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Retaliation: Sleeping Beauty
Date of Scene: 18 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: The Birds Of Prey and company try to save a comatose woman, and fail. The death of Linda Macenzi triggers a dead mans switch.
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Vision, Shadow, Fiona Glenanne, June Connor, Deathstroke

Lex Luthor has posed:
The hospital was mapped out. The team of team mercenaries (including Deathstroke and Deadshot) were hired. Lex Luthor himself was a few blocks away on a rooftop in his suit, using the sensors and a satellite linkup to monitor the situation. He'd have real time updates for the entire situation with the sensors from his suit and from above. It was time.

A synthetic voice comes over the teams commlinks. "This is L1. Go."

Deadshot was already in position opposite the hospital with a silenced sniper rifle... the others come screaming around the corner in an armored SWAT Van type vehicle, and pull up right at the entryway to it. The back opens... and Deathstroke and the nine mercenaries with him start leaving the back of the van, a loud, overt magnum revolver aimed at the security guards heads at the entry... and he pulls the trigger. Two guards are dead in two headshots.

The noise is extremely loud. Everyone for blocks would almost certainly have heard it.

Inside, there's a sudden quietness, then... "What was that?!" "Oh my god, was that a gun?!" "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!"

Panic sets in as calmer eyes go to the various windows to take a look.

In the room where the blonde woman is, she has no guards, no visitors, and no doctors.

Vision has posed:
In the NYPD call centre an automatic alert comes in. Someone has called a Code Silver at the hospital. The Chief Dispatcher starts clearing vehicles from calls immediately and dispatching them. The duty inspector shouts clearance to use the helicopter across the room even before the first 911 calls start coming in. The Chief Dispatcher is calling for any on duty-tactical response teams near the hospital to callback.

Anyone who knows these things well, will know critical call response time for NYPD is on average seven minutes. Maybe some show up earlier or later, but it is can feel like an eternity.

The first that the living members of hospital know of what is happening is the Code Silver going off. They immediately start running around to begin implementing the lockdown. In the surveillance room, the on duty security officer hits the emergency button and locks all the electronic doors. The elevtors freeze in place. His phone lights up instantly as doctors and nurses start calling for special access as they find themselves locked on different sides of doors.

Shadow has posed:
    The attack is not /entirely/ unanticipated. The Shadow had directed some of her agents to keep the patient under observation just in case someone chose to silence her. They hadn't quite expected a blatant full-on assault, however, and if it hadn't been for Oracle intercepting a transmission the Birds would have had no warning at all.

    As it is, only two of them managed to get to the hospital before the assault reached it, and as the Shadow loads and reholsters her guns she looks at the Birds' newest member. "I'd anticipated they'd only come for the patient, but with this much firepower it's likely they'll leave no witnesses whatsoever. Consider the no-killing rule waived for the duration of this engagement. I'll run interference and try to keep any from getting to this level. Do what you have to to protect the hospital and everyone in it."

    And with that, the Shadow fades from view, leaving only her shadow visible in the flickering overhead lights.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fiona Glennan, reisdent Irish bomb maker, gun dealer, and bounty hunter is tagging along with the Birds of Prey. She's got everything on her that's legal, in case the cops turn up to raid the place....she's a nasty feeling it won't be easy. Fi's worried, but she nods to the Shadow. "Got it" she says. She's come, amazingly enough, with non lethal devices, flashbangs, concussion grenades, and so forth....then she's brought a few guns, too. Her M1911 handgun, a P90, because she /really/ wants to hold ground and a bullet hose is one way to do that.....and.....last but not least.....she's brought an MP5, with an inbuilt silencer, the guns are in a gym bag with ammunition too. Fi's ready for a shootout.

Fi's looking worried then her eyes light up when she's told do what she has to. Fi nods and grins. "I'm on it" she says, having brought some of the guns from her former IRA 'friends' to use, the guns in the gym bag. Deniable really, since she's got gloves on. She's using Davey's MP5, actually....which is a lovely bit of karma. for him....but she's taken a hint from him. She's thinking like her old self. Protect her people. And....if possible, leave everyone who isn't waving a gun and trying to kill her, or the Shadow, or her people.....alive.

She's called in a favor. Mess with the circuit breakers. Blow the lights. Make sure they don't come back on. It only took buying a young electrician a few drinks and a sob story about how her grandma wanted the lights off. The lights.....wel, unless anyone's an electrician, are staying off. Mostly because the fuse has gone bang. And by a miracle of electrical engineering, welded itself to the fuse box and is staying there, in all its broken glory.

Lex Luthor has posed:
The lockdown starts according to plan. Deathstroke and company bring up the hydraulic battering ram and start using it to pound their way through the gates. This thing is designed for incredible pressures, so the gate won't keep them out for long.

Meanwhile, in the surveillance room, a figure comes out of the shadows from behind the security officer, a blowdart pistol is taken from it's holster, and a tranq dart is launched at the back of his neck. Into the light steps a white faced figure... who suddenly takes on the appearance of the knocked out security officer. His voice is altered as he talks over the line to mimic the man, "Standby, we're still getting information."

His hands walk over the controls... and all the doors between him and the blonde are opened covertly, with the door near the womans room still closed to preserve the illusion of the lockdown.

Sitting up, Chameleon taps his transceiver on, "Phase One Complete. Commencing Phase Two."

Vision has posed:
Calls continue flooding the NYPD call centre, most of them adding no more information than that the hospital is locked down. Call takers quickly dump those calls, sifting through for people with actual information. It takes a couple of minutes but they finally get that someone shot security guards at the main entrance. The information is relayed over the air.

Patrol cars and two tactical response trucks are enroute to the hospital. Their sirens can be heard in the distance and they are still minutes out. An NYPD helicopter is banking sharply off to the north. It will probably be in the area in two or three minutes.

Inside the security control room of the hospital, Carson has no idea anything is wrong, even up to the moment he passes out with a vaguely concerned look on his face. The rest of hospital security are still scrambling to lock doors that do not have electronic locks. They radio back and forth asking each other over and over if anyone knows what is going on or where the threat is. Carson is not able to update them.

Shadow has posed:
    And then the lights flicker out as Fiona works her magic. A moment later, the emergency lights in the floor take over, giving the invading mercenaries some light to mark their way, but as they turn another corridor toward the elevator, the lights seem to be going out one by one towards them - and a sinister voice echoes from the walls, promising menace and vengeance. "Turn back or die. You will /not/ be warned again."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fiona has set up a defensive position as the lights are going out....but she's aware of the voice. The same one that was in the warehouse when she got free. Plus, Fi's......holding her ground. The gym bag's by her ankles, it's open....as Fiona's got a pretty good defensive position, funneling anyone down into a choke point. Davey's MP5 is in her hands, she's ready for a fight. if they didn't heed the warning.

June Connor has posed:
    Nurses scrubs are not June's usual costume. She had to dye her hair again, a simple neutral brown. It's so normal, it might be hard to believe that it's her The blue scrubs walk through the halls, the young ninja having borrowed an ID from a real nurse she met in the bar the night before. She glances up as the lights go out, and then speeds up as she heads down the hallways. She slides to a stop as she hears the door click unlocked next to her, and she looks down the way toward the woman's room.

    "Cheeky fuck," she grins. She puts her hand to her ear. "Sorry I'm late, that nurse liked kissing a lot," she says. Wait, wasn't it last night? Let's not go into it.

    "They just unlocked the doors in here. Gonna see if I can't give them a little manual lock love. She snags a couple of doorstops from patient rooms, and plugs them under the door that leads to the wing where the patient is, then goes to a window, she can't see from this angle what's happening downstairs though. "What are they doing out there? Noisy as hell."

Lex Luthor has posed:
In the lobby, the mercenaries move into their own cover as they begin to scan the room with thermal goggles.

Deathstroke, on the other hand... just stands there. Watching.

"Plenty of people have tried." Deathstroke offers in reply, neutrally, before he pulls two fighting sticks from his back. "Come and get it."

Chameleon is moving along in the hospital, his security morph in place until the moment he's nearby the hallway that leads into the blondes room... and he switches his morph from security to Doctor Rick Gamero. He turns the corner, walking at a brisk pace towards her door... and he runs right into June. 'Doctor Gamero' looks at June, "Oh, hello!" Warm. Friendly, he's all smiles as he heads over, "there's a bunch of lunatics shooting up the lobby. We need to get these patients to the more secure wing in case they manage to get in. Would you be able to help me?"

So helpful.

Lex, meanwhile, makes a frustrated face in his armor, and grits his teeth, "/Still/ nothing. It has to be a line of sight effect."

Vision has posed:
The NYPD helicopter is still minutes out and the first patrol cars are further still. The sirens are getting louder, but there will be no help for a while yet.

Shadow has posed:
    The problem with cover is that it requires you to know what direction an attack is coming from. A pair of gunshots ring out from /behind/ the group and suddenly Deathstroke commands two less mercenaries. The muzzle flashes briefly illuminate a shadow on the far wall, but the subsequent darkness is all the starker for those without flare compensation.

    Deathstroke himself has barely a moment's warning before a flicker in the air alerts him to an incoming strike...

    Meanwhile, Oracle's voice comes over the comms... <<<Something's wrong. There's someone else in the hospital's systems. They've got physical access, I can't keep them out for long and they're messing with the lockdown...>>

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi stays put. She's after all the safety valve, but she's digging in the gym bag and putting together traps. She's managed to make a bear trap of sorts.....well....jagged bits of metal, so there's the lovely risk of tetanus to go along with stepping in it. There's a line of them across the door to Sleeping Beauty's room by the time Fi's finished making them, they're easy to make and find metal for, Fi just raided a junkyard for the rustiest metal parts beforehand. She hops over them and starts carefully setting traps down the corridor too, a grenade here, a flashbang trap here, a concussion grenade a ways away.....once done she returns to Sleeping Beauty's room and hunkers back down in her defensive position.

June Connor has posed:
    June looks surprised when the doctor speaks to her. "Uh," she winces. "A more secure wing? Which wing are they going to?" she asks. She knows the wings of the hospital from her study the previous afternoon, but she couldn't think of any of the wings being considered more secure than others. Then again, she is just as much a poser as the doctor is. "Y'know, we can like, barricade the doors, I mean, some of the patients are pretty fucked up and shit, movin' them in a firefight I'd think is probably bad, right?" She pauses. "Doctor...Gamero?" She actually has no ability to see through the guise, she's just trying to keep from giving away her own.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Seeing Fiona's work on his sensors, Lex purses his lips. "C, you have plenty of traps around that room. Standby. Pretend you're going for the other patients first and radio for security about those traps." Chameleon gets over his commlink. Deadshot gets another, "Deadshot, change of plans. Use your grenade launcher and put a poison cloud in the room. Someones bunkering down in there."

Up on the rooftop, Deadshot exchanges his rifle for a grenade launcher, slaps a poison gas grenade into the rotating magazine, and launches it at the hospital window where Fiona and Sleeping Beauty are, audibly breaking the glass of the window.

"Deathstroke, you have four minutes to keep them busy." Lex continues.

In the hallway, Fiona's obvious traps make the 'Doctor' nervous, and June gets a look, "Is... she one of yours?" There's a breaking of his voice as the 'nervousness' sets in, "I... think I'll go and get the other patients first, I think." He moves to the end of the hall, unlocking the door and stepping inside.

"More stragglers stayed behind than expected. Please advise." Chameleon asks over the comm.

Vision has posed:
The NYPD helicopter is finally in the area. It does a loop around the building and spots the armoured vehicle quickly. The information is relayed back to dispatch.

A frantic 911 cellphone call comes in saying that someone is shooting inside the hospital. The information goes out immediately that there is an active shooter in the hospital.

The grenade launcher goes off when the tail of the helicopter is facing Lex. The tactical observer and pilot do not notice the shot or Lex's setup on the roof.

A pair of patrol cars are rounding the corner a block to the west. Lex can see that four more are coming up from the south about four blocks away. Sirens are coming from every direction.

Deathstroke has posed:
"aknowledged..." it's the answer Lex gets from Deathstroke who, right now, has his senses on high alert. A split second warning is all he needs, his senses giving him the information of an incoming attack, his mind calculating and then sending to his body the command to move, his reflexes kicking into action to make him duck, turn to the direction of the incoming attack, and perform a roll on the floor to get closer to the attacker whom he can't see it seems. As soon as he gets back on his feet his sticks move in front of him, the left one forward in a diagonal position at face height, the right one parallel to the floor at stomac height, slightly more backward, in a defensive position. His intent there is to track the one who just attacked him, the one his mercenaries can't deal with.
"gamma and delta, crossfire on the doors at the ready, I ear someone approaching from outside." he signals two of the mercenaries "keep defensive positions, don't let anyone get in, or out. Everyone, keep a squad member in their line of sight, if it goes down, you just cover more ground..."

Shadow has posed:
    Guns roar again, each muzzle flash painting a shadow on the walls for the barest of instants, flickers of motion all but impossible to stitch together even for Deathstroke -- especially not when he has to concentrate on dodging shots he can only perceive in those bare instants as the gun fire.

    The mercenaries aren't even that fortunate -- one of them goes down to what from the look of the results was a leg sweep, followed by a bullet through his kneecap at what must have been point blank range, but the return shots from the others hit only walls...

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi hears the glass break and puts a hand to her ear. "Grenade" she says. "Want me to move Sleping Beauty?" she asks then starts lifting the patient up carefully and deliberately. It's not her thing. Instead, Fiona's got her gym bag and has it hooked around one wrist, and she's bracing herself, lifting up Sleping Beauty. Her idea. Get her out of there. That's easier said than done.

June Connor has posed:
    "One of mine?" June asks with a confused look on her face. "I look like a fuckin' terrorist to you?" she says in annoyed voice. "Dana Davenport, I'm one of the-" He's walking away, that works. She looks back as the door shuts, and rushes to the room where Fiona is. "The fuck, girl?" she coughs at the gass. "Shit!" she exclaims, grabbing the pillow off the bed and stripping the case. She captures the grenade spewing the gas out of it, not trying to help move the girl hooked up to the machine. The problem is, pillow cases are not exactly air tight. The green smoke continues to bleed through it, and June flings it back out of the window. She got a good whiff of it though, and starts hacking. "Fu-*hackcaoughach*! Dam-*wheez*!" She leans against the wall, trying to clear her lungs.

Lex Luthor has posed:
With June and Fiona inside handling the grenade, Lex transmits to Chameleon again, "They're busy with the toxin. Get the dart in and run."

Hearing this, Chameleon comes back out and into the hallway, bypassing the traps that June almost sprung, peeks around the corner as the two are busy, and silently launches a poison dart into Sleeping Beauty's arm from his blowdart pistol.

By the time the poison is injected, both June and Fiona can hear running from the hallway.

"Phase Two complete, preparing for extraction." Chameleon states as he makes a break for it.

Outside, Deadshot takes his sniper rifle, takes aim, and plugs a new hole in the helicopter where the engine is. Not enough to send them crashing, but they'll need to land soon.

One pair of eyes out of the way.

Vision has posed:
The engine in the helicopter fails when it takes a heavy caliber bullet into the engine. Thankfully the pilot is more aware than the tactical observer.

"Damn it, lost the engine," Lang says. She bites her bottom lip as the helicopter goes into autorotation.

"What happened?!" Young asks.

"How should I know? Shut up and hang up!" Lang answers. "Central, Air 4 going down north of the hospital. Air 4 going down north of the hospital." The helicopter loses height fast over the road heading north. At the last second Lang flares the aircraft and it crashes through its struts on top of a green Civic travelling in the same direction. The helicopter rolls to a stop.

The first two patrol cars arrive. They box in the armoured car by parking their vehicles across behind it. The two advance forward on opposite sides of the truck with guns drawn to clear any open doors. If the truck is empty, they key in at the door and advance into the lobby.

Dispatch channel is silent after the helicopter call, everyone waiting for something, anything from the aircrew. Then comes hurried confirmations that the helicopter is down and calls for an ambulance from a patrol car heading south. Five more patrol cars will be at scene shortly and two blocks to the east are a pair of armoured tactical response vehicles.

Deathstroke has posed:
Deathstroke can't truly decipher the position of the attacker, but then, doing so is not his mission. His duty is causing as much chaos and distraction as he can. As soon as he gets the signal to prepare for extraction, he turns and starts to sprint towards the elevators, sheathing his sticks and getting a flashbang instead. "flashbang in three, two, one..." he announces over the radio, his voice otherwise non audible outside of his helmet. Then he lobs the grenade in the center of the room, making sure not to throw it too close to the few squadmembers he has left. "prepare for extraction, cover the room, retreat towards the exit!" he adds into the radio and then, switching the communicator of his helmet so that his voice can be eard by everyone and, he hopes, especially the invisible assailant he yells "withdraw, now, we'll find another way in!" wouldn't want to give away that he was just a distraction, after all.
That said, he turns and sprints towards the doors instead, pulling out his sticks again and turning them into his full lenght energy lance, that he points against the doors themselves letting go off an energy blast towards them.

Shadow has posed:
    The blaze from the flashbang briefly sketches the shadow of a crouched person on the far wall to anyone foolish enough not to look away when the grenade goes off, and the snarl of rage in response does not sound like anything produced by a human throat.

    More shots come firing out as Deathstroke makes his retreat, and another of his mercs falls -- almost certainly wounded rather than dead, from the sound of it...

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi is setting to giving chase and running after them now. Subtlety's gone out the window...as has Fiona's ability to hold much air in her lungs, but she's doubled over coughing. She's at least smart enough to be getting fresh air however...'fresh' just means not toxic green gas. She's out in the corridor having bypassed her own traps as well, and she's on the hunt for a fallen weapon to use it against its former owners....if any are around. Else she's just gonna get behind something and wait for the bullets to quit flying, really.

June Connor has posed:
    June continues to hack and cough. Getting a lung full of that gas is no small problem. She forces herself to focus, and for once, doesn't have an expletive, mainly because it'll make her cough to try. She lets Fi do the chasing, still dealing with the gas effects. She swipes the dart out of the arm, and peels off the scrub shirt, revealing her far more normal garb beneath. She wraps it quickly around the arm, and pulls a kunai out to start twisting to try to cut off the circulation to the arm as fast as she can.

Lex Luthor has posed:
With June and Fiona busy with hunkering down and trying to save Sleeping Beauty, Chameleon is free to escape, closing doors behind himself with the security keycard. "C is clear. Extraction imminent." Meanwhile, June will notice the poison is already in her system... and seems extremely potent with the arm already seizing.... then the chest...

Outside, the helicopter crash is behind him... and Deadshot is monitoring the new police. Lex comes over his comm, "Take out the cruisers. They're extracting now, and they need it clear."

Three more grenades are loaded, and he aims directly between the cruisers, and directly at them.

The street lights up as concussive grenades slam into both police cruisers, turning them into wrecks... then another grenade fires between them, releasing a small shockwave aimed at knocking the cruisers away from the van.

"Fire support, once extraction complete, extract yourself." Lex states as he watches from afar.

Vision has posed:
A small flotilla of patrol cars and the two tactical response team vehicles are converging on the hospital. Very quickly after the two patrol cars go up, the responding vehicles coming to screeching halts and officers with patrol carbines and shotguns bail out for cover. The leading away from the hospital are littered with making a virtual roadblock. The officers are scanning the rooftops while advancing on foot toward the hospital along the sides of the buildings. They start taking up positions around as close to the hospital as they can get without exposing themselves too much to the roofs. A few particularly brave or foolish ones make a dash through the landscaping on the west side of the building toward the main entrance.

The first two officers on scene sweep into the lobby with their pistols drawn. They were mostly shielded from the flashbang by a half wall at the entrance but they drop to cover immediately.

"Possible explosives in the lobby!" one yells into his radio. Both are wincing at the pain in their ears and hugging cover.

Deathstroke has posed:
Deathstroke is not in a very good situation, his count of the mercenaries down to four operatives and two cryppled ones. "team, we're leaving. Police's here so hurry up, square formation, cover the cardinal directions. I want you to have a 360 visual while you advance towards the exit!" he radios the team, and then turns, wielding the energy lance in his right hand, and drawing a pistol with his left.
Then he starts moving, and he moves at the full speed given by the enhanced physique he has. Jumping and vaulting over obstacles, moving left and right in a path that wants to be unpredictable or so he hopes, he tries to approach the crippled men and get one on his shoulders, quickly dispatching the other with a blast from his lance. The next move would be to get out from the building, sending blasts from his lance and shoots from his pistol in order to keep potential assailants at bay. While his enhanced physique allows him to move even with a weight on his shoulder, and his movements make it probably hard to hit him, when he throws the wounded merc on the van and then hops on himself his legs are quite exposed, and a still target.

Shadow has posed:
    A last pair of shots ring out as Deathstroke tries to board, slicing through his lower leg and shattering his tibia.

    Back in the lobby, the Shadow takes one last look at the retreating squad, then glances at the cops before turning and leaving, still unseen. Their voice comes over the Birds' private comms a moment later. "<<<The ground team has retreated. Police are moving in. What's your status? Can you evac>>>"

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi's voice comes over their private comms, "I'm getting out of here, got anything lined up to get me out?" she asks, and she's.....doing her thing for getting out of there. Somehow, she's finding away outt. The guns? Back in Sleebing Beauty's room. And. Fi? On her way out the hospital. Besides. She's wanting out of there, like.....now.

June Connor has posed:
    June doesn't know enough about medicine. If she had some narcan she could do something, but she wouldn't know where to find it, She gives a chest strike, and then another. "Fu-*cough-wheeeze*" taking a lung full of mustard gas sucks. She tries again, but with no avail. She stumbles off the body of the woman, and looks down at the dart. She grabs it off the floor, and uses her thumb to snap off the tip before trying to step over the bear trap. Another cough causes her to mis-step, and she finds herself caught. No yelling out though. She was trained not to. She collapses to the floor just outside the room. Looks like she's going to have to explain this whole mess.

Lex Luthor has posed:
As the transport flees through the blockade, knocking around cruisers, Deadshot picks his gear up into bags and takes off, dashing into the building to get to his basement escape route.

In a few hours, the transport will be found inside a parking center, plates gone.

When news of Linda Macenzi reaches the news, a lawyer somewhere in New York receives a letter with a USB drive. Popping it into his computer... his eyes go wide.

"I knew she was trouble, but this?"