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Latest revision as of 19:38, 10 August 2019

Where the path Leads
Date of Scene: 01 July 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Dazzler and Banshee discuss the rough patch mutants are suffering.
Cast of Characters: Banshee, Dazzler

Banshee has posed:
    It's daytime, warm evening, though dusk is going to soon settle upon the garden. Wanting some time to think, Sean Cassidy has chosen the garden: he didn't use the fence, he came in from the sky not long before. Removing his phone as the feel of a buzz, he texts back a reply to Alison - he's happy to talk to her, of course, and can meet her in the garden.

The phone put away, he moves to one of the benches, looking thoughtfully over the tomato plants nearby, extending a hand to check over a leaf. Despite the strange weather lately, the plant seems to be doing well enough.

Dazzler has posed:
"I saw a movie about killer tomatoes, once," comes a voice from beyond the gate, as Alison unlatches it and lets herself in. Her top is a riot of earth one paisley, fluttering in the evening breeze. Her jeans and boots, standard Dazzler fare. Her hair is unfurled in heedless blonde waves.

"Thanks for meeting me, Sean. It's...been a very long 24 hours. Doing all right?"

Banshee has posed:
"Killah tomatoes?" chuckles the Banshee, lifting both of his pale eyebrows, and sending a gentle smile across to his friend. He no doubt heard her approach, particularly with the sound of the gate, but didn't give indication until she was upon him.

"Aye, these hours seem to be longah, but w'out th' time to rest up," sighs the irishman in his smooth lilting tone. He focuses on her more steadily, and moves to one of the benches, seating himself, and giving a pat of a hand next to him: inviting. To sit, or talk, or both.

Dazzler has posed:
Alison nods, and seats herself beside Sean. She seems at ease...or simply too tired to be tense. Either way, she sits in silence, fretting at the hem of her blouse for a long moment.

"You're going to wear yourself down, Sean. You look like you haven't slept in days." She frowns slightly, looking into his face and reaching up to touch his hair with the backs of her fingers, if he allows it. "It's not good for you, y'know. You've gotta take care of yourself...or someone else will have to."

Banshee has posed:
"Eh, tis not so bad, thar's just me face," Sean chuckles at her worry, good-naturedly. Sean is almost always positive and upbeat, a shell he wears over whatever else is actually going on. But that's who he is - a positive smile, as sometimes that helps make things more positive. Sometimes it works.

He doesn't mind her examining his cropped ginger hair; she smiles at her, the smile coming into his eyes. "My workaholic streak be showing, is all. Time for th' police, 'n for 'ere."

Dazzler has posed:
"And when's the time for Sean?" Alison asks, with one brow arched. But she smiles at his upbeat tone. "Just want to know you think of yourself, when you can." She lowers her hand and entwines her fingers in her lap, seemingly watching them intently. "I know stuff happens sometimes we can't control. But sometimes we feel we could have...done more. Sometimes we feel that everything should have gone so much differently."

Banshee has posed:
"Like... ah should've been there on these missions th' just happened," Sean says, in dismay: his hindsight is strong, clearly. "Police 'ave their own probl'ms, and they don't have any X-men." He sighs a bit heavily, and watches her, unsure if he's following exactly what subject she's on, but he's pretty perceptive, that he trusts he might have a good guess.

Dazzler has posed:
"You couldn't have stopped it," Alison replies. Clearly they're on the same page. "It all happened too fast. There was no plan. We were too spread out. We were in the wrong places. I tried to..." She lifts a hand to gesture vaguely to an idea which is out of reach. "That isn't your fault. I wasn't there for the other...but something tells me it wouldn't have been avoided by either of our presences."

Banshee has posed:
"Avoided, ehhhh, mebbee no. But iffin we can prevent e'en one person from bein' hurt by them damn things, I'd like t' try," Sean sighs. He does, though, recognize his limits. "Y'were on the ground, though. I saw th' news, read some o' it. Hard t'judge, not bein' there. What went so bad?" Sean turns some on the bench, drawing one leg up and partially under his other leg, palm propped on the raised knee. His jeans are comfortable and worn blue.

Dazzler has posed:
Shaking her head, Alison formulates her thoughts for a moment, before explaining carefully. "We were on a stealth mission. Get in. Get out. My team was the diversion, if we were needed. But we weren't. Team two attained their goal. We were to extract. Then..." She blinks, as if it is all still just too surreal to believe. "Then Sam attacked a sentinel. He was in the middle of the protesters. The sentinel was scanning them all. But it wasn't making a move to attack. Not until...."

Dazzler sighs heavily. "Well I shielded people for as long as I could, but the sentinels destroyed my shields, and hit me with a nullifier blast. I should have had my nullification protection device activated, but it all happened so fast, and I knew they only had a limited effective time frame."

Banshee has posed:
Sean frowns, which evolves into a more serious scowl: proof that he isn't always upbeat, when things are truly serious. He seems to chew on the information a little bit. "Ah will... trust that Sam saw sommae that made him need t' react," decides Sean, giving the benefit of the doubt to the young lader. "But iffin 'ee didn't tell 'is team, that's surely trouble."

Sean then focuses more on her. "Y'did 'xactly what I would've asked of ya, or did me-self, Allie," he says, attempting to set one hand on her near shoulder, enveloping it in his broad palm.

Dazzler has posed:
Alison leans her head to one side, brushing the back of Sean's hand with her cheek. "I hope you're right. But I feel like I could do more. Y'know, being out /there/...at the protests. Benefit concerts. I could help them, whenever danger arises. And it does, more and more often, of late. The team can't be everywhere. Neither can I. But I can be there for more of it. I'm...kinda the public face for them, after all."

Banshee has posed:
"Works for th' 'vengers," Sean notes, thoughtful. And he squeezes her shoulder once, supportive. "Tis th' opposit' of me path." A shake of his head follows. "M'jealous of th' younger ones; been hidin my powers f'so long, that's who I am. Woulda lost m'job, had I told th' truth 'bout it. Still don't use 'em most of th' time. Part o' me that just stays silent." He grins a little at his joke.

Dazzler has posed:
"That's exactly what I'm talking about, though. No one should /have/ to hide who they are because they'd lose their job." She frets at her lip with her teeth for a moment. "Or their life," she adds.
    Then her expression lifts a little. "That's the only part of you that's silent. You know that's what drew me to ya in the first place. Not just what I could do with your sound. But the fact that you are...'outspoken' when you're out there. There's no denying who you are, or hiding it there."

Banshee has posed:
The Banshee releases one of his deep, and somewhat loud, laughs. It is melodic as much as his accent lends to being, and often a very uplifting sound. "Ha! Nae, there be no hiding, when I've got sommat to say," he chuckles. "Ah'm just old." A quick wink follows that. "There's no goin' full out there f' me. I do a'ight, though." He drops his hand from her shoulder, settling it in his lap, relaxed.

Dazzler has posed:
"Well. I understand that. I do." Alison replies. "But it just shouldn't have to be that way. Someday it won't be. If we survive this whole mess in the end. I refuse to believe that we're doomed to extinction. But just in case we are..." She glances sidelong at Sean. "Will you be my extinction buddy? I d-dont wanna die alone." Her tone is lighthearted. Joking, even. But there's a small tremor that lies beneath it, and betrays something deeper. "I wanna have someone loud enough to hear, on the other side. Nothin' worse than yelling 'What?' for all eternity."

Banshee has posed:
The comment about dying alone softens his eyes some, and he watches her with more concern. "Don't ye be worryin' about tha'," Sean says sternly, pushing against her sideways with one upper arm and elbow, shaking his head. "But A'm sure we'll sing t'gether one way or 'nother," he chuckles at her, allowing his voice to resonate and flow into an even, relaxed melody and tone: a finesse use of his sonic powers that he rarely displays.

Dazzler has posed:
Giving Sean a half-smile, Alison relaxes, visibly. It's some sort of power that he has over her. She can't explain it, and doubts it's even something he realizes. But he always manages to say the right thing, the right way, to comfort and calm her. Probably others, too, she guesses. "Thank you," she replies, leaning against that arm. "The world could use a lot more people like you."

Banshee has posed:
"Y'don' want me to sing," Banshee says, companionably moving the arm to around her for the moment, attempting to comfort. "Ah mostly know depressin' ballads, some drinkin' songs," he 'warns' her. He smiles some, thoughtfully looks around the garden, and then sings for her in a warm timbre,

    "Her eyes they shone like the diamonds;"
    "y'd think she was queen o' the land;"
    "and her hair hung o'er her shoulders;"
    "tied up wi' a black velvet band." ~

    "I took a stroll down Broadway,"
    "Intending not long for t'stay,"
    "When who should I meet but th' pretty fair maid,"
    "Come traips'in along th' highway." ~

Dazzler has posed:
Leaning into his embrace, Alison rests her head on Sean's shoulder, humming melodious harmony for him, as she recognizes the tune. When he is finished, she smiles. "I listened to that song growing up," she says softly and pensively. "It was sung by the Irish Rovers. Of course, I originally got it for the Unicorn song. But it all brings back good memories."

She furrows her brow thoughtfully for a moment, and looks up to Sean. "I may not be around here so much for awhile. But I can't do without ya. So don't fret it. I'm not going anywhere. Just....I can't be a part of anything else like last night. Not again."

Banshee has posed:
"Stay 'round for the fourth o' July," Sean suggests. "We 'kin put Jub'lee to shame with some crackin' fireworks 'tween us," he says, in a lower, conspiracy sounding tone. He realizes he didn't draw his arm back, and he does it now. The dusk coming in isn't chilly, not really; summer is a pleasant season to be outside in the garden.

"I'm not so 'appy 'ere lately either. I'm going t' talk t' Scott, but I may do more with th' police in the city," Sean explains.

Dazzler has posed:
"A light show sounds fantastic," she replies with a mischievous smirk. "We'll do that. And you. If you're going to be helping the police more, you better be safe. I'll do whatever I can to help ya, too. I'm always just a call or text away."

Banshee has posed:
Sean gives her an amused look, teasing. "'M always safe. S'somethin' I'm good at, and know well. S'like bein' home," he explains thoughtfully. The police work, particularly Interpol, was always exactly where Sean belonged. It was the other stuff he often felt 'off' about.

"We all got our part. Yours... m'ybe 'nother concert? Rally support. Things are turnin' around," he encourages her.

Dazzler has posed:
"That's my plan. Show people I'm not afraid. So maybe they won't be, either." She shrugs. "Or lend support to a protest, and give it a voice. Anything. Just can't let them feel like they're alone, and unheard."

Banshee has posed:
"Invite me t' your next one, eh?" Sean suggests. He moves a hand to try to pat her knee once companionably, and then gets to his feet. "C'mon, they'll be servin' the early part o' dinner soon," he suggests, with a gesture towards the path back out of the garden.

Dazzler has posed:
Alison nods and rises, too, following Sean a little tentatively. Her mind is clearly still swirling. "Maybe food would settle this churning in my stomach. I just keep thinking of the visions...the things that they say happened...or will happen? If we don't get this whole thing under control. I think of things...bad things...that might turn the tide. Things I shouldn't be thinking. Not as an X-Man." Alison pauses, watching after Sean for a brief moment. "Do..you think if someone stopped him...really /stopped/ him...it would end this whole thing?"

Banshee has posed:
"'e came out o' the fears. The place built him. 'E's just the current face of it," Sean says, removing his jacket from where it loosely was tied around his hips to pull it on more properly. It's color blocks of light gray and dark green. "But gettin 'im arrested in public? Big start to change it, so's there's not more of 'em just like 'em."

Dazzler has posed:
"I guess you're right. I just can't help thinkin' that..." She trails off. "Nah, you're right. There'd be five more waiting in line for revenge. He'd be a martyr. They'd revere him. But why can't he just be arrested now? I mean. The police that night, they were keeping the peace instead of shutting that death shop down. He needs to be locked away."

Banshee has posed:
"Could be dey don't know where 'e is," Sean answers, in an even and reasonable tone. "Ah can ask 'round, though. Y'talkin' to the right Interpol agent." With a brief smile and nod, Sean is attempting to help, though he lacks most of the answers. He rests his hands into his pockets.

"Would y' prefer t' eat off campus?" Sean asks. He's sensed she may not be happy there at the mansion, as he reflects on her other words. "Take ah flight, get some'mat else?"

Dazzler has posed:
Alison furrows her brow and looks to Sean. "You wouldn't mind? I mean...I just...I just don't know if I'm ready to see 'em again, yet." She doesn't specify whether she means 'him' or 'them,' but for her purposes, either works as well as the other. She smiles at Sean. "Gives a whole new meaning to 'I fly, you buy,' doesn't it?"

Banshee has posed:
"Or a car, ah'm not in a hurry, nae need t'go supersonic," Sean says. He gives something of a shrug as she asks if he minds, his smile relaxed. He doesn't appear to mind, from any verbal or nonverbal cue, anyway. "Though ah can't 'ave my picture up e'erywhere, and y'famous," he smiles. "Need ter fetch me ballcap 'n glasses?"

Dazzler has posed:
"I've got..." She pulls a khaki and army green ball cap from a patchwork shoulder bag, and pulls out a pair of roundie iridescent sunglasses. She pulls up her hair into a ponytail, and puts on the cap and glasses. "I'd rather people not see me, anyway. Not after that mess. And I'd rather be able to look at you. Something about your smile, it's peaceful. Comforts me. C'mon, I'll buy. Anything ya want."

Banshee has posed:
Sean watches her 'transform' with the ballcap and the glasses, and gives her a sort of amused look. Hard to tell how anyone would be fooled, really, but sometimes people just aren't looking. His smile remains, though it quirks a little at the side when she calls it out. "Y'need a jacket?" he suggests, concerned for her comfort on the trip.

Dazzler has posed:
"Not on a summer night. I'll be fine," she replies, flipping her hair beneath the collar of her shirt to keep it from whipping around in the wind. "You're like the ultimate jacket, anyway," she quips with a grin.

Banshee has posed:
"Pah!" Sean laughs, arching his back a little, the laugh up and outward, amused. His body language reads as open, welcoming to the joke and tease. "Tha's a first for that one," he says, smiling down to the shorter woman.

Dazzler has posed:
Alison smiles at the sound of his laughter as shakes her head. "Thank you, Sean. It's just good to have you to talk to. We're going to get through this, one way or another." She moves in to hug him warmly. And for the first time in days, she truly believes it..