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Latest revision as of 00:32, 14 August 2019

Drinks: The Voyage Home
Date of Scene: 06 June 2019
Location: Josie's Bar, Clinton
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Jessica Jones, Vision

Harley Quinn has posed:
It's been a long drive, and the first time ever getting to drive a Semi-Truck for Harley, that is currently being investigated as we speak by the Police, and the Fire Department just a half dozen or so blocks away. Inside of this quaint little bar, though, is Harley Quinn. Not in her normal attire, but in a pair of black leather pants, some big boss boots, a motorcycle helmet sitting on the counter of the bar, a big boss black leather jacket slung also over the counter, and a black tube top type shirt. Plus a small cut along her forehead, and some face scratches made by an airbag deploying, but most of the harm was negated by the helmet.

"I dunno lady, yer sayin' that your Tequila is better than yer vodka? I'd have to put that to the test, here why don't ya pour me one of both an' I'll determine for myself." A big grin comes from the pigtailed blonde as she talks with the bartender Josie who isn't buying this lame attempt at getting double drinks. A big, over exaggerated shrug, lifting up her arms, "Normally, I'd say the Russians would slaughter the Mexicans, but I'm only used to them folks in a particular context ..."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica just so happens to be sitting a seat or two down from Harley along the bar, and she looks at her with a smirk, "you won't be getting any free drinks fro Josie, at best she'll ask if you want a flight. Just pick soething and have a go..." she gives a Frequent Josie Barfly advise.

Vision has posed:
Victor Shade is sitting at the end of the bar with a most untouched glass of whiskey. He is dressed in dark blue jeans, loafers, and a black sweater over a collared blue shirt. His jacket is hanging on the rack by the wall. He has been to Josie's weekly for some time now, drinking quietly on his own and just watching. Unfailingly polite to Josie and anyone who talks with him, he said little about himself.

He watches curiously as Harley comes in. Initially he goes back to seeming to mind his own business, just listening. He sips his drink and traces a finger through the condensation on the glass.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Pulling out a wallet from her jacket, having to shuffle it around, Harley gets it open. And then she says, "Now let's see how much this feller had on 'im." And she finds some cash to present, "Whatever this 'ere will get me." And she slaps it down on the table before more gingerly sliding it forward and then turns in the direction of Jessica, "I've always wanted ta do tha'. Next up, buyin' drinks fer everyone! Wait... hold on." She pulls out a little bit more money, "I mean, fer this lady an' that fella lurkin' over there." Pointing right at Victor.

To Jessica, "Well, I was jus' thinkin' that women always get free drinks in bars. And I'm a woman, so it jus' kind of made sense that I could get some free drinks still. Maybe I'm gettin' older? Or fat? I ain't too sure. This talkin' fish who wanted ta eat me said I had tender flesh, an' that got me thinkin'. I really need to get me one of them stair masters."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Usually to get a free drink, you first need some asshole who wants to get in your pants, at least they're good for something," Jessica grumbles, not sounding too happy. But then she's drinking at Josie's, only someone like Murdock would actually come here to celebrate something. Well, Nelson too.

Taking a sip of her half finished whiskey, Jessica tells Josie, "if she's paying, get me any ol' single malt scotch." She then looks aside at Harley with a grin, "I was going to say something about paying for others with money that's not yours, but seeing as I'm getting a drink out of it, fuck that...police better start doing their own jobs."

Vision has posed:
Victor does not pay any more attention than normal until he hears the odd turn of phrase about the wallet from Harley. Then he glances in her direction and quickly searches a huge range of Internet, Avengers and other databases to put a name to the face and voice.

He smiles politely at the offer of a drink.

"That's very kind," Victor says with his pronounced English accent, but subtly waves it off when Josie looks at him.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Ain't that the truth. I mean, the cops in this city ain't worth a darn. Blockin' traffic just down the street because of some piddly car crash." That took up the whole street because its a SEMI crashed into some building. "I mean, you gotta think they got real crimes ta stop. Like people who take up two spaces in a parking lot?" Harley gasps, eyes wide, as she shakes her head, "I jus' wanna BLOW those cars ta smitherings!" She gets a bit louder, but calms down a moment, with a soft chuckle.

Looking over Jessica she squints a moment, then smiles, "Self-loathing, covered up by a bit of healthy addiction looks good on you. After all, we all need some way of copin'. The world out there is a pretty terrible place." Pulling out a pack of Juicy Fruit gum she tilts it in Jessica's direction, "Gum?" That's when the drink is returned to her, and she twitches. "Refusin' a drink?!" She gets loud, looking over at Victor, pointing accusatorily, "What's yer problem? People these days. Ain't got no manners!" For now she's still on her stool, but she's leaned over a bit, tensed up and yelling right at the very nice, friendly Englishman.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"They do like to get in the way of P.I.'s, they do that pretty well," Jessica snorts, as she finishes her original drink and slides the empty glass towards Josie. "Hey, I'm a true New Yorker, I don't own a car, don't drive, it's hell out there on the road. Makes sense when you consider Ghost Rider is around."

"The fuck did you pull that from...?" Jessica asks Harley with a wince, not appreciating the attempt to read her character out of the blue. "I don't do gum," Jessica says to Harley, "but I will drink the guy's drink...can't have something like that go to waste..."

Vision has posed:
"This is my limit," Victor says smoothly with an apologetic smile. He holds up his own drink, still hardly touched. "But thank you. It seems your friend will enjoy it for me."

******** Meanwhile, over the air waves ********

"911, Police, fire or ambulance?"

"Police please. Hell's Kitchen."


"New York Police Department emergency, what's going on sir?"

"Harley Quinn is in Josie's in Hell's Kitchen right now. I believe she is wanted."

"Harley Quinn... Sir, are you certain?"

"Yes, quite certain."

"Can you describe what she's wearing.....

Harley Quinn has posed:
Listening, with a few nods, and mmm hmmms and all, "Well, ta answer yer question. Ya got a fashion sense, but ain't willin' ta put in the dough. You dress like some angry lady, but not on purpose, else yer hair wouldn't be such a mess." And she smiles a bit, "And the cherry on top, yer in this dive bar drinkin' all the booze ya can while complainin' to a complete stranger." Yes, she just went from yelling at the Englishman to Sherlock Holmes on JJ. "But that's okay, I ain't gonna give you no advice, or suggest ya change. I like troubled individuals. Just know, if you need someone to talk to ... " She gets a seious look on her face, as she slides the drink that came back from Victor to Jessica, "I'm here for you." And then she leans back, smiling, "At least till they clean up that mess in the road."

Looking in the direction of Victor, she sticks out her tongue and makes a mmmnnnhhhhhhhh sound at him, before folding her arms under her chest, closing her eyes and sitting upright. "Apology, not accepted." Though she soon opens one eye to see if it's having any impact, 'stealthily' looking at Victor and it's unlikely he's suddenly going to want a drink so she opens her other eye and looks back over to Jessica. "You got a name?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica looks more and more uncomfortable as Harley keeps picking out personality traits and tells, and reasons, and it annoys the heck out of her. "You really pay attention to details, don't you? Well, maybe that's the one outfit I have in my closet, and I ain't got time for shopping...we're working like slaves in this shitty economy," Jessica mutters. "Plus, with all the assholes out there getting away with bullshit, who wouldn't be angry? Not that I'm angry, I could just be a real admirer of whiskey."

She proceeds to drink Victor's drink without pause, he gave up on it, his problem. "My name is Jessica Jones...," she mutters in reply, "we were on the same show, granted not at the same time...that'd be weird, right?"

Turns out Jones is also good at picking on details, she just does it on the down low. Albeit, after that podcast, probably more, rather than fewer, people would have guessed the woman was Harley.

Vision has posed:
Victor gives Harley that mildly perplexed and bemused look that you have to be born British to really master. He looks faintly amused when Harley turns back to Jessica and continues his conversation with the police.

He looks at Josie and shrugs unknowingly. When Jessica mentions her name he looks over again though, clearly intrigued.

"Jessica Jones? I have heard of you. You have quite the reputation," Victor comments. "What a strange coincidence this all is."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Nodding her head, Harley gets a concerned look on her face, "Details. Yeah. Mmm hmmm." Harley is watching Jessica, with an intense expression, scrunching up her brow a bit as she watches. "Oh, don't I know it, sister. Surrounded by 'em." She nods a few more times, "You could be, that's true, good point." A side mutter, as if Jessica could hear what was being said right in front of her, "For our viewers at home, no lover of whiskery would come to this joint."

Back to staring at Jessica, concerned, overly concerned. "That would've been weird. Wait, which show are we talkin' about? I'm on TV a lot. A bit of a celebrity, maybe you've seen one of my many fan pages?" Then Victor speaks up again, and she looks over at him, "No, you know 'er? How do I not know who she is?" Keeping her attention on Victor, but still talking about Jessica, "What kind of reputation? We talkin' sultry, violent or boring?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Why, yes...I do have a -reputation-, everyone does, it's just not always good," Jessica groans as she drinks some more of Victor's drink, as if to make a point. One which will be lost, because he refused his drink in the first place.

"Excuse me...?" Jessica gasps at Harley's cruel accusation veiled as a commen to non-existant viewers at home, "did you just suggest Idon't love whiskey?"

Jessica shakes her head at Harley's quesiton, before offering, "we've both been on the news, but I'm talking about April's podcast, Truthseekers, I did it about a month or two ago..." but then Jessica finds out that Harley honestly never heard about her. Could be all that shit she was involved with wasn't as high rating outside of NY. Then again, the more infamous stuff nobody would connect to Jessica herself. So Jessica lingers, emptying the glass, before slamming it down on the bar. Luckily, it doesn't shatter, "I have a reputation for getting stuck in the kind of shit only the devil himself can imagine in his worst nightmares, that's what my rep says. But hey, I did save the world from the Black Sleep, but nobody ever talks about that shit, so it doesn't matter."

Vision has posed:
"You are better thought of than you realize," Victor says thoughtfully to Jessica. He finishes his drink and stands. He walks over to the wall and recovers his jacket, then comes back to the bar to pay for his drink. "Thank you, Josie."

"It was a pleasure, ladies," Victor says to Jessica and Harley. He can hear approaching footsteps outside. Victor walks to the door and opens it.

"Ah, good evening, officers," Victor says politely as he steps out into the night. He holds the door open for them.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Ohhhhhh..." Harley nods her head a few times, before starting to shake it back and forth, "Nope. Still ain't ringing no bells." It is at this point that some flash red and blues can be seen through the window. Two patrol cars pull up and halt just outside of Josie's.

Then officers come in. Turning to Jessica, then to Josie and then back to looking at the door. "As much as I'd really, and I mean this genuinely, learn about what the devil would consider his worst nightmares, an' I'll try and avoid thinking about puppies eating ice cream. Horrible owners." She shakes her head and gets an angry look, though she shakes her head to come out of it. "As much as I would, like ta learn. I gotta get outta here."

Dropping the wallet on the counter she offers, "All the drinks ya want on, me, well, Walter - but you get the point." And she runs toward the door flailing her arms above her head, "Officers, Officers! Some crazy lady at the bar got real angry when I mentioned she loved whiskey. Oh nooooooes, save me!" It's a bit of a distracting approach, and Harley's movements at least give the officers some pause, enough that she's able to zig-zag about them and then bolt down the sidewalk. "Fast as fast can be, you cannot catch me! Hahhahhah!"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"That so...? Let me know when they throw a parade for me," Jessica quips at Victor, "spoiler alert: I won't be holding my breath."

But Jessica's attention is soon distracted by the familiar lights of the boys in blue out the window. Looking at Harley, she quips, "I think your fan club is here to score a one night stand," she nods when Harley elects not to wait for them. But she does facepalm at Harley's tactic, "come on, you rookies," she snaps at the cops, "nobody who loves whiskey comes to Josie's, you know that!"