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Best Laid Plans: The Caper
Date of Scene: 25 July 2019
Location: Third Gotham Bank and Trust, Red Hook
Synopsis: Stockholm's plans to rob the bank come to fruition. Stephanie saves a life but takes hurts in doing so, saved by Cassandra's timely arrival.
Cast of Characters: Stockholm, Spoiler, Batgirl (Cain)

Stockholm has posed:
Things have gotten a little rushed with Julia's best laid plans. Everything was going so swimmingly. Resources were acquired. The bank was cased. A surprise was planted in the vault when Julia opened up a very special safety deposit box. Thugs were hired, some imported from out of town purposely to try to keep things on the downlow.

It may have been the thugs though. Because Stabby Bird, aka shortest Robin, caught up with Stockholm a couple of days ago when she was getting the last bit of gear for this robbery. His surprise Intervention and speech didn't dissuade the criminal from pulling the job, she needed an item from the vault. It did definitely move up her time table and make her even more paranoid about being stopped since the pint sized hero said he would be watching. Also the talk may be why things in the bank have gone a bit pear shaped.

One of the silent alarms was tripped, though Stockholm did account for that having a very good idea in the early evening what GCPD response time would be in this part of town during evening commute.

Inside the bank are a whole lot of people who just wanted to deposit a check or use the ATMs. Many bank employees including Tellers, Managers, and security guards. Seven thugs (I mean criminal professionals) holding automatic weapons on the hostages and one very agitated costume criminal.

"COLD HARD CASH... hah I slay me." notes Julia as the payload from the Freeze Drone she stole from GCPD Impound sprays all over the vault now at the completion of the pitchers throw Julia just did with the makeshift grenade. She is dressed a bit dark today, though there is a definite vibe of Harley in the outfit if a bit color themed in a smidge of blue blacks and yellows instead of Red White and Black.

Julia steps over a former security guard, there of all things is a batarang in his neck and a pool of blood under him. "Rig the explosives to the door, should be brittle enough now." and then she turns back to the hostages as two of the thugs break off to do that step in the task. "WHY Aren't you laughing.. it was funny." she rolls her hand and has another batarang in it, menacing a poor teller now who is totally crying.

Spoiler has posed:
Anticipations on the GCPD response time likely didn't take into account some of Gotham's less experienced caped heroes. There were a number who just happened to be starting out a patrol in the area. Spoiler is one of them. She'd left her Honda parked and slipped into an alley to strip to her costume. And then the fun began.

No more swinging a rope with a grappling hook in a circle and throwing it by hand. Spoiler pulled a launcher from her belt and the bat-shaped grapple shot off into the evening darkness, snagging a water tower and then the launcher shot the purple-and-black clad hero up into the air. Spoiler alighted gracefully on the edge of the building, grinning behind her mask at the difference between this Batman and Red Robin-supplied equipment, versus the Ace Hardware variety she'd been using for her five years as a caped vigilante.

Into the comms, she says, "Spoiler here. Just starting my patrol on the west side of the area. Atop the Gruber Building and heading east," she says. She eyes the gap to the next building, wishing she had a cape that could grow rigid to glide like the Bats and Robins do. "Not looking a gift bat-grapple in the mouth," she says, reloading the device to swing her across. Spoiler rubs her jaw. "Bet that would hurt like hell, taking one in the mouth," she says.

The quiet is pierced by the sound of Alfred's voice over comms. "There is a silent alarm from the Third Gotham Bank and Trust in your area of Red Hook. I'm pulling up the security camera and... oh my. They've killed some guards already. You'd better hurry."

The grapple shoots out across the way, wrapping around the head of an ornamental gargoyle on the corner of a building. "On my way!" Spoiler replies, tugging on the line once and then swinging out into space like Spider-Man. She hadn't really tried using the grapple like that yet, but hey, 15 stories up isn't a bad time to try, right? She goes swinging off, closing in on the bank which is just in the next block, where she moves to get a view inside the building.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
Silent alarms almost always reroute to the Batcomputer thanks to some pretty impressive hacking software. Through the computer it links the various agents opporating beneath the Batman's umbrella. Amongst them is the silent Orphan. The black clad silent ninja of the Bat Family roars towards the bank on the back of her own batcycle, cutting through early evening commuter traffic. Horns honk, fists shake, Orphan leans into a tight curve with her last three fingers tapping the back breaks enough to send her into a low powerslide. Immediately righting and twisting the throttle with a bark and leap forward into oncoming traffic.

There is a LOT of city for her to cover. Orphan's patrol being the Gotham West End means she's to cross nearly the entire city before she'll be of any use in the robbery.

Stockholm has posed:
To be fair to the hired muscle, especially since four of the seven are out of towners, they seem a little nervous about their bosses agitated and lets just say unusual state. Still they are doing there jobs right now without any complaint.

One is keeping lookout on the front doors for incoming GCPD just in case a car was close enough to respond. Another is keeping a watch on the back office area in case someone tries to slip in that way. Three more are keeping their guns trained on the tellers and hostages, all grouped up in the middle of the room. The final two are finishing rigging charges to the vault door carefully, they absolutely do not want to touch the Mr. Freeze Formula Frozen metal directly.

Stockholm is still staring at the crying teller she is menacing with a batarang. "Stop. Crying." she commands and starts to walk towards her. "God. This is why Mistah J uses Joker Toxin I swear to fucking god." more gesturing with the very sharp batarang she got from somewhere, maybe ubuy sales from past exploits of the batclan, or maybe from GCPD impound. "You have nothing to cry about! You don't even know what sadness is!"

Which is about when another hostage, also a bank employee actually speaks up being all white knight about it and tells Stockholm "Leave Tess Alone!"
Julia whirls on her heel and as soon as she starts to move Spoiler just knows she is going to throw that thing right into the would be hero and do what she did to the guard on the ground who tried to draw his gun.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler ends up clinging to the side of the bank building, her grapple hooked up on way up above. She looks in from the top of a window that is at least ten feet tall, down at the scene playing out below inside the bank. "Five that I can see so far, armed with guns including... pretty sure that is Stockholm," Spoiler says, the extra training she's been putting in on the database of criminals coming in handy.

Spoiler has to stop and think to remember where in her utility belt the explosive gel is. She applies some to the edges of the window and across a spot in the glass, making a rectangle sparingly with the explosive compound and then sticking the detonator into it.

"I'm prepared for entry, but there's a lot in there for me to take. I'll wait for backup and-" she says before cutting off. Spoiler can't hear what is going on inside, but she can see the body language. "No, don't engage her. Crap!" Spoiler says. "Stockholm's going to kill the teller, I can't wait. Anyone nearby, respond please," she says.

Spoiler gets some gear from her belt, then gets her feet under her against the side of the building and kicks off. She swings away from the building on the rope, at the top of the swing she triggers the explosive, shattering the bulletproof window. Gravity takes over and Spoiler swings back down, crashing through the window.

Flash pellets are tossed ahead of her, but the well-trained goons are too spread out to get them all at once. A batarang goes flying towards Julia's hand, trying to disarm her as Spoiler lands in a crouch in the middle of the lobby floor.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
Orphan is eating up the street at speeds far in excess of the posted limit and these cycles are 'fast'. Rediculously fast is far more apt for a description, but also easily handled, especially in trained hands. Which she has. She's still a few blocks from the bank, but she's close enough to finally direct link with other elements already in position around the site. Hearing Spoilers assessment, she does not answer across comms, because she cannot answer across comms, but does angle herself forward on the tank of the cycle to cut down on wind drag. It doesn't add MUCH speed, but it should be enough.

The last message from Spoiler hits her ear and the silent Orphan responds in the only way she can. A pair of clicks. She heard, she's coming.

Stockholm has posed:
It is indeed most likely a Stockholm. Though she has many varied costumes and she tends to style her blond hair different ways. She doesn't ever really go in for a mask when she is out on the job. Unless the job calls for her to actually pretend to be someone else.

Julia pauses when she hears the explosion, the batarang still in her hand as she tilts her head and looks up at the window. She wasn't planning on being crashed by the bats, but then Damian did say he was watching her so she was bound to be a bit more on guard for this kind of intervention than usual. Sure it isn't Damian but that doesn't change the situation or help Spoiler in this case.

Two of the hired help get flash pellets in the face and one even drops his gun by some hostages as he yelps and checks his eyes. The one by the door continues to be on lookout for the GCPD covering job, though half turning to keep an eye on this development. The one watching the back does pretty much the same, disturbing amount of training. The one who didn't get flash pellet'd fires a couple shots but misses as Stephanie descends too fast.

Julia meanwhile jerks her hand back out of the way of the batarang. "Batgirl?" she queries then scoffs loudly. "That isn't how you throw one of these, let me show you!" and wings the one in her hand with >nearly< superhuman precision, but not quite.

Oh and the two on the vault door finish with the explosives and scramble to draw their own guns now.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler's cape flutters behind her as she lands, a hand grabbing at a pair of batons from her utility belt. She brings them together and they lock into each other to form a purple bo staff.

Spoiler faces off with Stockholm as the guard at the front door smirks as he glances over. "Here you was all worried about the Bats. That's not Batgirl. That's that Spoiled chick," he says before going back to his guard duty.

Spoiler can't help but grimace behind her mask at the reaction. She's wearing a half facemask that leaves her eyes revealed but covers her from the nose down. Stockholm's thrown batarang is parried with the metal bo staff. "What, can't come up with your own gimmick?" Spoiler asks as the batarang clatters across the marble floor.

Spoiler starts forward towards the goon who fired at her, worried more about his gun than about the slower, thrown weapon. She knows as soon as the others get their vision back she'll be hard pressed. Spoiler plants her staff on the floor, vaulting towards the goon feet first. He fires, the shot just scoring her side but not going through the body armor that wouldn't have been part of Spoiler's costume just a week ago. Her feet catch his chest and send him crashing back across a desk as Spoiler lands and turns back to face the others.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
Orphan can see the bank approaching rapidly. Close enough to see what response the GCPD have organized in the twilight hour, close enough to wish she'd been closer, but to far away to think about that now. The Cycle roars angrily beneath her as she twists the throttle and clicks the shift with her right heel, urging out just a little more power from the tired machine.

Stockholm has posed:
Honestly the numbers aren't good still for Spoiler. Two of them temporarily blinded and out of the fight. One kicked and on the ground, wheezing for breath but he could recover. Which leaves what, four more goons and one increasingly pissed off Stockholm.

Speaking of which, Julia draws a very advanced pistol from a holster under her stylish Harley inspired jacket and points it right at the goon who corrected her. "She is a girl. She is associated with the Bats. Hence Bat Girl. I don't care if she god damned calls herself Lucifer or Spoiler you idiot." and she shoots him, right in the face. "The rest of you shoot her!" and Julia walks towards one of the big marble pillars putting it between her and the vault. "NOW!"

Which is honestly when the remaining three goons open fire in the direction of Stephanie.

The fourth formerly remaining one, well he hits the ground with a lot less above the shoulders.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler whirls around, seeing the nasty looking pistol come out. There is only a moment of relief as it is turned away from her though. The blue eyes peering out from her mask widen and as Stockholm shoots her man in the head, Spoiler reaches out a hand towards her, shouting, "NO!"

The tellers who were going to be Stockholm's victims have crawled further away, and one of them loses the contents of her stomach at the sight of the man's head practically disintegrating.

Spoiler tosses down smoke pellets ahead of her as she rushes at the men who bring their weapons to bear on her. Three bullets thud into her body armor, their low caliber weapons not quite penetrating but the impact of each feeling like someone struck Spoiler with a hammer.

Her charge falters somewhat, but she manages to reach the men, in close where they can't fire without risking hitting each other. An uppercut staggers one man, and Spoiler swings her staff intending to sweep the legs from another. But before it reaches him, the third jumps up and punches down on her from above, cracking his fist down into her cheek.

Spoiler staggers, bent over, allowing the other man to bring a knee up into her face. She goes down hard and the three men begin kicking and punching at her repeatedly as she tries to get something from her utility belt.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
The cycle rips through the last of traffic before the front of the bank and pops the curb with the wheel pulled up enough to get the fast moving vehicle airborne. WHRRRRRRR the tire spins out the last of the throttle after Orphan releases it and angles up towards one of the windows dotting the brick face like a black clad missile.. and smashes directly through with her vehicle tilted at a front to back angle. When she lands, the front wheel bounces and spins into a wild dive forward dive that throws the rider off into a roll across her shoulder near the far side of the bank.

Orphan comes to her feet in a round off and spins bodily towards one of the goons assaulting Spoiler with something small and black in her out stretched hand as she stalks purposefully and sinisterly silent in their direction.

It's impossible for her to have not gotten someone's attention with that arrival, but her tongue still presses against the roof of her mouth to let out a sharp, shrill, whistle a half second before she depresses the release trigger on her grapplegun directly at one of their faces.

Stephanie wanted to know?

Orphan provides.

The devices is tossed off to the side and she's running at them now. Fist's clinched, hood down, and black hair fluttering out behind her.

Stockholm has posed:
Julia plants her back to the marble support pillar and watches Spoiler get shot, not shot at, but shot "Nice armor. Let's see how this goes for her Cotton." there is a low whistle from the crazy lady as Spoiler gets in close to the men and manages to uppercut one of them. That is followed by a "Oooofff... that ... damn that looks like it really hurts." not interceding as the beatdown is commenced. Letting the hired help deal with Spoiler at this point.

Which is when Orphan makes her entrance. "Okay. Now that. That is a better entrance for a Batgirl. I'd give it... eeeeh.. I dunno like an 8 though the French Judge is giving is a 6.. bastard." she just watches as it is now 2 on 3, though one of the blinded goons is a lot less blind at this point and seems to be approaching the engaged vigilantes.

"Oh.. right...Fire in the hole." she notes primly and taps a wrist tablet that looks pretty high tech.

Which is when the explosives on the frozen vault door go off. Stockholm was definitely right about it being brittle enough. Also there is more than a smidge of shrapnel into the room. Cold. Hard. If a bit brittle. Shrapnel and a lot more screams. Including one of her henchmen who was still standing there blind. "I SAID FIRE IN THE HOLE FRANK YOU BABY."

Spoiler has posed:
Kicks and punches thud into the downed heroine again and again. The body armor provides some protection, but it can only do so much. Spoiler is down on her hands and knees, closer to prone than not as she tries to get back up.

The crash of the motorcycle through the window provides her a moment's relief. Spoiler's shaking hand finally makes it down to a pouch on her utility garter. An electric batarang slips out and she stabs it into a goon's foot, his body convulsing as the payload is delivered, sparks jumping up his body from his torso to his limbs.

He falls over, face first and out cold. Spoiler croaks in pain as she tries to get up. She rises to hands and knees fully, just in time for the bank vault to explode, sending shrapnel flying her way. When the dust and smoke clear, she's lying flat on her back, a few cuts across her face, thankfully up above her eyes which seem to be spared.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
Orphan has the exact same amount of Fuck Around as a knife in the throat.

One goon takes a face full of grapple and bowls backwards in a heap trying to clutch at a shattered nose and orbital bone, he rolls about like a big baby clutching at his face with blood spurting out from between his fingers like a slip and slide hose.

The demure woman watches Spoiler stab another in the foot and sees him go into painful convulsions, but only pays it as much mind as to note that he is no longer combat effective. There are still two clear and present threats infront of her and she's got zero compunctions about ruining whatever good day they thought they were about to have.

Straight out of her silent run, she ducks a lobbing wild hook, with a tucking shoulder and weaving head, only to slam her fist directly into the inside curve of an already unstable knee. The tibula pops off the femor and the knee cap disjoints beneath the sudden impact and he's toppling towards his side when she comes straight up into a leaping knee that busts open the side of his face when the armor plate strikes exposed soft facial tissue.

The fall angle shifts backwards and Orphan lands out of the spinning jump knee with her back to the last 'standing' Goon... right when the explosions hit, as if she was predicting it. Head bent forward so whatever shrapnel hits, hits the thick back armor when she crouches down with arms up around her neck and skull protectively.

Stockholm has posed:
If the exploding minion was any sign, the caliber of Stockholm's high tech looking pistols is a lot more than her men's automatics. Still she doesn't seem interested in shooting either Batgirl as it were. By all accounts in her file she certainly could probably shoot very well at either of them and likely hit them as well. Especially Spoiler who is on her back prone. Yet she does not do it.

For whatever reason.

Instead as soon as the shrapnel is done whipping past her cover she slides around putting it between her and the two heroes before bursting low and fast to the vault. Tapping her wrist as she does.

Ahead of Julia there is a sonic explosive burst inside the vault as another device goes off. Not powerful enough to open the vault, but easily enough to shred all the safety deposit boxes next to the one she opened, and spill them out onto the vault floor.

The guy. You know. The one Spoiler kicked. He is getting back up and looking pissed even as he wheezes. He also seems inclined to just shoot at both the batlings since his buddies are on the ground (well except Tony who tries to smack Cassandra with his rifle not wanting to hit his downed friends).

Good ol Tony.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler takes a few moments to move again. Her ears are ringing and there is blood trickling down from them from the blast. More blood drips down her face from the lacerations across her forehead.

She slowly rolls over and manages to get herself to kneeling. The teller whose life she saved rushes over to try to help her, but does so just as the henchman who was kicked by Spoiler rights himself and pulls out his gun. Spoiler crushes a smoke pellet, the curls of black smoke rising up around the purple-and-black costumed hero and the teller who came over to her. The man fires blindly into the smoke trying to hit them. The action on his gun jams back, empty. As the smoke clears, Spoiler is huddled around the teller, hugging her to protect the woman with her body.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
Cass doesn't immediately stand up from her crouch, but neither does she just sit there and let herself get clubbed with a rifle either. One gauntleted hand touches the marble floor and her leg kicks out to spin her off to the side into a springing keep off that ends with her standing directly beside the goon, head turned to face him, black out eyes visible on a face void of much in the way of expression that aren't perpetual infernos anger. "Hi." She says in a croaking voice spoken with untrained vocal cords.

Her far fist, right, comes around in a downward punch at his left flank, stabbing extended fingers into his kidney like a small black armored piston. Immediately turning when he screams and grips his side to his side, she steps up the side of the nearest pillar and whip kicks him across the temple with an inward pointed boot. The suddenness and force of it stumbles him down onto his stomach and she's back on him like a spider-monkey, arm snaking around his throat with her left palm up behind his head. Legs holding fast around his waist to keep him from bucking her off his back as she gets to putting him to sleep with the right amount of applicable force.


Stockholm has posed:
Expendable. That is what hired goons are good for.

Really with Cassandra giving the one who tried to club her a special sort of hug that leaves one of them, who is busy trying to reload right now.

Julia meanwhile strolls back ouf of the vault, tucking a thin black metal box inside her armored jacket. "God. You really get what you pay for don't you. Still that is creepy and they call me strange. The German judge gives that a 9... for sheer pain. Schadenfruede." she doesn't stop jogging low and fast towards the back office portion of the bank with her prize.

Also still she doesn't shoot either of them. Despite having that high caliber pistol in her hand and everything.

It will make for an interesting playback really.

The guard finally loads another clip and raises his automatic.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler pulls out a batarang as she watches Stockholm running across the bank. She raises it, her arm screaming with pain at the exertion, the bruised muscles feeling like they are on fire.

The sound of the clip locking into place and the gun chambering a round changes the destination for the weapon. Spoiler turns, blood streaming down her face and the sides of her head and she throws the batarang with everything she has left. It clips the goon right in the forehead, hitting him with the blunt surface and snapping his head back. Did she intend the blunt trauma instead of the sharp edge. It's difficult to say, but that's the part that landed the blow.

After the throw, Spoiler sags forward, arm across her stomach. "Going to need... vehicle extraction," she says over her comms.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
Orphan is torn... she wants to go after Stockholm, but she wont leave Spoiler like that. Her dark eyes look from th fleeing figure to the prone one and she makes her decision after only a breath, sliding on her knees up beside the purple clad heroine to help her up onto her knees so that she might work an arm around her own shoulders. She's small, but strong for her side. "cohm..." She groans through her tight vocal cords, urging the other vigilante to use her for support so she can get them both to the battered, but not broken, batcycle.

Not exactly a batmobile, but it'll get Spoiler to medical attention.

Stockholm has posed:
Stockholm will call it a win. She got the best of not one, but two batgirls. She doesn't even have to pay several of her employees.

This demands celebratory pizza and ice cream!

The insane chick that laughs ducks into the back part of the bank still moving at a good clip, through several offices, down a hallway, and into the alley behind the bank.

Which is the point she hops on a bike of her own, not nearly as fancy as Orphan's and heads fast down the alleyway, intending to lose any pursuit in night, not bothering to turn her lights on for instance right now.

"Got the package" she says over her own comms, routed through the wrist tablet. Must have been hired to do this job. It isn't like she stole any money.

It must be sad eating pizza and ice cream alone though.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler slips her arm around Orphan. Glad to have her help there. She's the kind of person Spoiler would enjoy eating pizza and ice cream with. Though right now, the blonde heroine is not thinking about too much more than the pain. The trio of goons kicking and punching her and left her in a bad state.

She gets on the back of Orphan's bike with help, and holds tight to her. "Orphan... driving us out. Need... my bike picked up," she says over the comms. Alfred's voice replies soon enough. "I will take care of it, Miss."

Spoiler falls silent other than that. Her hand moves to give Orphan a soft pat, the manner of it suggestive of gratitude. The blonde hero leans her head against the woman in front of her. Not the best of nights. But as they depart, she looks over and sees the female bank teller, standing over by her counter, looking on with her hands clasped in front of her.

Ok, maybe it wasn't the worst of nights either.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
Orphan doesn't drop Spoiler so much as sit her up against a pillor while she forces the heavy bike off its side so the vehicle is actually useful to them, then rushes back over to help the other heroine onto the front so that she can keep the her from falling off if she happens to pass out. Slipping onto the cycle behind her, Orphan kicks the bike to life with a snap of her heel and equal parts throttles and breaks so it spins in a black half circle back towards the front doors of the bank.

She knows the wounds are fatal, she doesn't have to be a doctor to see that, but she also knows they could be. Internal injuries are difficult to predict and Cass is incredible at reading body language. Her response to Alfred is a series of clicks, biting down on a small switch in her teeth designed for that purpose, in the affirmative as she bursts through the doors and starts them in the direction of the Batcave.

Careful about speed so as not to make things worse... but with alacrity.