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Latest revision as of 01:25, 5 August 2019

Fuel Robber
Date of Scene: 27 July 2019
Location: Washington Heights
Synopsis: Zombie-Girl runs into something strange in Washington Heights.
Cast of Characters: Blurr, Zombie-Girl

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr is sitting at a corner gas station in Washington Heights, watching humans come and go as they fill up their tanks. He'd figured out this was some kind of fueling station, but now the question was how to get some of that himself without drawing too much attention.

    Well, apparently he had already been on some news reports. But any car could look like that...


    Anyway, it looked like a lot of the meatbags were sticking these plastic chips into some kind of device on the control console to activate a pump or something.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl walks along the sidewalk in her usual "ignore me, I'm an uninteresting pedestrian" garb of a hooded coat and a pair of dark goggles. Her hands are shoved in her pockets and she walks along while mostly keeping her attention on the pavement a few feet in front of her. She does notice. She stops and looks at the vehicle at the gas station and wonders if they're filming a new Blade Runner movie or something. She keeps her ear to the ground when it comes to supernatural and paranormal goings on, high tech is a bit out of her wheelhouse.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr waits until one of the pumps is free, and pulls up next to it just like the Terrans had been doing with their vehicles. Now, this particular futuristic looking car being kind of out of place is one thing, but something really odd actually happens at this point. When Zombie Girl looked just a few seconds ago, the car appeared to be empty, but now, what appears to be a blond-haired teen is getting out of the car. He opens the gas cap cover or at least what looks to be one, but instead of an actual gas cap, there's...something else there.

    If this a Blade Runner filming, it sure is pretty realistic looking. What looks like some kind of metal 'tentacle' extends out of it and inserts itself into the credit card reader, causing the screen to fill with symbols unrecognizable to this world.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl pushes up the side of her tinted goggles and rubs at one of her eyes with the butt of her hand. There is a brief green glow until he covers it with her hand. Okay, so she knows that she's not having any flashbacks from her mispent youth. Those, along with almost all other physical ailments, stopped after her death.

"So maybe a Stark thing?" she wonders out loud though not very loud. With the night's patrol being otherwise being dead boring, she decides to watch and see just where this is going.

Blurr has posed:
    The strange symbols continue to oscillate across the screen for a few more seconds, and then the arm retracts back into where the gas cap should have been. Then the teen picks up the nozzle and plugs it into an aperture that has appeared in place of the arm earlier. There is a sound as the pump starts to run. Right, now it looks more normal!

    Except for the fact that after about a minute, suddenly -all- of the other pumps stop working and start giving low pressure warnings. Now that starts to get the station's employees suspicious, as they figure this kid has somehow managed to drain the entire reservoir.

    The manager, a tall middle-aged man, hussles out of the store to confront the perpetrator.
    "Hey kid, the hell did you do?" he demands.
    The 'teen' quickly pulls the nozzle out and puts it back, closing the lid over where the strange-looking tech had been. "Uh, nothing. What's the matter...sir?" he says, glancing about nervously.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl sighs. This looks like it could probably go squirrelly. She was patrolling the city to try and prevent the demonic incursion which has been taking place, not to prevent a gas drive off, but this job isn't always glamourous. She turns around and starts toward the pair. She tries not to stand out too much, but still puts herself into a place where she can intervene if things take a southward turn.

Blurr has posed:
    "You drained our entire reservoir. No idea how, but you did." The manager says indignantly. "And as far as I can tell, you didn't pay for any of it." he says, glancing at the pump computer, which is just going haywire now.

    As Zombie Girl tries to keep a low profile, neither of them seem to notice her just yet. The teen seems to be at a loss for what to do for a moment, as he just stares wide-eyed at the man.
    "I-I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't do anything!" he insists.
    The man glares. "Don't play stupid with me. I'm gonna call the cops." He starts to get out his phone, but the paneling around where the 'gas cap' was starts to shift, and suddenly a gun of some kind appears. It fires a high voltage bolt of electricity, knocking the man right out. He drops the phone and collapses to the ground.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl is surprised for a moment when the man is knocked out by... something. But as the situation has officially moved into a southernly direction she drops her previous pretenses. She shrugs off her jacket and yanks off her darkly tinted goggles, revealing eyes which burn with infernal flame. "Hey! Jagoff! The hell was that crap?" she says stomping up to the holographic teen. Her hands reach out to try and grab him by the front of the shirt.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr was about to just deactivate the holomatter and take off as fast as he dares before someone else started getting on his case, but it seems he's too late. A girl is now yelling at him. And she's trying to grab him! Oh, -no-.

    He recoils quickly, trying to get away from her, but she manages to at least brush him. And there is definitely something off about him. The 'shirt' doesn't feel like a shirt at all. It's...not like anything she's probably ever felt before. But surely, it's not cloth or anything clothes should be made of.

    He stares at her. "I--uh, he--" he stammers. "He was about to call the authorities on me! I-I didn't do anything!" he continues to insist, pointing at the now-unconscious manager.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl wrinkles her nose at the strange feeling of the shirt. "Yeah, maybe not. But assault is another matter entirely. Now stand fuckin' still so I can detain your dumb ass with the least amount of violence as possible." She makes another grab, this time going for "flesh" if need be. She's not the fastest thing out there, being more of a bruiser than a ballerina.

Blurr has posed:
    Arghhh. Blurr is getting frustrated. Why can't things just be simple?? He could just turn the fragging thing off, or make it move in some unnatural manner in order to avoid getting grabbed, but that would just make him look even more strange. So he does let her grab the avatar this time. Of course, that will raise new suspicions, but maybe, hopefully, not as bad as the alternative. If the shirt didn't feel like cloth, the arm -definitely- didn't feel like a person. No body heat, and the texture seems like a synthetic material of some kind instead of natural. "Who are you anyway??"

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl makes a face at the unnatural texture. Being quite unnatural herself that's saying something. "Zombie-Girl," she responds tersely. She grabs hold of his upper arms and shoves him back against that weird Blade Runner car. "Now WHAT are you?" she asks with a scowl.

Blurr has posed:
    The avatar is shoved against the car. Well she seemed to think it was strange, but she didn't say much about it, so maybe this wasn't bad. "What? I'm T--human. Just like you. If you are human, even. If not then just like most everyone else here." he replies.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl shakes her head. "Nah. Nice try. So what... are you one of those Skrulls or something?" Mind you she obviously doesn't know the first thing about Skrulls. Their disguises are much more difficult to spot than this strange hologram. "Anyway, I think that the gentleman there," she points down at the ground. "I believe that he was going to call the police, so I think that's what we're going to do." She continues to hold him against the car with one hand and digs around in her pocket with her other hand.

Blurr has posed:
    "Hey! No, don't do that!" the teen insists. "He's fine, I just knocked him out. And I can knock you out too, if you're gonna make this difficult!" he threatens. Hm, a Skrull, huh? "Yes, yes that's what I am. A Skrull." he says, totally convincingly.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl looks a little surprised that that revelation. "Oh! Okay! Why didn't you say so." She releases him and seemingly relaxes, even brushing off his jacket... right before she pulls back her fist and throws a wild haymaker at the face of the hologram.

"INVADE THIS BITCH!" she shouts.

Blurr has posed:
    Huh? She believed that? Blurr is so bad at reading humans. He was about to relax when she came back with a flying punch to the face. Well he definitely didn't see -that- one coming. As such, her fist goes into the avatar's face, but what happens as a result is definitely not what would happen if he were a skrull. Or even anything remotely organic. There is a cracking noise, and the point of impact glimmers with a bright white light as tiny pixelated particles fly in many directions. Why yes, if pixels were a physical thing, this is probably what they'd look like.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl completely fraks the eff out when her fist turns his face into a garbled mask of pixels. "What the fuck!?" she shouts and shakes her hand as though she were trying to get any stray pixel particles off of it. In her blind panic she brings her foot up and plants a kick square into the midsection of the now failing hologram.

Blurr has posed:
    As Zombie-Girl shouts, the damaged avatar starts to repair itself, the particles that had been punched out of place starting to reform once more, but then she kicks it! The same thing happens, except now the white glow is in the midsection instead of the face. It flickers like a malfunctioning projector a few times, and then--it's gone. The engine of the car suddenly roars to life!

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl mouths, "Da fuck?" She looks down at her foot then back up to the car which has seemingly started on its own. She seems unsure of what to do. She solves most of her problems with punching. If that doesn't work she punches harder. But at this point she is unsure of what she needs to punch, and exactly how hard.

Blurr has posed:
    At this point Blurr takes the opportunity to make his escape before she can call the police or do anything else annoying. Tires screech as he tears out of the gas station, swerves wildly onto the street and takes off, ignoring any and all traffic signs, signals, lane markings, or what have you.

    The manager who had been the unfortunate recipient of the electrocution earlier groans and sits up. "Ughh..." he stares up at Zombie-Girl. Oh, another one of those vigilante weirdos. His eyes widen as he sees that the guy who just stole his entire inventory is gone. "Hey, what a minute, you -didn't- catch that damn thief?!"

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl scoffs and responds, "You know what? No, no I didn't. Can't win 'em all pal. Anyhow you should probably still call the police. Maybe if he comes back you'll luck out and get Spider-Man or something next time."

After venting she picks up her coat and goggles from the street and puts them back on. She decides to end her patrol a bit early this evening.