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Latest revision as of 18:54, 10 August 2019

Date of Scene: 28 July 2019
Location: Triskelion
Synopsis: In which foods are had.
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, War Machine, Nyx, Nightcrawler

Darcy Lewis has posed:
It's lunch time at the Triskelion, which means that the food court is the place to be. Employees, staff, consultants, get meal cards that allow them a set number of foood trips per day. HR has a way of knowing what's right for each person.

Darcy has come to appreciate the cafeteria food in the food court, and is in like getting spaghetti.

War Machine has posed:
     Spaghetti was the meal of the day, the special, but as usual when it came this time of day and Rhodes was still on duty he's instead going for a nice pudding cup one of the last of the butterscotch and a nice PB&J. "All I'm saying is that the last episode was better then people give it credit for." As he gets a nice bit of mashed potatos added onto his plate.

     Rhodes seems fairly happy all things considered dressed in his full test pilots uniform. From the looks he's not had much time between test flight and food, with some of his gear still hanging off of him from where he'd taken his break. "Sure the sketchbook stuff was weird but it's not outside the series."

Nyx has posed:
Sam isn't entirely sure how much she needs to eat these days. Which disturbs the teenager and is kept mostly between sessions with her SHIELD appointed shrink and her. Still she steadfastly keeps using her meal allotments and mostly tries not to think of those disturbing implications.

She is currently perusing the digital menu board on the various specials of the day and options. It is a Sunday so it isn't a full slammed day for the Triskellion after all. "Hmm. Pasta.. or..." when she catches what Rhodes says she glances over "Sketchbook stuff?" starting to wonder if she is missing some new hot show. She doesn't know James as well as she knows a lot of the other usual suspects.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Sitting at his own table, hunched and wishing he'd brought his image inducer for all the stares he's been getting - Kurt is carb loading, or he just likes pasta that much. Either way he's watching others arriving, because it lets him not look at the sideways glances... which only makes his tail flick in response.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy rolls her eyes at Rhodes, tucking into the plate of noddles and meat sauce in front of her. Sunday is a lazy day for her and she's not in her usual office attire. Her long hair's pulled up in a sloppy bun, she's not wearing her usual red lipstick, and on her feet are fuzzy bunny slippers.

"It was still trash! They brough all of their own internal rules. That show is now dead to me. We're watching something else," she saying to the pilot, clearly in midconversation with him at a volume that broadcasts a lack of caring if anyone joins in.

War Machine has posed:
     "Come on it's still the same giant robots, it's still the same show, what's it matter if they did break a bit of their own internal consistency by throwing in the sketchbook?" As he speaks he sounds genuinely to be at least trying to give the show a chance, his respirator clattering against his back. "Just this show we've been watching for four seasons now."

    That general flame retardant outfit looks like it's made for protection first and anything else second. The neon red on dark blue with bright white gloves looks like something out of the 1960's more then out of the current shield but it was meant for testing out more then anything else. The patch on the shoulder has the shield logo on a neon red background a clear pistol holster and a clear boot throwing knife holster along with the respirator equipment on his back.

     "And Fine, if you want to watch something else that's good by me, but at least let's finish out this season, I need to find out what happens to Kyle"

Nyx has posed:
Obviously needs to be more assertive. "What show are you two talking about... and uh.. I think I met you" to James she squints then looks to Darcy like maybe the snarkmaster can give some sort of confirmation and then back.

Not that it stops her from stepping up and snagging a tuna melt from the grill and looking around while she waits to see if she can get an answer to her question. Oh hey look someone she knows she hasn't met sitting by herself. "Is that a new guy?" she asks Darcy and James indicating Kurt. "He shouldn't be sitting alone."

Samantha is not in a SHIELD uniform per say, though the teenager is wearing a SHIELD hoodie unzipped, jeans, and a modern punk band t-shirt circa 2026.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Fork to spoon and twirl. Wrapping 'ghetti around a meatball, listening to the argument about something he has no idea of but it involves robots, so that's a little interesting. Pointed ears perking up as he spots two people he recognizes - and someone he doesn't - and she's looking at him. Is he looking back? He has no pupils, or iris to speak of, but whether he is or not, he's not in khaki casual, or the nice suit from Cap's birthday... he's in kevlar and plates, but aside from his white gloves and 'socks' he is all black, lacking in shield, or X-Men, insignia.
    The attention though, is met with a brief wave of his tail - perhaps to help stop gawkers from doing so, and even a thin smile behind the blue-black beard covering the lower half of his face.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Internal. Consistency. That's not much to ask for! The sketchbook's a Molly Sue and pointless and stupid and they could have done- Oh! Hiya! Join us. We're bitching about Exosuits-4. Our once a week, unless the world is coming to an end and everyone's on deck to stop it, binge. It's stupid but Rhodey likes it so I put up with it, and fine. We'll finish the season just so you'l stopp being a littelg irl about it. Fuck," Darcy says, switchign back to ranting at Rhodes before Nyx draws her attention to..

"Oh! hey!! Kurt! I didn't spot you! Sorry abot that. Get your handsome blue-ass over here and join us," she calls out to him, waving him over with a warmth and assurance that makes it clear that she - at least - finds him one of the group.

War Machine has posed:
     "Come on man, can't have you setting alone" Comes the call over from Rhodes as he too moves over to make more room for the wall crawler. "No time like right now to make some friends." A flash of those pearly whites of Rhodes as he looks back over. "You make it sound like you've never enjoyed an episode." Spoken as he digs into that pudding cup of his, it was what he got pretty much every time he ate at the cafeteria. "You gotta admit even if you don't like the story it's nice to see massive explosions, and giant robots punching eachother."

Nyx has posed:
Sam grabs her own soda and then parks herself at Darcy and Rhode's table. Well to be fair it is Darcy's table and everyone knows it.

"It sounds like a good show to binge.. after my last run in with the Sentinels I am partial to massive explosions and punching giant robots.."

Sam looks to see if Kurt is going to join them, if he heads their way she will pipe up and ask "So you are new right.. I'm not just really obtuse... I'm Samantha.. Agent Twining... hobbies include punching giant robots and sass." honestly Darcy is a bad influence on Sam.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    As he is called over, Kurt has his plates up, one held by his tail. and he makes his way to the offered area. The talk of explosions and robots is allowed to pass, for now, and as he sits he nods a quiet thanks to the others.
    "Sort of new, Dame Twining... I'm Kurt, I liason for the X-Men... I can teleport... stick to walls, I absorb the light." it's true, its already darker in his immediate vicinity and he seems to have shadows collecting around him like rain puddles, "und I can bend and balance in just about any position you can imagine." a saucy wink aimed at Darcy before he is back to eating sghetti!