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Grease, GSR and good food
Date of Scene: 25 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Chris Redfield goes to get lunch on his way home. Robbery happens. Cap'n Quaid gets shot and Oz goes wolf.
Cast of Characters: Frank Quaid, Daniel Osborn, Chris Redfield

Frank Quaid has posed:
It is lunch time and Frank is among the throngs scrounging for food in New York's streets. Elaina was locked up in meetings and Frank wanted the headspace of a walk and a bite on his own. He walks down to Raeha's Donair. A group of coworkers have just gotten their orders and walk out, all wearing the same ID tags on blue lanyards around their necks. When they clear out there are few others left. Frank steps into line and scans the menu board.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
There's someone ahead of Frank in line, someone the captain might just recognize. it's Oz, and it seems he managed to slip in just before Frank, getting some food himself. He doesn't spot the captain immediately, too busy scanning the menu board himself as he waits patiently in line, no rush to his demeanor, he's relaxed as always, easy going, taking life as it comes.

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris Redfield, USAF veteran, RCPD and STARS veteran, and SHIELD agent has his usual gear on, ,minus his jacket. He's got his USAF patches, RCPD and STARS patches, and captain's bars on his dress shirt. Sure, it may ruin the look. But he'd like to remember those times...... He's queuing up to order food. It's been a fairly boring shift, and he's getting food before returning to his apartment. He's just....got this craving for some really good food. The food SHIELD provides is good, but he wants to get out of the Triskelion and actually...buy good food. He's found this place and it ticks the boxes. Plus.....he's hungry. He has already eaten a Snickers today...and he's waiting in line. Seeing the line he's more than happy to wait, but he's wearing his jacket and looks like a walking USAF emblem. or at least the back of it does, Chris is certainly not shy about his service really. Even if he grew disenchanted with it. He still served his country flying planes.

Chris too studies the menu and looks pleased with this place and smiles to himself. It's his first time here. he hears a cough and sees a motion to come to the counter. Chris excuses himself cutting through the line and steps to the counter. He's got the patches on his shirt visible as he walks in.t displaying to the line as he places his order.r. He then looks over his shoulder and decides....ah what the hell. "I'll pay for the two men behind me. Please" he says nodding to Oz and Frank Quaid. "Place your orders. I'll pay for it" he nods and takes out his wallet to pay. Cash, no les. Chris can afford to pay /cash/ for his food. And what food. The menu items alone have him salivating as he's at the counter then steps aside to let thee other two place their ordders, nodding to Oz and Chris, chatting with the workers about small talk, how the Yankees and Metds, Islanders, Rangers and Nets are doing. The weather. parking in the area. The small things. While he talks, he looks to Oz and Captain Quaid, fully willing to pay for their lunches too.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank looks over to see who the vet up front is talking about is surprised to see he is one of them. "Ah, thanks, you don't need to do that."

He looks at the other guy being referred to and smiles in recognition.

"Small world," Frank jokes to Oz. "Friend of yours?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz looks back at Frank and smiles. "Nah," he says. "Yours?" He turns back to Chris, definitely surprised at the offer. "Thanks for your service, you really don't have to..." Yeah, he's surprised, and he'd rather pay himself, but if this guy insists, well...Oz can't really stop him. So, he steps up and places his order as well. Burgers. Loaded burgers. Oh and some fries too.

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris looks to them. "No no, it's my pleasure to pay for your food. Go on, place your order" he nods and waits for his, and smiles a greeting to Frank and Oz, though he stays quiet. He's businesslike after all. Get food. Go home. Stilll......he's got his gear on, and hid his bulletproof vest undr his shirt....though a cop would know what to look for, regarding body armor. And...that gun, knife and baton combo he has going, and shakes his head finding a table.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank shakes his head to Oz's question. He orders a hawaiian lamb donair and carries it over to Chris' table.

"Thanks for lunch," He says and offers a hand. "I'm Frank. Have we met before?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Once Oz has his food he follows Frank over to Chris's table. "I'm Oz," he says. "Don't think we've met. I barely know Frank." He smiles slightly, knowing that's not exactly true, not really, anyway.

Chris Redfield has posed:
"Welcome" Chris says. "I'm Chris. You're Frank. That's...?" he asks and bites into his food then looks to Oz "Oh, Oz. Please, sit down" he nods. The door opens as Chris looks up to find a trio of men strolling in and lining up to wait. One of them gets to the counter and starts talking.

"Nobody move. This is a robbery!" the one by the door shouts. He's got a shotgun. They've got guts to rob a place in the middle of the day. Chris looks mildly unhappy at this but he keeps listening. "Nobody play the fuckin' hereo and nobody dies!" the one waving a gun at the tables, a handgun, says as Chris is a little worried now. He's faced down zombies. What's three robbers?

Chris is screamed at to get up....actually they all are as Chris ducks when a bullet slices through where his shoulder would have been. It's on now. Chris goes for his handgun and aims it at the guy waving the gun by the tables. The shotgun guy's not getting involved....and the guy at the counter got hit with a grill tray and is knocked out. Three of them. Two robbers. Both with guns. The guy with the shotgun goes to the counter and is shoving the shotgun vaguely at the clerk. Chris has his own handgun aimed right between the eyes. he's ready to shoot to kill.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank first looks annoyed when the robbery starts, and then alarmed when a gunshot happens and Chris draws down on the robbers.

"Are you all fucking nuts?!" Frank shouts. He looks at the shotgun guy. "Take what's in the till and get out of here before someone dies."

Frank points at the person behind the counter. "Go on, give it to them. Nobody's getting hurt over $200."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz has other ideas, however. He may not be the best at combat, but what he is is fast on his feet. A solid punch upside the head to the guy pointing the handgun at Chris, and then he's off, across the restaurant, wrapping his arms around the shotgun guy from behind and audibly snapping said guy's wrist, before kicking the legs out from under the guy, at least one of his legs audibly snapping, before he throws the guy to the ground.

Chris Redfield has posed:
$rChris watches Oz take out the shotgun gy as the shotgun blast goes off against the floor. The alarm's been tripped but Chris is worried now. The pistol guy got cracked upside the head and drops the pistol. It drops to the flor and by sheer luck, bounces, discharges and shoots its former holder in the hand. Chris isn't sorry. Putting his gun away Chris is still blinking and his ears are ringing, but.....at least the robbers seem no threat any more. Chris though looks worried as hearing returns, alarm's going off. Not good. NYPD got to know about it...and.....Chris shakes his head. Maybe between now and the cops turning up.....they can finish lunch? Chris is still hungry. The manager has the $200 or so for the robbers to take...if any are willing to test their luck against Oz, Frank or Chris.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank goes from alarmed to downright worred when Oz flies into action. He steps forward and starts to say something. Then the shotgun blast goes off. He reaches up to cover his ears, then collapses to the right. He catches himself on the table by sheer reflex.

"Damn it!" he swears. His face goes pale face but he looks down the restaurant toward oz.

"Oz, Oz! Calm down, it's okay, everyone's.... safe now.... Breathe man..." he shouts in a pained voice.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz turns to Frank. The changes are subtle, for the most part, a very slight change in the face, and in his build, a sign that the wolf is showing through just a little, but what really drives the point home are the black eyes. He takes a few deep breaths, and then he's completely normal again, his eyes back to their normal blue grey, and the wolven appearance completely gone. he looks around at the guys he took out, his eyes widening. "Did...did I do this?" he asks, completely shocked as he walks across to the table. "Please, please don't arrest me," he says, looking at Frank. He didn't even know he was capable of that, but adrenaline can do things, apparently. He sits heavily in his chair, taking a few deep breaths, closing his eyes, calming considerably.

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris shakes his head looking at Oz as sirens are heard faintly outside. Apparentntly, the rest of the NYPD are showing up too. Chris really doesn't want to pay the NYPD's catering budget for them. Instead he just looks to Oz. "Good job" he says simply. "You did good taking them out. Just next time....take the finger off the trigger" he says and hasn't touched a thing. He'd hate to get involved in inter agency shit storms by being wrong place, wrong time. Still....Chris is ready to explain who he is and what he is, and how he is, too. Plus he really wants to finish his food. It's cold now, but.....hey, it's still lunch, technically.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"It'll be fine," Frank assures Oz. He slumps off the table onto his butt. There are two holes in his right pant leg and blood on the floor. Frank fumbles in his jacket until he comes up with an Israel combat bandage. "Just help me get this on," he grunts as he opens the loop to go over his leg. He offers the bandage to Oz. "Chris... safe their guns.."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Shit, you got shot," Oz says, after opening his eyes. He takes the bandage and gives Frank a hand to get it on. Oh well, the robbers got stopped anyway, mostly thanks to him, even though he didn't know he could do that. He also helps frank up and back into a chair. "You gonna be okay?" he asks, looking worried.

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris nods and is looking for something to put the guns in....as the sirens are getting closer. Looking around again, Chris nods and shakes his head. "You'll be okay, Frank" Chris says and looks back to the clerk. Shaking his head Chris stays put, looking thoughtful. "Hm" he says and looks to Oz again.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Yeah, just riccochets," Frank agrees with Chris and reassures Oz. He forces a smile while showing Oz how to tighten the bandage up and lock it in place. "Wish I moved like you," he jokes.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz can't help but chuckle, and once he's got the bandage secured and Frank back in his chair, he sits back in his own. "The drawbacks aren't worth it I promise," he says, turning to his food again. he's a bit hungrier than he was before, so he begins eating, and it's clear he's not gonna be approachable until he's done.

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris nods and waves a patrol cop in. "You got this?" he asks and hovers near the door as if saying 'Cavalry's here...I'll be off'. And to his credit he's staying put, talking with the cops. He's.....looking a bit suspicious....but given Chris is a SHIELD agent.....

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank sensibly leaves Oz to eat, and pushes his own donair across the table to the werewolf. Then Frand the patrol officer share a glance at Chris' implication he is leaving.

"Are you supposed to have that gun of yours?" Frank asks Chris.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz is surprised when Frank pushes his food to him, but he's too busy eating to complain. He's eating fast too, faster than usual, certainly faster than he did when they went out for steak, so clearly he's hungry. Perhaps the unintended use of his abilities might have something to do with that, though.

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris steps toward Frank and carefully, discreetly shows him his SHIELD badge. Agent Chris Redfield, SHIELD. Chris slides it back in his pocket. "I'm permitted" he says vaguely and waits on Frank to comment. "Look" Chris whispers to Frank. "I don't give a shit what the people at the top did or didn't do, okay? I helped you out here and now. That's gotta count for something. Unlike some. I've been a cop, Racoon City. I was STARS" Chris keeps on whispering as an officer's watching Chris coldly, and Chris is discussing this witth Frank and Oz. "I don't care what crap'sgone on from the director of SHIELD, alright. You're hurt, I've helped you guys out. I don't want any trouble between our agencies" he adds in a whisper. "Besides. You know if I get detained it'll just further cool off relations and be a legal nightmare for everyone, plus a godawful PR move" Chris adds and sits, slidng his own donnair to Oz too. "Hey you can eat mine if you're still hungry" he said and looks to Oz then Frank again.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Judging by his expression, Frank did not need any convincing. One does not get to captain being a political dunce. He smirks slightly.

"Don't worry about it," he assures Chris quietly. "And thanks for lunch."

Frank speaks up. "Get this guy outside. He was never here," Frank says to the uniform officer. He gives the officer a warning look to forestall any objections.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz makes sure to hand Chris back his food before he leaves. "It's yours, keep it," he says. He looks confused, he didn't see the badge, and he has no idea what's going on, but he decides to just forget it for now, it's something secretive, and if he finds out it'll be because he needs to know, and he's okay with that. He finishes his own food, and apparently is full enough, because he slides Frank's back to him. "I hope this didn't ruin your lunch," he says. "I don't know what kind of trouble I'm gonna be in for what I did to those robbers, but..." He sighs, but offers a smile.

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris shakes his head. "No no, if you're hungry. eat it" Chris says as Gowan, a rookie cop tells Chris to stop and he needs to be searched. "I wasn't ever in here. Gowan. You want to start a political spat, be my guest" Chris says and looks to Frank. "You explain it. Actually. Gowan, c'mere" he says and presses two $50 notes in. "It's for those two at the table" he says and finally, finally begins walking outside, past the cop car that's outside.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Oz," Frank says. "You're not in trouble. You just helped catch armed robbers. They're lucky they weren't shot. Thank you."

Frank gives Gowan an 'are you stupid' look. Gowan turns his hand over and sees two fifties in it, he drops the cash like it burned. He looks at Frank wide-eyed. Frank frowns and looks confused and displeased. "Just bag it and lodge it. Make good notes. I'll sign your notebook." Frank assures Gowan.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz takes a deep breath and nods to Frank. "It was the least I could do," he says. "I don't wanna do that again, though, I really didn't know what I was doing, or that I could even do that. Maybe if I learned how to control it..." He sighs, but his smile doesn't completely disappear. He knows, if he looked hard enough, he could find someone to show him how to use his abilities to his advantage. He's surprised Chris doesn't want his food, but that's just more for him, and he digs in. But he still doesn't touch Frank's. "Maybe I could me more useful to you than just a consultant," he says, thoughtfully.