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Avon-ger Calling
Date of Scene: 10 July 2019
Location: Avengers mansion
Synopsis: Peter comes to the Avengers Mansion, sings Reading Rainbow. Then other stuff happens.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Spider-Man, Wasp (van Dyne), War Machine, Spider-Woman (Drew)

Iron Man has posed:
Two of Tony's assistants relax in the foyer of the first floor of the Avengers mansion, chatting a little bit, and catching up. Tony's been back and forth between the mansion and his tower, and they've been rushing to keep track of the various movements of the hero. They both suddenly check their phones.

"Dismissed?" Asks Lisa.

"Yes, me too," agrees Brad. "But I'm on call until this evening, I'm going back to Stark Tower. I'll give you a ride?" The assistant Lisa nods, heading out, and closing up her folders clearly marked with the STARK logo. Both of them stop to allow a little robotic Roomba-like droid trundle by, which is sweeping up some grit that blew in the front door. Brad chuckles a little, and Lisa just shrugs. Working for Tony Stark comes with some funny things, but they're used to it.

Spider-Man has posed:
It isn't the first time Peter has been to the mansion, but it is the first time he's gotten further inside than the yard. More over, it's the first time he's done without wearing his Spider-Man costume and stands at the door with a button up blue/white checkered short sleeve shirt and a loose pair or of dark colored jeans over converse all star sneakers. He's carting a backpack on both shoulders and contemplating whether he should knock or just open the door and step inside.

"You're an Avenger, Peter, you can go in..." But can he? The conversation with himself hasn't deviated much from that the course of his visit. It started back at the gate, "Should I ring the bell to open the gate? I can just go in right, I'm an Avenger..." But can he?

"Should I call before I head over?" From his apartment an hour hence. "I mean, I am an Avenger, I can just show up..." But CAN HE?!

Iron Man has posed:
But then while Peter debates with himself at the door, the door itself opens, and there's assistant Brad right there in front of him. "Excuse me," Lisa says, apologetic, as she nearly walked into the young man outside. She pauses, though: Peter looks rather out of place, and she isn't familiar with him.

"Do you need help finding something or someone?" Lisa asks Peter kindly, while Brad looks less impressed, jangling his keys in a way that's not really all that subtle about being ready to leave. Lisa's quite pretty and all.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter was just about to open the door, having made the decision to do so, when it opens of its own accord and nearly leads to a collision with Lisa. he stumbles backwards a bit and plants a hand against the wall to keep from falling over the railing and into the bushes. It would have been rather embarassing, "Excuse me.. that was my bad. I should have rang the bell." Stupid, stupid, stupid. "I - heh - I was just actually debating it with myself." Scratching at the side of his scalp and motioning between scratches at the doorbell.

"I..." He purses his lips, then pouts out his bottom thoughtfully when asked if he needs help finding someone. "Yeah, maybe? Is there like a guest book I should sign?" Wiggling his hand like a pen in an invisible book. "Or does someone announce you when you enter? I'm Ppppp... I'm Spider-Man."

Iron Man has posed:
Lisa seems unsure exactly what to answer Peter with, from that confession, but Brad's there to help. "I think heroes like yourself, Spider-Man, just go inside," Brad says, with some skepticism. Is Spider-Man an Avenger? Is this Spider-Man? He's doubtful, but the mansion will certainly sort it out.

"We're assistants to Mr. Stark," Lisa clarifies for Peter. "We just wait in the front here, usually, but if you're a visitor or have a meeting, I know you check in with security about those." She pauses, and then attempts to help more, gesturing into the mansion, stepping back in to point out, "The kitchen's down and to the left side there, though. I think most facilities are downstairs, which is Avengers only."

Spider-Man has posed:
"I should have worn the suit." Peter looks down at his checkered shirt, but the whole while pats the strap of his pack where it mostly likely is being carried, "I was just stopping by because.. I don't really know? I don't know why I'm here." He confesses with a big shrugs that sees to his fingers running back into his shaggy brown hair. "Oh, wait, is Mister Stark here?" Peeking over their shoulders by standing up taller on his toes, clearly expecting that, not only is Tony there, he very likely stands RIGHT BEHIND the Assistance in the foyer like he's handing out candy on Halloween.

"Oh, yeah.." Play it cool, Peter. He bobs his head out of tune and slides between the assistance, "Scccuuuuse me.. where's security again?" Because he's never been this far inside. He isn't even sure he's ALLOWED inside. "You guys are doing a bang up job, thanks for your service." Clapping Brad on the shoulder, he almost does the same with Lisa, then lowers his hand as if to shake her's.. then stops, then isn't sure if he should shake her hand so he puts it out again. "Uh, shake? Sweet, I'm going to go find Mister Stark." Thumbing back over his shoulder.

Iron Man has posed:
A look is exchanged between the assistants, mostly from Brad. He's going to stay out of whatever it is. "Security's at the front, where you came in," Lisa supplies. She'll shake his hand, though. "Lisa," she says. "Good luck," she adds to the poor guy. Brad moves away to go to the car, but Lisa waits, watching to see if Peter survives the doorway with some empathy, but she too will head out.

That leaves Peter to contend with the mansion itself, the main floor being a clearly very expensive home, much of the technology hidden out of sight. Rooms and hallways lead off of the front corridor to sitting rooms and other areas on the grand floor plan, as well as the grand stairs upwards, and the entrance to an elevator. The windows reveal the large back yard, with the current eye-sore of a mobile lab sitting out there in the middle of things.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Thanks..." Peter says with no small amount of apprhension at the notion born of some fear he will need luck. Does the Mansion have attack drones? Is it host to some great evils summoned out from the depths of hell itself? He passes through the threshold into the foyer after exchanging farewells and shakes with both assistance. Polite to a fault, that's his Uncle's doing.

"helloooooo?" He shouts into the emptiness and listens for the echo. Hoping, deep down, that it isn't some ghostly response akin to that which responded to Winston in Ghostbusters 2. ALSO his Uncle's doing. "Whoooop... God, this place would be great for a dance party. The acustics."

His backpack is slid off his shoulders and laid up against the wall.

"Butterfly in the skyyyyyy... I can go twice as high..." Kick stepping as he sings to himself. When in such good acustics, one does not waste them.

Iron Man has posed:
"Good afternoon, Mr. Parker," comes the JARVIS voice, disembodied. "I have taken the liberty of letting Mr. Stark know that you are present," the AI explains, without any attempt to speak over the song being enjoyed by the visitor.

There's actually no real wait; the information about Peter happened during the interlude at the doorway, which gave Tony a lot of time to extract himself out of what he was doing. He appears at the elevators. There's two drones over in his way near it, doing their cleaning routine, and he distractedly shoos them out from being underfoot. Tony's dressed very casually, jeans and layered longsleeve shirt under a weathered dark blue one: his usual 'work the tech lab' attire. "Hey kid," Tony greets down the hall, with a clear lift and beckon of hand, expectant of Peter to come on down.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Wow, who's killing the spirit of LeVar Burton?" somone inquires from an antechamber. Janet van Dyne comes around the corner in a flowing summer outfit right from Miami; loose and flowing sleeves with long slits in them that show off her arms, a plunging and asymmetrical neckline, tapered elastic miniskirt that clings tightly to her legs. Wedge sandals with little bumblebees on them manage to look cute without being kitschy.

"Kid, Tony, wha--" Janet looks from Peter to Tony, back to Peter, then slowly back to Tony, eyes going very wide. "Oh, uh... nevermind, don't let me intrude," she says and carefully backs up. "Didn't realize it was, er... custody... weekend."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter was mid kickstep when JARVIS spoke his greeting, "WHAT THE MOTHER LOAD, who i- oh wait, you must be JARVIS?" Turning in a circle, really spinning in one, trying to find the source of the voice. "Tony told me about you... You know who I am? Wait, yeah, of course you do. Silly question. Oh man, wait.." Holding out his hands to either side, more voices.

One of them is Tony's beckoning from down the hall and another is... the scary lady who was with Betsy. "Hey Mister Stark." waving, trying not to look directly at Janet for fear she might lay eggs in him that later hatch into smaller Janet's and burst from his chest. "Huh?!"

Again he's waving his hands, "No, I'm not.. his.. not that I would mind. Do I look like Tony Stark? No, wait.. how did this even. I'm Spider Man.." He says patting both hands on his chest, "Not his son.. unless he wants?" This is so weird. "I'm gonna go...." Double pointing towards the door, quickly scooping up his backpack as he starts to scamper.

War Machine has posed:
     There's the sound echoing out of yet another door opening. A long pause as Rhodes just stands on the spot still holding the doornob. He looks to each of the faces here taking in each and every facet of the world around him. He opens his mouth to say something some joke some little quip, and then instead just closes his mouth right shut as the world registers to him.

     "Nope." Finally his choice of words as he turns right back around and closes the door behind himself with a thud. The wood of the door hitting the frame as it swings shut. More muffled on the other side just the sound of footsteps, him walking away.

Iron Man has posed:
Son? That threw Tony quite a bit: and it's difficult to knock Tony off of his game for any length of time. He didn't have a reply for Janet right away, other than to give her a quizzical look at first, and to slide on past it. Then his mouth catches up. "Don't haze the new guy, at least not until I'm done," Tony says to Janet with a direct point to her. He then orients his gaze back onto the nervous, anxious Spider.

"Peter, don't mind Janet. Unless .... she wants to do a /tour/," Tony comments, with a sly sideways glance and hanging question in the air to Janet. "MY tour will include an elevator and a downstairs laboratory with a project in it," Tony says, with a loose shrug of both shoulders, hands hooking against his jeans pockets. 'Project' for Stark, of course, being some kind of technological unattainable Shangri la for most other people.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Rhodey!" Janet hastily skitters in Rhodes' wake. "No, come back, I'll--" She thumps right into the door with an undignified squeak, bounces. "Ow!"

Sandals scrape when she turns to look at Tony and Peter, ruefully. Tony at least speaks fast enough to bring her up to date, and she gives Peter a surprised look. "Y- /you're/ Spider-Man?" she asks, gesturing at him. "But I saw you in the park, with Bet--"

"Ohhhhhh.... Wow, you look ... exactly like I expected," she informs him.

A lot of things abruptly *click* for Janet and she nods at him slowly. "Right, uh... well, I guess we should make with the formal introductions." Janet steps over to Peter, one wrist curled lazily near her collarbone and the other hand extending for a formal New England sort of society fingerclasp. "Janet van Dyne, aka The Wasp, but we don't stand on ceremony here. Call me Janet if you like," she bids him. "Steve speaks pretty highly of you, so I'm just going to nudge you right into the 'friendly hazing' category and welcome you aboard. Tony, why haven't you given this young man a tour yet?" Janet demands of Tony. She circls around Peter skillfully to block an easy retreat, unless he backflips over her or knocks her down. "You don't want -me- to do it, I'm sure. Unless you've got a burning passion for fashion and interior design. Literally everything in here is wrong," she reminds Tony. "Like living in a bad Herman Miller showcase."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter cannot keep his eyes everywhere and even with his quick reactions, manages to almost completely miss the interlude from Rhodey before the door is slamming shut behind him. He looks, but all he sees is a door and then Janet nearly bumping into it. This isn't at all what he had expected when he came to the Mansion and precisely what he expected when he thought about it. Which is the leading reason this is the first time he has done so.

He does wish that he'd worn his costume though.

His hand comes up to scratch the back of his neck ackwardly, "Yeah." Nodding with Janet, surprisingly good at avoiding direct eye contact for someone who is rumored to be as so very sharp witted. "Ms. Van Dyne, Janet... Ms Janet Van Dyne Wasp... I am so nervous.." He finally confesses with a frown that looks on the verge of tears. "I didn't really.. I am out of my depth here. Drowning a little."

She's circling him.

Like a freaking Fashion shark.

Why did I wear a blue and white checkered button up shirt and blue jeans?!

"Project?" Tony throws a life line and Peter practically pounces on it. "What kind of project and will JARVIS be there? I have so many questions. Not that I don't have questions for Ms. Janet." Settling on that. Otherwise it's just a mouthful. "Please don't tell Betsy you heard me singing in the Avengers mansion? Maybe she'll care and maybe she wont, but she definitely isn't letting me live that down.. and I really need to live that down."

Iron Man has posed:
"The main perk of being a billionaire, obviously, is to delegate employees to do tours," Tony responds with an easy shrug, and then another pointed look at Janet, implying the obvious. "Or maybe that's just a perk of leading the Avengers," he wonders aloud, but then lifts his brows, eyes widening in a playfully intense look, and he laughs.

"If you were hoping to shame me about my furniture, I sort of wonder what I did to suggest that would be effective," Tony teases Janet. "Although most of this here is a shadow of my parents, so, low blow." It might actually have been a blow, since Tony doesn't linger on that at all, and shifts subjects quickly. He does that when there's 'feels'.

Tony watches the poor Peter flail under Janet's scrutiny, and decides to bail him out with a followup on the lifeline. He crosses, with an extension of arm over Peter's shoulders. A rather literal taking him under his wing. "JARVIS, yeah, but I'm probably the main feature of people that will be there," Tony teases, attempting to physically guide Peter towards the elevator without actually touching him TOO much. The whole 'shoulder' thing was a good idea until actually it was happening, maybe.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Hmm?" Janet's phone is out and thumbs are flying over it. She looks up at Peter and beams a wholly reassuring/totally insincere smile at him, tucking the phone back into a pocket of her skirt (yes, she has those). "Wouldn't dream of it," she says.

Her phone goes *bweep* as a message goes out, then *ding!* when one comes in. Janet flinches, resisting the urge to check it instantly.

Who, who could she possibly be texting...

Admittedly she's enjoying Peter's near-panic a little too much. It's of course entirely natural, this state of things, with the Queen from the Upper East Side teasing the kid from Queens.

She's about to follow up but Tony delivers the one-two punch of throwing his parents down and then doubling up by slinging an arm over Peter's shoulders. Janet pouts and sticks her tongue out at Tony.

"No body ever brings me new toys to play with anymore," she says with a grumbling note of malcontent. But she falls into step, sparing Peter her presence by moving onto Tony's other side. "So Peter, are you still in school?" she asks conversationally. "Did you and Tony meet up like real people, or was it one of those 'tights in the streets' things?"

Spider-Man has posed:
This is a lot to soak in.

Peter is doing his best to focus on Tony's lifeline, but it's growing increasingly difficult with the DING of Janet's phone every couple seconds. "Yeah, I'd l-" Ding. Flinch. "-That. Like it, I'd li-" DING, Flinch. "-what was I saying?" Sweat beading on his forehead when the arm drapes across his shoulder, he looks about ready to run for the hills.

He is not nearly so good with all of this without his mask on, which is half the reason he originally insisted on wearing it in the first place. That will haunt him now. A mistake was definitely made. "Are you testing Betsy?" He finally just blurts it out, "Because that's not fair.. using technology against me like that. It's like... you want me to be uncomfortable and fidgety... which I already was." Because who DOESNT want their Ex fiance to know they're being predatored by their new teammates on their first day?

"Yes, I'm in school. For my Masters Degree in molecular physics and chemistry. We met... at my place of employment. I'm a teacher. I teach people... stuff." Rubbing the back of his neck, he glances around but expects to find no shelter here.

Damn you Rage Against the Machines with your crystal clear impression of future events.

"Oh wow, look at the time." He is not wearing a watch.

War Machine has posed:
     "Almost time for you to have a panic attack?" Comes the voice of Rhodes from behind the group as he's at some point walked back over without making much of any sort of sount. There's a pause in his steps as he looks back over the group. He's got his bomber jacket off for once, just wearing a rather simple button down blue shirt and black pants.

     His expression is a calm one a bit bemused by the whole situation going on here. "Be honest man, you're fitting in too well for your first day, don't go fixing that now, it's too late." His eyes looking back down towards his phone in hand one last time before stashing it away down inside of his pants pocket. Connected? Probly not, but hey he's here, and he's looking calm collected and a bit confident.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony draws his own handheld device out, and gives Janet a funny little smile. Play time! "Yeah, technology use is /really unfair/," Tony comments, fluttering his fingers over the holographic half-display that pops out of it, inserting two fingers and rotating a green menu. Ping ping ping. It's not anyone else's texts or anything.

Tony flashes a wink to Peter, and starts towards the elevator, with his usual expectant manner, talking to Peter in a way that expects him to keep pace. Or even go in front of Tony: a hand tries to kind of steer Peter. "So we're not saving the world today, we're working on Vision's transfer, and consciousness structure using data previous to Ultron's construction, but a lot of it will carry across."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"I aaam," Janet confesses to Peter, face twisting into something that sounds almost apologeitc without being remotely contrite. "Sorry honey. Sisters before misters. Betsy and I went to Primary school together in Europe, at the academy. I gotta give you a little guff on her behalf."

She brightens. "But if it makes you feel better, this is as bad as it gets for a hazing ritual," she pipes up. "We used to do this whole initiation ceremony, with spooky robes and chili peppers, but legal said we can't do that anymore so..."

Janet looks back at Peter. "Kidding. Kidding! I'm totally kidding," she assures him with a merry laugh. "It's all in good fun. You'll get some good shots in later once you've got your feet under you, I'm sure." She looks at her phone again, then blinks twice and scowls at Tony. "Hey. You better not be snooping my texts," she warns him, wiggling a thoroughly out-of-context and ridiculous .gif at the fellow. "Rude."

Rhodey walks up and Jan beams up at the Marine, and moves to hug his arm and lean on him a little. "Rhodey, didja meet Spider-Man, aka Peter..." She looks at Pete. "What's your last name again?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
There are voices. Why are there voices? Jessica just thoroughly investigated the refrigerator AND the freezer. There was no sign of HYDRA there, but there was a pint of Cherry Garcia that would have to pay the price of being caught. But now there are voices.

Jessica wanders in quietly, while beginning to vanquish the frozen confection. Her expression on seeing the group can only be described as utter relief.

"Oh. Hey!" She smiles sheepishly with a mouthful of overly-cold ice cream, turning it over in her mouth to melt it, and she points her spoon at Peter. "Dude. NICE shirt."

Spider-Man has posed:
Still a lot going on. Avengers coming out of rooms like bees in a hive, Peter is trying to keep up with the greetings being thrown at him without seeming to be ignoring them. He waves at Jess, "Hey, cool thanks. I got it at Beals on sale." Because for whatever reason that was immportant information to add. Still carrying himself right along with Tony, half listening to Janet's assurances that the hazing lightens from here, he glances back dubious of that statement with the smallest of frowns.

She's told Betsy about all this and, by that, will get him endlessly teased. This, above all else, is the highlight of his not so good evening. "I'll have to take your word for it..."

Ah ha, Rhodey, waving to him as well. Getting all turned around, he knocks something with his shoulder that tumbles towards the ground and looks really expensive. His foot snaps out to catch it with his toes and kick it back up into his palm so that he can set it right back from where it fell. Smooth as silk on a babies bottom. "Hey man, burgers were great." Double pointing, and lying, because he did not eat a burger.

"What is a Vision? Is it another AI? Are we rebuilding an AI?" WE, oh Peter. "Can I help? What are you using as a stabilization for the neural link? Does it have actual self awareness? Is it like Google? Can I ask it questions?"

War Machine has posed:
     The talk of vision causes a long pause from Rhodes who falls silent and steps out of the way during the talk about him. He takes his time to just think about all that's happened these last few years but he falls back to that friendly relaxed exterior trying not to bring down the mood too much as he notices. Jessica Drew's appearence right in time to throw his mind off track a little bit.

     Surprisingly fast on the draw Rhodes is.. well alright he's still a small country mile slower then Parker but he's got some VERY good for a human reflexes. The guy's not in bad shape. He just goes right back to looking to the group hands going back down into the pockets of his pants. "Barker right, the one who took those photos back in the day and caused a whole stirr?" He pauses for a moment thinking before he just adds. "Hey, the steaks and the getting covered in enough foam to put out a twelve story building on fire were me, the burgers not so much."

Iron Man has posed:
"Guys," Tony suddenly says, loudly, to call attention from everyone in the hallway. The leader's side of the man that co-leads the Avengers has surfaced for a moment out of the more usual general level of relaxed Tony-wrapper. "Secret identity there. In-house only, 'til he's ready." Superheroes respect other heroes' situations. "He's in the hero closet." Tony's helping.

Tony then gives Peter a more appraising look. "Vision is an Avenger, that came out of saving the world from Ultron. He took a fatal injury. /We're/ bringing him back. Or I am, if I've overestimated your skill level." A shrug; it's fine if so. "After that you can ask him questions. Right now he's pretty quiet."

Tony's made it to the elevator, since his trains don't usually stop once they start rolling.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Hey J-- Spider Woman," Jan says, wriggling fingers at Spider-Woman's arrival. "Come meet the new kid, who is apparently incognito," Janet explains. Apparently she can't wrap her brain around that.

She slows and regards Tony and Peter with a thoughtful surprise, particularly for the younger man. "You're... gonna help fix Vision?" she says. "That's... hnnnh."

Peter gets a slightly-more-impressed once-over, then Jan moves over and rests a hand on Tony's forearm for balance and to get his attention. "I'll get out of y'all's way, then. Keep it up with V, okay? I kind of miss having him around," she says, with a sad, and lopsided smile. "I want my favorite sweatervests back on the roster. If anyone can do it, it's the Avengers." She squeezes once, then backs off.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica is just catching up to the conversation, as she trails along. She is still wearing her one-piece swimsuit, which looks very similar to her usual red and gold costume, and a sheer sarong wrap around her waist - a skirt that comes down to mid-thigh. Sunglasses hold back her hair, still slightly damp from swimming laps. Her skin is prickling with the cold of the mansion and her ice cream.

But when Vision is mentioned, she /really/ freezes. Her gaze stays lowered, although not entirely on her ice cream. Or on anything in particular, for that matter. She has gone utterly quiet, except to ask Tony without looking up at him, "Do we have everything we need to remake him?"

Spider-Man has posed:
"Oh good because they were a little chewie.." Peter says of the burgers, wiggling his hand, "I just didn't want to offend you. New guy." Pointing at himself, "And it's... Parker." Tony draws his attention with the sudden timber in his voice. It's a side of him Peter's not seen before, but isn't surprised by. He also looks relieved, "Yeah, it's not that I don't want to tell people, but there are still some folks out there that don't really trust me. I don't want any of that to blow back on my Aunt. She's a good woman and she doesn't need me making her life more complicated by being a weirdo in spandex fighting bad guys with dad jokes."

Glancing from face to face, "I'm Peter Parker. Spider-Man." He waves a hand, "If I can't trust the Avengers, I don't know who I can trust. You're letting me onto your team, into your home, and down into a lab to help repair one of your friends... I would be a horrible person if I kept my name from you out of lack of the same trust you're giving me."

With that, he nods to Janet. "Thank you Ms. Janet." She told him to call her Janet. "Good to meet you Spider Woman, we should talk about that later." Grinning, playfully. He then follows Tony, "I'll help if I can and stay the hell out of your way if I can't. I think I can help though..."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony gives Janet a confident smile. "Don't worry, I can do anything. How anyone forgets that is beyond me, with the ample reminders," Tony answers her, cheeky, but with a firmness in his brown eyes. He'll make it happen.

"Yep," Tony answers Jessica with a quick flippant agreement. "Looks like the Sentinel was full of it. I have what I need. And a plucky assistant now, too," he says, with a gesture at Peter, giving a pleased nod once at Peter's willingness to step up. He expected no less from the young man.

Tony's then in the elevator, with a brush of palm to one door to let whoever is riding get inside. "If anyone else wants to help, locate some Thai food for dinner," Tony requests of the corridor.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I can get Thai! I know just the place!" Jess pulls out her phone, eager to do anything Tony asks for. She has a debt to repay. And Thai? Well, Thai is just the TIP of that iceberg.