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Newbies: Taking down the Rippers
Date of Scene: 26 May 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: A SHIELD Team led by Agent Coulson moves on a Gotham Warehouse with a recently formed terrorist cell. A number of agents, including Hellboy and Sibilance, take them down... and confiscate a supply of ordinance.
Cast of Characters: Phil Coulson, Sibilance, Hellboy

Phil Coulson has posed:
It was pretty short notice to be sure, but Agent Coulson had made it clear that this had to be handled fast, efficiently, silently if possible.

It was a cold Gotham night, with Coulson, Sibilance, Hellboy, and three other new agents in the hovercraft. It was a stealth hovercraft. Cutting edge technology. A floating command center and military transport. Up in front was Phil Coulson in tactical gear, his usual pistols have been replaced with an MP7 and an ICER as he begins the brief. "I know this is short notice, but we don't have proper containment on site yet." Phil begins, "We've received word of a group calling themselves the Rippers. They just formed about a week ago, and they've used the time we gave them to get caught red headed planning terrorist activities."

Phil looks to Sibilance, "We have three teams moving in as fast as possible. We're Alpha, Bravo and Charlie will be moving in at the same time."

A look to Hellboy, "Our job is to capture them alive if possible... but do /not/ let them escape. it's more important they aren't allowed to rebuild than it is to interrogate them."

He looks to the map on the terminal in front, and points to the blueprint, "our objective will be to secure the dock, then move in to secure the cargo warehouse. That's where they're operating from. We estimate six members... but we can't confirm that until the satellite asset is in place."

He looks back to the team, the cold Gotham water spraying around them, adding to the eerieness of the evening, "Any questions?"

Sibilance has posed:
Sibilance is in the basic tactical gear they give to trainees, though some of it had to be fitted for her different physiology. She does have a single question for Coulson when he prompts for them. "Do we know what their capabilities are? Are we talking paranoid crazies with guns, or paranoid crazies with laser eyes and demon tails AND guns?" She doesn't seem to be joking and in this day and age it's a very fair question.

She looks to Hellboy. His appearance is a shocking thing even though she was made aware of him by another trainee. Her look is mostly searching to see if he has any questions, looking for a bit of guidance from another more experienced person.

Hellboy has posed:
    Coulson was dressed for success, but for Hellboy it almost looked like a regular day for him. A black, extremely tight-fitting black shirt, matching shorts ending mid-thigh to allow his cloven hooves and the other oddities of his physiology to exist without restriction. The only differences were the lack of trenchcoat, the decidedly not-revolver holstered just under his right arm, and the belt of possible flashbangs around his waist, in lieu of his usual 'utility' belt of tricks.

    "Rippers, they sound like a couple of charmers. Don't worry Coulson, we'll make sure these guys learn their table manners. And I'll make sure the newbies here don't end up getting mulched."

    He'd been looking away for most of the briefing, but when Coulson stared, the red-skinned agent couldn't help but turn and stare back. Those glowing yellow eyes of his were a mystery, but somehow, it was obvious that Big Red got the message. Though, would Hellboy do it? Would Hellboy kill human beings, even if he was under order? The couple of tranq-round magazines strapped around the 'wrist' of his right hand of doom seemed to tell a different story.

    "I understand you perfectly...sir." The tail twitched once. The only tell.

Phil Coulson has posed:
It takes only a minute for the hovercraft to move into position just below the docking pier. Just as they're about to cut engines, Phil looks at the map as it turns into a satellite fed real time video of the entire dockyard with two warm bodies on the roof of the warehouse... then clicks on the radio. "Bravo, you have a go. Charlie, count to fifteen, then go. Satellite shows two lookouts on the roof. Take them and move into position."

Then, Phil looks to the five, " These are normal people, far as I'm aware. They have no apparent backing outside of an initial cash payment to the bank account they're using for their funds. That's what alerted us to their intentions. Standby."

As he speaks, a drone starts to lift off from the back of the hovercraft, and the video from it pops up on the monitor as it clears the pier... showing a sentry at the end of the dock. "Agent Sibilance, neutralize our pal on the pier for us and bring him here, if you would. The rest of you, you have a go. secure the perimeter."

Sibilance has posed:
"Hnn..." Sibilance's tone is that of assent, but momentary thought. The concept of these thugs getting some kind of shady payment means there may be a paper trail. Her face animatedly shifts behind the mask that's been fitted for her snake-like skull. She gets into place after that, her orders received, her purpose set. She didn't have to worry about complications right now, or about being a Mutant. She was stopping newbie terrorists from making a mistake they couldn't undo.

The hovercraft gets into place, and she's off her perch and onto the pier in a quick jump that has the vehicle subtly lurch under her powerful leg muscles. The tiny figure clears the space between her starting spot and the target in an instant, and she uses a basic kata from what Steve showed her to try and set up the knockout, sweeping at his legs with her tail to supplement it, and bring him down on his back on the pier where she can lay low and put her hand over his mouth so he doesn't scream before she can do what she does.

Then she tries to make eye contact, and tells him, "Sleep." A mental command, a simple one, to temporarily knock him out. No different than the ICERs in effect. Then she'll pick him up by the collar and swiftly drag him back to the hovercraft, provided nothing happens in this chain of action to interrupt her. He'll barely even be bruised if she did it right.

Hellboy has posed:
    Sibilancee is very much a professional, even being a rookie like she was. Her moves, her athleticism, her training, her grace, she was what a spy was supposed to be.

    A few yards away, Hellboy had a different approach, trotting up behind a guard very quickly, and spinning the surprised 'Ripper' around.

    "Hey. Stop being bad."

    HB gave his advice and, just before the goon could thank him for it and change his wicked ways forever, the half-Demon's left hand grabbed the terrorist's shirt collar, and lifted the guy up for a quick and brutal headbutt. That was a guy who wasn't waking up for a while, as he was dropped to the ground like a sack of potatos. With that done, Hellboy could bring his Captain America wristwatch up to his mouth, utilizing the built-in communicator to relay with the rest of the group.

    "Alright, my guy's down. How 'bout you, S?"

    This was a SHIELD operation, so not using people's names seemed like a good idea.

Phil Coulson has posed:
The sentry on the dock almost gets out a word, but all that comes out is "wh-" before he's knocked out and brought to the hovercraft. Phil handcuffs and hoods him, placing him in the prisoner bench in the back of the hovercraft as Hellboy and company had their fun with headbutts.

"So far so good." Comes Phil over the commlink, "Bravo and Charlie, standby for infiltration." Finally, Phil brings up the satellite feed again, even as the three other rookies move to flank Hellboy.

At the warehouse, the night is quiet. Stacks of cargo contains are neatly assembled, and the night shift appears to be barren... even though it's anything but.

From Hellboys position, he can spot faint lights coming from one of the warehouse windows, along with a bit of light chatter. It's too muffled to make it... but it confirms there's activity in the warehouse.

"Alpha, you have a go for breach on the south side. H, you're clear for a breach and clear with Alpha as backup. Bravo and Charlie, count to five after and hit them from the roof and north. Button them up."

Breaching in from the south, Alpha will clearly have the drop on three unsuspecting normal humans who clearly didn't expect an assault tonight.

Hellboy has posed:
    "Got it, chief."

    As Hellboy speaks and looks up to notice the lights in the distance, he glances down at the large tranq-pistol in its holster, but doesn't move to grab it just yet. Looking around at the premises, he glanced over at the guys behind him and gestured for them not to follow directly behind him. Instead of trying to sneak around with these guys and get them caught, he instead takes the more direct path toward the location while he lets them sneak and stealth and crawl and do what comes natural. That way if something went down, Hellboy would be the target while they could figure out a solution.

    When he's behind the door of the warehouse, it's only then that he draws the sleek, heavy black pistol, waiting a few seconds, then busting that door open with one hoof-kick. He's rushing inside and if he sees anyone that looks like a 'bad guy', he's throwing very weak slaps and backhands with the Right Hand Of Doom(these are humans, they didn't need a lot of what Red could deliver), with any out of punching range getting a dart blast for their troubles.

Sibilance has posed:
Hellboy acts as the battering ram, and Sibilance is not that far behind. The rookie snake woman slips in behind the much more blatant figure, drawing her standard-issue ICER -- she was given one as part of the normal kit, since this is an official OP -- and circling around the surprised terrorist wannabes as Big Red makes their life difficult.

There's the soft, strange sound of the ICER going off to make sure the ones not immediately knocked out are put on the floor anyways, Sibil playing mop-up. She counts the people they've run into here. "Five," she says aloud, pointing to the downed folks and looking up to Hellboy meaningfully. They were told the estimate was six targets, so one is missing.

She starts doing a bit of a sweep and clear while the other rookies handle bagging and tagging, quickly slipping through the building to locate any stragglers. Stragglers at this point would be cornered, and cornered terrorists do very dumb things with explosives and more. She just hopes that the estimate was off.

"Got the satellite yet?" she asks over comms, just in case it can eliminate her worry.

Phil Coulson has posed:
"Satellite is eyes on. So far, no other movement." comes the voice of Phil over the radio.

Above them can be heard the sounds of ICERs firing, and the sound of an automatic weapon going off as Alpha takes care of their three below. "Team Lead, Bravo Lead. We have two confirmed knock outs. Intel estimate of six was off. They've clearly recruited more. Moving on, over." Phil responds. "Bravo Lead, Team Lead. Acknowledged. Charlie, there's a basement directly below your position. Alpha has Warehouse secure. Proceed. Over." "Team Lead, Charlie Lead. Orders acknowledged. Over and out."

Finally, Phil comes back over the comms again, "Alpha, secure warehouse proper. Lethal response authorized, now that surprise is compromised." Coulson finishes.

Within the warehouse, the three KOed Rippers are dragged to the entry, before they move to flank Hellboy. Hellboy, being the first in, managed to catch the door into the office in the back closing, and the light inside going off, along with the sounds of metal on metal.

Hellboy has posed:
    He'd counted four shots and kept wanting to stop and reload, and had to remind himself that he was dealing with magazines. In annoyance, he muttered to his team in that distinctive voice of his.

    "You know, I met a guy once who told me HE was the Ripper."

    Soon his pistol was holstered, and the big man was rushing further and farther into the enemy base. When they got to ominous office and the suddenly closed door, HB immediately held up a left hand before looking at the others, and Sibil in particular.

    "...I didn't believe him. So I'm pretty sure these guys saw us coming. Any of you got a mirror or a way to see past that door? There any other entrances beside directly through that probable booby trap?"

Sibilance has posed:
Sibilance slipped in with the ICER in her hand, taking the perimeter of the dark warehouse. She moved quickly, eyes scanning for signs of any mental activity among the shadows. She may sense a thought before she recognizes a silhouette, if there are any goons with guns waiting in the dark.

Each movement she does is quick, her legs sending her in quick hops behind cover, behind boxes or support beams, simply trying to determine whether the warehouse is clear. She heard something in here... and it could very well be that the estimate of how many Rippers were in here was off. It's a good thing she's so small and her tail counterbalances, it lets her stay really close to the floor as she moves, making it harder to spot her.

Phil Coulson has posed:
There are no targets in the office, mentally or visually.... but there is a hatch that looks recently opened in the floor behind where a cabinet was just moved.

Sibilance has posed:
Sibil slips into the office, her ICER firearm trained on the cabinet. She moves quickly up to the hatch, and points the weapon down into it. She clicks on the flashlight on her weapon, if it's needed. Because there could be a lethal response if the people she's pursuing catch onto her presence, she keeps quiet. "Looks like an escape hatch in the office," she mentions over the radio.

Phil Coulson has posed:
There's a moment of silence, before Phil comes back. "Charlie Lead, Team Lead. We have fleeing suspects through hatch in the office above. Be advised we have no idea where it leads. Be prepared for hostiles. Alpha S, go down through the hatch and pursue suspects. Over and Out."

Sibilance has posed:
"Roger." Already prepared to do so, Sibil hops in through the hatch, landing on the other side and crouching to mitigate the sound of her landing. She's prepared to pursue, unless there's too many directions to check on her own once she gets down there.

Phil Coulson has posed:
Sibilance lands in a tunnel, and the smell is immediately overwhelming in the darkness; this goes to the water, somewhere down the line.

"Alpha Lead, Team Lead. Secure perimeter and standby." Phil orders over the radio.

Looks like Hellboy and company are going to be keeping things orderly topside.

Sibilance has posed:
Ech. Sibilance scrunches her face and puts her left arm up against her nose, briefly stunned by the scent. She shines the ICER down the tunnel, and squints. "Tunnel, smells like it leads back to the water," she speaks over the radio, in case anyone's near enough to cut off the runner(s) before they can get away. She starts moving at a quick pace down the tunnel, the ICER in both hands to use as a flashlight so she doesn't trip over anything in the dark, or get blindsided by whoever bolted down here.

Her pace is quick enough to gain on any normal person, because she can react to threats if something takes offense at the end of the tunnel. She frowns to herself, reminded of the times she's had to hide out in sewer lines like this when she was still homeless.

Phil Coulson has posed:
About twenty seconds in, Sibilance can hear the sounds of ICER fire down the tunnel. Two shots, to be precise.

"Team Lead to all units, suspects from office hatch tried to leave via grate tunnel riverside. Both targets neutralized." Phil comes over the radio again. "Bravo and Charlie, continue sweeps. Alpha S, sweep tunnel for stragglers. Over and out."

There are no more stragglers.

Sibilance has posed:
Phew. Sibil does a quick triple check of the tunnel and leaves via the office hatch. "Tunnel's clear," she says over the radio, and waits for further orders. While she waits, she checks to make sure nothing fell loose off her person during her more agile movements, and check her ICER, and all the other nervous self-checks that idle hands do.

Phil Coulson has posed:
"Charlie Lead here. Basement is clear of hostiles. We have some minor small arms and what looks like a crate of explosives. Please advise." Phil comes over the radio, "Charlie Lead, Team Lead. Leave all supplies in place. I'll have a team come in and clear it out. Bravo Lead, bring your people into the warehouse and set patrols. Alpha H will remain with them. All other units, Return to Base, we're done here."

Sibilance has posed:
The snake woman heads back to the vehicle she arrived in, hopping back on-board with a grunt. She finds her seat and puffs a little sigh to herself. Since others are gonna be babysitting the weapons and explosives, she gets to go home. And, perhaps, interrogate a prisoner or two on the way home. Sibilance has some unique advantages in prying information out of people.

Phil Coulson has posed:
Back in the hovercraft, Phil has a live feed from a satellite in the main area, and looks to Sibilance when she comes in, "Good work out there." Phil gives her a warm smile, "The first time is always rough, but this was a good one. You can be proud of this."

He gestures to the satellite feed, "we may have just stopped an attack, judging by the explosives they have in there."

Sibilance has posed:
She smiles, if somewhat demurely, at the praise. Sibil doesn't know how to process that, she was largely just doing what she thought felt right at the time. She leans to look at the feed, scaly brows lifted. "Hmm." She holds off on questions, despite looking thoughtful about the info.

"Wonder where they got all that," she muses aloud. Crates of explosives don't just appear out of thin air.