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Latest revision as of 13:39, 24 July 2019

Meetings on Patrol
Date of Scene: 16 July 2019
Location: Up in the sky, somewhere above New York
Synopsis: Two Kryptonians meet in mid-air.
Cast of Characters: Hyperion, Power Girl

Hyperion has posed:
The sun was slowly starting to make its descent towards the horizon as Hyperion made his usual rounds in the city of New York. While usually he's in Starling, he's attempting to expand his horizons. Flying through the air like a golden beacon of hope in his full superhero attire, Hyperion keeps his eyes and ears open.

With his microscopic vision, despite being high in the sky, he's seeing everything happening on ground level with crystal-clear clarity, and his ears are peeled for any sign of even a hint of a possible robbery or the clicking of a mag into a gun.

But, more than likely, Hyperion is not the only superhero on patrol this evening. One never knows what they may find when they arn't looking for it.

Power Girl has posed:
The advantage of speed, flight and perception? One couldn't be in multiple places at once but they could certainly keep an eye on a few of them. After the last evening in New York and her thwarting of the Juggernaut's attempt to run off with a bank vault? Kara Zor-L was happy that things seemed to be calm. Of course, there was the usual arguements, fender benders and 'small stuff' that crept into her perception at some level but even a Kryptonian couldn't be there for everything. There were others just as, if not more capable of helping after all.

Of course, with her eyes turned downwards, it takes her a moment to notice the movement through the air that isn't a plane...or a relative. A blink, a tilt of her head and her gaze moves in the direction of the other flying figure.

Hyperion has posed:
Hyperion eventually paused in his flight, and he looks up to see Power Girl as she too is apparently on the prowl. Not having met, buth aving heard of, people with powers similar to his own, yet not the same as him, Hyperion couldn't resist the urge to go up and meet this mystery woman.

Flying upwards until he's at her altitude, Hyperion tilts his head at her. "Who are you?" He asks her curiously. After all, she might be a villain in disguise! A beautiful woman has been the downfall of kings, after all!

Power Girl has posed:
Another blink comes from the blonde, but this one comes from a slight flicker of disbelief before the woman crosses her arms over her chest and tilts her head. "Power Girl," she offers with a quirk of her eyebrow. "Who exactly are you?" Suspicion goes both ways it seems, but at least they weren't coming to blows as they floated suspended above the city scapes.

Hyperion has posed:
"Hyperion." Marcus looks at Power Girl and he seems to float closer, as if trying to get a measure of her (not like that!) and he narrows his eyes. "Its...odd seeing someone like me." Using his X-ray vision, he notices that her musculature, blood flow, and bone density are extremely similar to his own. He seems to quirk his own eyebrow at her.

She didn't attack him, which means she's either friendly...or she hasn't made that decision for herself yet. Were their origins equally similar?

Power Girl has posed:
"No kidding," she muses, shaking her head. Kryptonians weren't exactly the most common of breeds and it didn't take much for her to guess he was something else. Even so, that subtle 'shift' of the air had her blinking a little and clearing her throat. "X-Rays, really?" she questions, apparently something she could notice! "Do I look like I'm wearing any weapons?"

Even so, there's more humor to her tones than any real insult. "You're not -exactly- like me, but you're pretty similar...where did you come from?"

Hyperion has posed:
Hyperion seems to blink to cause the X-Ray vision to cease, and he tilts his head at her. "No. But I've been surprised before." he winks. Hey, doesn't matter if the glamazon of a woman is wearing ultra-tight spandex, there's always room for a knife or a handgun. When asked where he's from, he shrugs. "I have no idea. But its definitely not from earth. I came here in a space shuttle as a child. You? If we're the same...I might come from the same place you do. Maybe." He shakes his head for a moment, because he couldn't be sure.

Power Girl has posed:
He does have a point, even she had come up against some creative criminals out there. Still, his answer of his origins makes her blink and drop her arms in disbelief. "You're kidding me," she frowns, eyes narrowing a little before she looks him up and down. "You're...not joking? Not making fun?"

Difference of parallel earth's aside, it was eerily familier.

Hyperion has posed:
Hyperion seems to shake his head lightly. "I don't have any reason to lie to you." he's right. But he does smile at her. "So...uh...we might be more similar than we thought?" Marcus rubs the back of his neck nervously, apparently uncertain how to proceed. "So uh...where are you from?" he asks her curiously.

Since it seems that she's shocked that he doesn't know where he's from!

Power Girl has posed:
"Krypton," Well, that's the simple answer, but one doesn't really want to get into the multiverse on first meetings. "I...arrived in a shuttle as a child." A frown, she tilts her head to the side. She doesn't -think- he'd be a Kryptonian after all, but the similarities were a little unsettling. "You don't remember anything before you came to Earth?"

Hyperion has posed:
Krypton? Hyperion doesn't seem to have any knowledge of it, and he seems to smile just a little bit. "You did? Very interesting." Was he Kryptonian? No, not quite. He was a member of a species far more ancient. "Nothing at all. Only that I was raised in Canada." He smiles warmly, but doesn't elaborate further unless asked.

Power Girl has posed:
"Well...given that you're not knocking down buildings, robbing a bank or trying to punch me out of the sky, it's probably a good start." A little chuckle, the blonde woman gives a little shrug of her shoulders before clearing her throat. "What brings you over this way then?" Casual talk in the sky, what a strange life she had.

Hyperion has posed:
A strange life, but perhaps not an unwelcome one. "I try to stop those things as they happen, or even before they do." Hyperion admits with a bit of a chuckle, but he smiles at her, floating closer to make conversation easier, about three or so feet away. So if she wanted to throw a punch at him, she could pull it off. "Well, I usually hang around Starling, but I'm trying to branch out in my patrols. I hear New York is a stomping ground fora great many threats. Though I'm a tad surprised that I found no threats, but you."

Power Girl has posed:
"It gets its fair share," Karen nods, giving a little chuckle as she glances sidelong down towards the city and then shrugs. "But at the very least it has a fair share of people working to defend it too. I guess it's a delicate ballance, but eventually there's always something to do."

Hyperion has posed:
"I think someone once called it the never ending battle between heroes and villains. Good and evil. But, if there is always something to do, I am grateful for that too." Hyperion smiles at Karen softly. "So...you are from Krypton? Are there any others like you on this planet? I mean...I believe the Superman is also from there." Because come on, EVERYONE has heard of Superman. Many have seen him in action too.

Power Girl has posed:
He'd heard of Superman, but not her? Figures. The blonde woman gives a little sigh. "I'm his cousin," she explains before gesturing to herself. "Most of us from there are gifted with abilities like this."

Hyperion has posed:
To be fair, she has a helluva lot of cleavage where the shield should probably be. He's heard of her...he's heard of a good few people like him, but..you know, its safe to ask. "Your his cousin? Very interesting. I didn't know. I apologize." he bows his head lightly and he rubs the back of his neck. Clearly he looks guilty.

Power Girl has posed:
A fair point indeed, but it's one waved away along with his apology before she clears her throat. There was only so long one could make small talk a thousand feet in the air without it feeling a little akward it seems. "I'm going to fly through, look over the city. Just in case. You're welcome to tag along if you like, as long as you wont break anything with the fly-by."

With that? She gives a little salute and drops downward, inverting herself and begining her flight towards the city itself.

Hyperion has posed:
Well, might as well!

Hyperion seems to nod to Power Girl as she dives down and flies towards the city, and perhaps a bit impressively, Hyperion is not only right on her tail, but flying right alongside her!

"So then, how long have you been doing..." he gestures to her uniform. "This? Being a superhero, I mean." because he does NOT want to question the attractive woman's fashion choices. Good way to get slapped.