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Latest revision as of 00:22, 14 August 2019

Warehouse Shopping - Harley Style
Date of Scene: 12 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Punisher

Harley Quinn has posed:
A warehouse near the docks in Gotham ... isn't it always? ... There's no one disturbing the site except all the workers about. Harley Quinn has miraculous evaded detection by people simply by murdering a worker and taking their clothes, or knocking unconscious, who knows? Definitely not her, it was either the electoshock hand buzzer gag that fries people's internals or the one that just knocks them unconscious. She really needs to get a label maker.

For now though, she's masquerading as one Shelly McHannan. A regular worker who is doing some inventory of the warehouse, and after people start to head home she's still got a clipboard and smiles, waving to folks, when they say catchy lines like, "Burnin' the midnight oil?" And Harley rolls her eyes on the inside, "Sure am..."

Soon enough it's just her, and a few property guards who wander about the large area of the docks once every few hours. And so, gasping out, Harley removes the coveralls and spends a few minutes with a mirror putting back on her white face clown make up, putting her colorful hair into pigtails, and putting on her bold lipstick. Sucking in air, she lets out a bit sigh, with her eyes wide, "I just pulled a 10:25 to 11 shift, ain't no way I could manage no 9 to 5. These people deserve a raise." Though before she can inventory things, she's skipping off in the direction of a corner of the warehouse where she stashed her boxing glove gun, a few toys it looks like, and her big heavy mallet, then she's off toward the employee break room ... for whatever reason.

Punisher has posed:
This time, it was a beat cop that did it. The Punisher doesn't have eyes and ears everywhere, but there are enough people out there who at least see the Punisher as a useful weapon to keep him very busy in the Tri-State area. A beat cop had seen the worker being murdered by Harley, and after everything, preferred the Punisher over the Bat.

The Punisher and Microchip at the very least had a decent system in place for traveling around the region within hours, and they wanted to throw the Foot for a loop anyway, with the tracker on the Battle Van.

About a half hour after Harley arrives, the Battle Van does, with a geared up Punisher, with Microchip getting the drone ready for surveillance.

"Did you have time to get into their security system yet?" Punisher asks of Microchip, who busily types into the computer station in the back, "Not yet Frank. This was a narrow window of opportunity and the satellite linkup isn't working for this one. You'll have to patch in manually."

Punisher nods as the drone takes off through the back of the Van, and starts to make a sweep around the warehouse. Both their eyes look to the monitor the feed comes in from.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"In everrrry town, there's some ups and dowwwwwwwns, sometime ups, outnumbered the downnnnnnns, but not in Gothamland." Harley is singing her own version of a song as she is putting some kind of powdery substance into a few containers of coffee. She chuckles a little bit, "Good till the last drop." And then she's putting it back, grabbing at the handle of her mallet, she uses her foot to kick up the heavy end so it rests on her shoulder.

That's when she goes walking down the stairs again into the main warehouse, "Now where ta start?" And she's moving along the aisles, stopping for a moment for perusing, "Eeenie meenie miney mo. Catch a tiger between its toes, and if you do, and if you might, scritch its head else be dinner tonight." Pointing at one aisle of stuffs, she starts heading in that direction.

Punisher has posed:
"Looks clear enough. Keep me updated." Punisher informs Microchip, before he steps out, M4A1 on his back in a sling and a silenced P228 in his hand. His trenchcoat has been shed tonight in favor of a stealthy approach... but the skull vest is clearly visible as he silently dashes from one shadow to another, heading for the warehouse.

Harley Quinn has posed:
It's pretty clear where Harley is, but if The Punisher is expecting her dogs or Joker to be there as well, then they haven't shown their faces yet and may very well be lurking. "Hmmmm hmmm hmmmmmmmmmmm mmmnnnh. Hmmm hmmm hmmmmmmmmmm mmnh." She hums out as she walks down one of the large aisles filled with stuff, and then takes a really big swing of her mallet, cracking open a box of ... Sees Candies. Quirking her mouth she looks around, left, then right, before she walks forward, "Don't mind if I do." And she bends over, grabbing one of the boxes, and then starts humming again, holding her mallet awkwardly and tossing a chocolate into her mouth and chewing as she continues her perusal.

Punisher has posed:
Nothing hiding that he can see, so time to start heading inside. The pistol is holstered on the gear web, and the M4A1 is unsling and shouldered as he heads inside.

Doors and corners, that's what kills you if you're being an idiot. The Punisher begins to sweep his way into the warehouse from a side entrance, a flash grenade ready in the M203 launcher.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Eating a few more of the prime pieces out of the box, Harley tosses the rest of the box over her shoulder and continues walking. Bending over to read a label, she oooohs, and perks right up. "Here you are." And she fiddles with the side of the packing crate till her thumbs kind of catch on an edge, and she pushes the lid up. Using beyond normal human strength she pushes the lid up with a strain, the industrial nails being wrenched loudly out of the wood she eyes the contents. "Bingo!" She does a little dance, a bit of a laugh comes from her and she grabs the edge of the box, and starts... dragging it, across the floor, loudly. Sure, it's heavy, and big, and covered in lots of heavy lumber to hold it during transport, but she's slowly - and surely - dragging it across the long warehouse floor.

Punisher has posed:
Coming into the main floor proper covertly The Punisher keeps to the shadows as he watches Harley...

Is she that much of an idiot, or is she baiting a trap?

Only one way to know for sure.

The launcher is aimed directly for Harley, and the trigger is pressed. A flash grenade is aimed and timed to explode directly in Harley's face.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The sound of the grenade coming from the launcher only gives Harley the warning that would otherwise prevent a normal person from doing anything. Instead, however, because of her exceptional reflexes she's reacting before thinking. As usual. And she bends down with her knees, before executing a perfect backflip right into the large box of stuff, sinking into whatever's on the inside while squealing, but just in time that the flash grenade will have a definite lessened effects. Mostly the light doesn't impact her at all, but the loud sound still has a minor disorienting effect since the wood doesn't stop all of that.

After the grenade goes off next, and she's still squealing, she then shouts out, "Whoever you are! I gots me a trigger for grenades. Ya hear me? That's completely unprofessional!" Clearly indicating she's not unconscious or deafened.

Punisher has posed:
He doesn't answer her to confirm who he is, either. He's busy casing the joint with thermal goggles, checking doors and corners near his immediate vicinity while he peeks her pinned in the box...

Since he doesn't know what's in the box for sure, he's checking for skylights for the drone to peek inside... or at least windows. "Micro. I need a confirmation of the contents of the open box the lunatic is in." Punisher whisper-barks into his transceiver.

Harley Quinn has posed:
There's some sounds of rummaging and then... clacking? Little tiny symbols? What in the world? Coming out of the box is a remote controlled car with a toy musician monkey duct taped to it. A maniacal laughter as Harley peaks out from the box, and drives that car in the direction the grenade came from. "Yer gonna regret messin' wit' me buster!"

That remote controlled car got tossed quite a bit of distance, but landing on it's off-road styled suspension, it bounces a bit when it hits the ground, and then little tires catch the ground and start speeding it off in the direction of The Punisher. Not directly, of course, but in his general direction. Meanwhile the clack clack clanging symbol keeps happening as the monkey smashes its little toy symbols together.

Punisher has posed:
It can't drive if it has no wheels.

Out of nowhere, silenced rounds fire as the M4 is aimed, and precise bullets not only take out the wheels... but turn the toy itself into so much debris.

Meanwhile, Microchip is steering the recon drone above the skylight, giving him a perfect angle to look into the box. "Almost there, Frank." Microchip informs his partner as Punisher moves to another section of warehouse, away from his last position.

Harley Quinn has posed:
As the car comes to a halt, the monkey is slowing and slowing and slowing down. Before it's mouth opens, and ksssssssss, a gas starts to emit out from the toy monkey filling the area up with a hard to see through cloud but it's not smoke. It's gas, like a gas grenade, but from Joker's batch of crazy gas no doubt.

Inside of the box? A Harley Quinn sort of hunkered down, but she looks like she's getting ready to move, and a bunch of smaller boxes. Boxes of radio controlled cars, like the one that came out of the box at Punisher. There's a whole layer of them? Perhaps what she's trying to steal is under those? Soon she's out on top of the box though, hoping the gas is a distraction enough, and moving. Bounding away from the box to a shelf above, then up and up, climbing with huge leaps that are erratic as she goes.

Punisher has posed:
Not chancing that. No way.

A grenade is taken from his gear web. An incendiary grenade that's precisely aimed right into the box itself. Punisher's about as interested in Harley getting new toys as he is in Bat interference. Even with the gas mask he's wearing (This is the Joker and his sidekick, of course they like using chems) he can just use the drone feed to get an accurate aim for it.

It also gives him a birds eye view of Harley trying to escape... and he starts to dash in that direction.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The burning erupts all over her new toys, and Harley looks back down, pausing with wide eyes, "Nooooooo! Those were limited edition!" She then squints, and looks in the direction of where the gas went. That's when she sees the dashing, Punisher... and she's twitching, eye, cheek, full on. She's pretty high up so when she turns and launches herself into the air, mallet coming into a big arc, and she's falling at fast speed... it's kind of like a Hulk smash, without the Hulk and without the large green hands.

Her objective, to smash her heavy mallet right into Frank. Of course, she's a bit away, and despite the speed of gravity and her own muscled propulsion, he's definitely got time to react, maybe not react AND shoot very accurately, but still. He's the Punisher, and Harley's leaping before she thinks or looks.

Punisher has posed:
It was fairly obvious that unloading the magazine into that mallet wouldn't help... so instead of dodging out of the way and giving Harley time to do whatever she's doing... he drops the rifle and /grabs/ the mallet out of the air, using the momentum to swing it back around at her.

"Nice Toy." Punisher grates out with more than a bit of amusement to his tone. "I think I'll keep it." And so he does, running right after Harley with her own mallet in tow.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The mallet gets taken, and Harley is moving forward ready to just 'box' Frank with her fists when the mallet comes swinging around her direction again. "Whooaoaoooaoooaao!" She does a backwards standing flip, where her hands touch the mallet, and then she flings herself off of it onto her feet and starts bounding about.

She's erratic, chaotic, in her movements, its hard to catch a bead on her simply because she doesn't move like a normal person. When someone else would zig she's zagging, and then almost running into shelves filled with stuff, but she jumps to the wall, and spring boards off the other direction. Like a wall running backflip, but just rocketing, away to try and grab her mallet. A perfect time to probably hit her with something. "Ya ain't gonna keep it fer long!"