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Chilling at Harry's
Date of Scene: 21 September 2017
Location: Harry's Hideaway
Synopsis: Chilling at Harry's away from the noise, somehow Ellie still has noise find her.
Cast of Characters: Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Crusader, Slipstream, Ghost Spider

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Xavier Insistute is full of lame students, and lamer teachers. The town of Salem in itself is super lame. That leaves Ellie with very few options when she wants to clear herself of all potential lame infection, which is why she took to everyone's favorite cool place to chill (just ask any student at Xavier's), Harry's Hideaway.

She walks inside, gets up to sit at the bar, and before the warning is even issued at her she snaps, "come on! I'm just sitting here, not going to order any alcohol, not like you'll let me have it, right? So chill out already! Fuck!"

Crusader has posed:
Very shortly after Ellie had walked in - the door had open and than closed again of it's own accord. The only indicatin that someone had walked in...and was moving is the groaning of the floor boards as if some great weight was moving over them

And soon enough that same weight can be heard on the bar nearby as if someone was leaning on it. A few moments latter, and a figure seems to slowly fade into existance - a massive nearly white orc. Leather bracers, armored boots, pants but no shirt. He dosn't bother to sit "You are a very loud little girl" he says in a deep beastial voice chuckling. He looks to the barman "....got any chocolate?" the tender looks confused. Who asks for chocolate at a bar of all places!

Slipstream has posed:
Having heard of this place, Drake makes his way in through the door. Today he's wearing a pair of destroy jeans with a black shirt under his Overwatch team jacket. His hair has a bit of a spike to it with some gel as well. He gives a glance about, amused for a moment before his eyes draw over towards the shouting teen, followed by the bare chested orc. He ticks a brow upwards as a grin forms along his lips before he heads to the bar.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    And the door opens again. There's a young woman there... she's not a kid anymore, when did that happen? She's in a white hoodie that is starting to turn a little grey, the hood up. Whisps of her blonde hair peek out from under the hood's edge. Her jeans, too, are looking a little rough.

    She looks around a moment and spies the orc talking to a younger girl at the bar and so she follows - sitting as well. She shows her ID to the bartender. "Got a cider or something? If not, I don't know... a Corona." He's dubious, considering how many of Xavier's kids come in here, but she gets her drink. She watches Warhead and Vorn out of the corner of her eye while she counts the small wadded up bills and coins she dragged from her pocket.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie turns to look at Bjorn as he appears out of nowhere after the door opened all on its own, "oh yeah? And you're fat," she snaps right back at Bjorn, it doesn't matter if it wasn't quite accurate, it was a fine go to insult on a whim. "So what's your story, invisiability ring like Frodo? Or crazy mind powers?" But she's in a helpful enough mood, that she does shoot the 'tender a glare, "oh come on you cheapskate, you can give him some of the chocolate you put on top of the brownie sundae, couldn't you? Sheesh!" It has a bar section, but there's also the dinner sections where the kids usually hang out for burgers and shakes. Ellie is just feeling special, allowing herself to sit at the bar, where the kids usually aren't allowed to sit.

When Ellie sees Gwen, who seems young enough to be a student at Xavier's, she asks her in a hushed tone, "legit or fake? Where did you score one?"

Crusader has posed:
Vorn laughs when he is called fat "Well your not wrong! It is why Vorn does not sit in tiny chairs" he was nearly 8ft tall. And as if to continue going along, he drums on his belly - and it quite litterly sound like someone drumming on metal drums!
    But still his eye light up when Ellie mentions there is chocolate. The tender sighs and looks to Vorn "Alright, how much you want?"
    And likewise Vorn responds "How much you got" the answer was clear and the look the tender gave Vorn said it all - he wants to see some proof he can pay. Vorn takes out his wallet and plops down a cool 300....the orc likes his chocolate. And with a nod the fello fetch Vorn...more or less two entire trays worth of brownies.
    His eyes look to Drake and he gives the teenager a wave "Little Man Drake! It is nice to see!" he exclaims. Perhaps he recognized from from esports, who can say.
    And likewise he also looks to Gwen and gives the girl joining them at the bar a wave "Seem it is full bar tonight. Must be a night of the good lucks" he rumbles out happily...before promptly stuff his maul with brownies.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen has her money all stacked and sorted. "And maybe a burger too." and she sets aside a large chunk of her meager pile of green aside to pay for the food. She sighs, and then Ellie speak to her. She turns a bit on her seat to face the girl and her 'friend' more fully.

    "My ID? Oh, it's real. I turned twenty-one in December. I guess I just have one of those faces." she replies. "He's not bothering you, is he?" Gwen wonders, her eyes flicking to the ravenous-seeming Vorn. She hesitantly offers the large being a little wave in return to his greeting.

Slipstream has posed:
Glancing upwards at his name, Drake gives a squint of his eyes towards the rather large and hairy fellow. "Yo! Whaddup man?" He calls over in an easy manner as if they are best buds. He's playing it cool. With a tilt of his head to the tender, he slides out his ID and passes it over. "Can I get a hurricane please? Thanks." He says as he flips out a twenty and passes it over. Teen? Not for a few years now and his ID says he's at least of legal age. He got a hook up. "Leave some chocolate for the rest of us dude. I love me some fucking brownies." His eyes track Gwen as well for a moment, giving her a passing grin before they drift over to Ellie as well. He gives her one of those head jerk nods, like 'sup'?

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"I'm never wrong, I'm clever like that, plus I go to Xavier's and that's like a genius school or something...all exclusive and everything. People say it's got pretige and shit, read up on it," Ellie offers all the credentials one might need on her sheer genius.

"What? People actually have real IDs they get because their of age or whatever? Damn, that's pretty lucky." Though technically everyone grows up, as a 15 year old, 21 seems like forever away to Ellie.

Ellie stares at Drake for a moment when he nods at her in greeting, and then shifts her attention back to Gwen, "nobody bothers me, because I don't suffer idiots, I tell them right to their ugly faces." She then looks back at Drake and quips, "yours ain't that ugly though, I guess you're lucky."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn blinks "Vorn did not mean to bother. If we are, Vorn is sorry" he says seeming genuine. He continues eating the brownies happily, but gives pause his eyes darting to Drake. ".....Vorn not make any promises, our favorite food is chocolate after all" he chuckles deeply. "But nothing much is up with us, just chilling...Vorn thinks that is the word young people use these days"
    He looks to Gwen "Happy Be latted birthday other Little Girl" when he says little girl, he dosn't seem to mean it in any demeaning fashion, more it seems to be the way he talks normally. He smiles "Vorn turned sixty four last summer" he claims happily.
    Something seems to click and he looks to Ellie "Oh, we forogt you ask us different question. Vorn story is....ummm. Hmmm, not sure how to describe our story" he shrugs "Vorn is alien" he goes with.

Slipstream has posed:
"Sixty four? Damn dude." Drake grins at Vorn as he leans against the bar. "You look pretty ripped for that age. You seem kinda familiar though .. " He trails off before he tips his head in Ellie's direction. "Thanks. You got a sweet face also. I got a friend that goes to Xavier's. Maybe you know her? Wednesday. Kinda goth girl. She's told me all about your prestigious school. That's pretty sweet." As he is served his drink, he pockets his ID quickly and takes a long sip from it with a sigh, then looks over ot the brownies longingly.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen has a sip from her bottle and winces. "Ugh." But it's cold and west and takes the edge off, so whatever. "I'm sure." she says to Ellie. "You look like a badass, so good for you. It's just... y'know, I was just making sure you weren't being hit on when you didn't want it." She shrugs though. "Seems okay, though."

    A nod down the bar to Drake, then she facepalms when Vorn admits that he's an alien. "I know you look different to start with, it's not like you're trying to hide... but saying that in public is a good way to get SHIELD or the police or an ambulance from a mental hospital to get called." She ssems to be able to continue this little lecture when her burger arrives. This she starts to eat with gusto.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Alien...?" Ellie asks Vorn, doing a quick eye roll, before nodding to herself. "Make since, why wouldn't I meet an alien? Sure. At least you eat chocolate and not humans."

Looking over at Drake, Ellie shrugs, "I don't know...maybe? What's her name?" Apparently she doesn't know the girl, because she starts laughing, "like Wednesday Addams? That's stupid."

Ellie looks amused at Gwen's suggestion, "did you take a good look? I scare boys, they wouldn't dare hit on me, least not so far," to a point Ellie is right, the whole freaks at Xavier label does make other students think twice about approaching anyone.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn looks to Gwen and chuckles "Lass, only the really paranoid, prejudice or ignorant would bother to call SHIELD, the police or an ambulance over such a comment." he considers this "Actually you might have a point. Vorn has seen odder things than ourself in mutant town for instance, but outside of that, it is quite a bit more mundane" he shrugs "Regardless Vorn has fought alongside SHIELD before, und has also worked with the police. Vorn is not worried"

He than looks to Drake "Well one of us is 64. Another might be 30, mabey another is 75. It all kind of gets mixed up." he grins.

And back to Ellie "Well everyone porably seen one by now. Not with those parademons who were terrorizing the world and what not." he ponders this "And yes, alien. Vorn is from iceland" wait....so did he mean alien as in ot from this planet or not from this country. He grins again before rasing a brow "Bottle of yer Strongest stuff friend!" and likewise Vorn is given a bottle of said 'strongest stuff' and promptly pays for it

Ghost Spider has posed:
    "Well, then boys are dumb." Gwen replies. "I'm not scared." She tilts her head in Drake's direction. "He doesn't seem to be, either." Another sip of her drink and she smiles at Vorn. "Well, thank you for the good wishes. Still, about the police... the trick is getting them to ask questions first and not haul out the heavy firepower."

Slipstream has posed:
"Why would you scare boys off? You seem pretty cool from over here." Drake grins at her as he props his chin up in the palm of his hand, taking a sip from his straw he plunked into his orange and pink mixed drink. "Ooh. I think I know who you are now." He says to Vorn with a smirk, touching his nose a few times. Tap. Tap. "Yeah, I guess like Wednesday Addams, but she's really awesome though. Not all weird and spooky like the TV character." He eases back against the bar with a grin to Gwen. "You don't scare me either. Sides, I'm in the gaming circuit. We got some girls in the tournament that could go toe to toe with most of the dudes in drinking and scrapping. You kinda just respect it."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"I guess...but my life is generally more fucked up than everyone's, it's my special ability," Ellie laughs and winks at Vorn. When he says he's from Iceland, she snorts, "I'm from Genosha, got you beat there, nothing is more of a shithole."

"Well that's a given Sherlock," Ellie snorts at Gwen's comment about boys being dumb. She didn't need to be told that, she already knew. "You must be brave then, I'd drink to that, but bozo here won't let me because of my age or some shit..." Ellie sticks her tongue at the bartender. Yup, real mature.

Ellie then turns to look at Drake, "you think?" She nods at Gwen, "you were right, he ain't scared," back to Drake, "big on you, dude. And it's mostly because I don't look like Bimbo Barbie, like some of the blonde girls at school." She shrugs at the suggestion Wednesday Addams is spooky, but leaves it at that. "So...what the fuck is a gaming circuit?" Yeah, she's not a gamer.

Crusader has posed:
"It is not a competition. Vorn loved most of their various childhoods" he says simply. Nope, he wasn't competing for crapiest place to be born "Though Vorn did fight for the mutants of Genosha long ago" he frowns "Saddly, it seems things did not go very well in the after math." he gives pause "Also, Vorn is not sure why anyone would avoid you. You seem like a beutiful girl. Though perhaps Vorn is not best judge here for that"

He looks to Gwen and chuckles "They usually start asking questions when their bullets stopped working on Vorn. By now the police have gotten used to Vorn" pauses "Well not Vorn, but the other me." he waves a hand dimissively "Point is, Vorn can handle the police just fine. But Vorn thanks you for the giving of the advice" he says with sincerity

He looks to Drake than "Know Vorn?" he cants his head looking legitimately confused "Well if you say so. Though if your touching your nose so much, you might need to see doctor, perhaps it is broken? Does it feel tender?"

Ghost Spider has posed:
    "You don't want the dudebros who are looking for a Bimbo Barbie anyway." Gwen offers to Warhead finally, then she does back to eating. The burger doesn't last long, and so she's left munching on the potato chips that came with the meal. She riffles through her remaining thin stack of money and frowns, stuffing in in a pocket. There's still some of her beer left, so she at least has an excuse to stay sitting there.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Hey, you think I'm beautiful, that's fine with me," Ellie smiles at Vorn, at least she heard it from someone who isn't after anything, so that has to count for something. She shrugs at Gwen, never really having had a keen interest in guys, just observing that they keep their distance from her. Unless of course they're douches like Terrence, one of the bullies at Xavier's.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn cants his head and smiles back before downing his drink. Though Gwen didn't go unnoticed. His suddely seems to have a blank expression, one that seem to be impossible to tell what he is thinking, and than he is back "Sorry mam..But Vorn could not help but notice...your seem light on cash" he says this quietly, not thinking it needs to be announced to the whole pub "Do you...need help?"

Ghost Spider has posed:
    "Well, yeah." Gwen admits. "It's tough to get money out of a machine with all the chaos happening in Metropolis and everywhere else. Julliard is closed down too, so it's not like I can use my meal plan in the caf there. I don't even know if I'm going to have an apartment when this is over." she explains, but she raises a hand. "I can't take your money, though. I don't even know you. It wouldn't be fair. Not like I can pay you back."

Slipstream has posed:
Grinning at Vorn, Drake taps his nose a few more times, then finishes off his drink with a long slurp. "I think she's beautiful also. Just don't punch me in the face for saying it. This is my money maker." He says as he circles his face with a finger. "For my live stream of course. I can't deal with the drama if I show up with a black eye."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Take it, not like he needs it," Ellie offers a tip to Gwen, before looking over at Drake, "I'll take it, I don't mind people saying I'm beautiful if it's not for creepy reasons." She gives Drake a once over and mutters, "your face looks good enough. So how do you make your money?"

Crusader has posed:
"Vorn does not need it, the loud Little Girl is correct" he says. He cants his head "Our name is Vorn, we live in new york city, are 64 human years old roughly speaking, trained in advacned military tactics, never finished highschool, made of liquid metal in essence, and love chocolate. Does that satisfied 'know who you are' requirement?" he asks Gwen. Apparently he is an open book.
    But than comes a boisterous laugh "But if machines are the problem, Vorn can help there. No, not break them. But Vorn can fix them so they work properly at least. Though nothing Vorn can do about apartment"
    He again looks to Drake at the nose tapping. His face fills with mre confusion "....mabey he needs a punch in the nose" he claims. He looks to his fist and Drake face as if really considering it

Slipstream has posed:
Dropping his hand away from his nose, Drake gives a grin to Ellie. "I'm a full time Livestreamer. I play for Team Static in the Overwatch World League. I stream for about ten hours a day and I get about I dunno... eight thousand viewers at a time. I'm one of the top hit scan players in the world." He says as he motions to the tender to get a brownie for himself. "So, the team pays me, I have a few sponsors and I get donations and subscribers on my channel."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"See," Ellie points out to Gwen, "called it. I'm smart like that." But when Drake explains his livelihood, Ellie takes a bit more interest, "wait...you make money for like...being online? Could I get paid for twits? Because that would rock."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn settles back and looks between Ellie and Drake as they talk about this online buissnes. He shivers "No thanks. Does not seem the good way to make a living" he comments to himself in thought