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Latest revision as of 23:50, 13 August 2019

A southern fried Night on the Town.
Date of Scene: 18 July 2019
Location: Out on the town.
Synopsis: And a fun night is had by all
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Namorita

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie would have told her to dress so they could go somewhere nice, but also something comfortable she could move in. He would show up to pick up, parking in the parking garage. He might get a few odd looks as he parks, but he will head to get buzzed in, coming to her door to pick her up. He wears a nice suit, but more off the rack and maybe tailored a bit afterwards. He carries a bouquet of flowers. (something akin to this https://www.flowershopping.com/beachside-bliss/?srccode=gpf_product-feed&refcode=gpf_product-feed&utm_source=googlepf&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=T162-1A&pp=As_Shown&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_sjw0KW94wIVOP_jBx24dQWMEAQYCSABEgLEkfD_BwE)

Namorita has posed:
Namorita answers the door in a classic, little black dress. The fabric is silk, sleeveless and strapless and clinging to her figure. Pumps have no ankle straps, of course, to allow freedom for her ankle winglets. The long blonde hair is pulled back, just a couple of wispy curls loose to dangle about her shoulders. She smiles at the sight of the flowers, looking them over before accepting. "Thank you, Sam. Come inside while I put these in water."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and steps inside at her invitation. He will take a moment to look her over and a slight worried look will cross his face for just a moment, but he tries his best to hide it. "Um, Ah hope you like them. Ah wanted to get you something but roses or such did not quite seem right, so I thought I would go with something a bit beachy."

Namorita has posed:
Namorita steps lightly in spite of the heels, moving into the kitchen to find a vase. The apartment is decorated in an ocean theme, of course, with an emphasis of views from the beach. It's large, spacious, and carries a simple elegance. Taking care of the flower, she calls out. "They're very nice, thank you. As you can tell, I do like the beach. It's the place where our two worlds meet."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and walks along looking the apartment over, and stopping to look at this or that for a moment. He actually seems genuinely interested in thing things she has picked up. "Ah never got to spend much time there until Ah went away to school. Back home was mountains and valleys as far as the eye could see. He will look over to her, and says "Ah might need to call a cab to get us to the restaurant. Ah should have probably rented a car, but Ah brought my Motorcycle, it has a side care, but Ah don't want to mess up your dress."

Namorita has posed:
Namorita looks over at Sam with an amused look, tilting her head and arching a brow. "I could always fly us to the restaurant, Sam. Carrying you would not be any problem for me." She pauses to let the offer sink in for a moment before continuing. "But most human males would find that... not appealing. Especially on a date." She smiles, then, setting the flowers on the table. "I will ride in the side car, but I have never ridden on the back of a motorcycle either."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles, and says "Well if we were to fly, we could take turns carrying one another, maybe we can save that for later. Your welcome to the side care or the back if your up for it. Ah just did not want to mess with your dress. Ah did bring you a helment, thought to be honest not sure if you really need one, from what I remember you and the Submariner are made of some pretty tough stuff. I thought we would start at this little Japanese place for dinner. They are supposedly very authentic, some friends suggested it to me.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita hand-waves the offer of the helmet, chuckling softly. "I will ride on back, then. Sideways, like a lady. I was raised with humans, so I do know how." Stepping right up, she slips her arm in his as if to demonstrate. "And yes, it would take a lot more than a traffic accident to cause me significant harm. A Japanese place does sound good. They are a culture who is fond of fish."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Ah will admit, that's what I was thinking. " He will move to lead her on out and to the parking lot now that she has offered him her arm. "Ah did not know you were raised by humans, Ah was thinking more you had probably had the whole look what the surface world has to offer thing done to death, and figured some place that did good fish might be the closest we were going to find to a touch of home. " He rambles maybe a little but not to bad. Once in the parking lot she will see a restored WW2 bike, much like Captain America's but done in black gloss with a side car on it.

Namorita has posed:
"Betty Dean Prentiss was a good friend of Namor's. After he... brought me to the surface, she saw me through high school as well as into college. When she died I took her surname." Nita talks while he leads her to the parking lot, and she grins broadly at the sight of the bike. "A taste for the classics, I see. Very nice." She squeezes the arm she's holding. "Make no mistake that I hold strongly with Namor's policies, although I am not always as quick as he is to mete harsh retaliation."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and will put his own helmet on, and climb into the bike a bit farther up so she has more room, and says to her "Ah an a more can't we all get along type to be honest. Ah have seen people hating on others cause of skin color, religion and such since Ah was a little kid. And Ah just don't get it. Ah mean often it is fear of what is different, the whole better get them before they get us, or what not. We are all the same, I mean we might look different, or have powers that others don't but we all go through the same struggles of life in some way or another. I know humanity is no longer really the proper word not sure if there is one Peopleanity? But Human, mutant, Alien, Atlantian, what ever we are all just trying to find happiness, security and maybe someone to not be alone with. Is it really any different in Atlantis?

Namorita has posed:
Namorita waits until he settles, then she steps around and sits side-saddle on the back of the bike. An arm snakes around his waist, pulling herself firmly against his back. "Words without action are a waste of energy." she replies. "Just as complaining without offering solutions. My people... Atlanteans... have become nomadic due to the actions of -some- humans. I do not hate ALL humans, or even most of them. Oracle, Incorporated was founded by Namor to help clean up some of the surface world's messes. At least some of the bigger ones. That is my solution. Returning destruction for destruction is not the way."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "I agree, you have to be willing to fight for what you believe in, but you also need to be able to work to change the minds and hearts of those who are fighting for the other side. if you just continue fighting nothing changes for generations." He says as he starts the bike to head towards the restaurant

Namorita has posed:
Namorita nods, keeping an arm firmly around his waist to stay on the bike side-saddle. "In many ways, however, Atlanteans are just as biased against humans. I know that I wasn't treated well for the longest time, since I'm half-human. But it's also made me much more open-minded towards people, and how I accept them."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit and says "Then you understand about how it is to be a mutant, folks hating you just because of the way you were born, even if your fighting to protect them . It is why I say we have to change their minds. One of the men who taught me believes much like your cousin at times. But that is a depressing topic, tell me about the things of the surface and under sea world you have found you like.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita's arm tightens a bit, and she leans in to speak close to his ear while they ride. "I have always liked motorcycles." she admits. "They are loud and sometimes dirty and often smelly, but they are the closest thing to flying that I've found." She pauses, then considers. "Not as fast as Atlantean vehicles underwater, but more exciting."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well, maybe after a bit we can do some flying, with me that is loud too." He admits. He does seem to enjoy the closeness. "Maybe we can have a race if your up for it, after dinner and the club, streatch a bit you might say." Soon they are pulling up to a rather traditional Japanese restaurant. He will step off and move to lift her off so her dress does not get caught on anything.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita actually lets him help her off of the bike, resting her hands on his shoulders. Yes, she could just fly or certainly rise on her own power. But that's not the point. "After dinner and the club, do you really think that you'll be wanting to hurry up and race?" she replies, flashing a smile that may or may not be teasing. Once her feet are on the ground again, she slips an arm through his.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and takes her arm, and says "Well, Ah will admit, I thought about maybe taking you up to show you the type of terrain I grew up around if your interested. Not my home mind you thats down south, but have you aver set up on the side of a mountain and looked over the other mountains and at the stars above you?

Namorita has posed:
Namorita slowly head-shakes while they walk. "I haven't spent much time in the mountains, to be honest. It's best for Atlanteans to stay close to water. Although you do make it sound like something I should see." She gestures off-handedly, then. "I'm not a terribly fast flyer, like Namor. You could probably out-pace me on your bike."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well, maybe we can fly up under my power if your interested. Do you need to stay near salt water or does fresh water work?" He will ask, and as they head in they have to remove their shoes, and Sam actually has red socks on.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita slips out of her pumps, ankle winglets giving a light flutter out of reflex. "Salt water, fresh water, even a swimming pool or a shower works. A couple times a day is very comfortable for me, and I can get by with once a day. Much less than that and I need to drink a lot of water." She shrugs, wiggling her bare toes. "Depending on heat and other factors as well, of course."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Yea, we had a nice pond back home that we used to run off to swim in when ever it got to hot. The place I was considering is near a pond if you want to check it out later or some other time, but no pressure." He will offer her his help to her seat. Even if in a Japanese place he can't really pull her chair out for her.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita slips a hand in his own as a show of balance as she kneels, settling carefully upon her tucked-up feet. "You have a pond for swimming? Sam, that sounds perfect to me." she replies. "Mountain streams and ponds are usually very clean as well. I think they come from snow, right?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Back home, there was a nice one, this one where Ah was thinking about Ah think comes from an underground spring. Which is some of the best tasting water ever. Ah will be honest best water ah have ever had came out of a plastic hose driven into the side of a rock where a spring was." He moves to have a seat as well, and adds "And was nice and cold, perfect on a hot summer day." He will let her order first, not trying to order for her."

Namorita has posed:
Namorita arches a high brow at that, looking very pleased. "Underground spring? Even better." she replies. She wrinkles her nose when he mentions drinking from a plastic hose, but then the server saves him with her arrival. Nita doesn't hesitate and orders several varieties sushi and sashimi, along with warm saki.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over the menu a bit longer, and he hmms, He will end up ordering what she ordered we a couple other things to try as well. He gets water to drink not Saki though since he is driving. So, do you enjoy living here?"

Namorita has posed:
Namorita shrugs lightly, nodding at the question. "I do, most of the time." she replies. "Atlanteans are a nomadic people, and we are strong because we fight for the oceans. Here, amongst the humans, I feel like I can be more relaxed. In a way it seems odd, I suppose."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Ah am not sure, Ah know Ah can understand a little bit. We did not move around a lot but growing up there was always a lot to do, working on the farm watching the little ones." a bit of sadness passes in his eyes "And other things, but then when Ah moved up here for school, well there was less pressure to be ding stuff, lots of training and studying but more just time to do what ever Ah wanted to.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita considers, settling comfortably while their meal is prepared. "So how many brothers and sisters do you have? I'm an only child, so I've always wondered..." Another shrug follows. "And by 'school', do you mean Xavier's?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and knows the reaction he gets with this answer most often nine. Three brothers and six sisters." He will let that sink in for a moment and nods "Ah started there when I was sixteen, and have finished high school through it and taking most of my college classes there.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita whistles low at that. "Nine? In Atlantis we would call that a 'school' all its own." she replies back wryly. "I have heard good things about your actual school as well. Perhaps you can show me around sometime and introduce me to others? In addition to the ones I met at your club."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Ah would like that will have to clear it with some people. Ah am in charge of the lower classmen, but visits have to be cleared with higher up on the staff list, Ah am sure you understand. " He will take a bit of something with a bit more wasabi than he was expecting. He will take a big gulp of water and actually fan his tongue a moment , before blushing realizing he looks like a goob.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita smiles a little. "It's just a request, is all. I can show you Atlantis as well, or at least what remains of our people." She considers. "Once we arrange for an air supply for you." For her part, Nita is actually pretty good with chopsticks. And the wasabi doesn't bother her in the least.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and after a moment, he says "Oh Ah would love to show ya and see Atlantis both it is just red tape. The acting headmasters are rather strict on a lot of that type stuff., but being another hero ah don;'t think they will mind at all

Namorita has posed:
Namorita purses her lips, taking occasional sips of saki. "There are always politics to consider when it comes to separate cultures." she replies. "Politics are Namor's specialty, not mine. But we will sort things out."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head and says "Never had to deal with a lot of it always ben more the blunder in head first, but Ah am trying." He grins at her "The club Ah am thinking about Ah heard was really nice, but may have a bit of an unsavory side we may have to watch out for.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita actually laughs softly at the mention of an 'unsavory' side to the club. "I think that we can handle it, between the two of us." Said the woman who, even when not at her full underwater potential, is very capable of hitting people with a city bus. And of being hit with one in return. She also knows, from experience, that Sam can take about as much as she can. "What sort of club?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Dance club, Ah enjoyed dancing with you, and you seemed to as well. Scarlet Witch and a friend of mine went there and told me, Ah should check it out. Ah figured we can have fun and maybe have some excitement if thigns are to rough"

Namorita has posed:
Namorita grins at the mention of 'excitement', pausing with a slice of sashimi held delicate in chopsticks. She slurps it down with casual ease, then points with the chopsticks. "You would go to a club just to look for a fight? I thought my cousin was the only one who did that."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Not really only looking for a fight but ready for one if one breaks out, and knowing it is some people who are not the nicest folks, makes it a bit more appealing." he admits"

Namorita has posed:
Namorita chuckles at that, and she leans in across the table to lower her voice. "Years ago, I would go into New York's rougher neighborhoods to look for fights. I never had to look very far or very hard."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie and Namorita finished dinner, and took the bike to the Max. It is a rather large club here in town, and they may would have had to wait but Namorita is a bit of a celebrity and they end up getting in pretty quickly. They take an elevator up to the club and instead of floors for the stories above, there are wide balconies that encircle the space at each level. On the ground floor is a huge dance floor teeming with people. The music pulses in time with lights in the dark room. The walls on the ground floor aside from the one against the lobby are one long bar. Looking up there is a succession of increasingly opulent looking balconies, with increasingly fewer people. Their elevator stops and opens behind them. It opens a richly and darkly appointed space with people mingling, dancing or watching over the railing. The bar is across from them and a bartender smiles his welcome.