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Latest revision as of 23:53, 13 August 2019

Pitstop at Titan's Tower
Date of Scene: 13 August 2019
Location: Barker Island, North Hempstead
Synopsis: Caitlin Fairchild swings by the Titan Tower and meets Supergirl and Stardust. She brings cookies!
Cast of Characters: Fairchild, Supergirl, Stardust

Fairchild has posed:
"Hell-ooo?" The elevator doors *ding* open and allow Caitlin's voice to float into the air of Titan's Tower. She puts her visitors' badge back in her pocket and steps cautiously into the tower proper. A series of stacked plates in her hands forms a cube; the scent of fresh cookies immediately fills the air in her wake.

"Is anyone here?" she asks, timidly, and walks into the center of the room. "Doggone it," she mumbles to herself. "I knew I shoulda called ahead."

Cait's wearing calf-length pink yoga pants, low-soled athletic shoes, and a relatively loose-fitting periwinkle blue shirt. The sleeves drape around her forearms and it hangs to her thighs; scoop-shaped cutouts above her triceps put her shoulders on display. "I brought cookies!~," she calls, trying to bribe people out of hiding with a singsong voice.

Supergirl has posed:
"What?" There was a swooping, and a familiar blue and red uniform draws down to land upon the floor of the tower, Kara bringing her hand up to push her hair back over her shoulder. "Hi there!" she says, lifting up her hand to wave to Caitlin. "Are you a visitor in need of superherodom?" she asks.

"I'm Supergirl, and... I'm not really a Titan, but they let me hang around and play video games sometimes," she says, grinning so wide her nose crinkles.

"But you don't need to bring bribes to talk to the Titans - but they probably help!" she enthuses.

Fairchild has posed:
"Oh!" The word is more of a startled exclamation as Supergirl swoops in, and Caitlin puts a hand to her breastbone in alarm. "Oh, you suprised me. I know who you are, Supergirl," Caitlin assures the blonde girl. She starts and reaches for her pocket, handing over a Justice League affiliate ID. "I'm sorry, I'm so rude! I buzzed myself in when no one picked up. I'm-- I'm Caitlin. Caitlin Fairchild," she clarifies hastily. The cookies are transferred to her left hand, and she offers a polite, gentle handshake to the flying blonde Kryptonian. "I'm friends with Conner," she explains.

Cait spots an empty patch of counter and moves to set her burden down on it. "I definitely don't have an emergency at the moment," she assures Supergirl. "But if one breaks out, I'll give you folks a call!" A few loose red locks are pushed behind her ear. "I'm sorry for snooping, I wanted to bring some cookies by for you guys. I figured you don't get a lot of home cooking around here. Is... this a bad time?"

Supergirl has posed:
"Oh, I'm in the Justice League too!" chirps Kara, "And Alpha Flight, and other things," she says. "I'm kinda everywhere," she adds, stepping closer to Caitlin. Her hand comes forward, and like Caitlin, she was overcareful with her handshakes. No crushed hands on her watch!

"What kinda cookies are those?" asks the woman, turning her eyes towards the cookies.

A step towards those. "Or... oh, you know Conner? I haven't hung out around him much," she says.

"And I guess. A lot of them are out in Central Park, doing something," she says. "I actually just flew over from Metropolis, and I just... I dunno. Wanted to hang out here and do homework, before flying back h..." A pause. Secret identities!

"Before flying somewhere else," she says.

Fairchild has posed:
"Oatmeal raisin!" Caitlin says. She gives it a beat and laughs, unable to keep a straight face. "I'm kidding. They're chocolate," she assures Kara. The top crate's cracked open and she offers one to Supergirl with a solicitous expression of apology. "I wouldn't inflict oatmeal raisin on anyone."

She catches Supergirl's hesitation but is polite enough not to press the issue. "Well I'm glad I caught you, then." She looks around the tower. "I've been thinking about finding a ... I don't know. More permanent arrangement, for myself. Stop just punching the clock as a League reservist, y'know? I heard the Titans were a good fit for kids our age." Caitlin must be at least 24 or 25. "I don't know if I'm too old for them, but I figured I'd at least come by and say hello."

She gestures at the treats. "And it never hurts to show up with dessert, y'know?"

Supergirl has posed:
"I love oatmeal rai..." says Supergirl, although she pauses when Caitlin was kidding. That sweet smile stays on her lips. "Chocolate is great too!" she says. And she proves it, considering she takes that cookie. And nibbles upon the edge. "Good! Did you make these?" she asks, tilting her head just so.

"They are. They're a lot of fun, although you have to kinda... the way that they let people in is by hanging around them a lot. So you kinda gotta pester them a little bit," Supergirl says.

"And it doesn't. Hey - let me see if I can't contact NicoNico or someone..." says the Kryptonian, still munching upon a cookie as she taps her communicator.

Stardust has posed:
    There is no response to Supergirl's hail on Stardust's comm. In fact, her comm is showing up as 'signal not found', which means it's switched off, exploded, or unreachable for other reasons.

    A short time earlier: Somewhere in the stratosphere far above Virginia, a bolide streaks across the sky, unnoticed. The angle is steep, and by the time it crosses the Delaware sky, it has brightened enough to be noticed by a few people peering into the sky. As it crosses New Jersey, the flames churn brightly and stream behind it as a streak across the sky. A couple walking their dog spot it and make a wish as it vanishes over the lower bay. The angle of descent appears to shallow, and a rumbling marks its passage over Long Beach. It sets off a brief alarm at JFK airport, but is soon declared no danger. Its passage through the air slows as it passes over Hemstead, now definitely subsonic, streamers of fire like red ribbons marking its passage. It passes close enough to the Tower to set the windows shaking and triggers the tower security alarms, before it comes crashing down into the east river with a mighty splash that sets waves rocking up the shore of the island.

    About a minute later, Stardust comes walking out of the river, clouds of steam coming off her, and walks into the tower, studying the display of some instrument she's carrying. "HA! Just 247 feet out, pretty sweet! Take that, Space X!" she declares before looking up to see who's there. She smiles at Supergirl, and peers at Caitlin curiously. Water pools around her feet. "Hey SG. Who's your friend?"

Fairchild has posed:
"Gramma's own recipe," Caitlin tells Supergirl. She laughs, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, that's a rotten lie. It's just Tollhouse," she assures the blonde Kryptonian. "And it's cool, I'm not in a rush or anything. Just... I know you hang out with 'em, and Conner says good things about /you/, and the League seems to like folks here, so..." She trails off with a shrug.

Caitlin turns when she hears Stardust's voice, and absently smooths out the front of her semi-tunic when she's addressed. The question's phrased at Kara, but Caitlin takes it on herself to answer, and steps forward to offer a (cautiously polite) handshake to Colette, making no effort to apply any force. "Oh gosh, I just kind of let myself in, I'm sorry," she says hastily, trying to blunt any ire directed at Kara. She digs her Justice League ID out of a concealed pocket in her yoga pants and offers it to Colette. "I'm Caitlin Fairchild, I-I'm a reservist with the League. I thought I'd come by and meet the Titans, everyone says such nice things about you guys," she explains. "You must be ... Stardust, right?" she asks, waving a finger at Colette. She remembers the cookies cooling on the counter and retrieves a tray to wave under Colette's nose. "I brought cookies!" she exclaims, and extends the peace offering to the other woman.

Supergirl has posed:
"She's lying a lot," says Supergirl. "I think she's untrustworthy," says Supergirl, waggling her brows in obvious tease. A handful of moments.

"She's in the Justice League - she's good people, Nico-Nico," says Kara, taking another cookie - or did she? She wooshed too fast to be seen!

"/And/ she brought chocolate chips!" she says.

"League reservists don't get to see a lot of action, and I /know/ this is where the cool kids hang out, so... she caught me when I was hanging out here, Stardust," she says, smiling so wide to make her nose crinkle.

"247 feet? Did you get that close to space?" she sounded honestly excited. "That's a record for you, right?"

Stardust has posed:
    "Yep, Stardust. That's me. Nice to meet you, Caitlin." Stardust reaches her hand for the proferred handshake before remembering that she's dripping wet from her brief soujourn in the east river, and her gloves would probably not make for the most pleasant of handshakes. She stops herself momentarily, and with the faintest of shimmers her outfit changes from the rather sturdy overall uniform that has something of the pilot's suit look to it to something lighter, and most importantly drier. This done she continues with the handshake, and gives Caitlin a broad smile. "Oh don't worry about that. We have a foyer so people can let themselves in. Just don't go waving guns around or something, there's a whole lot of security systems hidden around the place. Alarms go off, missiles get armed, stuff like that. Also it probably wakes up Raven, and she's grumpy when she's woken by alarms. Come to think of it, she's grumpy all the time, so don't worry about it."

    Stardust grins wide to show she's not being entirely serious about all this, and grabs a cookie. "Cookies good. Thanks." NOMF. "Just here to visit? Nothing official? Hmm, not sure if anyone's around." She pulls out her comm, plays with it a bit, gives it a whack, and studies the screen. "Nope. Apparently a few of them are in Gotham at the moment, but not Robins. Hmm. He hates it when we do that..." she looks back up with a shrug. "Oh well. I'm here now! And SG isn't officially a Titan any more, but she's an old friend."

    Stardust demonstrates this last point by leaning on Supergirl in a friendly, and only slightly damp way. The uniform is dry now, the hair not so much. "No, 247 feet from my targeted landing point. I've been practicing semi-ballistic re-entries. There's a calculator online, but I dunno how to calculate my air resistence, so I kind of have to wing things with the deceleration. And I've been waaaaay further than that SG!" She stops leaning, so she can look at Supergirl while blinking rapidly. "I went right across the galaxy! It was so cool. Didn't I ever tell you about that? We went to like this space station that's built inside the head of an dead alien."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's eyes brighten at the question of ballistic equations, but she tempers it enough to laugh and shake her head at Kara's statement about reservists. "I've... seen my share," Caitlin assures Kara, struggling not to sound like she's bragging. "I've been out to Knowhere-" she gestures at Colette's mention of the alien space station-- "and some of the Deep Reaches in space. Helped the Amazons with some problems and I'm friendly with Asgard," she explains, hands wiggling. "I-I'm not trying to brag or anything, just... I'm not just here for a guided tour," she clarifies, pinking a bit. "I've been around for a few years. I just never thought about really getting serious about working with a team before. But, y'know, things..." She shrugs, reaching for a cookie herself and nibbling it with a Midwestern politeness. "Things get weird, and I guess I figured I'd start looking around a bit and see what my options are," she clarifies.

"Um, if you need help calculating your ballistic cross-section, I can tell you how to do that, too," she offers to Colette, timidly. "Once you learn about simulated masses, the math gets much simpler."

Supergirl has posed:
    "I want to reofficial, but these things take time, maybe. Or maybe I'm too old now," says Supergirl, sticking out her tongue briefly at Colette as Stardust leans in against her, but it was only brief, and her SuperSuit could certainly handle a little damp. There was a moment where Supergirl marveled, going wide eyed at the talk of calculations and everything.

    She kinda just... did it, usually. But all of those calculations made her sound super smart. "You must have, but I must have forgotten it, as well," says Supergirl to Stardust.

    Munching upon that second cookie as she goes.

    And now /Cait/ gets in with the math party.

    "Uhm," says Supergirl. "It's a good team, though. They're a lot of fun!" she chirps.

Stardust has posed:
    "I don't think we officially have an age limit to be honest," Stardust says thoughtfully. "I mean we're all getting older. I'm gonna hit twenty next month, maybe it's time for me to retire?" She responds to Supergirl's stuck-out-tongue with a cheeky grin. "It is kind of fun though. Most of the time. I mean things are pretty relaxed around here, so long as Robin isn't stabbing people. And Rae isn't spooking people. Or... I mean sometimes our Danger Room becomes sentient or whatever, but it usually works out. And there's all kinds of cool toys to play with. SG, did you know we have a submarine? We should totally take it out for a ride. On the other hand it's not all fun and games. I seem to somehow mysteriously have ended up in charge of getting the prospective newbies trained up and stuff. That's hard work!"

    Stardust gives a stretch and flexes her shoulders. "You've been to Knowhere too? How cool is that. I went last year when that mushroom thing was happening. Did you go before then? If so that probably explains why everyone there seems to expect humans are trouble. That was wierd, I went there expecting everyone to be all like... 'Human? What is Human? We've never heard of you!' But it was more like 'Oh oh, humans. Let's just cross the street and hope they don't notice us.' Did you meet the Russian dog? He's so cool."

    Stardust gives Caitlin's offer of mathematical help a few moments consideration before shaking her head. "Nah. Thanks, but to be honest I'm not a math person. Besides, I /want/ to be able to eyeball it. I mean if you have to leap off a crashing satellite or something, you don't want to stop and run the numbers, you just wanna jump before things explode."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin brightens. "Yes! Cosmo! He's so sweet!" she squeaks, and applauds Colette's reference with a laugh. "It was a brief pitstop, though. Just pulling over for food and fuel," she admits. "I wasn't really allowed to spend a lot of time on shore liberty, we were on a tight schedule. More like a walking tour than anything else."

She slides more cookies towards Kara-- the Girl of Steel is tearing right through 'em. Caitlin nods at Colette's statement. "I'm not sure I could eyeball a fall from that height. I'm not sure I'd /want/ to fall that far," she clarifies. "Anything much beyond terminal velocity really stings the knees when I land."

Fingers interlace in front of her thighs; it'd look sweetly modest if Caitlin wasn't so doggone /tall/. "Anyway, this really was just a social call," she informs the two women. "I don't know if you've got a policy for recruiting people, but it doesn't have to happen immediately if you do. Just..." She spreads her hands. "I thought I'd at least come /meet/ some folks. You two seem real nice, and that's a good sign," she says, flashing a dimple-cheeked smile.

Supergirl has posed:
    A few more moments, and Supergirl takes another cookie, her eyes widening. "You have a /submarine/?" says the young woman. "...you know, I can help with training and stuff. It's one of my super powers," she says.

    A beat, though, and she starts edging towards the elevator. "I'm going to go check that out right now," she says, bringing up her hand to wave. "It was /so good/ to meet you both, though!" she says. "And Nico," she winks.

    "I'll see you later!" she says. Pressing a button on the elevator, she was soon down - and out!

Stardust has posed:
    "Yes we have a submarine," Stardust confirms. "Apparently it needs some fueling up and preperation before it can be used though. And there's like a driving simulator thing, and you need to have registered a particular score before it'll actually drive. Otherwise I'd have already taken it out. I'm working on that though!"

    Stardust returns Supergirls wave, and turns back to Caitlin. "Well, honestly we don't so much have a policy for recruiting people as it just kinda happens. Hmm, best thing would be to meet a few of the others. I think you caught us at a bad time though. Everyone seems to have gone off on a mission while I was out. And honestly I think I need to go wash half of the east river out of my hair. Why don't you come back tomorrow or something and I'll introduce you to some of the guys? Maybe you can join in a training session or something. Our timings are a but uh... random. But you can always call first! I'll flag you in the call system so it actually comes through to us. Sound good?"

    Stardusts eyes drift to the cookies, or at least the pile of crumbs that once were cookies before Kara got to them. "Bring more cookies!" she adds, with a grin.