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Latest revision as of 00:37, 29 July 2019

She Blinded Me With Science
Date of Scene: 28 July 2019
Location: Rooftop in NYC
Synopsis: Theories are swapped. Cookies are stolen. A plan is made.
Cast of Characters: Pippi, Donatello, Ghost Spider

Pippi has posed:
    The building the meeting place was built up on had been rehabbed in its lower floors, a community center, classrooms, a little computer lab with aging tech and tired office chairs. Above, classrooms in mid-refurbishment. Some into meeting rooms, others into temporary dorm space. And above?

    Accessable either by fire escape or from above, off a taller building nearby was the playground of the ancient inner-city school. The playground is old fashioned, before people got worried about metal and wood hurting kids, and some of it shows signs of someone trying to replace parts. There's a huge jungle gym of strong, welded metal. There's a slide that someone's bent bars and hastily tied a bit of a swing seat to replace steps. There's swings (mostly broken, though one or two still sway in time with the dangling chains), and one of the push-powered merry-go-rounds that if you didn't hold onto the bars it'd throw you right off and into the basketball hoop area. There's even see-saws up here, though one was only a saw -- it was missing half the other board.

    It was here that Pippi had met up with Gwen last time, and the backpack-totting mutant dog comes up the fire escape, bending up a corner of the fence to access the roof. The bottom of the fence is slightly crimped from all the bending it's had to do -- but no one was supposed ot be up here. It was locked from inside access by a padlock on the inside of the building, and on the outside?

    Well, that's where the other half of the see-saw was now acting as a barrier.

Donatello has posed:
    Donnie was above, rooftop hopping his way along, but letting Pippi do as she pleased, the Purp Turp was crouched in shadow, watching to make sure the younger mutant was safe, but also because of the texting that had gone on abut meeting up.
    Who was Doctor Spider? What'd they have to do with Pippi? What could they do for Nemean? All just questions for now and Donnie was resigned to try and get info in person, and not let Leo do it - too serious and no head for the science.

Ghost Spider has posed:
A dark object curves out of the sky wide of the building at first and then as the arc of the curve closes getting closer by the second. At some point Ghost Spider lets go of the web line and lets momentum do the rest sailing her towards the building.

When she gets close enough one can start to make out the white and pinks of her costume, and the brilliant flash of blue of her 'shoes'

She snags the jungle gym mid fall and torques through a flip back up into the air before landing perched on top of it, super hero pose!

All in all a pretty impressive entrance.

Behind the mask Gwen is mostly pleased someone actually texted her back and presumably Pippi isn't in too much trouble.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi is not in trouble. She does, however, have an escort -- since she was trying to be helpful around the lair -- and as she also didn't have a head for the science, but did have a knack for making friends and getting numbers (which is a weird innate Dog skill?) she tagged along so that no one would get extra chores for heading up . She takes a deep breath as she watches the incoming USS -- Unidentified Sailing Spider! -- and then relaxes realizing it's Ghost Spider.

    Her tail gives a wag, her ears pricking up as she sees Gwen's arrival, and motions to Donnie.

    "Hi, Ghost Spider!" she excitedly squeaks out.

Donatello has posed:
    When Gwen enters and lands... and Pippi points him out (sense of smell Donnie... jeez) Donatello stands and hops down to where he can be better scene, light as a leaf despite being as massive as he is.
    "Wow, you're not... like not a spider at all. I thought there'd be this big translucent arachnid thing that'd be all 'hiss! beware the mighty spider!' but... No you look like... Well." the tall turtle pauses and grins, scratchy voice silencing.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen slides from the superhero landing to sitting on the top of the jungle gym looking down to Pippi and Donnie now. Her head tilts but she greets Pippi "Hey Pipster. I was worried you guys would never like text or call or anything."

Then she bounces her attention, the white eyes of her mask actually widening at the thought, some tricky mechanics going on there. "Well to be fair that was definitely a possibility when the mutagenic radioactive spider bit me ... all arms and tons of eyes and all that...." she shakes her head. "Instead I got to keep looking like me but got the proportional strength and abilities of a spider... much better deal I think really." she pauses "Which turtle are you again.. purple.." trying to remember way back to the docks introduction.

Pippi has posed:
    "He's Donatello. He's the sciencey-one." Pippi makes introductions, and then motions to Gwen from Donatello's view. "The Ghost Spider, she's... a good friend." she trails off a moment, and gives a smile, then rubs the back of her head before she hops up to oneo f thel ower rungs of the jungle gym.

    "An' sorry, I'm bad at calling... aaand texting. But when I explained to Leo that you're a friend and were also worried about Cody, he gave Donnie the OK to call up as long as there's not discussion of boo--" she begins, and then her jaw snaps shut, her ears turning back, and she purses her lips "oooster seats. I don't like short jokes."

Donatello has posed:
    Giving an innocent smile to Pippi's trail-off, Donnie nods a bit, "So you have mutagen experience too, and you can call me Donnie as well, ok?" he pulls out a bit of hand-crafted tablet tech, "So you were mentioning a possible means of reverting Cody to normal - were you basing hypothesis perhaps around a cellular retro-negation of new-DNA code?" head canting to the side as he taps something with a stylus "I was thinking that it may be a possible, and safer, rout to engage regression by turning mutated cellular structure into a recessive."

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen kicks her feet a little bit there and considers. "I do want to help Agent Cody... not sure how I can help if he is brainwashed but I do think I can help on the science." she squints expressively despite the mask at the trail off and short jokes comment. That seemed halted.

When Donnie starts to talk science she nods "Donnie it is, I guess Ghost works... ' she considers that then nods. "I have a masters in biochemistry focused on genetic engineering, my spider got out and bit me .. was working on trying to incorporate spider traits.. the beneficial ones.. into people to help cure diseases and save people. I guess it worked but it is way way too early for any clinical trials though it is building on a decade of research."

"As for how to help Cody... big maybe on that. I think if we want any chance to do it I need some baselines. We need a sample of the mutagenic catalyst, his current blood, and his old blood. Luckily he was a federal agent and I know they run a wide variety of blood tests now a days and profiles so I think I can get his gene sequence with a bit of effort.. so we really need the other two things. That would be the easiest. Making a broad spectrum reverse or retromutagen would be possible with just a sample of the catalyst and a whole lot of work. Retro-negation is more likely to work that way if we can't do it the cleaner way.. but there are risks of doing a broad spectrum retro-mutagen." she pauses looking at you both. "Ripe for abuse which I do not want... but that path would benefit with a stockpile of information from whomever is making it's computers I bet.... that stuff is ridiculously advanced and powerful."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi is glad her slip-of-the-tongue is overlooked, and as she sits and listens to the science talk, she keeps her ears pricked, listening to a good point to interject -- but there really isn't. The two nerds are talking shop.

    So she takes out a packet of nutter butter cookies and watches the two.

Donatello has posed:
    Nodding at that, making notes, Donnie comments "My thoughts exactly. I like being who I am, broad spectrum would have some serious detrimental affects on myself and some others. Federal agents are also asked to donate blood so that they have an emergency source that doesn't have to by type matched, so if you can find his home office then you'll find a couple of blood bags for him, best possible source for his original DNA..." Nodding to himself, Donnie's brow knits as he runs some calculations.
    "He fights us a lot, when he sees us. If we can get him a blood nose we can get his current DNA too." Pippi's slip wasn't unnoticed, and Donatello got a good look. Gud GAWD he got a look, and a glance is shot to Pippi with a 'you were holding out' sort of expression before he is back to nerding.
    "I was thinking of a concentrated sedative as well, to help us get close. He's extremely durable, but I wonder if that's only skin and not something protecting against a neurotoxin that could induce sleep..." he pauses. "Have you dealt with him yet, Ghost?"

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen looks over and aims and thwips one cookie out of Pippi's hands, just a small web shot and yoink leaving the rest. She peels her mask up to her nose revealing regular girl skin underneath not spider and pops the cookie in her mouth.

"I was thinking just his lab results but if they donate blood so they don't need to scramble for donors even better. He was based out of the NYC Field Office so I could do a little B&E and probably get ahold of it." she kicks her feet idly still, and yes she is model levels of hot really since she does do modeling on the side for extra cash at times.

"I haven't but I am .. really durable and I can yeet an armored car if I try hard so I imagine I can take a lion..." she may be in for a surprise. "I can definitely work up with the right supplies a sedative... though shooting it into his nose or down his throat may be best there."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi was holding about about Gwen, yes, because it's not the shape of their booty but the shape of a heart that attracts a dog -- OK, and how much affection they can give. And besides, Pippi has a crush, just doesn't know what it is yet, and butts don't matter.

    She was about to nomf the cookie, catching Donnie's look and giving a helpless sort of shrug, thinking the look is over her delicious cookies while the nerds talk about blood and science, and she was about to nomf the cookie when -- THWIP.

    ... the cookie is gone. Her ears draw forward and down, sad Pippi, and she takes out another cookie. As she looks it over, she pipes up with:

    "Ah... Cody kinda knows who he is. Alopex an' him had a good conversation in an alleyway where we were just kinda chilling and being all calm. I think 'cause he's not used to having a good sniffer yet that works out in our favor, but he's also got claws, an' he's *big*...."

     Pippi looks at her free hand. "... and really heavy."

Donatello has posed:
    "Well I would think a concentrated aerosol would be just fine. Or something in a smoke pellet form - that would help as well." Donnie watches the webbing go, head canting to one side.
    "You got spinnerets when you mutated, but no extra limbs?" he allows himself a moment to wonder, staring at Gwen's hands.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen peels back her mask and tucks it in a pocket, half sticking out. Look, pink dip dye hair and well she trusts Pippi enough and not like the turtle is going to publish this in the bugle as secretive as they seem to be.

"I could probably figure out a delivery mechanism up his snoot then..." she peels back her glove exposing very clever webshooters. "Not so much, figured out how to make a web fluid.. organic so it breaks down later and using some tech from oscorp and hammer and others made web spinners that actually pull from the moisture in the air so I don't run out of fluid. Can .. eh like 120lbs per square millimeter actually tensile strength.. I'm proud of them."

Pippi has posed:
    "See, Donnie? Ghost's a badass. /And/ super smart." Pippi states from her perch on the gym, her tail wagging against the metal a moment as she munches another cookie.

Donatello has posed:
    "And clearly a total fox. So... you know. The perfect woman." Donatello nods "I don't suppose you could... like... let me see the blueprints? I can totally hook you up with smoke cloud materials." Eyes on the slingers, clearly interested to see how he could incorporate the tech into his own works.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Turns that last bit into a joke "I'm pretty sure Alopex is the total fox." she taptaps her fingers on her costumed leg in a drumroll beat. She is actually really on rhythm for that.

"I could probably let you see the schematics for the moisture condensors but don't go trying to patent them or make a billion dollars or I will dunk you in the Hudson." she seems to be teasing about that really. "What are smoke cloud materials?" very curious now.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi looks... totally lost a moment as she glances to Gwen, and then back to Donatello.

    "Ah... Donnie, no, Alopex's a fox. Ghost's a human. Humany-mutant. Type spidery person?" Pippi fades off a moment, but she listens to the two still, rubbing the back of her neck, her legs kicking out a bit as she fidgits.

Donatello has posed:
?Smirking at Gwen's turnabout there, Donatello nods. "You'll understand what we mean as we go. But this is a good start." the turtle makes more notes, looking between the two. "We can go from there - trade notes... especially if I can get a look at that webslinging tech." big eyes.

Ghost Spider has posed:
"I think that would be okay.. but I don't want to see any turtles swinging along shooting webs.. we already get a lot of negative press in the bugle even without that okay..." she plans to share the trick with moisture condensors from atmosphere but probably not the web formula itself. It is a clever way to deliver a lot of stuff though out of the slingers.

She hops up to her feet then walks over with spider balance to give Pippi a hug on the canine mutant. "Spider Mutant Human works I guess." then she looks to Donnie. "I need to get rolling but I am glad we met.. I'll try to get the blood out of the FBI and we can start trading some notes on how to do all this." she gestures "Make with this smoke stuff you are trading." amusement as she reaches down and snags her mask and pulls it on. She wants to see what he means before she slings off.

Pippi has posed:
    "Ee!" Pippi gives a squeak as Gwen drops down and delivers a hug to the canine. Pippi does not hug back, her tail and ears drooping in embarrassment a moment before her tail gives a wag, and she gives a wave to Gwen, hopping from her seat and stuffing the remainder of the nutter butters into her backpack as she gives a grin.

    "Be safe out there, Ghost!" she bids the human farewell, and glances over to Donnie, giving a 'see she is super cool' nod to him.

Donatello has posed:
    "Pip, see you back home." Donnie notes, winking at Pippi before he looks to Gwen "Ask and ye shall receive, my city rose!" Good old not smooth Donnie. His grabbing of the pellet is unseen, but only someone with Spider Senses and reflexes could catch the one underhand tossed to Gwen as another hits the ground at Donatello's feet, this one with the intent of it's actual use. The cloud of smoke around him is immediate, fraction of a second, and thick enough that he is blocked from sight.
    Once it clears, or if one pokes about, he's gone.


Ghost Spider has posed:
"Huh. Ninja smoke bombs..." she looks at the pellet in her hand which she indeed easily snagged without detonating it from the air. Spider reflexes. No Peter senses and being hit by a banana here.

"See you Pips!" and then she runs and shoots a webline taking off with the momentum back into the night sky. "City rose.. heh.." well at least she seems amused not terrified right.