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Latest revision as of 00:18, 14 August 2019

Uninvited Guest
Date of Scene: 17 June 2019
Location: Forest Hills, Queens
Synopsis: The Punisher drops by Captain Quaid's apartment. The Punisher gives the captain information and a splitting headache.
Cast of Characters: Punisher, Frank Quaid

Punisher has posed:
It's probably not the night that NYPD Captain Frank Quaid was planning on, but when it comes to The Punisher, things are usually never predictable. The man has an amazing talent for being a gigantic pain in the ass for anyone he targets. Say what you will about him being a lunatic. Or a psycho. Or just insane... he's very intelligent and efficient at his chosen Crusade.

So when The Punisher decided to take the risk of getting more NYPD resources to bear on the Foot clan, Quaids name coming up the other day in the alleyway shootout got him thinking of an approach, using the leverage of having saved the mans life.

Sometime about an hour before Quaid got home, The Punisher and Microchip worked over the Captains apartment, disabling security and slipping through human security as well.

Sometime around the time Quaid gets home, a decked out Punisher is sitting on the couch, a rubber round magazined Glock 17 is ready to be aimed right for his forehead.

For his part, Punisher isn't trying to hide with his trenchcoat and skull vest... but he is a bit into the apartment to allow himself enough time to potentially subdue Quaid if he gets any ideas about resistance... or arrest.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank parks his work SUV and climbs out with a tired sigh. He walks into his building and takes the elevator to his floor. After he unlocks his door, he walks in and tosses his keys and wallet on the entryway table. His jacket goes into the closet and he leaves his shoes at the door. He leaves his badge with the keys and locks his gun in the digital safe in the entry closet. He pauses to look in the mirror by the door at the bandage on his nose and his yellowing black eyes.

When he walks down the little entryway hall towards the kitchen, Frank reaches for the light switch then freezes. It takes a second to process exactly what he sees and he blinks at Punisher. He slowly takes his hand off the light switch.

Punisher has posed:
"Hello, Captain." The pistol is on the armrest... but the barrel is very obviously aimed right for Quaid. At his forehead, to be specific. There's a gesture with his head over to one of the seats opposite him. "Have a seat. We have a couple matters to discuss." The Punisher states with a completely deadpan voice. "As you might imagine, make any sudden movements, or try to make a break for it, and you go out like a light." A beatpause, "But I think you'll want to hear what I have to say."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank recovers a bit of his composure. His forehead creases, face flushes and body tenses. Then he walks slowly to what he calls his 'game chair' across from the flatscreen and sits down.

"I'm not gonna play some sick game with you," Frank says with a scowl. "If you're here to do me, do me."

Punisher has posed:
"No games, Captain. If I were here to kill you, you'd already be dead before you walked in."

Instead, Punisher reaches into his trenchcoat, and pulls out a rolled up folder. He tosses the thick, tied package over to Quaid. "You have a problem in New York, and someone is doing a very good job of keeping it quiet."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank looks at the Punisher skeptically. He glances at the folder and back to Punisher. Finally, he reaches for it, body tense.

"New York has a lot of problems," Frank says. "What makes this one so special?"

He picks up the folder and opens it, leafing through the top few pages. "What am I looking at?"

Punisher has posed:
"These ones are actively working with a group I've been hunting down for weeks now. Normally, the war takes me all over the world... but these assholes are making a play for serious consolidation of the underworld in the region, and probably beyond." Punisher nods to the folder. "There are some serious resources going into this power play, and I've shifted priorities to doing what I can to put them in check."

Punisher shrugs, "The last thing I need is another Kingpin." A pause, "Those dossiers are by no means complete... but those are my observations and pictures from actively fighting them."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank considers the pictures of the four mutants in particular

"Why should I believe any of this? There's been nothing about a gang war going on except that thing at the port a couple weeks ago. Things have been quiet, they're even temporarily moving some organized crime investigators to other units," Frank notes.

"What makes you even think these guys have the backing to go that far? The Magic Triad or the Families are a bigger deal. I've never even heard of these guys. Why shouldn't I just treat this as a serial killer's hitlist and spend my time going after you?" he asks, looking back up at the Punisher.

Punisher has posed:
"Captain, I have resources you don't, and I'm willing to go much further than you in pursuit of my targets.." Punisher grates out.

"I've done some checking up on you after I saved your life from those werewolves the other day. You don't strike me as an idiot, but I can't force you to do your job."

Punisher stands, the pistol still aimed for Quaids forehead, "You're supposed to serve and protect the people of this city. Unless I'm gravely mistaken with my assessment, I think you're one of the good ones." Punisher nods to the folder, "You can believe me. Or not. Either way, I'm still going to be going after these people."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank's eyes narrow at the Punisher when the man gets up.

"Sorry if I don't trust serial killers pointing guns at me," he says. "Wait... You were at Luke's Bar?" Frank asks disbelievingly. The Punisher is apparently everywhere. "What the hell was your part in that?"

Punisher has posed:
"I was the one who shot the werewolves to keep them from coming after you seriously. I didn't have the right ammo to put them down... but I did manage to disrupt them." Punisher then taps the barrel of his pistol, "this is to be sure you don't fuck with me. If I wanted to kill you, I would have rigged your door with a C4 charge to trip when you walked in. Clean, effective, and can be shaped to keep collateral damage to a minimum."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Yeah, like Caruthers," he says quietly. Everyone knew he was dirty as hell, but still.

Frank exhales. "Thanks," Frank says finally, without specifying if it was for the information, the save or both.

"You know this doesn't change anything though. We're still coming for you."

Punisher has posed:
"I wouldn't expect it any other way from people like yourself. The only ones who ever have anything to fear from me... are the guilty ones." Punisher offers, almost in consolation.

"But I don't expect you to understand. I did this to keep this city from going anymore to hell than it already has."

With that, Punisher aims for the forehead... and a silenced rubber round is shot at Quaids head, knocking him out cleanly.

A few moments later, and The Punisher is already heading for the window, "This guy is a Captain? No wonder everythings gone to shit."