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Latest revision as of 06:47, 18 July 2019

A Visit and an Offer
Date of Scene: 17 July 2019
Location: Mutant Town, Bushwick
Synopsis: Sam comes to see Rahne in Mutant Town and brings up an old offer again.
Cast of Characters: Wolfsbane, Cannonball

Wolfsbane has posed:
The first full day after the move has been a busy one. Things put away, the small one-bedroom apartment organized the way Wolfsbane likes it, some food brought in to stock the fridge - it was burgers the night before - and a few other things taken care of. Even if there's any help from Xavier's to cover some expenses, this is new ground for the wolfen mutant, uncharted territory. Will it work? Will it be a colossal failure of an idea? Only time will tell.

Speaking of time, she checks a clock on the wall. Already, she's expecting someone to come by, someone who sent word ahead that he'd like to visit.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will come by knocking softly on the door. She may smell he has his momma's recipes cookies with him. He waits at the door, remembering the night she punched him for not recognizing her for some reason. He will be tempted to step back a step but doesn't. He waits patiently for his friend.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Right on time, too. Good thing Wolfsbane was all set, and as a testament to her nose she can already be heard on her side of the door asking, "Are those cookies I smell, Sam?" Of course she can tell it's him, too. The door swings open after she's unlocked it - deadbolt and sliding chain latch - and she steps back to allow him inside. "Hullo," she adds, head tilted to see what he makes of things.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie offers her a smile, and says "Made a batch of ma's chocolate peanut butter no-bakes. Was trying to think of a good house warming gift, and figures Ah would go with baked goods and maybe something more if ya needed it." He offers her the cookies, and a hug, before looking around the place "Not bad Fire-top.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane shuts the door, taking the precaution of at least deadbolting it again. She is a careful one. No matter how nice this apartment may be, the fact remains the Bushwick area is a low-wealth, medium-crime location. An ounce of prevention and all that. "Well, thank ye for bringing them by. Things are all right so far," she says, the hug accepted briefly before she moves over to the kitchen area, lingering there. "It's a nice place for muh first apartment."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and walks along with her, and says "And walking distance from a lot of places. " He adds as she locks the door, he will say "Good practice, seems we got a bit of a drug explosion going on here in town." He will tell her. He will lean against one of the walls a bit as he talks to her.

Wolfsbane has posed:
"It's in th' city, but..maybe I'll get used tae tha'. I'll have tae get oot tae th' woods when I need tae," Wolfsbane explains, looking toward Sam with a hint of uncertainty. "An' th' crime is another thing tae be careful o', I know. I think I can handle most things, though. I just hope I'm making th' right decision. I already had one o' those 'Whit am I doing?' moments last night."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks at her, and says "Rahne Sinclair, Ah may not like the idea of you not living close enough Ah can hollar down the hall at you, but Ah have full confidence you can take care of yourself if someone tries to start something with you, Ah feel sorry for them.' He offers her a smile and says "Heck, I was hoping you might have rethought a bit about coming to work at the club,with Doug and me."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Look.." Wolfsbane begins, a hand at the back of her neck to rub there. "It's no' tha' I dinna want tae be there, but..for a while noo I've no' really felt like I had a solid place there. I'm no' an X-Man an' I'm no' sure I'm ready for tha', an' I dinna feel like I belong trying tae teach any o' th' students. Maybe I can feel better about being here more, around th' people tha' live here, helping them wi' whit I can. Maybe I'll see more o' a change tha' way, instead o' being inside Xavier's most o' th' time." Her attempt to offer a line of reasoning comes to an end, for now, and a skeptical look follows. "Again wi' th' club, Sam? Ye know I'm no' a big fan o' loud things an' flashing lights an' big crowds."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and says "Ah know, but you said you want to be out amongst the people and people come to the club. Your gonna need a job, and Ah hear the boss at the club is a decent fellow." He will grin at her but then gets a bit serious and says "You know before I was asking cause thought it would be fun to work with friends, but Ah could actually use you and your nose there. There is a new drug on the streets, as Ah was saying. You hear about Nadia and Sarah?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
A faint grunt escapes the Scotswolf. Sam's going to be relentless about this, isn't he? "I admit I've no' looked up any jobs around here," she says begrudgingly, shaking her head before he goes on. "I heard a little, but go on.." Obviously he's got an angle to play with her.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "We tracked them down to a building a few blocks down from here. Seems a guy named Hook is behind the new drug that's on the street, and was setting them up to sell themselves for the drug." He does not say if they did or not but he frowns as he continues. "We got them out and questioning one of the goons, but seems his goon squad is mutants all of the ones we encountered. Well, this past weekend, at the club, we had to turn away folks who were strung out, and people we caught using in the club. Ah was thinking you could help make sure the drugs stay out. It's an all ages Club, and Ah am using it to help folks here in town, Ah want to keep the crap out of it."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane shakes her head, stating the obvious. "Drugs are bad." Mmmkay? "Verra bad, especially if they're getting kids on it. If I find th' guy behind it, I'll give him more than a piece o' muh mind." A low growl, likely a protective one. There's still that side of her for people to contend with, the 'do the right thing' attitude. "Are ye asking me tae be a bouncer?" Has there ever been one like her? Good chance the answer is a resounding no.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Doorman bouncer yea, Doug is the other main one right now. And ah know you don't look like Guido, but that is not what Ah am looking for. You remember that movie Roadhouse? Ah want people who can be nice till it is time not to be nice, and add in Doug's ability to read people, and your heightened senses should be able to keep most of the problems out so seldom have to be not nice."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"I'm no' sure how I feel about ye basically asking me tae be a drug-sniffer, but maybe..a couple nights tae start, an' see how it goes," Wolfsbane somewhat relents. "I dinna want tha' stuff tae spread around here." Roadhouse might not register with her. Memory could be faulty, but the overall idea is solid enough. If she /had/ to go beyond being nice with someone, she certainly could.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Just trying to use skills best we can, and if you don't like it you could be a waitress, but figure bouncer fits you better, plus you can step outside or work the door if the music is getting to loud." He add. He will smile at her, and says "And if you want in when we find this hook if Ah am in charge your got a spot, is your neighborhood now.

Wolfsbane has posed:
"A waitress," Wolfsbane says flatly, as if the mere idea from Sam is putting him in jeopardy of one of those gut punches. "I'd rather watch th' door than serve food an' drinks tae obnoxious people who just want tae look a' me," she states, crossing her arms. "Do ye have a dress code o' some kind? No' just for visitors, but yuir workers?" The idea of being able to slip outside for a breather isn't a bad one, at least. Her neighborhood or not, she's only just moved in, and that part earns a light shrug.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well you can wear a security shirt, or a hat if you prefer. Folks need to know your legit when your on the clock. If you don't like it talk to Doug and if you guys can find something ya like but still lets folks know your legit Ah am ok with it." He smiles at her comment about the waitressing. "Hey could be worse, could be waitressing over at the diner."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"..I guess I'll be going wi' a shirt, then," Wolfsbane says. Hats? Not really her thing, and she doesn't even ask what kind of hat he'd have in mind. "I'm guessing I can be there looking th' way I do, being a place for mutants an' all?" No need to hide what she is, presumably? She bites her tongue at the perceived teasing over being a waitress. "Tread carefully, Samuel Guthrie."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grins and says "Hey remember I brought cookies" He will look at her, and says "You can come in any shape you want, I might suggest against full wolf, just cause it would be harder to communicate, but if Doug's working we could probably even cover that to be honest.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane eyes the cookies, a brief nod toward them following before she squints back at Sam again. "Why would we want communication tae be harder if we're trying tae make sure certain things stay oot o' there?" she asks, clearly not understanding where he's coming from in that regard. "An' seeing a full wolf there is probably just gaunae spook people."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "You and Doug need to be able to communicate if you see someone ya got a bad feeling about or something, plus folks gotta be able to understand when you tel tem they can;t come in or what not."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Aye, an' being able tae talk tae people normally will be better for tha'," Wolfsbane suggests, gesturing with a hand. "If ye have earpieces or things like tha', Doug's no' th' only one who will need tae be able tae hear me, she further explains. She's thinking of her midform primarily for this.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says Actually a good idea, will have to talk Doug about finding us a good set, Ah trust him for picking out about any kind of electronics we need.

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Well..if ye can get me some more information soon, I'll consider it," Wolfsbane says, not yet ready to fully commit. It could be a part-time thing. "Right noo I'm just trying tae get settled in here, an' hope I'm no' making a mistake."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Ah have confidence in you Rahne, and if you need to you can always come back. Plus here you can smootchy face Kurt, and Ah aint gotta see it." He teases her.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane points at the door. "Get oot, an' leave th' cookies." She doesn't sound entirely serious, but it does give a chance to wind things down a bit in case he has to return to the club or go on to other business. "Anyway, I need tae go oot soon an' pick up a few more things, but thanks for visiting."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will walk over and gives her a hug and says "If you need anything hollar ok? If I aint here, you know I will be hauling to get here for ya." He tells her. He will move to ruffle her hair for old time sake, as he heads for the dooe.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane nods, accepting it after the hug without too much protest, since he was nice enough to drop by and not beg her to return or anything like that. "Thanks, Sam. I know. I'll see ye around." This leaves her, once again, by herself...and with the cookies.