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Latest revision as of 23:51, 13 August 2019

Roses are Red...
Date of Scene: 11 August 2019
Location: Hackensack, Bergen County
Synopsis: Ivy demands more things from Frank in their continuing 'working relationship'. Frank responds with his characteristic charm.
Cast of Characters: Poison Ivy, Punisher

Poison Ivy has posed:
It had been a long, long time since Ivy had met with the Punisher, on that fateful day in Hell's Kitchen.

And with the last communication - having sent along information about a boat full of people being human trafficked, well... she had gone dry, for a long long time.

Only for the latest message to come through the phone, in the usual way.

"No more information until we meet in person."

And so here she was, on some dock on the outskirts of Gotham. In the dead of night, of course. Long red hair tied into a french braid that hung delicately over her front, clothing made of teasingly placed leaves and flower blossoms, and an unusual amount of soil spread over the ground, leading to some nearby boxes.

There was a vine, even, growing from the depths of her hair, a venus flytrap like head with rows full of sharp, sharp teeth upon the end of that vine. It currently curled around her arm, and she was cooing to it as she waited fearlessly, one of her dark green nails tickling beneath its, erm, 'chin'.

Punisher has posed:
To say that Frank was both suspicious and angry would be a vast understatement... but he'd been studying Pamela since the original contact in Hell's Kitchen. He had a good idea how to mitigate her abilities, and he wasn't even going to pretend this was a friendly meetup.

Somewhere in Gotham, the Battle Van was parked, and a trenchcoat and skull vest wearing man with a gas filter and SPAS-12 with specialized incendiary shells strapped to his back came through the warehouse (and other assorted anti-plant weapons hidden on his gear web and coat) and over to Pamela's position.

"I'm here. What do you want." Frank grates out. Not even with a semblance of friendliness.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Plants can hiss.

At least, the minor monsters that Poison Ivy could create could hiss. That plant vine - wrapped around Ivy's forearm, twists its head towards Frank and does just that, opening its mouth to display further rows of the sharp teeth it boasts.

And Ivy tut tuts after it, using her free hand to draw the plant towards her own face, leaning down to place a kiss upon it's 'nose', which seems to mollify it. "I've been watching after you, Punisher," she coos to the plant, ignoring the man's brusque entry, for the most part.

Although what he grates out... "What I /want/?" Ivy says, lifting her deep greens up to look after him, the edge of her plump lips lifting up into a smile. "I want a great many things," she says, putting a little extra sway to her hips as she takes steps forward - staying outside of his arms reach, however. "...but what I /need/... are you the man who can give that to me, lover?" she asks, her eyes sweeping up and down him.

Filter mask, so he didn't pick up that sickly sweet scent in the air around her. "Or are you going to be a disappointment like so very many?"

Punisher has posed:
"I disappoint a great very many people by continuing to remain alive, if that counts." Punisher informs Pamela, not straying from his position.

"Nothing else coming in so far, Frank." Comes the voice of Microchip over the transceiver in his ear. Microchip had a drone in the air, watching for any intruders or ambushes. It was standard operating procedure for the duo at this point, when going into potentially hostile meetups.

"I assume your intel also benefits you in some fashion, so this arrangement is a win win for you." Punisher continues, his eyes straying for just a moment to the plant Pamela kisses. "Though I'm surprised you haven't given me any intel on people dumpin'. You know I don't care about keepin' assholes like them alive."

Poison Ivy has posed:
"As I said before, Punisher," @me says. "I've turned over a new leaf," she says, that mild pun causing a confident little upwards quirk of her lips. "So think of it as me being a good citizen. A very, very good citizen," she coos, that vine dipping down to wrap around her lower leg, the plant creature resting it's 'head' upon the top of her foot.

"You're going to have to remind me what you mean about people dumping," says the woman. "If you mean human traffickers - that intel about the boat coming in wasn't enough? I had one of their associates tell me every little bit of their operation before I..."

Ivy draws her tongue over her lips, a contrast of that pink and the dark shade of her green lips.

"Let him go."

Punisher has posed:
"Illegal dumpin'. Waste, Toxics, that sort of thing." Punisher clarifies. "I'm all about puttin' down the trash, and they're just as stupid as murderers and racketeers and the like. Even more so, with the way their shit gets into the ecosystem."

Poison Ivy has posed:
A quirk of Ivy's head, and she steps, her hip canting out to one side as her living hair seems to sway in the breeze some, her green eyes searching Frank's own face. "I didn't think you would care as much as the human traffickers," she says.

A beat, and her smile tugs up the edges of her lips, and she was giving him a sultry look out of the tops of her eyes. "Am I having an effect on you, lover?" she just about purrs at Punisher. Although she was still wise enough to stay out of the man's reach.

"Then this one might be for free," she states. "It's so very expensive to process waste, and so many companies assume that once it is diluted enough, it isn't dangerous anymore," she coos.

"A load full of barrels are leaving Waynetech West to be dumped in some government approved fashion - I have a sense that these very same chemicals are going to be intercepted by this gang or that. They can be used to make Joker toxin, you see," she says. "...and a great many two-bit criminals are always trying to replicate that," she says. "But if you wanted to make me..."

Ivy dares to take a step closer to the man, her eyes wide open and looking to him. "...very, /very/ happy," she sounded, her voice getting husky. "You'd help destroy the facility that produces those very same chemicals. And we'd /never/ have to worry about Joker toxin /ever/ again. Wouldn't you like that, Punisher?" she whispers.

Well. Joker was probably clever enough to mess with the formula and make a new version, but. As needs must.

Punisher has posed:
As Pamela gets closer, Punisher simply stands there. Pamela knows just how lethal he is, even without guns. He's not Batman, but he's a capable martial artist in his own right. "Ecosystem poisoning kills or maims people just as much as murder. Just more subtle." Punisher shrugs.

As Pamela explains her latest intel, Punisher seems intent on studying her movement. Indeed, he even starts to turn in place to keep his front to her, "Give me the location for the barrels and the facility, and I'll look into it. No promises."

Poison Ivy has posed:
And he was wearing his air filter. Perhaps Ivy had some strange power, but really... she was putting herself at risk to get so near to the stoic man. "I couldn't agree more," she whispers to him. And while she doesn't dare touch him, her eyes do dip down to his hidden lips behind his mask, before they drift, subtle, back up to his own.

And she reaches into her own chest. The leaves there shift around her fingers, preserving her modesty... somewhat. But she was storing a piece of paper there, that she withdraws between fore and middle fingers. Now, she stretches her hand forward, to attempt to tuck the piece of paper right behind that grim-painted kevlar mask and whatever was worn beneath.

"You'll find everything you need on that paper, Punisher," she coos to him, holding his eyes through that gas mask with her own.

Punisher has posed:
As she moves to try for the vest with the paper, Frank grabs the wrist, firmly, and keeps it in place inches away. Predator eyes look back at her as he doesn't move his eyes from her own, and he watches her. "You like to push boundaries." Punisher states. It isn't a question. "We're not friends. With your pheromones, I doubt we ever will be. Don't get touchy, or the next time I get the napalm out is an assault on your garden."

Pamela can tell it isn't a threat; it's a promise. Punisher has been known to do worse.

The other hand comes up to take the paper, then replace it in a utility pouch in his trenchcoat. Then, he releases her wrist.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Eyes widen in obvious fear as Frank grasps her wrist like that. And he can feel that shiver run through her arm of restraint, even if that fear quickly flashes to a bit of anger in her eyes. "Are there boundaries between us, Punisher?" she says, her normal syrupy tone a bit more jagged due to the... well... disruption of her emotions there.

"But /don't/ threaten my children," she says. There was more hissing. That plant that was resting its head on her foot, well, it was tilted upwards to look at him.

"Would it truely be so terrible?" she asks the man. "To let someone in? To let someone... touch?" she asks.

She was withdrawing her hand anyways. Best not to press her luck. Not now.

Punisher has posed:
"I'm not opposed to finding a good woman to connect with." Punisher informs Pamela as he turns around -putting his back to her- and headsback the way he came. "But it'd take some genetic modification for me to consider anything with you."

If he isn't stopped, Punisher is going to quietly head back to the Battle Van, and back out into Gotham.

Poison Ivy has posed:
And Ivy wasn't exactly going to reach out and grasp the man. While she did like to push boundaries - or be let in past boundaries despite a man's judgment, she... wasn't altogether certain that Frank wasn't telling the truth when he said he was going to set her on fire, and burn everything she loved.

And she did love her children.

"That means that you're considering it, aren't you, Punisher?" she calls after the man, grinning smugly to herself.