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Latest revision as of 19:38, 10 August 2019

Dream of the Shore Near Another World
Date of Scene: 01 July 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Cypher, Elixir

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie missed food at the mansion. In fact after they got in from the mission last night, Sam has not been seen around. He did not come to the bar early this morning but has been here since about Mid afternoon. He has a couple of beer bottles in front of him, but not a huge number. Seems perhaps he can;t decide if he truly wants to get drunk off his ass.

Cypher has posed:
Doug already went through this with Kitty, last night, though her deeper woes were about other things.

He walks in, and sits next to Sam, before he adjusts his cap, and says, "...I'll have a hamburger and the spicy steak fries." Then he looks over at the taller man, and says, "Didn't go well. Heard, read, saw it on TV. Plus it's written all over your face. That wrinkle in your forehead is your 'It's all mah fault' crease."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Doug, and says "Maybe that's cause it is. If ah had understood what was going on in the other side of things, None would have been hurt. Ah called for the go, Ah triggered it." He tells the other man and sips his beer. " Ah was in charge, Ah made the call it is on me."

Cypher has posed:
Doug tilts his head at Sam, and then says, simply, "...Would you believe me if I told you I think you feeling this way is a good thing?"

He lets that sink in. "Sam, Sentinels are machines. They're built to capture, contain, and genocide. They don't have consciences and they don't care about collateral damage. Not really. And the men who build them don't either. They think about things like 'acceptable losses' and they consider the casually count with all the dispassion you or I might have about a chicken-processing plant."

"You don't think that way. You're not wired that way. If you WERE, I'd be sitting next to a stranger, and not a man I'd follow into a fight."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to Doug, and says "Yea, Ah'm not a cold heartless S.O.B, just a careless incompetent one, who not only got people killed, but had not one but two of the students out there in harms way. " He looks over to Doug and says "Least when we put ourselves in danger was our own dumb asses doing it, not the responsible adults."

Cypher has posed:
Doug thinks about that, and then points to Harry and to Sam. "More beer. I will have a diet coke."

Doug gives Sam a bemused look. "You need to feel like this right now. It's *okay* that you feel like this. But, ah, Sam? If you call yourself incompetent again, I'm gonna object." Then he sighs, and says, "All told the casualty count was pretty light, based on what I read. And if I know you, it was light *because* you were there. Sentinels don't generally spare the rod for crowds of mutant kids, even well-behaved ones."

He crosses his feet at the ankles on the stool. "You always have this relentlessly *negative* view of yourself. On one hand, that always drives you to excel. On the other hand, it's really not justified."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the other man and says "They fired into to protesters mutants, humans it did not matter. They were scanning them, Rachel's contact cut out. Ah heard someone in the crowd say had scanned them before but not attacked. If Ah had not said go, they would have just scanned them, and we could have walked away. " He sips his beer, and says "All that blood is on me.. Then you add, I putting Bobby and Alek in dangerous place, Alek did not see it thankfully, and Bobby is a tough kid but should not have seen it. " He sips his beer, and says "And all of it for what some info that they now know we have so is probably of no use any more."

Cypher has posed:
Doug gestures. "More beer!"

Then Doug says, "Ok. So, here's what's gonna happen, buddy. I'm gonna enjoy my hamburger. *maybe* Two. You're gonna get stumble-drunk..." He lowers his voice, "And the fact that at any moment you could turn into a *missile* ought to tell you about how much I trust you-" Then he adds, "And you're gonna work it out. And then I'm going to drive you home, and you'll pass out, and have an *incredible* headache in the morning, and you won't be happy, but you'll have started to work this out."

"If I had a magic spell or a ray with a 'make Sam not unhappy' setting I'd use it, but I don't, so the way out is through--but isn't it *always*, with you? That is kind of your thing."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will have the briefest smile for a moment, and says "Your just hoping to get to hold me under the shower to sober me up. Ah know the truth." He does take a long sip from his beer, and pulls out his phone to set up a song on the juke box. "Theres a tear in my beer" by Hank Williams sr.

Cypher has posed:
Doug wrinkles his nose. "Sam. Sam? I love you buddy. But *just* like you showing up mostly-naked at my house at one in the morning, being in the shower with you is *somebody's* dream, but it isn't mine." He shakes his head, and picks up his burger before he takes a bite out of it. "You're listening to Hank Williams. That's fine. It's when you move on to George Jones that I know things have gotten out of hand."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles ever so slightly, and says "At least the stealth team did their job, and Rahne did not see it." He will say and the next song to play is 16 tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford. "Ah been thinking about putting you and Illyana in charge of the new mutants.

Cypher has posed:
Doug takes a drink of his diet coke. "Now I KNOW you're drunk." Then Doug says, "...Hey Sam. Why did the pirate take a vacation?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over, to his friend and raises a brow "Ok why?" He asks the man and continues to drink stealing one of Doug's fries, as a Boy named Sue starts playing.

Cypher has posed:
Doug overlooks the fry theft, and then says, "Because he needed some arrrrrrrrrrrr and arrrrrrrrrrrr, matey!" He elbows Sam, and then says, "Listen. You may have made a tactical error. I will not put that outside of the realm of possibility. I was miserable for DAYS after Ororo raked me over the coals when the Professor got shot. We have high expectations of ourselves. But notice nobody is being hard on you except *you*. Use it to do better. I'm trying to."

"Okay. What did the headlines read when the four-foot tall psychic went on the run from the police?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks, and says "Thats cause Ah aint been there, trust me Jean and Storm will be when they see me next." He will smirk and says "Small medium at Large. You hear about the pirate walked into the bar with a steering wheel sticking out of his pants?

Cypher has posed:
"Yeah, when somebody asked him about it, he said 'Yarrrrrr, it's drivin' me nuts'." Then Doug puts another fry into his mouth, and chews, thoughtfully. "Mmmm. Listen, Sam. You only have so much control over a situation. There are ALWAYS random variables, things that will be outside of your control. You can try to account for the risk, but somebody could ALWAYS get hurt, somebody might not come home. It *wasn't* due to your negligence. At *worst*, it was due to the situation being more than you could control with the resources available to you at the time."

"At least you didn't try to dig a robot bullet out of Xavier with a pen." That still smarts a bit.

"Hey. Where does a general keep his armies?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the other and says "Maybe..." That might be the best he is willing to give but it is an improvements, and he adds "You did right by the professor, if you had not heard from him and been trying to get that bullet out it would have turned his insides into a slushy and we would have lost him. It may not have been pretty but you saved him Doug." He hmms at the joke "Hopefully not in his privates." As Big Bad John by Jimmy Dean starts playing.

Cypher has posed:
"In his sleevies." Doug pats Sam on the shoulder, and then say, "Quentin saved the professor, not me. Something I am amazed he let either of us live down."

He takes a bite of his hamburger, and then puts salt, pepper, and ketchup on it. "I know that I can't make you not feel guilty. You take responsibility. It's what you do. And I admire it about you. It's never somebody else's fault, or somebody else's problem."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the other man, and says "It is only right, Ah was in charge." He tells the other. You know, I need to get you working with Alek, I think you could help him out and might be one of the few who can get through to him best." Yea Sam is still in the thinking best for others. He sips his beer, and is quiet a moment thinking

Cypher has posed:
"Do you know," Doug says, "You want to know something I don't tell anybody? I do have a memory from after I died. It's hazy. But it's there. I remember... lingering over my grave, watching everybody's visits slow... then eventually end." He flattens his mouth into a line, and for a moment looks like he wishes he was old enough to drink, himself. "Except Rahne. She just kept coming. And it felt like she was keeping me there... stuck. I couldn't let go because she couldn't let go. Maybe it was just a coffin dream."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the other man and says "Ah do know she kept going longer than the rest of us." He sips his beer, and says "Ah will be honest with you, Ah stopped coming as a choice not just stopped thinking of ya. " He sips the beer, and says "Ah realized, all ah ever did when Ah came out to see you was apologize." He looks over to the other "When I visit my pa's grave Ah talk to him, but Ah never got past the whole you were there cause Ah brought you, and then Dani and Ah decided it was ok to follow bird brain." He sips his beer again, and says "Ah thought you would rather me spend my time doing things we enjoyed together or things you would have been proud to call me friend for."

Cypher has posed:
"Yes well, you forget that I had a long history of leaping into the fray against men with guns." Doug gives Sam an even look. "If you HAD seen what was going to happen -- if you hadn't been able to get there in time, but you could have tackled me out of the way, if you had seen him taking aim at Rahne... would you have stopped me? Would you have knocked me aside and let her get shot?" Doug asks, evenly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Doug and says "Honestly I aint sure." He will tell the man "We all ran it over and over in our heads. (or in the danger room in some cases.) Depending on where it would have hit her, she could have survived it, maybe. to be honest I am glad I did not have to make the decision. Not like I would ever jump in the way to save someone.

Cypher has posed:
"It was going to hit her in the back of the head." Doug reaches up and lightly turns Sam's head, and points to a specific spot. "Right there. She would've died instantly. I could see it, in the language of his hand, the gun, the way she was moving. It all made a statement about death. So I acted." Doug sighs, and then says, "Here's the thing. You had limited control of that situation, and hypotheticals being what they are, if I hadn't acted, Rahne would've died. We live a dangerous life, Sam. You *choose* to lead, because someone must. People *will* die on your watch."

"But more people will live. I believe that, wholeheartedly. I have *absolute* confidence in you. Do you understand?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie does not go with the whole and look where it has gotten you, Doug may catch a bit of it, but it is more him knowing Doug is not happy with where he is currently at more than Sam being unhappy with where Doug is at. He sighs a bit and says "You know the first time my powers kicked in I saved someone but was more concerned with saving my own hide.

Cypher has posed:
"And you still pulled those men out of the mine." Doug said. He pats Sam on the back. "I could be in a better place. But I am in an OKAY place, Sam. I am getting better every day. And I do that, because if I fall, there are people who will catch me. Maybe you should try falling, now and again, and let people catch you. Huh?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the man and says "If I fall, who is going to be there to catch the people I need to catch?" He looks to Doug and says "Your my brother Doug maybe not by blood in our veins but blood we have spilt together. I would do anything for you, Rahne, Berto, Illyana, Lock the whole group, but I can't fall. If I fall what happens if one of you guys need me, or god help me if Ma gets sick, or needs help back home.

Cypher has posed:
"Then somebody else has to take up the slack." Doug says. "Believe it or not, *any* of the others has the potential to be a *great leader* if only they'd step up. Hell, Bobby already is! Rahne, Illyana commands *armies of demons*, she could lead a team." One might say Doug sees that potential in everyone but himself. "You have limits. Sucks. Doesn't it? And part of having limits is having to rely on other people. So right now, you're going to have more beer, rely on me to get you home, and to hold your hair back when you puke your guts out because you got silly drunk."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Well then maybe I should put you in charge of things." He says to the other man, and takes a long sip of the beer, and while it maybe said as a joke, Doug knows Sam has thought about it and thinks it would be an ok decision. "You know what else sucks...break ups that your not sure if have happened, happening or what."

Cypher has posed:
"Oh my god I wondered when we were going to get to this." Doug says, rubbing his temples. "God, why do they always happen just when they can make problems worse?" Is this not the first one he's had to deal with? No, it isn't. But he's not going to gossip. "Do you remember when you were a teenager, and you were *convinced* you were ugly?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the other man and say "I am just lucky I somewhat grew in to the ears and the head. I will admit the whole dance classes helped at least I was not tripping over my feet and doing some of the dumb ass things I did, and realizing they were dumb ass things and still being liked help some.

Cypher has posed:
"No. You want to know what really did it?" Doug smirks. "After you started seeing Lila Cheney, she started sending you clothes. The band shirts, the jeans, the chelsea boots, even though you decided the earrings weren't for you -- did you ever tell your mother you got your ears pierced -- but you wore them, because they were gifts, and it would've been rude not to. At first, you felt really self-conscious, but then you didn't. You got more comfortable in your skin, *which was what she wanted*." Doug raises his eyebrows. "And as much as you liked her... she wasn't the one. Starships passing in the night. But you came out of it with a new perspective AND a chart-topping song that was *about you*." Doug gestures for more beer, and then goes on. "Love makes us more ourselves, even when it changes form. So you broke up? Big deal. I could get you another girl right now." He gestures to a couple of women in the bar. "Would you date my friend?"

"I'm twice his age!"

"I would!"


Doug swings back around to Sam again, and gestures for emphasis.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and shakes his head a bit to this and says "You are going to get me in trouble, buy do you want to hear the funny thing about bringing that up/

Cypher has posed:
Doug tilts his head at Sam. "Goooooooo on?" He says, gesturing for him to do exactly that.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well Rachel and I were sorta already somewhat dating, but she was talking about liking leather and such, so I broke out the old jeans and jacket with the spikes, walked up to her planted one on her, and then fell back, and jetted out of the garage. She was with Ellie, thought Ellie was gonna stroke out on the spot."

Cypher has posed:
"And it worked." Doug perks an eyebrow. "You know, you could go to seed a LITTLE bit. Grow your hair out, wear more rivets, go out on some dates without an eye on a long-term committment, *gasp*." Doug takes another drink of his diet coke. "*I* couldn't pull off leather and rivets. I'd look ridiculous. Like a Cogswell Cog."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks at him and says "Dude you could pass as my brother, you could pull it off, and if Ah could always ask Illyana to dress ya up."

Cypher has posed:
Doug shakes his head, and says, "No.. you know? It's *weird*. Kitty was feeling kind of rough after what happened, and I was talking to her, and for a second it was like we were fifteen again. Before Piotr... before everything." Doug clucks his tongue. "But, that ship sailed, and it's for the best."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "You sure, there is no chance? You two have always had a thing, you know if I try to hard for long term you write it off to easy

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks up, and then shakes his head. "I'm not exactly a casanova. And I have more issues than Pow! Comics. I don't have your easy charm or Bobby's savoir faire." He shakes his head, and gives a faint grin. "Romance is not in my cards, buddy."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Oh yea, big eared corn eatting goof ball has more charm. You know sometimes you don;'t read things right sometimes." He gives his body a bit of a wierd compliment and drinks his beer."

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises an eyebrow. "Are you stating I am falliable? Sam Guthrie, how dare." Doug finishes his burger, quietly, lost in thought.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit and says "Perhaps a wee bit yup./" He grins and stills another fry/.

Cypher has posed:
Doug gives Sam a side-eye. "She likes artists, and really dark, complicated guys. I am not a dark, complicated guy, and at best, I am impassioned doodler." He flattens his mouth into a line. "I need beer."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the other guy and says :She seemed to have a really fun night dancing the other night, but what do I know " He says "I need tea and to look more like kermit for that."

Cypher has posed:
Doug gives Sam a sidelong look. "Listen... I can't say when you'll find love, or in what way, Sam. But I do know that you... are like Luke Skywalker. You've always got one eye on the horizon. As much as you think of home and family, you're *restless*. A part of your soul needs adventure, and I don't know if it'll ever be satisfied enough to stay in one spot. Look for a woman who's got that same adventurous spirit."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and says "You do know he ended up alone and grumpy right?" He ask, and sips his beer a bit more "So, you met alek yet?"

Cypher has posed:
"Similes are never perfect!" Doug waves a hand. "Just... just keep that in mind. What you think you want and what you really want are not the same thing." Then he says, "Anyway, I have succeeded, I've cheered you up a little bit and distracted you from your problems. Who's Alek? More beer!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie sips his beer and says "New kid, computers is his thing. you can talk with them via touch. He has a few social issues though. I was thinking you might be able to help him.

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks down. "I don't know if I'm ready to lead or mentor, Sam. I'm starting school, and I--" He shakes his head, and says, "I don't feel confident about it."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to Doug, and says "Well just talk to him Doug, Ah aint asking you to lead or even mentor him, but well, will be blunt. He has autism, and most people have a hard time connecting with him Ah think. Ah sorta thought between the computer interest, and the fact you might be able to cut through the brain snow of the autism you might be the one person who he could relate to fully."

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks down, and he's quiet for a moment. "...I can try?" He asks, looking up at Sam. "I'll try. If you wnt me to, I'll try." Then he says, "See? You're leading again. You can't help it!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "That's not leading, that's just trying to look after folks. And if he turns out you can get through to him, maybe he can figure out the hexides riddles you put in the game when you DM. "4e+ 7a, I mean I thought algebra was bad enough."

Cypher has posed:
"You figured it out." Doug says. Then he sighs. "Sam... what do you think leading *is*?" But then he adds, "...Maybe try taking a step back now and then. Encocurage the others to lead, and you can follow, in the areas where they're strong. You can only do so much, and I don't want you to burn out." Doug shakes his head, slowly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the other man, and "Ok, maybe Ah won't head out for a couple months, and if Ah'm lucky maybe Ah won't get kicked out of leading the team. That is a possibility really Ah think.

Cypher has posed:
Doug gives Sam a sidelong look. "...You were going to leave." That's not a question. "Where were you going to go?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shrugs a bit to the man and says "Not sure to be honest, I was thinking maybe go home for a few weeks, maybe head out and see the gang who aint here right now see how folks are doing." He says and yes even on his running away from his problems his thoughts were towards checking on his friends.

Cypher has posed:
"Wherever you go, Sam." Doug says, "There you are." He steal's Sam's beer, rules be damned, and takes a long pull from it. "Learned *that* the hard way." Then he sighs, and says, "...You know..." He says, "...It'd be nice if a girl noticed me. Girls notice you. They notice Bobby. They don't notice me."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Says the man who has had two dates since Ah had one. Maybe we just need to find a nice computer girl who does not have a thing for older guys."

Cypher has posed:
Doug gives Sam a dubious look, and then a light push. "I have a well documented thing for older women."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to him and says "Well you asked someone out for me, maybe Ah should call Betsy and see if she will go out with you." He moves to pull out his phone.

Cypher has posed:
Doug gives Sam a dirty look. "You're drunk." He says. "Even drunk, you wouldn't *dare*. You wouldn't *dare*. Besides, she's probably in england, dating royalty and being in photoshoots!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the other and says "Ask her out dude, she is only what 4 maybe 5 years older than you? Your legal now, she aint going to get arrested and you saved her.

Cypher has posed:
Doug shakes his head, rapidly. "Not gonna happen!" He says. He and Sam are seated in the bar. Doug is sober. Sam's had a few. The ruins of a burger are in front of Doug, and he's trying to get the man to put his phone away.

Elixir has posed:
Josh wanders in Harry's Hideaway and looks around. He spots Josh and Doug and makes his way over to the bar.

"Hey guys!" Josh says with a grin. He takes a seat and calls for a beer. "How you guys doing?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "You said I should step back, and let others take the lead, I really think you should. Or maybe I could ask Paige to come check out the school." seems he is going to give his friend a bit of hell back. Seriously bro, you talked about me not having self confidence, whats the worse, they say no?"

Cypher has posed:
"No, the worst is, they laugh at the idea!" Doug says, and then he rests his chin in his hand. "Hoisted on my own petard. Josh!" Doug waves. "...Distract half-in-the-bag Sam here from trying to set me up with women I have zero chance with."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will lift his beer and nod over to Josh, and says "Ask, Josh what he thinks." He offers.

Elixir has posed:
"What did I walk into?" he grins. He looks around the bar. "Which one's he going for, Sam? She hot?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Ah will let him answer that one. As will let him answer that one, but yea, though I am not sure which look I like best." He seems drunk thoughtfull for a moment

Cypher has posed:
Doug puts his chin in his hand. "I'm not *going for* anybody, Josh. Sam's just in his cups and he thinks it'd be a good idea if I tried something stupid and put myself out there for women I have no chance with. Though considering the way I used to horse around, I'm a little worried one of the ones on his list was *your sister*, *Sam*."

Elixir has posed:
"You make it sound like trying to pick someone up is a bad thing!" Josh says with a grin. He takes a pull of his beer. "What's wrong with going and talking to a girl? You don't know. Something might happen. Best thing about girls? Doesn't matter what you think about you, it's what they think about you that counts!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Ah don't think Josh could handle Paige, besides, she would probably be weirded out dating someone with the same name as one of her brothers. You Ah trust, and you would not hurt her for fear of not getting any more of ma's cooking.

Cypher has posed:
Doug shakes his head. "Kitty sailed out of the harbor five years ago. Betsy is *not gonna happen*." Doug says. "You get girls. Bobby gets girls. Golden boy--" He gestures to Josh with his thumb, "He gets the girls. I get my hair ruffled."

Elixir has posed:
Josh raises an eyebrow at Sam. "You're trying to set him up with your sister? Wow. That's like... Wow."

He drinks more of his beer and thinks about that a moment. "Nobody's ever getting Betsy, c'mon man. Besides, what're you gonna say? No? Dude'll beat your ass for telling him his sister isn't good enough!" he jokes.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and says "Na, I think he should ask Betsy out, he has teased me for years about my sisters, and rather have him date one than Berto...That sounds wrong....

Cypher has posed:
Doug tilts his head at Josh, and then says, "Betsy is an incredible person, and anybody she paid attention to would be *lucky*." He shakes his head, slowly. "No thanks. Everyone knows you're Bobby's number one bro crush." Then he grumbles, "Not helping, except that you are..." to Josh.

Elixir has posed:
Josh tilts his head when Sam answers and looks thoughtful again. "Makes sense, Doug's a good guy. He'd treat your sister well."

"You know, maybe you should ask Betsy out, Doug. Honest to God, you really don't know. Stranger things have happened," he says with tip of his beer. "Much stranger. And you'll never know unless you do. Would suck balls if you didn't and like, regretted it later."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to him, and says "You tell me, I get al the hot girls, Lila was the one started there, but Rachel, I asked out. So you never know what will happen, and to be totaly honest, you of all people should be the most confident in asking a girl out.

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks away, his cheeks tinted scarlet. He's not gonna do it. Stubborn!

Elixir has posed:
Josh raises his eyebrows at Sam. "You're with Rachel? Niiice... I didn't know man, I wouldn't have been checking her out so hard the other night. How long's that been going on?"

He sees Doug's reaction and grins at Sam. Then he takes a drink.

"C'mon, Doug. Can't you like read, damn near read a girl's mind by watching her breathe or something? That's like totally an unfair advantage. All I got is a big grin and a handful of hair product!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and says "We were but she needed some time and space, so nit really dating now. Friends, and maybe but she needs tome to get to know who she is and how she fits in here." He says and looks to Doug says "I think he is just keeping himself free to meet some women in his law courses." He trys to change the subject a bit to take the pressure of doug a little.

Cypher has posed:
Doug rolls his eyes upward. "Emotions, not minds. And it's not okay to take advantagae of someone's emotions that way! I wouldn't do it. My powers aren't always an edge on human interactions. People are still unpredictable..."

Elixir has posed:
"You've got that right," Josh says. "They don't make /any/ sense. Hey, were you guys at Evolution two nights ago? That girl, Dream? She showed up. It was /amazing/. She did that music-mind-meld thing for everyone. Gotta figure out how to get her to show up more."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over tot he two "Ah'll be back, Ah need to use the restroom, (Skip me a pose or two calling to pay a bill online)

Cypher has posed:
"Like I was telling Sam," Doug says, "...I'm not the ladies choice. I like to say that in a world of prime rib, I'm a quarter pounder."

Elixir has posed:
"Everyone eats fast food, man, everyone," Josh says. He waits until Sam is out of earshot.

"How's he doing?" Josh asks. The 5000 megawatt grin fades to a look of simple concern.

Cypher has posed:
Doug watches Sam, and once he's out of earshot, he says, "He's taking it bad, and the breakup's irritating it. I've got him drunk and distracted, which is the first step toward him thinking through it."

He looks over to Josh, and says, "He does this. He takes *everything* onto his own shoulders, responsibility for everyone, and for everything that goes wrong. Especially the things he can't control."

Elixir has posed:
"Shit.... Yeah. But he's a good leader. I mean, new, but good. Everyone says so," Josh shakes his head.

"Last night wasn't his fault, or wasn't just his fault. He shouldn't have been /allowed/ to lead that mission without a lot more help. Kinda setup to fail. Not like deliberately, but how it worked out. I'm just glad we had those hex things or whatever. It could've been a /lot/ worse."

Cypher has posed:
"If he hadn't have been there," Doug says, "It would've been a lot worse. Trust me. He may not have done everything perfectly... but that doesn't matter."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will come back after a few minutes, and he even looks like he splashed some water on his face, and dried it off.

Elixir has posed:
"/Nothing/ goes perfectly. Ever," Josh says in agreement to Doug. "Uh... breakup?" he asks quickly as Sam is on the way back.

The grin comes back and calls for another beer when Sam arrives. "You having another or are you done, man?" Josh asks Sam.

Cypher has posed:
    Doug waves that off. Then he says, "...I'm his designated driver, he can have more if he wants them. I've got his back."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "I aint sure yet, Think I want some more fries though." he looks to the two and says "Oh did I tell you guys met a talking gorilla in town the other month?"

Elixir has posed:
"A talking... Wait, what? Dude, we're drinking tonight, not getting high," he teases. "How the hell did that happen?"

Cypher has posed:
"You know, I read this story online about this missionary who SWEARS he got lost in the jungle in the congo and he was rescued by talking gorillas who treated his malaria in a *hidden city in the jungle* and then took him back to civilization?" Doug says, "...I believe it."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and says "Na was real, he could talk, was also telepathic, and no, I am not making it up. He was a decent fellow illyana met him, he helped us rescue some folks form a house fire.

Elixir has posed:
"Seriously? That's crazy... Hey, no wait. Kid! Was he named Kid? Like big, super strong, steals stuff?"

Cypher has posed:
"...Doesn't what's his name, the Flash... hasn't he had beef with a gorilla psychic?" Doug asks. "Real bad news. Sealed DEO black files bad news. I haven't read them... haven't really needed to."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Different guy but from the same area. But raised away from it." He tells Doug, and to Josh "Thats what he goes by but his name is something pretty sure I would butcher right now." He chuckles "Met him in the comic shop when I was delivering pizzas.""

Elixir has posed:
Josh laughs. "That's crazy. He got brought to the school like, a year ago? He was banged up so they had me sort him out. I think he wanted to go to the school back then. I dunno, it was a weird time. That is so random!"

Cypher has posed:
"Neat." Doug says, somewhat blandly, and visibly relieved that the topic has moved away from his lovelife. Though the narrator dares you to set him up on a blind date.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Yea, wanted to have him meet Hank, but time was not the best for him, Ah aint seen him in a while hoping he is doing well." He says about the other, and says "So what you been doing lately Josh?

Elixir has posed:
"That would probably be cool for him," Josh says. "Never thought of that. Huh. Mostly just school for me. Sam and I broke up a few weeks ago. And I'm kinda seeing someone new. Maybe. Dunno."

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks between the two, and rests his chin in his hand. Having succeeded in his objective, he is content, for the moment, to be quiet and listen, as they kill the rest of the evening, until Harry throws them out.