at the SatComm facility in Metropolis. Was it foreign? Alien? Whatever it was, it was unlike anything previously observed.... and it had taken Lex some time and some serious processing crunch to actually get anything useful out of the burst transmission.

In the end though, he was Lex Luthor... and nothing was beyond him if he put his mind to it.

He didn't want to risk a satellite tuning into this meeting in case they were being monitored by the entity, and so Lex had scheduled a 'blank' time for himself so he could bring the warsuit assembly truck nearby Salem Center. The comm relay inside making it easy to zero in on the location on the new signal.

"Mercy, keep monitoring the comm satellite for anything coming from this. My working theory are some sort of aliens at this moment, they might call for reinforcements." Lex orders of her as the warsuit assembly platform finishes it's work, encasing Lex in the Mark 1. "Keep the truck on standby. We might need to leave quick." A moment later, and the thrusters engage at low power, allowing Lex a low power signature as he heads into the park low to the ground to keep of radar and visual contact. Eventually, he'll find himself a solid tree nearby the gathering and hide in it for the moment, using his sensors to watch and listen in.

Megatron has posed:
Zolten Rex takes in a deep breath as he pokes the fire one more time as none other than Mr.T walks into the clearing looking for all the world like he did in his A-Team days. Jewelry, Mohawk, all of it. Burried in the rats nest of jewelry hanging around his neck is an Autobot symbol worn proudly by the 'man'. Zolten Rex however has no such symbol visible on his person in such an easy display, though if one were to look very very closely at the hardened case handcuffed to his wrist there are a twin pair of Decepticon symbols on each of the latches though they tend to blend in with the case itself.

Zolten Rex looks up and raising his eyebrow nods slowly, "Have a seat, Autobot... We are under a flag of truce. What is your designation?" he asks speaking in American English as it is custom to speak in the host-world's primary tongue for all of his kind.

Grimlock has posed:
The eyes of the big man squint at this Zolten Rex. He steps forward and as he approaches his arms cross and he doesn't take a seat. He looks over at the area around and then at the device that is making the signal before he turns to look at Zolten Rex, "Autobot? Hmm, means you're Decepticon fool." He nods his head and then steps toward Zotlen Rex and eyes him carefully, "One should introduce himself before asking for names, fool!" He declares and then stands up straight, "Still, out of pity for such a fool, you face Grimlock." He nods his head, pointing at Zolten, "Fool."

Sludge (8024) has posed:
Some distance back, within range of his holomatter avatar, there was the enormous body of a Dinobot, in bipedal robot mode, for it was smaller than his alternate mechanical Brontosaurus form. Slumped against a tree, which rocked back without actually falling, he sat with the others. Unbeknownst to him, during his long time in the Savage Land, scientists had discovered his base form, decided it never existed, and then revisited the evidence, only to find it did in fact exist as a separate species.

Emerging a little behind Mr. T was the figure of a big, burly man, in green camouflage, and a buzz cut. He was the spitting image of the Austrian Oak, Arnold Schwarzenegger during his heyday. Evidentally, Sludge had picked his holomatter avatar based on some DVD cover that he found on the ship. Speaking, more for Mr. T's receptors than anyone else, he said, "if him bleed, we can kill it."

Lex Luthor has posed:
Zooming in and recording everything with the sensors, Lex continues to observe from afar. Still, the energy readings coming from this gathering are very low... Wait. Is that the man from A-Team?

A PIP is created and zooms in on him, his voice recorded for future analysis. "... Schwarzenegger?" There's a beat as Lex listens "Are these things actually trying to blend in with humans?" Lex muses to himself. "Fascinating..."

Megatron has posed:
Zolten Rex frowns, "Oh joy. One of the Dynobots." That being pure coincidence in their unit's nomeclature as they have taken on "Dynamic" forms resembling planetary beasts for a long time. The "Dino" adaptation for their name now is a sort of nod to the Human world's powerful beasts. He eyes the other, "And judging by that one's disguise, you're one of them too." he lets out a long sigh.

Zolten Rex says, "Before I tell you who I am, Autobots, we ARE under a flag of truce... agreed? If not this meeting is over and I will leave telling you nothing about where your leader is." He shakes his head, "And I really do reccomend you take some time to learn this planet's culture better and make a more custom avatar for yourself. You chose poor disguises. Those belong to famous human actors in their entertainment transmitions. Those individuals are old men by now also. Humans AGE, disgusting fragile biologics as they are." His face has a look of disgust on it as he takes a sip of beer from the can he is holding.

He looks directly at Grimlock's avatar, "On this planet I am going by Zolten Rex." He smiles slyly, "Again, I will give you my real name only after you have sworn to uphold the truce, Autobot."

Sludge (8024) has posed:
Looking to Mr. T for his cues, Sludge's Schwarzenegger disguise is suitably taller, something that the real actor would dearly love, since he had long inflated his stature at every opportunity. He heard what Zolten Rex said, but he barely understood it. Not that he was as stupid as he could appear, but because he paid no attention to things like disguises, entertainment transmissions, these were all too precise for his usual fare. Then he turned his gaze to Zolten Rex and gave him a look that would suggest he'd snap the holomatter avatar like a twig at the merest suggestion from his leader, Grimlock. "Me Sludge, follow him leader Grimlock, always."

Grimlock has posed:
A frown and the man clearly doesn't like this at all. He crosses his arms and looks to the side before saying, "Fine, fool." He looks to Sludge and then looks back at the man, "No fightin' the fool." He state simply and nods his head before Grimlock picks a rock and sits on it before pointing at him, "Now, tell us your name, fool."

Megatron has posed:
Zolten Rex peers at the Dinobot suspiciously, wondering if he chose that form to be able to use that insult freely. But for now he figures he'll let it go, besides by reputation Grimlock is just not intelligent enough for that level of subtlety. "Drop the "Fool" at the end of every sentence. Even the actor doesn't use the word that much." He says setting his face sternly.

Zolten Rex then looks around sensing no others directly present though there are some metalic forms in the distance... one oddly more terran than the others. Perhaps they have an ally or a pet. No matter. He then says, "I am 04:42, 2 July 2019 (UTC)~." he says the name in Cybertronian, "Your future Lord and Master, Dynobot." He stands ready to attack or bolt the moment arms come into play if nessesary, or to even bolt, considering he is far outnumbered at the moment.

Sludge (8024) has posed:
Grimlock (Mr. T.) instructed Sludge (Arnold Schwarzenegger) not to hurt the other man, and so, Sludge does not. He doesn't even express any undue aggression towards the man when he name is spoken aloud. What does get him is when he suggests that someone other than Grimlock would be his lord and master. "Him Grimlock leader, not you, fool." Did he just pick up the tick of Grimlock's avatar, or was that intentional? Sludge wasn't known for that level of intelligence, but files can be deceiving.

Grimlock has posed:
There's an obvious twitch from Grimlock at that. He clenches his fists and glares more at the insult before he points at him and states, "Listen here, fool. There's only one king and that is me, Grimlock." He nods his head, "Fool." He then stands up and then walks toward him, "And don't you ever dare to presume that you know the best way to talk to the King, fool!" He nods his head and then squints his eyes and suddenly the voice is not MR. Ts at all, "Me, Grimlock, crush you and throw you into wind." He makes the motions of smashing between his hands and then tosses the fictional thing out into the proverbial wind before nodding his head.

Megatron has posed:
Zolten Rex smiles coyly, yes this Autobot's reputation preceeds him. Perhaps this can be used to his advantage, "I said Lord and Master, I never said King. Only YOU rule over the Dynobots, Grimlock. Everyone knows that." he says smoothly not even batting an eye at the insults tossed in his direction. Megatron is no fool. It is better to attract cyberfoxes with energon than with fouled lubricants. "After all, you are the strongest of all Cybertronians, a Paragon of Warriors. Your reputation proceeds you. A master and a lord would be beneath a king, would it not?" he offers. "But if it is a fight you would prefer. You will not find it here. I will simply journey to your lost Ark on my own..."

Sludge (8024) has posed:
The avatar of Arnold Schwarzenegger nodded his head as Zolten Rex, or rather, Megatron praised Grimlock. He continued nodding after the Ark was mentioned. He continued nodding after everyone was done speaking. And then it clicked, "Lost Ark? You know where lost Ark is? Tell us where you hide Ark!" He moved forward, speaking in a demanding tone. It was an unusual sense of aggression from the normally docile Sludge, but the Ark, he wanted to know where Grimlock's other subjects were.

Grimlock has posed:
Glaring, Grimlock's avatar steps forward and points, "Do not think Grimlock is fool. You are fool." He nods his head and then he nods to Sludge and then looks back at Megatron, "Where is ark?"

Megatron has posed:
The pile of electronics and wires suddenly sparks and begins emitting copious amounts of acrid smoke. The beacon transmission ceases after giving out a series of garbled data transmissions including a brief partial coordinates for somewhere in the remote areas of Russia before it dies off.

Zolten Rex stands up and reaches into his coat pulling out a black rectangular object resembling something similar to an over-sized SSD drive. Though this is a bit larger than that and would be the equivalent to a thumb drive for a Cybertronian. "The coordinates for the Ark are on this data chip. Of course it is not the EXACT coordinates. But it is nearby where we can meet up later to go to its location. There was a recent change in the environment making travel there difficult. It is rather... ugh... organic there. I think I will leave now until you have confirmed this for yourself. After all, Grimlock is no fool. He is Dynobot leader after all."

Zolten Rex turns and picks up a large bucket of sand and splashes it over the campfire extinguishing it before he makes his way into the woods towards where his vehicle is parked. Afterwards he spends several hours driving through the countryside in an elusive pattern before returning to New York City and into its subway system where he is then lost completely to scanners and cameras as he changes his holomatter avatar while visiting a men's room.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Interesting..." Lex mutters. The one with the beacon is the one who has the information, so it's him that Lex breaks away from the tree to follow. "Mercy, bring the truck home. Don't wait for me."

Lex spends the next several hours avoiding human and Cybertronian detection as well as he can, keeping pace with the Rex form. He's fairly decent at evasion... but he's not good enough to not be detected once or twice... and once in the subway system, Lex finally loses the signature in the tunnels. Without visual confirmation, he's lost him.

"This is much more than I thought it'd be." Lex mutters, before he starts to head for the nearest LexCorp garage to desuit.