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Sentinels: History of Guilt
Date of Scene: 17 June 2019
Location: Medical, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Nick Fury has some questions for Hank Pym.
Cast of Characters: Ant-Man (Pym), Nick Fury

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
There's a report on Pym's condition available to both SHIELD and Avengers:

Hank Pym is resting in the Avengers Medical area, though he is in and out of consciousness. He has been relatively stable, otherwise. He is very underweight, and is under considerable physical stress from being held in stasis for far longer than the procedure should have been used for. He is currently located in the largest of the medical rooms, and the doctors advise that he should not be brought any outside food during this critical stage of recovery. Interviews should be kept to a maximum of half an hour, to allow him to recuperate.

Currently, Hank is laying in one of the new medical beds. Huge amounts of space are around the bed, except for a chair. He's been cleaned up some, in fresh very comfortable hospital attire, and is propped up on pillows.

He looks pretty terrible: he's dreadfully underweight and pale, like he's been kept in Solitary in a prison, and he was pale to begin with. His blonde hair is somewhat messy from having gotten longer out of the passage of time, and he has a few months of blonde beard. When peeked in on, he's resting, it appears, and it's hard to tell if he's awake or not by just a look through the door. He's very hooked up to all kinds of monitors and screens, from probes on his chest and neck to one on a hand, with an IV running fluids.

Nick Fury has posed:
    "I see you are recovering from your situation, Dr. Pym." A voice echoes out of the darkness, a familiar one to many. Deep timbred, almost bass level tones, and steady, without any emotional inflection. Cold. "It's a pity, actually. I expected to come here and you would be all better. Here I come all this way from Madripoor, and there you are. Looking like a marathon runner that has run too many marathons."

    A slight smell of cigar smoke heralds his appearance, as somehow, Fury was just there. In the room. Having not made a sound. Although the room was well lit, he just steps out of what little shadows there were.

    Fury was wearing his trademark eye patch on his left eye. His dark, black overcoat only revealing a few details of what he was wearing under it. Dark combat fatugues, and a belt with who-knows-what on it. His hands were hidden, inside his overcoat, and his one eyes regards you with the look of a man deciding what he was going to do next. "Want to tell me what the hell is going on here, Dr. Pym, and why you are involved so deeply into this...darkness?"

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
Pym wasn't sleeping, but even if Fury had made some noise coming in, the scientist might not have reacted. He was certainly off in his own mental world of being half awake. He doesn't startle, to his credit: he's had a lot of people somehow appear at his bedside, mostly due to his own state of being out of it. But that it's Fury? That one gets more than his usual 'one eye open' response.

Fury gets both eyes, and Dr. Pym turns his head to look at him directly, awareness obvious in pale blue eyes. He smirks a little bit as he weathers the commentary about his condition, and petulantly looks up and away at the side of the ceiling at the final question.

"I /do/ appreciate you coming in person. That does mean a lot," Dr. Pym says. It isn't snotty, but in a way that proves that his physical discomfort of being in a hospital bed is going to color his mood. He's not a nice patient: he's a sort that shares his misery.

"Let's start with the 'what'," Pym suggests. "The 'what', is that Trask Industries came into possession of some of their own technology, possibly from a time lapse; they didn't know. Not that they could figure out how to even turn it on by themselves."

Pym's scorn is evident. "Through a colleague, they asked me to look at it."

Nick Fury has posed:
    Nick Fury walks up to the side of the bed, his eye scanning the room as though looking for something. Ignoring the chair, he takes a moment, and his frown seems to deepen. Seemingly satisfied, he turns his attention to the man in the bed. "You are welcome. I do my best work in person."

    Here comes the small lecture. "My job is hard enough trying to stop the latest End Game every week without having to come here and talk to you about the latest robotic screw up from someone who should be smarter than all of this."

    "With all due respect, Dr. Pym." Fury looks down at the patient. "The what so to speak. I want to know two things from you." His voice was firm, and low, cold and broked no argument. "Who was pulling your strings at Trask? Or was it someone else? The truth. I already think I know." Fury looked at Pym with one eye that was almost squinting in the closest reveal of anger that Fury would ever let another see.

    "The next, how are we going to fix this, so Stark and his team can elminiate this threat, once and for all. I assume from you speaking to me you want to be a part of that. Feel free to fill in the blanks and extrapolate from there. As a scientist, I am sure you can do that for those of us in the class?"

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
Hank Pym is hard to intimidate most of the time. Or if he gets intimidated, it turns into insulted irritation so quickly that the window of having gotten to him is tiny. His smile, though, is small and smug, which may not exactly help matters, either. Still, it reveals there's information that is, at least, making Pym think he has an edge. Which, since it's Pym? He has information, and is enjoying that he does.

"So, I admit, I was /baited/ by my associate. Once I saw what they had, though, I had to go. To stop whatever they were up to. As if I'd allow a second Ultron," Dr. Pym says, his tone hardening, a steely disgust entering his voice. He sits up a little more, pale eyes chilly. He feels very strongly about that.

"To force my cooperation, they used Janet. They would harm her if I didn't cooperate," Pym says, voice still low, and full of that sudden emotional menance.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury's left hand appears, and he places it on the top part of the chair near Han's bed. Leaning a little to his left, Fury listens to the man speak, not interrupting for several minutes. The best interrogations/interviews are done by law enforcement who just shut up and let the interviewee talk. They tend to say more that way, as opposed to being interrupted when they are getting to the good stuff.

    "You. Were baited. I see." Fury remains quiet some more, letting the man continue again. His eye narrows a bit at the smugness of the man, but he doesn't let it get to him. Fury has been in this position a thousand times. Literally. Ultron was not a great topic to be bringing up. This was almost as bad.

    "I can appreciate having relationships or feelings for others, Doctor." A note of sentiment and empathy crept into his voice. It was gone almost as soon as it was there. "That doesn't change the facts. Tell me the who and the how? Who was it, and how do we fix this?" No hint of impatience was visible, but it was obvious that Fury wanted Pym to get to the "nitty gritty".

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
"You asked 'who'? It clearly went to the top. Mr. Trask was around, and very angry with that team for their incompetance. But Dr. Octavius was really the main leader, there, from what I saw, on the tech." He redirects. It's almost as if Hank had to get through the bad part of the story, but now is getting to the part he was looking forward to tell. He probably has really wanted to tell someone. His mood improves rather clearly.

"The thing /is/, their Janet was fake. As if I wouldn't know," Dr. Pym scoffs, mockingly. "So yes, I pitched in. I also corrupted the AI system to hell. The AI, 'Sebastion', may think he's a chicken by now," Pym says, smoothly, in his most self-satisfied tone.

"It was the best option at the time, they weren't even sure what happened. So, if you can get off my back about letting loose a second terror, that would be great. Granted, I didn't expect them to put me in a coma for months, I expected to get /ahead/ of all this," Pym complains. Pym sabotaged the Sentinel, and expected to follow up quickly, but that didn't work out.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Every word that Hank says solidified what Fury was already thinking, and Hank could tell that he was already on the same page. Not revealing any emotion, Fury simply says, "I see." Fury stares at Pym with rapt attention as he continues. "Thank you have done a few good things Dr. Pym. I will certainly ensure that Mr. Stark knows."

    Fury's left hand disappears into his overcoat once more as he straightens up. "Well. Welcome back then, Doctor. I am sure that, with your help, we can put an end to this menace." Fury says that all without a hint of emotion. "I had my suspicions about all this. I will say, SHIELD is sorry we couldn't extricate you sooner." Did that reveal say that they KNEW he was in this situation. What did they have to gain from all this? Or was he sorry they didn't know...he was so...hidden!

    "Is there anything else, anything at all, that you need to fill me in on? Something you aren't telling me?" Fury stares at Pym expectantly, as though hoping the man would come clean with something...but what?

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
Pym is a little bit... put off that he didn't get a standing ovation for his incredible feat of genius in saving them all, so he needs a little bit of time making Fury glare at him while he reaches out for his water cup with the little straw in it from his distant side-table, and has some from the cup. It's petty.

Sometimes Hank is petty. Usually following a blow to pride, at least in some way. And being challenged about 'is there anything else?!' means Hank gets stubborn. Still, he'll answer, in his own time.

"My original plan involved causing the AI to go corrupt all of the other Sentinels. Cause a big mess. But I wasn't here to help that along, or tell anyone about the plan," Hank says. Somehow he manages to admit a problem but also make himself look great. It's a talent.

"Extracting me would have been good. But we all have hindsight mistakes. The best thing is to communicate /now/. I suppose I need to work directly with SHIELD, hm?"

That's Hank's weird way of offering to help, without hurting his brittle pride. "But I won't tolerate any lazy lab assistants. Learning from me requires discipline."

Nick Fury has posed:
    It was strange. Fury was moving back towards the door without seeming to move. "Thank you. I know how hard that was to tell me." Fury nods. "And yes. You will have to work with SHIELD. That is a given." Fury pauses. "It has been enlightening Doctor. I expect that you will be instrumental in fixing this mess. I also expect that SHIELD will be lept informed. Acting Director May would love to hear from you as soon as this situation is going to be dealt with."

    Fury takes a small, cylindrical object out of his overcoat, and with one fluid motion, puts it in his mouth. A cigar. "No lazy lab assistant. It is a deal. Oh, and try to stay out of trouble, Doctor Pym. I'll be watching." With that, Fury was gone, almost like he wasn't there.