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Latest revision as of 01:01, 5 August 2019

So... you need to have a talk, huh
Date of Scene: 31 July 2019
Location: Cindy's Apartment
Synopsis: Peter comes to talk to Cindy ... it is super ineffective.
Cast of Characters: Silk, Spider-Man

Silk has posed:
    In Peter's absence the apartment has gone through a metamorphosis. It smells clean! There were actually cleaning supplies in the cupboards that were strangely not likely used very often. Dust has been removed, curtains washed, things moved to help the flow of the room. The floor glistens as if its recently been scrubbed and the bathroom looks like a professional cleaning crew has been through. Its immaculate, maybe not the best in regards to decor but Cindy was working with what she had. She also had far too. much time to kill.


    Sitting out on the fire escape from the open window, she rests her back against the railing and waits, her head turned for a moment over the city. Eyes close and she breathes in, trying to drown out the sounds that have kept her awake at all hours. She looks tired, but dressed in one of Peter's t-shirts and a pair of long athletic shorts. Something really. She quietly eats what is left of the ice cream from a gallon bucket.

Spider-Man has posed:
There's a reason he's been avoiding the apartment. Something that plagued his mind from that first night when he found her in the lab beneath those containers and he slipped up and kissed her against the wall. Peter knew himself too well to think that what was causing this was born of real feelings and is painful as it was for him to admit it to himself, since even thinking it PHYSICALLY made his spider-senses ache, he knew it was devastating for Cindy. He's all she's known really, aside from the man who took care of her for 9 years.

So he had people checking in on her. The spy-bot that Tony left made sure he had visual confirmation that she was safe and 1000 dollars a week has been left on the table near the bed. Usually put there while she's sleeping, since he basically knows exactly when that is no matter where he's at in the city.

But he doesn't stay in New York.

He's well outside, over fifty miles away, in a Mansion owned by an eccentric man named Xavier.

Now, he's coming back towards the Apartment when she's awake, but something is weighing heavy on him. He's coming, but there's a trumpit in the air...

He's bringing bad news with him.

Silk has posed:
    Close. She sits up suddenly and nearly spills the ice cream down the fire escape. It slips from her hands and she means to set it down but her clumsy self is too busy reaching out to be sure its him when the bucket tips over. The half melted mess slides out and across her thigh and down some of the metal construct. She gasps and looks down, fixing the bucket and then frowning at the mess, pushing herself up quickly she slides inside with a grace that moves in a single fluid action.

    "Ugh,no.." she says but there is that feeling, a nagging sensation that she can feel from him. Her head lifts just as she is using the folded washcloth from the sink's faucet head to wipe away the ice cream from the shorts and her skin. Brows furrow and she rolls her shoulders back, apprehension soon starting to shadow her obvious excitement.

    Her gaze flicks to the door, to the fire escape with the ice cream still dripping.

    Plop. Plop. Plop.

    "Peter." She says his name as if he can hear her and she knows he can not. She quickly finishes trying to clean herself off and then washes her hands, wiping them clean on the folded towel. She can not help when her hands nervously press together.

Spider-Man has posed:
Several minutes later, Peter's on the roof pacing, tugging at the mask over his bottom lip with his other hand running back and forth over his head in a constant motion trying to steel the senses that draw him like a magnet down into that room, "Think about her... This isn't right.. Stop it." Smack.

That did it.

When he appears in the window, he's in full costume, crouched on the seal, staring at Silk the short distance away. "Hey.. Cindy.. I..." His shoulders roll backwards, head craning slightly, he can already feel it worming back into his subconscious like an infection through a wound.

"Please stay there..." His hand comes up and he immediately feels so horrible about it that it turns his stomach and causes him to feel nausous.. "God... I.. I can't do this."

Silk has posed:
    Every hair on her body starts to stand on end when she can sense him above and it is all she can do not to chase him. Last time she chased him he went missing and left. Cindy draws a breath through her nose, nostrils flaring as she tries to ease the taut string that seems to draw her towards him. It does not work. Her hand grips the edge of the kitchen counter to anchor into place but that moment he lands just within sight her eyes snap up. They meet his gaze - hidden but albeit she knows where he is looking.

    Every hair feels electrified and her senses are singing in ways they have not for weeks and she is starting towards him when his hands are thrown up. It stops her. Surprise shows upon her face and the floor creaks beneath her as she eases her weight back from her forward step.

    There is utter silence from Cindy but finally the words come like some quietly cresting wave.

    "You left."

Spider-Man has posed:
"I had to."

Peter tells her from the window seal, "I've been making sure you were safe, Cindy.. watching over you. I've had people doing the same.. but you know as well as I do that I couldn't tell you why I was going. I didn't.. I don't want to hurt you." He murmurs, head bowing forward, one hand up ont he brick beside him.

"I'm sorry.. I wasn't a very good friend." He takes a breath and blows it out slowly, "But I didn't expect for any of this to happen.. Maybe if we'd grown up together and learned how to use our powers together... things would have..." He shakes his head slowly and looks back out the window.

"I would have stayed away, but I.. I can't sit here pretending that... that..." His whole body sinks down, knees up past his shoulders, palms laid flat against either side of his mask. "I'm with someone... It's serious... I think it's serious... I think I.."

"I... I had to tell you.. you deserved to know.." He's fighting so hard against the feeling drawing him towards her and it's exhausting. Physically and mentally draining him down to his core.

Silk has posed:
    Quiet. Cindy has spent nearly a decade listening to others - not directly but now she stares at him, unblinking as he unfolds his conflict before her feet. Doom. She can feel it like some sickening feeling that creeps through her stomach and then the chill up her spine. Part of her senses is warning her. Doom.

    Then he says it and she has no mask to hide the flinch. A hand slowly lifts, crossing over her stomach as her hand takes hold of her opposite arm. Her breath has quickened just a bit, she's trying her best but part of her starts to crumble. "So..you stayed away because you...because of what is between us and you..found someone." She frowns and furrows her brows.

    "It could have been different if you stayed. I knew someone knew I was here, I am not daft. I realize chasing you scared you away so I waited. I now see I should have...followed." She stares at him, "Take your mask off. Give me that." The tension is there, the odd dull ache at the back of her throat that makes it close. It feels so ...odd and painful. Pain.

    "Peter Parker, look at me."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter reaches up to pull the mask off, craddled up in the little corner of the window like some kind of contortionist. His gaze shifts up, mask laid on his thigh, palm smoothing his hair back out of his face until he's looking on her fully. "I stayed away because there was no way to control what was happening between us. It isn't a natural attraction, it's a draw of these god damned powers, Cindy. It's one more way it's trying to jab the heel into me.. take ONE more thing from me.." His eyes harden, but he's not angry at her. He's not even angry at himself.

He DID the right thing.

He knows that, even if there were different ways. Tony Stark knew she was here. Gwen Stacy knew she was here. People he TRUSTS knew she was here... He didn't just abandon her to deal with it alone. He took himself out of the equations to try and figure out what the math was adding up to.

"Yes." He says finally, looking at her. "I'm not ashamed of that part, Cindy. I wish it wasn't like this.." Motioning between them, "But It wasn't fair. Not to you and not to me.. it feels real because you were 15 when you went in a bunker and I was there... and we had these feelings... but I've been out HERE.." Motioning around.

"I had a fiance... I know how love feels.. and it isn't this." His hand slides along his jaw, a tear running down his cheek. "I'm sorry.."

She probably doesn't believe him and probably doesn't care how sorry HE is, right now.

But he means it.

Silk has posed:
    A breath is finally drawn - the sound rather audible as she fights back the strange strangled sensation of her throat. She's holding together rather well in the face of it all. "You left so you would not have to hurt me, but we are still at that point are we not?" Her dark eyes glimmer, there are tears that she is desperately holding back. "What is worse, while you found someone in the two weeks apart...I was here...waiting. For you. I knew where you were but you could not even..." she cuts herself up as her lips press to a line and she bows her head, breaking her gaze from his to stare at that scrubbed and cleaned floor.

    "Maybe this is not it for you," she says in a breath of air and finally lifts to turn her head and there is anger. DOOM PETER. It bubbles up and two tears break free to trail down her olive colored cheeks. Her hand rushed up and instead of striking him, silk slaps out at the nearest heavy breakable object and she looks like she's very ready to fling it but stops herself.

    "All it takes is self control. It seems I held mine in hopes of showing you. And you did so to get away from me." Her voice is oddly even as the first tear drops free of her jaw to the floor.

    She releases the silk and it flutters down through the air for the length to hang from the lamp.

    "No. If you were sorry you would have come sooner. You would have not left me here, but I will remove this fifteen year old that you see me as from the equation."

    She does not move towards him but takes a step back, then another before pivoting and heading methodically towards the door.

Spider-Man has posed:
"I tried..." Peter tells her, trying to make her realize what he sees, but can't and shouldn't, and he doesn't deserve for her to. He takes a breath in an lays his head back against the brick wall behind him, "I didn't want it this way. I wasn't looking for someone... I..." He slaps his hands on his forehead and pushes his hair out of his face.

"I don't see you as fifteen.." The words are quiet as she begins to walk away from him, but as she didn't chase him, neither shall he chase her. "I came to tell you when I knew I wasn't coming back.." Meaning far more than just to the apartment. "I came to tell you so you could stop waiting for someone who wasn't going to be what you wanted them to be.. the person you deserve. I'm not it." Shaking his head at her back before she gets to the door.

"I am sorry, Cindy. Sorry for not coming to tell you sooner.. Sorry I couldn't control these.. feelings.. this draw.. it's not how any of it's suppose to work." Motioning back and forth with both hands.

"But I'm still here. I 'do' want you to stay out of that bunker.. and I would like it very much if one day you could forgive me... but even if you don't, I'll be here and I'll understand."

His eyes glisten a bit, but after the first no tears shed from them.

Silk has posed:
    "Every choice since that moment nine year ago...were not mine. You made this choice for me too, leaving me. Deciding for yourself and for me." She reaches that door handle, placing her hand upon the cool surface. Her head tilts back almost as if she is mirroring him without realizing it. She looks up at the ceiling as more tears fall that she refuses to turn and show, swallowing past that tight lump in her throat that is going to steal her ability to talk. A breath. Another and she lets it out slowly.

    "No Peter...you made choices. So you are asking me to forgive you for them. Inside or out of the bunker...it seems that my life will is still being dictated by others." The door handle turns with a squeak and the hallway echoes with it.

    "You should have left me, Peter." His choices. "You gave me choice and no option. You took that from me the moment you left." She steps out and there is a tremor through her and the pain is like whip between them as she struggles a moment. "I hope you are happy with her." She slips out and closes the door, it clicks into place and she is quickly wiping at her face as she stares back at the door over her shoulder but the last crumble happens and though he can not see the look he might feel it.

    She is rushing then, down the stairs of the apartment building for the streets of New York.