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Latest revision as of 18:57, 10 August 2019

Analyzing the Hammerhead Ambush
Date of Scene: 05 August 2019
Location: X-men Base
Synopsis: And Twinkies were had by all... no, just Hank, while research into Hammerhead began.
Cast of Characters: Beast, Elixir, Cannonball, Shadowcat

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy is still dusting himself off when he gets into the base. Taking off his jacket, hanging it up, and examining it for more holes. "Computer, record report. Beast shot at on the street in Bushwick Car pulled up, passenger points shotgun at me, and calls me out by name. Unknown third parties shoot at them, and it becomes a brawl in the street."

Elixir has posed:
Josh is on his way out of Medical to get to his other jobs but stops when he sees Hank. He catches the tail end of the report to the computer.

"Holy shit, somebody tried to take you out?!" Josh exclaims. "Are you okay?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will come walking in looking about the room. He was just in the danger room and saw people in here. "Whats up?" HE will ask as he comes in.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy finishes his report. "Assailants looked and acted like prohbition era gangsters, complete with a tommy gun. A Tommy Gun. The two good samaritans... we'll call them well meaning assistants quickly routed the gangsters. One attempted to take a hostage, but I threw one assailiant at the other, and I got a way uninjured. Though I found another bullet holein my new jacket. Computer end report."

He tuen turns to the others. "I am, incredibly enough. My feetsies are still fleet." Then turning to sam, he does an old movie impersionation. "There are these gangsters, see. And they wanted a piece of the Beast, see. A real lead shower. But I ain't licked yet, see."

Elixir has posed:
Josh just chuckles and shakes his head. "Only you'd get jumped by Al Capone and be cracking jokes," Josh says with a grin.

"Glad you're alright. Any idea why they came after you? That's pretty crazy, even for New York. Broad daylight, famous super tough mutant, you know?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit as he hears this and says "Gangsters? They were jumping you. Did they say anything about why they were after you or anything? He will offer Beast his unopened water he had with him.

Shadowcat has posed:
The sound of a female voice singing can be heard coming down the hallway. It's not at all terrible, but neither will Lila or Dazzler have to worry about losing their spot on the charts either. Kitty rounds a corner. "Doo doo doo, a da da da. That's all I want to say to you..."

She pulls up short, seeing other people there. She pulls her earbuds out and says, "Ok, that totally never happened," with a stern look to everyone as she heads over to a computer console. "Gangsters? What's up?" Kitty asks, unsure the topic.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy chuckles to Kitty. "They're meaningless and all that's true. But no I was shot at by a drive up shotgun attack today. I barely ducked it, but at least one pellet hit my jacket. I'd stop wearing suits into Mutant Town but... I think that would be bad for morale." To the others. "They said..." He closes his eyes and pulls up his eidetic memory. "I have a message from Hammerhead to you, McCoy!" and then he fired the shotgun at me, both barrels.

Elixir has posed:
"Hammerhead? What kind of dumbass name is that? Is he a shark with laser beams or something?" Josh asks with a frown. He nods to Sam and Kitty, and puts his hands in pockets.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms ands says "Not one of the names Ah have heard around town. Might be some mutant with a shark themed mutation, but does not ring any bells there either." He will move to have a seat and says "We got any records of the name?"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy shakes his head, takes a seat, and pulls a twinkie out of of the pocket of the jacket he has hanging up. "The wierd thing is I've never met a Hammerhead in my life. I did stumble upon a beating in an alley, and tried to break it up. I guess the goons I scared off work for a guy named Hammerhead. Haven't checked the computer yet, just got back."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty frowns as she hears about the attack. She'll move over to offer Hank a quick, warm hug. "Glad that you're ok," she tells him. "Takes more than a couple of goons with a gun to take down our Beast," she says affirmingly.

Kitty moves over to take a seat at a computer. "Hammerhead you say? And this was in Mutant Town that you stopped the beating? Or somewhere else?" she asks. She starts pulling up the various algorithms that have been written to do web search, tap into various databases, and the like.

Elixir has posed:
Josh shrugs unknowingly to Sam.

"Geez, as if we didn't have enough headaches, "Josh says. He rubs the back of his neck. "I mean, like, are they stupid? They gotta know if your friends don't get them, the Family will for disturbing the peace."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms a bit to this and says "Interesting, we might want to check to see if we can get any id on the ones who helped you. See if it was someone actually trying to help or if it was someone who was trying to take advantage of it to fight this hammerheads goons.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy pats Kitty, accepting the hug. "Thanks." Sitting back, he consdiers Josh and Sam. "They might be stupid. Considering they sound like they're out of a movie. There's something going on to this. You're right though, Sam, we should look. I'm just winding down right now, so I don't punch anything."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty enters a few search parameters and launches the search. "There we go, should get results in a bit," she says. These things can take a while for a full, thorough search after all. Especially when you're using backdoors into systems you probably shouldn't be in.

Not that Kitty or Doug hack back doors into such systems. No sir.

Kitty swivels her chair around to face them all. She has a smile on despite the recent risk to Hank, seeming in a good mood. "So Hank, was the fight you broke up in Mutant Town? Or somewhere else? And any idea what it was about? Or, who the victim was so we can go get more info if needed?"

Elixir has posed:
Josh nods with a half-smile. "Gotta love Bushwick," he says dryly. Josh leans against the wall while they wait for Kitty to do her thing.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Will run the name by the woman Berto hired for security at the club. She has some experience in more street type things so she might have heard of him, she is supposed to be looking into the elements around the club.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy nods to Kitty, as he finsihes his Twinkie butt, and goes to open another Twinkie. "Yes Ma'am. I was doing what I was doing today, just visiting with families that have been attacked, offering continued help and support. Building up a reputation on Mutant Town. And yeah sam, anything we can find out might help. If they'll shoot at me in broad daylight... they may be trying to start a gang war. Wanting a piece of the action."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde leans back in her chair, crossing one leg over the other. She takes the wires for her earbuds down from around her neck, stowing them in a pocket of her jeans. "Are you going to help Roberto with his corporation?" Kitty asks Hank. "I think that's such a great idea. I'm so proud of him for putting it together."

Kitty looks back over to Sam to ask, "How are things at the club? Is it all reopened now and everything?" she asks him. "Any more incidents there like before?" she asks.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Yea, we upped the security and hired Miss Wilson to help us get it and the security to a higher standard. Ah called Guido for a few names of good people as well. We have been doing mostly local things. Ah need to get Allison to do a big night to kick us back into high gear if she feels comfortable with it"

Elixir has posed:
Josh looks to Hank curiously and nods in agreement with Kitty. Then he smiles at Sam.

"Better be open, I haven't been by in a while. Way overdue," he says. "Could we do like, a charity night for the Bushwick Community Association or something? That could be cool."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy gets up to get some coffee, and returns to try... well... dunking a moonberry twinkie into coffee. He pauses, after the first bite, trying to decide if it's a good flavor blend. With a shrug he goes on trying it. "I think robert's corporation is just the kind of thing I'd like to try to work my connections for, and get some high dollar donations into. That could be big. And Sam, Good to hear it. Are you hiring in the community, and in the school?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty smiles at the discussion going on. "Charity night sounds like a good idea," she agrees with Josh. She gets up to go over to the coffee pot, getting a mug for herself. She takes a few moments selecting one, finally going with one with a Stormtrooper, holding his head in both hands at a small kitchen table with the slogan, "I guess those WERE the droids we were looking for."

She checks to see if anyone else wants a cup, and pours for herself and anyone who does, before bringing the results over to share, and taking her seat again. "Josh, thank you for your help with Robin. Sorry for the sudden call," she tells him. "Um, is everything ok with Illyana? Anything I could help sort out?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "We hire from both, most of the school employes have been others of the New Mutants, been hesitant to hire any of the students with age and danger level, but if someone wanted a position that worked would give them a chance. We do a couple nights a week as amateur night, open mic to let some of the locals get a chance to put their name out there. Talked to a reporter from the Planet supposed to get some folks coming over to get the locals some credit.

Elixir has posed:
Josh waves off the offer of coffee with a shake of the head and a smile.

"Nah, she'll get over it eventually. That guy she tortured for Hank, she brought him back from I dunno, wherever she goes. Guy was almost dead and had a /demon/ on him. I freaked out and killed it, it was.... /wrong/. She got all mad. As if we're not /supposed/ to kill demons," Josh says with an eye roll and smirk. "Not a big deal. Except she's /dangerous/. But we knew that."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy coughs. "I did not tell her to torture anyone. I told her she could question him, and gave her a limited time frame to do so. I honestly did not occur to me what she... did." He dunks his twinkie deeply, and growls as he finishes it. "But given what we were dealing with, it's hard for me to ... dammit. it's hard to be the good guys sometimes. If you'll excuse me." He gets up and storms off to brood a bit.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty sits quietly, looking down into the coffee cup. "Illyana was a little girl. Younger than me, Piotr's much younger sister. When she was... what, seven? She was abducted and taken to Limbo, to that Hell dimension. She lived like a decade in that place before she came back to us, and time ran differently. She's grown up in Hell. Literally. And used the goodness of her soul to escape it and return."

Kitty takes a sip of her coffee. "I've had a lot of experiences with the place too. And... yeah, I mean you have to be careful and realize the perspective she has. She knows she's different than us now. But that doesn't mean she always gets how we see things. And those demons were her friends during those years growing up as a girl. So, I'd suggest being understanding. Let her know you're not used to dealing with such things. Didn't meant to hurt her friend, but you didn't know what was going on. She still has a good soul, Illyana does," Kitty says. "I think that will get through to her. Though it may take some time for her to warm again."

Elixir has posed:
"Yeah, we'll see. I'm not apologizing for killing that thing. I felt it, Kitty, it's /wrong/, like, should not exist wrong. We're talking demons," Josh says defensively, evidently far more bothered by the demon than the torture.

"She keeps those things away from me and doesn't threaten me again, we'll be fine. Don't have to like her to work with her," Josh says and spreads his hands. "She tries anything though.... She'll get hers."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Ah think closer to 5 or 6 to be honest. And yea, she has fought against that side a lot, and Ah think she is still good, but she does see those things as natural as we are. Some Ah think she even thinks of as pets or loyal subjects. It is not a fun place, and to be honest, if she was not there it would be worse, and so would the demons Ah truly believe.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's face is a little troubled. "It would be worse," she confirms. "I have a connection to the place too. Or, to Illyana which also connects me to Limbo. And it was stronger for a time when she wasn't... available. I don't really understand it. But... yes I'll just confirm, it would be a lot worse. It's tough to imagine what someone's perspective would be who has lived her life. Not without seeing it, experiencing it for yourself," Kitty says.

She looks to Josh and gives a little shrug. "Just letting you know. I love you guys both so I hope you can work past it, yeah." She rises to her feet, taking a sip of her coffee. "Sam, how are you doing anyway? Are you... ah... are you good after what we went through on the Moon?" she asks. You remember. That time we all almost died.

Elixir has posed:
Josh just frowns and shrugs with his arms crossed. "It'll be fine," he replies, happy to let the subject drop. He turns his attention to Sam.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over, and says "Ah am doing ok, to be honest not sure if Ah did die up there or not. But really not sure it matters. Ah was trying to make sure the kid had as much time as possible." He will open his bottle of water and takes a sip. "Would not mind going back, but think Ah might wanna take some extra oxygen." He jokes.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty finishes off her coffee, taking the cup over to wash it out. "You're a good man, Sam," she tells him. "I'm just really glad Batman was there when he was. So I was glad to be able to repay him with helping Robin. Even if... Robin wants it kept secret. Argh." She sighs and shakes her head. If he's killed by demons and she didn't tell Bats? That'll be quite the conversation.

Kitty puts the mug away. "Yes, it all took a lot longer than I expected," she confirms. "Well, Hank's search should be done soon, it'll pop up when ready and notify him. I'm going up to get dinner." She smiles warmly to them both. Kitty has been in a good mood lately, people might notice. Also, the ruby and diamond promise ring is back off of her hand. She heads on out.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy comes back after cooling off a bit. A regular Twinkie in hand, and a fresh mug of coffee.

Elixir has posed:
"Yeah, glad you all made it back," Josh says. "I gotta run. I need to be at the Avengers Mansion and then get to Bellevue."

He looks to Hank when the X-Man returns. "If you need anything with this, let me know. I'll make time."

Josh waves to Sam and Beast and heads up to the surface floors of the school.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy chuckles as he waves to the departing. "I'm just going to say this. IT may be corrosive to think that a trip in Limbo is good for a man who conspired to harm kids, but I sleep well at night. Even as I understand we need to avoid going in that direction. " He then sits. and stirs his coffee with said twinkie.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to the Beast, and says "I have been there and it is not a fun place, and it could scare some folks in the right direction trying not to end up back there. He looks over, and says "So gotta ask, whats with the twinkies, always saw ya as more a hostess fruit pie type of guy.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy laughs. "I don't know Sam. I just like 'em. They're... well they're a mix They have the cake, which is spongy just so, akin to a pound cake. And then you have the cream filling, which sets off that workman like cake with a sharp sweetness and light all its own. And the combination goes fantastic with black coffee."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods "Ah heard they originally had banana cream filling, but had to stop with the war." He will grin at the man and says "You know you let Shannon know ya like them, she might try figuring out how to make home made ones."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy chuckles. "I'm ont sure I'd have lked them if they had banana flavor in them. I do like fruit flavors but..." He shakes his head. "The regular cream suits me just fine. I think the banana flavor would be less.. neutral."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Possible, and probably very fake tasting, but then again, when Ah think Banana dessert, my ma's nanner pudding is the gold standard." He grins a bit and says "So mind if Ah ask, you prefer me calling ya Professor McCoy, Dr. McCoy, Henry, Hank or what when we are not in class?"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy laughs. "Fake? Everything about a Twinkie is fake." He sips his twinkie-infused coffee. "And look, you're, what, 20? You're well past the point where you have to call me anything but Hank. In front of the students, Doctor is fine. But here, I'm Hank, Sam."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, you have always been a teacher type, and Ah try to make sure folks are good with how Ah talk to them. Ah even talked to Erik about what to call him, and depending on where we were. Ah am trying to think of some way to keep him from starting world war 3"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy laughs. "Fair enough Sam. So Hank works." He hums while sipping coffee. "Well, I hope that research we're doing into Hammerhead turns up results. If they're trying to blow me away with a shotgun, that's a bit of a problem, woudln't you agree?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Yea, specially as to my knowledge your not bullet proof. Have you been dealing with anything besides the fight you mentioned lately might have drew their attention?

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy shakes his head. "Can't say I have. My last... extracurricular activities have been, well, that time we broke into that apartment, and you were there. Uh, the Hostess deal. And that time I saw a beating. It has to have been that beating."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "We need to figure out how a way to get people in the area to look out for one another. Something more that builds unity to help not pray on one another.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy nods. "Roberto's work might do that. Our efforts in community building may help that. the New Mutant club can help with that. It's about building... civil society."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ah have been trying to make sure we helped the area there as much as we can. Part of why Ah made sure to do the nights for local talent, and getting money back into the area. Sorta wish there was some local brewery or something in the area to help provide the booze for it."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy nods and finishes his coffee. "If you ever need help, I'd be glad to. it's good work you're doing. Now if you'll excuse me for real this time, I'd better get some dinner. You going to eat?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "Ah probably should either find something or maybe order something in. Had not thought about it much to be honest."