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Colt's First Day
Date of Scene: 03 June 2019
Location: Frontyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Sibil and Colt wait for a tour from Lorna. The mansion is a busy place, though, and Sean, Doug and Samuel show up to chat as well, while Lorna takes off to leave Sean with tour duty.
Cast of Characters: Sibilance, Polaris, Colt Cassidy, Banshee, Cypher, Cannonball

Sibilance has posed:
One way or another, Sibilance has met with Colt at the front of the school, and currently has her hand on his elbow. The diminutive snake-like mutant has a gentle smile on her face. She just met him out here, ready to act like a comfort reptile for the newer mutant should he need it. Considering he had been running for his life just recently, she figured it was necessary for her to be there for him.
"These people are friends," she assures him. She seems pretty overtly concerned for his well-being... moreso than other mutants she's met. Is it just because he's new? Is there some kind of personal interest here? Either way, she'll stick to his side for now. "There should be someone we can ask for a tour soon."

Polaris has posed:
Whoever had pegged Lorna do be part of the welcoming committee had clearly run out of other options. Not that the green haired woman wasn't fully capable of showing people around the Mansion. She'd lived there for years. But her heart wasn't in the school, and her ties to various mutants (as well as who she was) were very publicly known. It was all over the news, the internet, Princess of Genosha. Magneto's daughter. Her powers, her face.. everything was plastered all over the place.

Still, she'd been asked to do a tour, she'd been asked to look out of the newbies. And Lorna was nothing if not painfully responsible when put in charged of doing something. Even if she muttered and grumbled and scowled from time to time.

The green haired woman stepped outside, having been sent to watch over the newbie as it were. She wore a pair of black heels, and a pair of ripped up jeans that likely cost far too much for their appearance. A loose fitting black-tank top dotted through with metal studs around the hem matched, and more than a little metallic jewelry hung about her neck and wrists.

"Hey, I was told someone needed a walk about the school?" She asked as she approached, arching a brow. There were a whole lot of telepaths that ran the place, who could say for sure which had sent the green haired Princess to go do something productive?

Colt Cassidy has posed:
For his part, it was VERY hard to miss Colt. He's a huge gargoyle looking moving stone statue. They'd given him a room for the night. He'd ended up sleeping on the matress on the floor since the bed had broken under the sudden quarter ton of weight dropping on it.

"So you're with them?" He asks Sibilance, "I mean...I know you're a mutant. Or at least...Close enough to one." He says, as hhe looks over her snake-like form again, "I'm uh. I mean still really confused." He runs his hand over the back of his head, careful to not use his fingertips.

Once Lorna shows up, he does his best to smile without showing off all the teeth in his muzzle, "Ah, yeah that would be me I guess." He looks around. Unless there's other new mutants sho have shown up that he's not aware of.

Banshee has posed:
Sean Cassidy, out in the front drive circle, was dealing with a delivery, having enlisted several students to help unload the boxes of various groceries and other supplies. With that now complete, the students dispersed, and Sean heads back towards the mansion from the garage area, a mix of paperwork stuck to a clipboard as he fishes through it.

Sean's recent return, barely a few days previous, was quiet and mostly unannounced. With classes ending for summer so soon, he isn't teaching currently, so helping with administrative tasks was a natural fit.

He approaches at a smooth, confident stride, looking up from his papers as he takes in the giant Colt and the serpentine Sibilance at his side. His is angle such that he couldn't see Lorna at first, what with Colt's big stone frame. He flips the pages down on his clipboard, heading over with a clear intent to see if they're lost. But on closer approach, he spots Lorna. It doesn't slow him, though. "Ms. Lorna," Sean greets her, warmly. "Did y' find some new students?" he lilts, swinging his smile onto the young pair. There's zero negative reaction to their physical traits, of course, though Sean himself looks entirely human.

Sibilance has posed:
Sibilance smiles patiently for Colt, saying, "I'm one of their friends. I just recently got involved in the community, but I jumped in with both feet to help out, starting with you." She smiles more warmly. "I'm a mutant, yes. My physiology was different from birth -- that just happens sometimes, though rarely. My full abilities manifested as a teenager, though, like normal. I know what it's like to feel alienated and confused. It's alright, none of the people here will be frightened by you."

Lorna's appearance is acknowledged after that. "Yes. Both of us, if you could? I never did get the proper tour, myself. My name's Ainsley Garcia. This is Colt Cassidy, he's very new to all of this." She hasn't taken her hand off of Colt's elbow, as if she's fixated on this role of caretaking in his case.

"I'm not a student," Sibilance explains when Sean approaches, "Actually, I'm helping Ororo with a little greenhouse project. You'll see." Smile~ She seems rather proud of it.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna smiled, not in the least bit shocked to surprised to see an obviously mutant young man standing on the lawn. She reached out her hand without so much as a blink. "Lorna Dane, I don't teach here or anything. But I did graduate from here. You could say I'm an alumni with too much time on my hands that came back to visit." She drawled with a smile toward Colt and then Ainsley as she introduced herself.

"I'll admit, that if you need help finding specifics I'm a bit rusty on classrooms if you need any of those." Turning her back from Colt to the young snake like woman again with a lofting of her eyebrow.

"Oh? That's great, I didn't know she was planning on a greenhouse project. That's well beyond my realm of expertise... if it was cars or physics I could help..." She laughed softly, and as Sean came over she nodded toward him. "Well at least newbies. I got sent down to help out."

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"Ohh okay." Colt says, as he listens to Sibil's explanation. Then when Lorna shows up, he takes the offered hand carefully. He found out the hard way how sharp his claws were and doesn't want to hurt anybody with them, "I'm Colt. Colt Cassidy." He says, "I uh, just got here late last night. They told me to wait out here and somebody'd come and get me." He does turn to look at Sean as well, "Oh hello. I'm..I don't think I'm a student? I don't think I can afford this kinda school."

Banshee has posed:
"Tis' quite a tour; best in th' summer, ye have good timing," Sean remarks, flipping the clipboard over in his palm with a twist to rest it against his hip. The motion screams police training, as does the slight adjustment to his stance that would match some style of instructor, perhaps military, considering his age.

"Ain'lee, and Colt, welcome. Colt, y'may need t' polish yer 'no relations', as y'll be the third Cassidy around here," Sean 'warns' teasingly, but there's no annoyance. "Ah'm Mr. Cassidy; generally I teach social studies when I'm around. If y' end up enrolling, y' may find yourself in my class, comin' up." A side look moves to Lorna. "Iffin they haven' moved my classroom." The comment about money doesn't dissuade Sean. "Thar's a number o' scholarship, but y' should see if ya like us, firs'."

Silibance's comments about the new greenery draws his interest. "Greenhouse? Ah'll be looking forward, then. Maybe add it t' the tour a'ter it's ready," Sean suggests, a musical pleasant undertone to his voice. He steps back and to the side, giving Lorna space to begin the tour.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shook Colt's hand with a smile, and at the mention of money, shook her head once. "Like he said," She murmured, nodding to Sean. "There are plenty of scholarships. I can help with that much. I helped fund one or two this past year. I'm not always around, but if you need anything let me know." She flashed a small smile at Sean at the comment about his classroom and stifled a laugh.

"Ororo tried to convince me to help run a shop class this Summer. I told her I'd rather stick with politics." She teased, "You're a saint for teaching." She turned then, making to head toward the front doors. She waved her hand and they popped open before anyone actually reached for them.

"I assume you've seen the entry way, and I don't have to give you a run down on that?"

Sibilance has posed:
Sibil falls mostly silent for now, sticking with Colt and resting her hand on his arm like she's guiding him. "There's a large variable of randomness. None of my family, as far as I know, displayed mutations to the level I did," she explains to Colt as if responding to some unheard question. "Luck of the draw, as far as I know." She's not really as polite as Charles is about her telepathic traits, or at least she isn't in this case, dismissing protocol for trying to make this easier for the brand new mutant.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"Well that's good to know." Colt says, and then blink as he hears Sibil, "Oh that makes sense I guess." He considers for a sec, how much he should divulgve already, holding off on it for now.

"Yeah this place is way fancier than anything we got back in Blaine, except maybe the football stadium. I think most of the money in town went into that place. Folks love them some football."

Cypher has posed:
One of the school's many doors open, and Doug comes out, being followed closely by Sam. He has a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. "So I'm working on getting all the rusted, rotted old parts of it. Then I need to start working on getting new parts. I know it wouldn't be an *authentic* restoration, but I'm thinking about ways I could make it better than new. Modern fuel technology of course, no reason to go with a combustion engine when I can get better acceleration and mileage out of a fuel cell--" He glances up. "Hey, there he is! Hey! Broadway! Sam and I made you a 'Welcome to the School' bag." He holds it up as he strolls down the path.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will walk along with Doug, and chuckles softly "You put anything but a good old fashion gas guzzler into it, don't expect me to be of much help working on it." He smiles and sees the group. "How is everyone? Mr. Cassidy good to see you back." He says to Banshee.

Banshee has posed:
"Ehhhhh," Sean laughs, to being called a saint by Lorna, lifting a hand to tilt it back and forth in a see-saw motion. "Ohnlee some o' the time. The res' of the time I'm off on not so saintly business," answers the older man in his irish lilt.

"Thank ye, Sam, always glad t' be back with th' Xavier family," Sean replies warmly to Sam for the welcome, offering a friendly pat towards the younger male's shoulder with his free arm. The other hand still contains a clipboard, and he taps it a few times against his hip, a brow raising at the 'welcome to school' bag: but he doesn't pry about what it might contain - it's coming from Doug and Sam, not, say, Negasonic.

"D'you play futball?" Sean asks Colt with interest.

Polaris has posed:
"Hey, it's better than me. I'd likely throw a wrench at kids." She teased lightly back to Sean.

Lorna paused as Sam and Doug came out and thoroughly halted any progression inside to the Mansion proper. "I should've taken you around the back. Clearly. It's always a little chaotic around here, but it's not always the bad sort of chaos, promise." She glanced back at Ainsley and Colt and nodded to Sam and Doug. She smiled a both, "I was told to show these guys around. They're new and trying to get a feel for the place." She offered with a small wave of her hand toward Ainsley and Colt.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"Oh yeah. I..Well I mean, I used to I guess." He says, "My dad wanted me to get into it, he was kind of a big deal when he played, team made it to state." Colt replies, "I was actually in a game when my powers sorta, uh...Turned on?" He's not sure what the right term is.

Turning to Doug and Sam, he smiles at the two of them, "I don't think I ever got to properly thank you guys for saving me. I don't know how I was gonna get out of that situation...That was a lot of pissed off guys with guns."

Sibilance has posed:
"'Manifested,'" Sibilance provides, for Colt's benefit. She nods to Sam and Doug. It appears she's lingering around Colt, acting as a 'comfort snake' for him, though how necessary that is may be questionable at best. She's staying mostly quiet here, her demure personality shining through, though she is paying attention to the conversation so far.

Cypher has posed:
Doug approaches, and lightly pushes the overstuffed duffel bag into Colt's arms. "...Hey, it's what we do. And I mean... pissed off guys with guns? Been there." He adds. Then he crosses his arms, and says, "Dia duit, Seán. Tá sé ar feadh an tsaoil ó chonaic mé tú go deireanach."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and walks over with Doug, and will put a hand on Colt's shoulder "No need to thank us man, it was the right thing to do, Besides you might be surprised with how many folks around here have a similar story about how they ended up getting brought to the school. You got Lorna, and Mr. Cassidy showing ya around looks like your in pretty good hands."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's phone started to buzz just then, and she flashed an apologetic look at the gaggle of people outside the Mansion. "Ah, I gotta run. I leave tour guide duty to someone who actually gets paid to work here. I'm sure you'll be in good hands Colt, Ainsley. Remember, if you need financial help, just ask. There's plenty of options." She smiled, and waved, walking off and away from the Mansion as she pressed the phone to her ear and stepped away to answer it.

Banshee has posed:
"I'll admit t' bein' tempted, when students forget I kin hear everythin' they say," Sean asides playfully to Lorna in a stage whisper, about her wrench suggestion. The amusement fades with Colt's description of his powers manifesting, though, and the older mutant winces, empathetic. "Ah can only imagine," he says, tone saddened.

Doug's joke, privately aimed at Sean due to the language use, draws an uncomfortable layer to the sad expression, but also a willingness to adapt. "Feels mebbe longer?" Sean suggests, in English, but with a smile. "Some o' that's on me, I ain' been around." Sean sighs a little.

Lorna's exit pulls more of the teacher's attention off of Doug, though, and he brightens back up for the new visitors' sake. "Guess y' comin' wit' me, then. C'mon 'to the main fo-yerr."

Colt Cassidy has posed:
Taking the bag as it's all but thrust into his hands, Colt hefts it up onto a shoulder, "Thank you again. I hope it's something good." He also hopes it's not secretly like, some kind of prank. But he doubts they'd do that to him THAT soon. Right? Kids can be weird.

As Lorna has to leave he offers a wave goodbye, and then turns to follow Sean's lead, "I can't wait to see everything this place has. I bet the inside is more impressive than the outside."

Sibilance has posed:
Of course, that means Sibil's following along with Colt, tagging along behind Sean. She remains quiet for now, except for the subtle rattle from the end of her tail as she walks. Shaka-shaka.

Cypher has posed:
Having released the bag, Doug falls into step with the others, easily. "I remember the time I showed up and there was a live volcano in the foyer." He says. "...They told me it was a science experiment. Sometimes, I could be really DENSE. ...When I realized that statue of a demon I'd hung my coat on was actually a demon I didn't sleep for a week."

Banshee has posed:
Sean nods around once at the group, and sets off towards the building in a smooth, even clip. He's not strolling, lagging students or visitors might be left behind if they meander. He'll guide the group first into the main floor area, to show the wings where the classrooms are, the main common areas such as the libraries, cafeteria and similar student spaces. The cafeteria is lingered in, for Sean to snare a cup of coffee, and allow any of those on the tour to grab a quick refreshment if they'd like.

"There be normal servin' hours, but y'kin ask for special times if it's what y'need, or special foods," Sean describes. "Volcano? Never, ther's never strange things 'round 'ere. But that sounds like 'twas both: Science 'xperiment, AN' whatever else." A wink follows.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's phone rings, and he pulls it out to look at it. "Work, I need to take this sorry." He will step away from the group for a moment, and start to talk into it "What do you mean, they want what in the dressing room, are they insane?"

Colt Cassidy has posed:
Obviously Colt is very impressed by everything he's seen so far. The extra time spent in the cafeteria is nice, "I don't think I need anything extra..I mean I think I can still eat normal food. Though I wonder if I could eat rocks now. I haven't tried it. Rocks probably taste gross." He tends to go off on tangents like that. "I'd never even heard of this place back home. Is everybody here a mutant?" He askss, really curious.

Doug's story gets a head tilt from hom, "Like a real volcano with lava? That's crazy. And I hope nobody mistakes me for a coat rack.."

Cypher has posed:
Doug says, casually, "The coffee's *awful* but it is plentiful and hot." He pours himself a cup. "Part of your orientation is that you'll get a full metabolic workup and a custom-tailored diet plan to follow that'll give you calorie and nutrient guidelines. Plus your own customized exercise program. That's how I'm the world's most jacked I.T. guy." He lifts his shirt. "See, check it out. I look like this *and* I play Minecraft. It's pretty sweet." He sidles up to Colt, and then says, "And if you're worried about your new looks? ...Don't be. At least two girls and one of the guys over there have been making goo-goo eyes at you since you walked in here. You're a *hit*, bro!"

Sibilance has posed:
There's a brief rattling noise from Sibil's tail, like what Doug said just agitated her. And then she looks away, and then up at the ceiling, and then down at her own feet. Remembering she may be a bit too old to have a crush on a 17 year old. Hey, she can't help it.

Banshee has posed:
Sean makes no comment about whether the coffee is terrible in and of itself, he's drinking it as Doug remarks. "Makes m' feel I'm back at m' precinct in th' city," Sean says fondly of the terrible stuff. He stays quiet but amused as the youngsters discuss who is flirting with who, though the sound from Sibilance's tail gets a focused curious look: interesting sounds, particularly that enter other ranges, interest him.

The teacher waits for everyone to grab a drink if they want it, or a snack, before redirecting, "We'll take a walk 'round th' grounds next; the dorms're upstairs, y've seen those already, aye?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will come walking back up to catch up with the group, and says "Sorry about that, I was getting some grief from what Lila needed in her dressing room for next month's show, and had to call and tell Guido he was full of it."

Cypher has posed:
"Are you two on again?" Doug asks, muffled by the inside of his coffee cup.

Banshee has posed:
Once the rest of the tour (which isn't the greatest, overall: Sean's not the best tour guide, really. He tends to hit the highlights without really giving any history or stories: it's an efficient tour, overall.

"If there be anythin' more ye'd like t' see, Sam and Doug, yer up," teases Mr. Cassidy, handing the newcomers off to others their own age. "'f there's more I can do, find me, though." With a friendly wave, Sean heads off, to finish the other duties that had somehow stacked up despite his recent arrival.