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Latest revision as of 09:01, 1 August 2019

Spiders getting everywhere
Date of Scene: 01 August 2019
Location: The rooftops in Gotham
Synopsis: Cindy is in Gotham, Spoiler alert: Oracle sends Huntress to intercept her.
Cast of Characters: Silk, Oracle, Huntress

Silk has posed:
    The evening is just settling in around the rather gloomy Gotham - quite a difference compared to New York. Amongst the venting steam from the streets and the noise of life that goes on in the form of conversation, traffic, music and general ruckus a slender figure is slipping here and there. The hoody in deep purpe hides most of her features along with the fall of dark hair that frames her olive skinned face that is partially covered. She pauses at a corner and looks about, watching the food cart not far up the street selling simple franks in a bun.

    She turns the next corner into the alley ajoining the side that the vendor is on. The shadows are growing longer and an added benefit.


    The side of the cart jostles, and a spill of condiments tumbles to the ground. It distracts people enough that the four hot dogs in light foil are forgotten as they help pick up. A quick elegant movement and she brushes past them all to gather up the four in her hands and keep moving on as a few are stuffed into the pockets and the others held onto. Low key theft.

    She keeps walking around the corner she goes and by the time the exclamations are made she is halfway down the block and halway through the first dog.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon is alone in the clocktower, Savages playing on speakers from the wall near the kitchen, with a pair of bunny slippers and pajama pants crossed at the ankles on the corner of her desk. She's wearing a t-shirt, ask me about my women's agenda and a headset over a bun of firey red hair.

A mug of coffee is held in both hands, one finger looped through the ring and another balancing palm against the bottom while monitoring GCPD comms traffic, relaying various cameras throughout the city, and keeping tabs on known criminal haunts. Specific key phrases have been programmed into her constant scan, certain criteria like suspected or confirmed vigilante activity or anomolies in regular traffic reported through cellular response services to 911 dispatchers.

It's the latter that catches her powerful computers attention and draws her green eyes up towards the monitors with a brow perking slightly as she blows a cooling breath along the surface of her mug, "What do we have here..." Setting it aside, shifting her feet down, and sliding in on her mobile chair to bring up schematics and cameras from a nearby Traffic cam.. "huh..." Squinting at the hoodie ninja that is Cindy Moon pulling hotdogs from a vendor stall.

Hardly something worthy of her attention, all things considered, but it's a slow night..

The androgynous voice of Oracle comes across BoP specific channels, "Any birds in the area of Central Heights? I have a tag on potential meta-human activity.. no facial recognition. Need eyes on the ground, anyone able to assist?"

Huntress has posed:
Just because Central Heights was one of the more up and up of Gotham's districts didn't mean it was free of crime. If anything it was the opposite. From oppritunist muggers waiting for the rich and unaware to walk past the alley they stalked, to the 'cultured' criminals that plotted crooked business deals and protection rackets behind closed doors, and anything in between.

Upon one of the darkened ledges of building architecture Huntress had made her perch, staked out in hopes of picking up on a lead of the various shadowy activities going on in Gotham. On any given night it could be a crimelord, a supervillain, a weird powered freak...

... Or some minor theft and vandalism.

Well she wasn't getting anywhere on her own, so she tapped the reciever to the comm device concealed in her mask. 'Meta-human' had at least quirked her interest a little. "Huntress, here. What do you have tonight?", she replied, reaching back with the hand afterwards to pull the hood of her costume back up as she stood. "Please be more interesting than the nothing I already have."

Silk has posed:
    First hot dog is down and Cindy stuffs the wrapper into a recepticle before unwrapping the next and beginning to consume it. She makes a thoughtful sound as she turns down the next street, her head bobbing and likely due to music that is playing in her ears. The second hot dog is gone and she's heading into the area of Gotham that hosts more than its fair share of homeless. Those other two hot dogs come out and she hands them off to those she passes by without stopping, a brief nod and she continues. Steam rises around her and she takes the moment to use the cover from streeth level eyes.

    rStreet level eyes. Not Oracle eyes.

    The FWIP of her web shoots organically from her right pointer and middle fingers as she grabs the end and launches upwards towards the buildings and away from the accumulated stench and towards a roof top. Wnother fwip and so goes higher still but this in her left hand as her hood falls back away from her face and she lands on a building, moving to take up a seat at the edge of it and watches Gotham and all its colorful creatures do their dance below her. No so far below but enough that she is breather cleaner air. THere is a furrow to her brows and despite the music, its as if something is bothering her.

    Her hand lifts and she rubs at her temple.

Oracle has posed:
Babs puts the bitten end of half a creamcheese danish in her mouth and resumes working the keys of her computer while licking at it like a snake.. "Why are these so good and so not good for you?" It's half full mouth talk, so the words are a little mess. But her work on the access node has brought a drone from one of the many safe-drops she's established around the city. A small arial unit that releases from a bracet behind an air-conditioning unit and takes flight in the direction she visualized Cindy walking with her treasure trove of hotdogs.

The disembodied voice of the Hacker Goblin signals directly to Helena, "Huntress, good to see you. I am going to triangulate your position.. allow four seconds for software upload and I will transmit schematic data for last known location of unidentified meta-human. Tenatively named: webfingers until ID confirmation is fully established." Babs takes a bite of her danish and sets it down, glancing side eye at camera feed from her drone doing arial sweeps of the area trying to lock onto a specific heat signature.

She finds it on a rooftop, "Huntress, did you receive software package?" A moment later, she's sending the tactical data, including the building upon which she saw thermal image moments before. "Whoa.. she's hella fast.." Said without clicking on her mic, "Interesssting..."

Huntress has posed:
The modulated voice doesn't entirely hide Oracle's snacking, and the teacher has to resist giving them a firm scolding for talking with their mouth full and presumably at the computer. Instead Huntress preps a grappling line in her crossbow while listening to the rundown. Only to pause briefly at 'webfingers'. ".. Do you mean that as squirting it from the fingers? Or hand?", she asks, recalling briefly seeing Ghost Spider in action when she was up in New York a while back.

The grappling line is fired towards one of the other tall buildings where it anchors. A little signal beeps briefly in her ear. "Yeah, got it. Just keep a tab on her. Speed will only get one so far."

She jumps off the ledge, engaging the winder as she does so, and using the combination of swing and retracting line to get herself going before releasing to land on another rooftop. Huntress crouchs briefly with the landing, just long enough to orient herself in the direction Oracle's feed is indicating, and taking off at a sprint. Between Oracle's guidance and her own familiarity with the city it shouldn't be hard for her to catch up to their quarry with a bit of athletic parkouring, as stealthy in the night one would expect a trained assassin to be... At least to the normal senses.

Silk has posed:
    Eyes on her? THere is nothing to sense yet when it comes to modern tech. Cindy sits poised on the edge with her feet pressed to the side of the brich building as her hands continue to rub at her temples and a weary, rather exhausted look crosses her face. She leans forward, her elbows resting on her thighs and her head in her hands as she tilts her head and watches life continue on and annoying buzz in her senses. Huntress is not exactly sensed as Cindy is attempting to shut out the proverbial voices in her head, a sound of frustration bubbling up as she presses the heels of her hands to her eyes and she sits back, rocking to stretch her hands over her head at an angle.

    She sighs and by the time she allows the pounding of her blood to ease from that straining of her muscles she finally feels it. The ping in her senses goes off and she blinks a few times. Different then the one thing that keeps her facing a certain direction at times. She tries to shut even that out.


    She rises quickly to her feet on that ledge and goes still, her eyes scanning the rooftops as the heavy air stirs and moves her dark hair across her face. "Who is there?" She asks. Trying to sort out what she feels from the general noise.

Oracle has posed:
"From her fingertips it appears." Oracle says in that disembodied, unassuming robotic voice. Babs'll have to be a little more careful about eating while on the clock.. some other time maybe.. "man this danish is divine.." Another bite, another glance at her monitors to see what her drone has for her. Circling high enough up that it would difficult, but not impossible, to spot against the gloom that perpetually hangs in the atomosphere above Gotham City. Even in the well to do section of Gotham City.

Maybe specifically in the Well to do section of Gotham City.

Babs turns a little for her coffee and takes a sip, sets the mug down, and brushes her fingertips off on her pajama pants so as not to get all stickiness upon her keyboard. "You are close... hold.." She says suddenly, furrowing her brow when Cindy appears to look directly in Helena's direction. Now, few people can spot a well trained Gotham Knight, much less an agent of the Birds of Prey.. "In.ter.rest.ink..." She murmurs bemused, clicking over to comms, "I think she can sense you. Advance with caution. Biometric scans are giving me odd readings, but her heart rate is elevating. I think she will run if startled... she might fight. Prepare for that, Huntress. She has not yet done anything to warrent direct violent confrontation. This is first contact." She smirks to herself and adjusts her glasses as she says the next part to a vigilante in Gotham City, "Try Diplomacy."

Huntress has posed:
When Oracle says 'hold' Huntress stops at the edge of the rooftop a couple of stories higher than the one their quarry is standing on, reflexively dropping back and hunching down to keep out of sight with the darker colors of her costume. If only it was sight being used to try and search her out. "It's not unknown for metas to have advanced senses," she whispers just enough for the comm to pick up. "My time in New York was... interesting." And she leaves it at that.

Other than the faint smirk when she's warned to be ready to fight if necessary. Is she ever not?

She gets back to her feet, and instead of being all ominous harbinger of justice she just jumps down to the rooftop unusual woman stands on. It's almost painfully undramatic, other than the timing of being almost right after the question of who's there. Though the tail of her overcoat does still give a little flutter in her wake. Not nearly as imposing as a cape billowing would be though. "One of this city's guardians," she answers as she stands. "Who are you, and what are you doing up here where its usually just us capes and crackpots running about?"

Her body is taunt in a readiness to move, but she hasn't drawn any weapons or other gadgets in lieu of asking her question.

For The Huntress, this is 'Diplomacy'.

Silk has posed:
    rCindy can feel it, the buzz of another that is becoming brighter the more she focuses. So the moment Huntress leaps forward, the web slinger is lowering into a crouch, her hands out to each side in readiness. Run she does not. Not right away but instincts are singing out and the hairs on her arms stand on end as she draws a rather deep breath. Her heart does quicken further and she lifts her shoulders, her own tension building like a spring.

    Dark eyes narrow as she remains still and quiet to assess. "A guardian..and what do they call you? Got some fancy name like Vision or Captain America?" This woman is not ringing any bells but the urge to fight or flee is still strong and noticeable with how she does not straighten from her crouch. "Are you the welcome wagon?" The words come off somewhat nervous and cocky as the young woman points her right pointer and middle finger towards Huntress. "Honesty is the bets policy," she offers as perhaps guidance for the moment.

Oracle has posed:
"Well, that's close, I guess.." The boom mic on the Drone picking up Helena's version of diplomacy, feeding it over the music playing in the background that's filtered out of her Oracle software. The arial bug shifts sideways trying to get a facial scan of this newest anomoly in Cindy Moon, but the way she's crouched and the angle of the overhead drone makes doing so an act of partials, at best. It'll do for a general scan of the GCPD/NYPD database, but she's not sure anything is going to hit until she's got a better visual.

"Vision and Captain America... alright, nice name drops." Babs again murmurs and chews another bite from her danish absently, letting Huntress do the legwork until she's confirmed some kind of identity on the woman they've tracked to the roof. "Huntress.." Swallowing, sipping coffee, replay, "Huntress, I need a better angle for facial recording. Push her backwards six steps and move her three to the right. If I bring the drone any closer, she might be able to hear it an I will lose visual until another can move into the area."

Huntress has posed:
What is this, a game of catherding now? Eyes roll briefly at the suggestion, but as she wants to know more just as much she will go along with it.

The woman takes a brief, forcing herself to relax and untense a little. The vigilante is set partially aside for the moment, in favor of the teacher. Something more familiar with dealing with someone that might be scared and uncertain if they did something they should or shouldn't of. She takes a step to the side and a few closer to try and get the woman at the angle Oracle wants without being obvious about it, holding her hands out a bit to show she's not hiding anything dangerous in them.

Hood ruffles as she cocks her head a little at the name drops. But at least she's asking for those sort of names. "I'm known as Huntress." Probably not the most reassuring vigilante moniker to hear. "In a manner of speaking, yes." Pause. "It could of been worse ones."

Silk has posed:
    That movement is something like circling and Cindy's body language reads coiled spring ready to release a bullet as her hand lifts and there is a FWIP of webbing that is aimed for Huntress' foot to keep her in place - if she catches her. "Stop moving, please," she says as her voice comes quickly, a reaction that is all due to her nervousness. SHe can taste the worry at the back of her own throat and all else has fallen off her radar as she stares Huntress down. The scrape of her beaten up tennis shoes scrape across the roof as her hands remain pointed towards Huntress.

    "Worse?" An incredulous look is given as she turns her head about and quickly gives a look at the shaowed roof tops. "Is this because I took food? You must have this place pretty well mopped up if I warrant attention." She turns her attention quickly back to her new roof top companion.

    "So then...why me. Or can I go on my way in doing no harm?"

Oracle has posed:
Babs watches the little dance between Helena and Cindy with a raised brow, "Okay she's fast..." All of the data is being recorded by the drone and uploaded directly to her personal servers for later reanalysis, but in th heat of it she's no time to properly appreciate the intricate nature of someone firing webs from their fingertips.

"Her heart rate has spiked." Oracle says in a voice that might be mistaken for disinterest, which is hardly true. She's just trying to sip some coffee. "Tell her she is being observed. Tell her to look up and to the left at the drone, I will bring it into position to get a facial scan."

Huntress has posed:
Huntress jerks back at the *FWIP* but it's not enough to keep from getting webbing splatted on her boot. She looks down at it, looks at the source of it, then down again as she gingerly lifts her foot a bit like one would after stepping in a wad of gum on the sidewalk. Well that confirms the whole 'web' thing doesn't it now?

Sure, after talking foxes and ninja turtles, webbing isn't all that weird. But how quickly she responded didn't go unnoticed, and one has to start wondering just how many people there are with 'spider' powers...

Huntress looks back up. "Not until you said something," she replies flatly. "But Gotham isn't the sort of place to be wandering around." She pauses as she listens to the advice Oracle is feeding her. "We watch for the unaware as well as the unjust. Look up and to the left and you can see for yourself."

Silk has posed:
    Satisfaction for a strike that landed but probably not enough to keep Huntress down. Cindy blinks and looks up at her, gaze narrowing again. "Mmm until I said something," she intones, the hairs on the back of her neck. Wrong. All wrong and the sense of 'stepping in it' is now clearly shuddering along her senses. A deep breath is drawn inward as her gaze flits up wards and her head turns when told - wrong move. She realizes it a little too late and she is quick to lift her hood and duck her head. "Nice trick," she says as she can now feel the drone. Technology blindsides her when she's contending with organice life that is quite literally shaking her spider web of senses.

    "So look...how does this end? I have a feeling you are not going to let me go. But we both know I can and will likely get away." Dark eyes are hard to see in the recesseds of her hood, especially with that dark hair falling forward around her face. "I am just passing through really. Needed some space."

Oracle has posed:
"Gotcha." Full facial recognition scan is uploaded to the search criteria, mug-shots, then other sources in a cataloged database spanning several cities and multiple sources. "Give me thirty seconds, Huntress." Oracle says over comms, moving over to that seperate section of her semi-circle desk to do a more active scan- High School records, files for licenses, library cards.


The file is brought over to her main computer and her glasses adjusted, "Her name is Cindy Moon... Actually, that might not be accurate. She matches with ninty nine point seven nine percent accurate to a ten year old picture of Cindy Moon taken at Middle High. Disappeared a few months after... there is no other record of her anywhere on any database." Oracle indicates with a little frown, tugging at her bottom lip.

"Huntress, inform her that we are aware of her identity. Let her know that if she requests asylum-" She chose that word specifically, "-it will be given temporarily while we sort out the reason for her visit to Gotham. Tell her if she does wish asylum, this information will be filed away, but no further attempts will be made to contact her. This is her one opertunity. Make it clear."

Huntress has posed:
Huntress was getting a bit frustrated, but was doing her best to keep her more tempermental side in check.
Oracle having her back, even at remote like this, went a long ways towards helping that. She was less likely to jump to brash impulsiveness with someone else providing some additional information.

A faint huff of annoyance escapes her lips as she tugs her foot a few times to get it free of the webbing. "Sure, but can you be so sure someone won't track you down again?" Then stands up again, her own gaze narrowing slightly behind her mask. "You want honesty, fine. We know who you are, and despite what you may be thinking we're not going to jump on you just because you're.." she points a hand down at the remains of the webbing by her foot, "not exactly human."

"That said," Huntress adds, resting hands on her hips (if only to keep herself from getting twitchy towards her weapons), "if you're looking for asylum from something, fine, this is your one chance to say so. We'll sort out the whats and wheres of you being here, but leave you alone."

As long as you don't do something to make them track her down again. She doesn't say that part even if she's thinking it. She's called the Huntress for a reason though.

Silk has posed:
    Watching Huntress tug her foot free, Cindy can not help but smirk for a few seconds. But those dark eyes are quick to lift as she straigthtens up and starts to narrow her gaze in a sharp snarl that leaves her lips. "Oh you know me do you?" She frowns then and glances up at that drone as she backs up a step and looks ready to flee, flight mode kicking in as she extends her hand behind her and webbing shoots free of her fingers, smacking the building after a bit and the cord goes tight. But she's gone still. "Asylum...Asylum from jerkface.." she starts to utter something and then breathes in and out to cut herself off.

    The obviosu war of what to do is plain as she truly considers. Her lips press a thin line and she is about to say more when her mouth shuts closed and she tightens her hold on the web. "How does it go? Take me to your leader?" She asks of Huntress.

    With a flex of her hand the webbing cord grows tighter. "I am trusting you....trusting." She says and feels the bitter taste of it in her mouth, it causes her face to twist up and the unsure edge of her tone is clear. With a nod of her head to a silent thought she does not share she snaps the cord free and lets the webbing fall away. "So then."

    SHe's still edgy, still a flight risk.

Oracle has posed:
"That'll do." Babs says and scoots over to another station to click her fingers over the keys, "We have a safehouse near to you, Huntress. I am sending you the coordinates now along with the entry code. The panel is hidden in the junction box near the back entrance." Slipping back to her main computer, the drone tips with a push of her finger along the joystick controls as if nodding in Cindy's direction. "Take her there and I will make certain the other agents are aware. Tell her that she will be safe until we are all comfortable enough with one another to make personal introductions."

Babs sighs, cheeks puffing out with the expell of air, and reaches for her cooling coffee to finish it off. "Well that could've gone better... could've gone worse too, though." The file on Cindy is brought up as she brings her feet back around the edge of the desk to cross upon the corner. Leaning waaaay back in her chair, absently clicking through the very limited information she was able to find on this mysterious woman.

Huntress has posed:
Huntress manages to not groan at the cliche line. "In a manner of speaking." The murmuring about some 'jerkface' doesn't go unnoticed, but now is not the time to poke at it and ruin that they managed to get this far.

She takes a moment to get the location from Oracle, and looks back to Cindy. She sees something... painfully familiar despite the attempts at hiding herself in her hood. The feeling alone, possibly afraid, and definately uncertain of how things are going to go. Huntress knows how that feels. How hard it can be to take those first steps towards trusting again...

That does get her to lighten a little, even if she doesn't drop the serious attitude. "It's a safehouse," she continues explaining as she walks over to the other edge of the rooftop. "Someplace a bit more safe and a bit less ominous when the time comes for more appropriate introductions with them... I get the feeling I don't have to worry about you being able to keep up."

Silk has posed:
    "As long as it's not a bunker," Cindy laments, still giving Huntress a leary look before a nod of her head is given. "I can follow you. Worry not...I know your..sense, being? I will find you even if I lose my way," she says and focuses in on Helena. Other distractions fall away including something keenly once pulling at her in the distance. A brief glance in the direction and she flexes her hands, those same ones that can produce webs. "Ready.." she steps up beside Huntress, still some distance between them to allow her to go first.

    THe moment she understands what way they are going the natural webbing shoots out and slams into building she is pulled along at a rapid pace.