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Latest revision as of 19:21, 10 August 2019

Another Turtle's Treasure
Date of Scene: 04 July 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Donatello, Pippi

Donatello has posed:

    It's smelly, its industrial, it has access to a massive dump and scrapyard. A few actually and the Shellraiser has brough them close enough that skirting rooves, then suburbs, and then county lands was not a long, but not short, jaunt either. Steel cable mesh bags are in hand in case of sharp edges, and Donnie is looking particularly hopeful
    "This is it, I know it, I can feel it, I am -dreaming- it. I need an engine block or a generator someone couldn't fix, so they replaced. Can you keep an eye out Pip?"

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi had been heistant to get in any sort of vehicle, but the desire to be useful and help take care of her home -- however temporary -- let her push back the fear of the Shellraiser, and once she was out of it she was far, far more relaxed.

    So, with her backpack on she had followed Donatello into the scrapyard, her ears up.

    "An engine block or generator. Engine block or generator -- ok! Ok!" she gives a tail wag, and takes a deep breath of the dump, gives a large cough and a wheeze before she turns to Donatello:

    "What do they look like?"

Donatello has posed:
    "Engine blocks come out of cars... but here." he takes some papers out of a belt pouch. "Generators look like these." offering the pictures to Pippi to reference. "If you find someone near, grab that too, ok?"
    Donnie hops up and moves then, sticking to the shadows, pausing long enough to say, "Be careful, there's a night guard and there might be dogs." He's off again at that, nimbly keeping to patches of ground he can move stealthily across.

Pippi has posed:
    "... if they're dogs they know we're here..." Pippi replies quietly, though she sniffs the air. She gives a sigh, and looks around where they've come in, and begins to poke her way through the junkyard. She slips a wrecking bar, picked up from the dock fight, from her backpack, and she begins to wander around. Her ears pricked, her nose primed, her bar poking in places that might host generators or engine blocks. The first car she came to was a bust -- full of rats. She gives a squeak, and backs away slowly, and then she begins to climb.

    She's nowhere near as graceful as Donatello is, but she holds her own. She hops up onto the roof of a car with a THUD. She hops to another car with a clothy WHUFF -- a dangerous CREEAAK -- and then with a HFLUFF sound, the cloth on the convertable busts and dumps her backwards into a back seat with a bark of surprise!

Donatello has posed:
    "Hey! Erhhummm... YEU damn kids get out nyah!" a voice calls from the normal entry of the junk yard, the swivel of a searchlight, theres no other sound, and the light is switched off fairly soon followed by the crack of a beer tab.

    Donnie appears a few moments later, offering his staff to help Pippi up. "Soft feet, soft sounds, ok? Use this as training dudette. Never have your weight all on one foot. It's either on both, or half in the air, ok?"

    The Tallest Turtle gives a little grin as he gives the information and looks out over the yard. "Pop the hood" pointing to the fronts of the cars. "Find one that looks good and shiny and smells like one parked in front of someone's house... that's probaby a good one."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi's head pokes slightly up ear raised at the voice of the junk keeper, and she stays low, down, and gives a little shudder. She reaches up and holds her left ear a moment before Donnie appears, and she accepts the stick.

    Her weight/strength ratio makes zero sense. She's about as light as Alopex, lighter than any of the turtles, but that strength...

    She gives a nod, and takes Donnie's words to heart. She's careful about her footing now, following along behind him, minding her way -- and when he points to the car, she pauses, and she draws up to the front of the car, places one hand under the hood, one hand on the bumper -- and lifts!

    There's a metallic creak and a snap, and the hood comes flying up!

Donatello has posed:
    Donnie halts and looks to Pippi, motioning for them to be very, very still as there is more rumbling from the keeper's office but nothing else yet.
    "Quiet... quiet as you can, try to make as little noise as possible, ok?" Pleaded when he finally moves again, sliding odds and ends into one of his net bags. "If they come running we have go to, fast, and can't be seen ok? Leo will thump us, then Splinter, and then Leo again and I -can't- be cut off from my salvage runs!"

Pippi has posed:
    "But you said to pop the hood! I didn't know it would make a 'crack' and not a 'pop!'" Pippi protests, and she gives a solid wince at the idea of being thumped. It didn't sound pleasant.

    But she looks under the hood. "Is any of this what you're looking for?" she questions, poking at some of the pullies and ancient, dry-rotted seals.

Donatello has posed:
    "No... unfortunately... But lift slowly, pop the hood means open it, ok?" Donnie frowns, resting a hand on her shoulder. "You're learning, don't feel bad. I'm sorry ok?" he looks around, still reaches into the car and yanks out some of the cabling to tuck away.
    "If it looks newish, it has a much better chance - ok?" Moving off a little again, inspecting bits of this and that, some kept some left.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi's tail curls slightly, and she gives a frown. She rubs the back of her head and gives a nod, and just tails Donnie. She looks this way and that, trying to sniff out what 'new' smells like. Unfortunately, 'new' also smells like plastics, fake rubber, and there are plenty of trash bags strewn about that also smell like plastics.

    "Don't be sorry." Pippi states, "I... I never trained for this stuff. Wires, bits, metal stuff... just reminds me of the lab."

    She pauses, and gives a visible shudder.

    "Newer engine blocks, newer engine blocks..."

    She turns a corner, and her ears come up. "Oh hey, a bike."

Donatello has posed:
    "OO! That could help, yeah! Grab that for sure, Pippi! Rare find, dudette!" Donnie's voice is still low but he grows very excited before he moves to a beat up jeep and begins working at getting the hood open.

    "What was... the lab like? Really Do you remember anything?"

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi grabs the 'bike', and hefting up with one hand she brings it over. It's a beat up, pretty well dented, but perfectly serviable motor scooter, altered to have some pretty gnarly, wide street tires.

    She's carryign it like it's nothing.

    "Oh, well, I..." Pip trails off a moment, shifting her weight.

    "I remember it being cold a lot of the time. And no one called me my name."

Donatello has posed:
    Watching her lug the scooter, Donnie nods appreciatively, though there's a sad frown. "Were you like me and my brothers at first? Animal and then mutant? I don't think any of us has really, truly, asked you know? Or I wasn't around for it." an old CB goes into one of the bags, some bits of metal, a box of nails... more wiring.

Pippi has posed:
    "I... I was a pet." Pippi admits quietly, and she sets the scooter down. "I remember asking where he was, and no one would tlel me. An' it was dark a lot." she looks to Donatello. "Do you remember changing?" she inquires and she looks at the jeep curiously, and gives a gentle kick of the old tire.

Donatello has posed:
?"Yeah it was confusing times, and Mikey wouldn't stop saying radical over and over." the big turtle smiles at Pip, shrugging, "We were pets too, don't feel bad about it. I'm sorry you lost your kid though." rubbing the top of his head for a moment, as if to buff it. "Whats the last thing of him you remember?"

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi looks startled a moment at the idea of the turtles being anything but... well. Ninjas. She tries to picture Mikey repeating 'Radical!' over and over -- and she can totally see that. She gets a distant sort of look.

    "And then she gets a little maudlin looking. Her ears go flat. She looks down.

    "Yelling." she replies quietly. "An' then they left. And it got dark. And it got light again, and got dark again." she shrugs. "It's... it's not really a good memory?" she struggles a moment, trying to find words. "It's... it's like waking up from sleep, when you're still half asleep but you sorta remember what you were seeing in sleep."

Donatello has posed:
    Giving a pained look, Donatello frowns, "Hey, I'm sorry, I was hopin' for a good memory. We could try to find him sometime, maybe?" The big turtle can't handle the look and turns towards Pippi, arms open to offer a hug,

    "Bring it in Pip, sometimes you gotta hug it out too, especially when a big green dork brings up something that pain. Totally sorry dudette. I owe you one."

Pippi has posed:
    "A hug?" Pippi questions, and she gives Donatello an odd look.

    She does not bring it in. She shakes her head, and give a shrug. "Well, that is the last memory I have, and... I don't even know how long it's been. A lot of dark and light." she frowns, then rubs the back of her head as she shrugs. "An' in the lab it was light all the time, but that's because they had the floor... fleu... they had the hummy-tube-light thingies."

Donatello has posed:
    "Yeah I like LED or Compact Fluorescent myself really, less buzz." he pauses and Donatello blinks, "Wait you know what a hug is, right?" head tipping to the side.
    "Or did I take it too far..." thumping the side of his head, "Took it too far, sorry dudette, I was just trying to, like... be nice you know?"

Pippi has posed:
    "No, I'm..." Pippi looks clueless. "I have no idea what a hug is. Is... is it like money?" she asks nervously, and she rubs the back of her head. "Because I gave Alopex the money that I was given byRed Robin, so I don't have any of it because I wouldn't know what to do with it in the first place since the numbers are kinda 'woooo scary writing' and all the humans on it look grumpy and why can't there be nice smells but it just even smells and feels dirty!" Pippi protests, throwing her arms up in the air.


Donatello has posed:
Donatello actually laughs, covering his mouth to cover the sound and then he moves in. The action always helps his brothers when he needs it. The tallest turtle attempts to throw a hug on Pippi while her arms are up.
    "This is a hug, they feel good."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi's ears draw up at the laugh, and she looks hurt, thinking Donatello's laughing at her. The ears go back, and she was about to drop her arms when suddenly he embraces her, and the amber-eyed, red-and-white punch puppy just... blinks. She notably keeps her arms up though, even though her tail starts to wag.

    "... this is a hug?" she questions.

Donatello has posed:
    "Put your arms down around me like I'm doing." Donatello pats her back, rubbing a little, "Once you do that it's a hug, right now it's you being hugged, kay?" Donnie keeps it up, unless she tries to get free. The idea of someone not knowing a hug... horrible.

Pippi has posed:
    "... but I don't want to hurt you." Pippi replies quietly, her ears drawing back, and she steps away, rubbing the back of her neck. "I'm not that good with gu aging how much to use yet." she admits quietly, "an' sometimes I'll mean to only use a little and then use not enough, but then do too much." she exhales, and rubs the back of her neck a moment.

    "Alopex is helping me? With that stuff Imean, I'm kinda just..." she tries to look for a word to describe it.

    "I'm useless at hugging?"

Donatello has posed:
    "You know, we'll see what we can do to help you learn to gauge, ok? I'll build a resistance machine, and we can use that to help you know how much is too much, cool?"

    Donnie frowns, "You're not useless, dudette, just new to it ok? We'll help you every step of the way, you just ask ok?"

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi might be getting a little wibbly eyed. She just sort of looks at Donnie, and rubs hte back of her head embarrassed, and gives a slight grin.

    "You guys and Alopex have already helped! A lot! I'm not living in a parking garage anymore, and she's helped me get some control using boards to just crack 'em and not outright break them into a bunch of itty pieces." she explains.

    And awkwardly, she reaches up to pat Donnie on the shoulder.

Donatello has posed:
Donatello bobs his head, "See, that? That's perfect," reaching up to pat her hand. now. "Next time, if you wanna give a hug, you go like that, and slowly learn how much is enough, and how much is too much, fair?"
    Eye catching it, Donnie kicks out a foot, flipping a bit of electronic board up catching it at tucking it into his bag. "You're my lucky charm, you know that? I need to bring you on these runs more often."

Pippi has posed:
    "Me? Lucky? Charm?" Pippi blinks, and her ears go back. She gives a slight 'heeeh' sound, rubbing the back of her neck again as she shakes her head. "N-no, just your lucky night? I am handy for carrying the big stuff though!" she replies, and motions back to the busted car.

    "And breaking stuff."

Donatello has posed:
Donnie actually reaches to give her a scritch behind one of her ears. "Nah, lucky charm. I'm bringin' you next time for sure. Lets find that genny or a good engine block eh?" patting her shoulder before he turns to go deeper into the salvage yard again.

Pippi has posed:
    "NnnYENNNGG--!!" Pippi is caught by surprise at the ear pet, straightening up and all the hair standing up on end.

    "H-Hey!" she stammers a moment, and then goes back to follow Donnie.

Donatello has posed:
    "Hey what? I didn't want you to start kicking a leg and start an earthquake, right?" He gives a little chuckle and sets off deeper in search of his goodies.