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Sky High
Date of Scene: 29 July 2019
Location: Xavier school - back yard
Synopsis: Pixie and Shannon go on a quick flying trip/tutorial. Pixie tries to show off and sprains her ankle in the process.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Nightingale

Pixie has posed:
Later that evening, Megan had invited Shannon for a friendly and casual flight around the Xavier gardens. As the girl had mentionned her inexperience with flying, Megan had offered her one of her old helmets, which basically looks like a bike helmet but is colorful and well-fitting. "Here!" she steps out, dressed in a cute green sleeveless mini dress with a short frilly skirt, black biker shorts underneath and black lace trim that somehow go with her black punk boots. "So! Show me what you know about flying up til now and we can go from there!"

Nightingale has posed:
     Feeling a little foolish, Shannon plops the helmet on her head and clips the strap in place under her chin, cheeks flaming red. She's still in her cream poet's blouse, jeans, and flip-flops, preserving her dignity and modesty should anyone choose to glance up at an inopportune moment. The helmet was bound to get her some teasing, but if it kept her out of the wellness center or worse, a hospital, then so much the better. Spreading her wings out to a good portion of their full span, she sweeps them downwards to lift off into the air.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles as she watches her form, her own wings fluttering at perhaps 5 times the speed or more, effortlessly lifting her off the ground and allowing her to hover about Shannon. "Hey, not bad..Your wings are bigger than mine, so it'll take more lift and push to get you into the air. But once you're there, you probably can cruise more easily and with less effort." she flies alongside her, peering down below. "I hope you're not afraid of heights? the higher up we go, the easier it gets to fly."

Nightingale has posed:
     Giggling softly, Shannon shakes her head. "I used to be, before my change. After it, I got over that fear real quick by making myself fly whether I liked it or not... whenever I could without anybody seeing." She proves the point by flying a little bit higher, as if daring Megan to catch up to her. "I learned to love it. I mean come on, be honest. When you were little, didn't you wish you could fly wherever you wanted?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins, "Hey, that's not bad. I mean I thought I'd have to hold your hand and reassure you that you wouldn't fall. It was like that the first couple times when I tried to get used to my wings." she smiles as she flutters easily by Shannon's side, although her wings do flutter more quickly, "So how fast and how high can you fly comfortably?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon shakes her head and shrugs slightly, hovering right where she is in the air. "I'm not sure about either. It wasn't safe where I was to really push those limits and find out. If I was able to fly at all, I counted myself lucky."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, "Well, you're safe here, an' I can always catch you if you fall...Well, 'catch' anyway.." she doesn't exactly have super strength herself, and she could probably only lift about half the weight she could lift on the ground if she really pushed it. But Megan has other methods of 'catching' people too. "So how about it, wanna race? I'll try not to go too easy on you, but I'll help you to push yourself too." she smiles cheerfully.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and grins, unable and unwilling to suppress her laughter. "Okay, sounds fun. Hey, what's your top speed anyways, maybe that'll give me some idea. I mean, short of having someone with a radar gun down below us...?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and shrugs, gliding alongside her. "Hmm, not sure actually. I never really clocked myself, but I think I can keep up with your average car going at top speed." she smiles, "But I don't have a lot of endurance since I have to beat my wings pretty fast. Takes up a lot of energy." That might explain why she is often hungry with all that extra energy she's constantly flitting around with.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon laughs at that, definitely more at ease than on their first meeting. "No wonder we always seem to meet in the kitchen. Okay, so a car at average speed on the highway? What's that, around fifty-five? Sixty-five? Maybe we should have someone try to clock us and find out for sure sometime." She attempts to fly circles around Megan, but is very likely not the most graceful in the air. However, at least she manages to avoid crashing into her new friend!

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shrugs and smiles. "Something like that I suppose. I've never really pushed myself to my limits." she grins, "We should totally clock ourselves sometime. I'm curious to see how far we can go! But for now, let's see what stuff we're made of!" she chuckles as the other girl attempts to fly circles around her. Pixie seems quite agile in the air however, and manages to dart about this way and that, hovering in one place for a few moments before darting away. She darts quickly towards Shannon, tapping her lightly on the shoulder. "Tag, you're it!" and she darts away again, daring the other girl to catch her if she can!

Nightingale has posed:
     "Oh, you little sh..iitake mushroom!" Shannon bursts out giggling, an ancient childhood game given new life in the aether. Putting on the best speed she can, she takes off after Megan, laughing. It's a good thing she has the helmet on, or her hair would be whipping about in her face, for the surprising burst of speed she is able to put forth!

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn could be truly mean and cause her to hallucinate, or teleport here and there and utterly confuse her. HOwever, she chooses to play this game fair, cuz it's not much fun if you cheat. With a chuckle, the pink haired fairy girl darts and dashes, hiding behind a building, then, if Shannon sees her, she'll suddenly dart in the opposite direction, quickenning her speed so that Shannon will have to adjust accordingly to keep up as Pixie climbs higher into the sky. It's getting pretty windy now, hopefuly they don't fly off-course.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon isn't nearly as agile quite yet as Megan in the air, yet when the rosy-haired pixie girl changes direction or seeks out a new hiding place, she attempts to give chase in a new direction. Each swift change forces her to learn how to shift direction quickly, and the strengthening winds at higher altitudes give her resistance to work against, as if she were in an endless wave pool instead of in the air. "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog Toto, too!"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles, dipping suddenly downwards in a death defying spiral..With the wind jerking suddenly, powerfully in unpredictable directions, it may just be a dangerous stunt for the untrained..But Megan seems to know what she is doing as she careens seemingly out of control towards the earth below. "Catch me if you can!" she calls in a singsong fashion. "Oh wicked witch of the west!"

Nightingale has posed:
     Well, where Megan went, Shannon was going to try and follow--even if that meant tucking in her wings so she could pick up speed hurtling headlong towards the ground right behind the pixie girl! But if this is a game of aerial 'chicken', then this time at least, Shannon is the first of the pair to chicken out, spreading her wings just in time to avoid a nasty crash, soaring back upwards.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs, perhaps a bit too confident in her abilities as she goes careening towards the ground. She'd done this a lot when she had her helmet on in the past, just to get a high out of it. But now, she's honed her skills enough that she doesn't need to wear a helmet. She plunges to maybe half a meter off the ground before she catches herself, pulling up at the last minute. But still she loses balance, and hurls off, spinning into a tree, crashing and stumbling to the ground. "Ow....I'm okay.." she crawls out, but winces, favoring her right ankle which looks quite bruised and puffy.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon frowns as she comes in for an awkward, if less eventful landing next to Megan, helping her to settle down on the ground. "Please, let me see that?" She groans a little bit, knowing too well what is likely to happen, yet she is not about to allow her friend to suffer if she can help it. As she rests her hands gingerly upon the bruised, puffy flesh, she hisses softly, her power coming to the fore and helping her drain away the injury if Megan's body allows for it. However, if she is successful, her right ankle begins to swell and take on a nasty, bruised appearance, a little tear of pain trickling down her face.