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Latest revision as of 19:39, 10 August 2019

Like Old Times
Date of Scene: 02 July 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Ellie, Lorna and Hisako visit the Wellness Centre. Josh heals Lorna and Hisako. Oh yeah, and Ellie.
Cast of Characters: Elixir, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Polaris, Armor

Elixir has posed:
Josh is sitting at the nurse's station in the Wellness Center with his textbooks laid out. He is taking notes on a tablet and has a sports drink nearby. From the humming in the small adjoining kitchen, the night nurses is taking a break.

The room is quiet and otherwise empty of people. And in some timeless way, it looks exactly like it did a year ago when Josh would sit there and study, before he moved off campus and stopped coming around much. He taps his stylus against one of his books as he reads and runs a hand through his hair. He is dressed in a plain green t-shirt and blue jeans.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie slips into the Wellness Center with an air of disgruntled teenager.

She got thrown through a Bodega by a Sentinel and she is not invulnerable when her blast shielding isn't up so that hurt. Still it has been a few weeks, which means that the cuts and abrasions are pretty much all healed. What doesn't heal in a couple weeks though is a fractured arm.

Which is why she is disgruntled, her right arm in a sling still with a cast. Thankfully it is summer but that doesn't mean it isn't impairing her social media work.

She pauses to look at Josh and then squints a little, like she is trying to place the relatively normal looking person who is not who she was expecting. "Hmm"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna had spent the majority of the past year or so in Genosha. It was only in the last six months that she'd started to stop back in at the X-mansion at all. But recently she'd moved back to Genosha, with the threat of the Sentinels attacking mutants, she had put her island first and foremost. The largest concentration of mutants in the world might have ended up a target after all.

At the moment she was back at the school though, and was bleeding. Her hand was pressed over the slash on her palm as she made her way down to the clinic. She'd been working at cleaning up a few plates and glasses a few students had //accidentally// broken. It was a silly thing to do, but somehow she'd sliced her hand rather deeply when trying to clean it all up.

The green haired woman sighed as she stepped inside, "Hey, got a minute?" She called, her heels clicking as she stepped inside.

Elixir has posed:
Josh looks up at the sound of Ellie's hmm. He beams.

"Ellie? Hey! It's been forever, since like, that Pierce thing in his apartment...." he stops, realizing she has not placed him yet. "Josh? Josh Foley?"

"'kay, what happened to your arm? C'mere," he says and waves her over. He gets up from the desk and walks toward her.

Then Lorna walks in. He smiles to himself, like at a memory, but also colours a bit when he sees the woman. "Ah, hi? You alright?" he asks. He waves both women toward him at one of the medical beds.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie's eyes widen, it has been a while really and she covers it up though really well. "Oh, Josh... sorry just was in a groove to be disgruntled at the nurse... uh.. when did you get back on campus?" right no mean nicknames or snark for someone who could actually fix her arm. "I know I wasn't support to use my right arm but I did .. now it aches ... but this is even better...."

Ellie trails off when Lorna walks in bleeding and well she heads to one of the beds but waves with her good arm. "Fix that cut first for sure... and as to what happened a Sentinel threw me through a Bodega after I blew a couple of them up... assholes."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna flashed Josh a grin as he caught her attention, "Oh awesome, hey Josh. Long time no see!" She glanced down at the cut and grimaced faintly, a sheepish expression taking hold as she followed over to one of the medical beds. Her green eyed gaze slid over Ellie and she raised a brow. "Well, you've certainly been more active than me. All I did was try to clean up a bunch of broken glasses and plates. The students that dropped them finally reached that clumsy phase of adolescence." She drawled, and settled on the edge of bed.

"It looked deep enough that I figured it would just bleed through a bandage." She shrugged lightly, and lifted up the hand that was holding pressure over the cut with a faint twist of her lips.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki makes her way to the Wellness Office. WEaring a navy blue sailor suit and matching pleated skirt, highly polished black shoes, white socks, and her hair back simply, she walks in with her hand over one forearm.

Elixir has posed:
Josh grins his best 5000-watter for Ellie when she recognizes him. "You were gonna grump at someone?!" He teases.

"Hey, Lorna," he says and looks uncomfortable. "Good to see you, too. Let's me see that, it doesn't feel too bad," he says.

Josh cups Lorna's cut hand in both of his. A golden glow gathers around his hands, then a feeling of warmth spreads from where he touches Lorna to the cut. Any pain melts away and there is a little pulling sensation in Lorna's palm. When Josh opens his hands, her palm his completely unblemished.

"You were fighting Sentinels?! That's badass! You won, I mean, of course you won. Did you like, burn a hole in its chest?" Josh asks, grinning. He winks at Lorna if she looks at her hand.

Josh is walking over to Ellie when Hisako steps in. "Hisako? It's rush hour in here!"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
There is a semi-scowl when Josh calls her out. "Maybe." she admits not very sheepish, more like sullen. It is Ellie's trademark after all.

Ellie doesn't seem to mind waiting, because well Josh means no itching cast and also back to full social media speed. "We did mostly kick their asses. We eventually had to hoof it though because it was too hot and reinforcements were probably en route. Thakfully Kurt was there to help with the evac." she looks to Lorna "Man I wish you were there.. " she admits and then looks over to Hisako. "Or you... also she probably has more of a pressing need .. I'm not going anywhere."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna held out her hand to Josh as he asked to see her cut, as it healed up she grinned and sighed. As he let go of her, she flexed her hand as if to test the feeling of it and glanced over it once. "Well, that'll solve the questions of 'How did you manage to bust up your hand?' When I return to Genosha. Thanks Josh." She glanced toward Ellie again as the young woman mentioned how useful it would've been if the magnokinetic had been present to fight the Sentinels.

A faint grimace pulled at Lorna's expression and she stood from the bed, "I meant to be around to help out more with them. Kitty has been after me to. It's just everything in Genosha sort of caught up with me at once. Sorry."

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki gets so much attention. Shifting a little on her feet, she looks around, holding her arm. "I'm sorry, it's not a big deal, I just have a small laser burn on my arm. It's nothing urgent and any other problems can come before me."

Elixir has posed:
Josh blinks and frowns. He glances to Ellie and Lorna, then back to Hisako.

"Uh, laser burns go first," he says and waves Hisako over. He reaches over to gently lift her hand away, unthinkingly touchy as he is. If she moves her hand, he has a look.

"You gotta work on your laser dodgin'. How'd this happen?" he asks. "I'll fix it up."

Unless stopped, Josh puts his hand on an unburned part of Hisako's arm and heals the burn.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie kicks her booted feet as she waits. "No worries Princess, we need Genosha as much as I need to not fly through a window again." she is a Genoshian citizen after all. So maybe the princess wasn't a snarky bit of Ellie talk. Then again mayne not. So hard to say.

"Let him take a look and help Hisako... it isn't a missing arm so it is right up his alley. Hell I am so damn excited to be out of this cast I could wait even longer... "

Polaris has posed:
Lorna stood off to the side as Hisako speaks of having a laser burn. Her expression turned serious as she looked over the younger woman until Josh once more took over the order of check ins. "How did you get a //small// laser burn?" She asked her voice soft, as her gaze flickered back toward Ellie at the mention of her title. Lorna laughed, flashing her a grin.

"Well, the good news is that Genosha is just fine and isn't going anywhere. No worries for now."

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki walks on over gently, deliberately when invited. "Thank you, but I'm sorry, it's really not a big deal." She does lift the hand on command, revealing a bright redspot with a little big of blistering going on. Then it's healed! "Thank you," she says to Josh, before looking to the others. "We were training and another student didn't realize my armor didn't do anything against that."

Elixir has posed:
"You're welcome!" Josh says brightly. "Those lasers," he nods sagely then grins.

"Hey Lorna, you gonna be in town for a bit?" he asks. He comes and sits on Ellie's medical bed beside her. "Or is it back to Genosha?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie looks sidelong at Josh and then down to her cast in sling. "Can you heal it in the cast or do we need to cut the cast off first?" curious, not really positive how his gift works to be honest.

Then she looks to Hisako. "huh.. I'll be honest I also had no idea lasers go through your armor. At least they aren't super common?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna hmmmed under her breath, "I'll have to pester someone to make notes about weaknesses and strengths of different shielding and the alike if people are going into the Danger Room." She glanced down at her hand again, this time flexing her powers thoughtfully before her focus returned to Josh and she flashed the healer a smile.

"Eh, I might stick around for a bit. But I can bounce back and forth fairly easily. It's just a portal away."

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki looks for a place to sit, and very carefully does so. Smoothing her skirt, she looks at her arm, then to Ellie. My armor doesn't do anything against light. Normally that doesn't matter, but that means it's completely useless against lasers. It is my biggest weakness, and I'm not sure how to over come it. I hope everyone else can heal as well as this."

Elixir has posed:
"Huh? Oh yeah, we should totally take that off," Josh says. He gets the small rotary blade and very carefully scores the cast. Then he breaks it open and uses scissors to cut through the rest. He wrinkes his nose. "Smells kinda sweaty, you know?" He jumps back up on the bed and sits some more.

"Huh. You, ah, talk to your family much when you're here?" Josh asks Lorna.

"Hey, how much impact can your armour take? Did Sam drop anvils on you in the Danger Room yet?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie notes to Josh "If you weren't healing my arm right now I would give you so much shit. Just so you realize it Josh." it was probably the sweaty comment. Last thing she wants is everyone paying attentoin to her gross arm she hasn't been able to bath in a few weeks. She holds her arm very still for Josh to examine and heal though.

"I should lob some explosions at you sometime Armor."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna seemed to linger in the clinic even if she didn't necessarily have to, though she stayed off to the side as Josh worked at freeing Ellie from the cast. She glanced around at the clinic, hmming thoughtfully before her focus returned to Josh as he asked after her family. "Well, Wanda on and off.. She's been trying to get materials together to put up a protection barrier around the Mansion here." She exhaled a breath as Ellie's cast came off and there were mentions of lobbing explosions.

"Well, so long as it's not a laser explosion.."

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki covers her mouth to hide a smile at Josh's quetsion. "I..." She inhales. "The power I have gives me the ability to throw anvils. Dropping one on me would not be a problem, unless I were unprepared and my armor were not configured correctly." Then looking to Ellie "Explosions shoould be fine as long as I have enough notice to have the armor already active. And Lorna is right, a laser explosion would not be good for me at all."

Elixir has posed:
Josh grins to Ellie. And then goes back go sitting there swinging his feet.

"Huh, Wanda?" he says casually to Lorna. "Talk to her recently or anything?"

He grins when Hisako smiles. "I wanna see you throw anvils!"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie continues to hold her arm carefully with her free hand and then looks at Josh "Are you messing with me Foley?" then she looks over to Lorna and Hisako "No laser explosions .. though that would be awesome.. no I am kinetic just really really big warhead explosions really."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged once, "Sounds like your armor is as useful as my barriers. They can take a hit, but only if I have them up ahead of time. Though... my weaknesses involve plastics... ceramics... nonmagnetic items.." She drawled, and tilted her head to the side as she glanced from Hisako to Josh as he asked about Wanda.

"Ehh, not particularly recently? I mean it was over a week ago now." She reached up and dragged her hands through her hair.

Her focus returned to Ellie and she hmm'ed thoughtfully, "Well, if you all want we can throw around some safe explosions or something in the Danger Room next."

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki smiles. "Well, the armor is fast, but I am human, and have human limitations. If I'm unaware of an attack coming, or don't have time to react, then the armor can't help me. But I train. And I can show throwing anvils if you supply the anvils. I have none."

Elixir has posed:
"What?! Ellie, I wouldn't mess with you," Josh says with a big shit-eating grin. He finally reaches out and touches her arm. He concentrates a bit longer than with the others. There is no pain but a bit of a shifting and... solidifying feeling in her arm.

"Cool, cool," Josh says to Lorna. He looks relieved. Or disappointed. Or both.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie looks like she might pop Josh one right in the shoulder, if her arm wasn't fractured. "Josh..." and then she holds very still while he works onher arm, not wanting to interrupt him or mess it up.

Once he is done though she pops him lightly in the shoulder.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna arched a brow as she considered Josh and Ellie, mostly as Ellie waited a bare breath of a moment before smacking Josh on his shoulder. Her lips twitched faintly and she shook her head as she pulled out her phone after a ding. "I'll be about, hopefully, baring anything else. If anyone wants to hit up the Danger Room now that we're all safely healed up. Otherwise, I'll likely be heading back to Genosha for a few hours." She flashed the trio in the med bay a smile and made to leave.