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Latest revision as of 00:44, 14 August 2019

A Lovely Mindscape
Date of Scene: 28 May 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Star Shimmer, Professor X

Star Shimmer has posed:
Another day another adventure in the life of a Star Sapphire. Shimmer had been on patrol. A pair of small time gangs decided they were going to rumble so she decided to drop in on them. It took her only a few moments to bring the fighting to a stop. Then the problem happened. She didn't even realize she was projecting the love inside her. She was using as she always does of course, but lately its been getting stronger. In this case it showed by the fact that the ones hostile ganges were now making out with each other right there in the street! This of course was not the best of things. She quickly flew to a nearby rooftop.

"Abby what the hell is going on! I didn't want to do that! I was just trying to stop the fighting, I wasn't trying to turn it into a highschool hallway!" She exclaims.

"You were successful Star Shimmer! The fighting did stop. The gangs will no longer be fighting. That was the goal correct?" The ring AI spoke to her telepathically.

Star Shimmer facepalms, "Yeah they won't be fighting but I didn't want them to be making out in the streets either! A little love is good in this case. A lot is... well people are going to complain!" She retorts seeming slightly frustrated.

Professor X has posed:
Charles sits quietly in his wheelchair in Cerebro's chamber. His eyes are closed and the helmet sits on his head. The minds of the world swirl through his consciousness. So many minds, of so many different types. But there, something odd. Two minds, linked together. Conflict, confusion, frustration. And enormous power. Yet... Not threatening.

Intrigued and concerned, Charles concentrates on the pair of minds. Gently he settles on the consciousness of one of them, a human woman. The other consciousness he does not recognize at all. In her mind's eye, Autumn sees a wide plain of knee height golden grass around her. The sky is a deep purple, studded with stars, though the plain is lit by a gentle daylight that seems to come from all directions.

Not far from Autumn sits an older man in a simple black wheelchair. He is dressed in a deep blue three-piece suit with muted gold tie that matches the grass. His face has its fair share of worry lines and he is completely bald. He smiles warmly.

Close by Autumn's side is the deep, glowing presence of the ring.

All of this comes to Autumn while she is still aware of the world around her, a feeling of being in two places at once that could make a person feel queasy if they dealt too much on the sensation.

"Please forgive the intrusion, but I sensed you were having difficulty," Charles says with evident concern. "Are you alright?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Oh yeah, that will get her attention. The shifting of seeing a different world and the whole queezy feeling has her feeling rough. The ring speaks practically audible within the strange place, "Star Shimmer, you are safe. You are showing signs of illness. Calm down." The ring would immediately begin working to heal her. She on the other hand would put her head between her legs to deal with the feeling until it passes.

Finally she looks around the strange place. Seeing and then hearing the Older gentleman she takes a deep breath. "Its... Its alright. I just am not used to this. Yeah. Its a long story." She shakes off the remaining sensation before speaking, "Okay You are speaking telepathically. I recognize it because the AI in my ring does that too. I was never put in such a strange place before though." She closes her eyes and reaches out with her feeling. "You don't seem like you're looking for trouble or anything. My name is Star Shimmer... At least now it is. I am working on changing it to that." She laughs. "Yeah you kinda got me. Things are kinda rough." She frowns and moves closer.

Professor X has posed:
Charles smiles understandingly and folds his hands in his lap. "I'm sorry... The queasiness will pass," Charles assures Autumn. "I wouldn't normally bring someone into a mindscape without their permission, but I sensed your distress and your powe. I thought I should reach out to you before something happened."

Charles wheels effortlessly across the grass a little closer. It swirls around him as he moves, leaving no path or bent blades behind him.

"I am Charles Xavier, and yes, I am speaking with you telepathically. As your friend says, you are safe here and can leave any time you wish."

Star Shimmer has posed:
"Charles Xavier, One of the strongest telepaths on Earth. A Mutant Human." The girl recites as though the information was loaded into her mind which... in this case it was. "A pleasure to meet you." She quietly focuses on the love in herself and a chair appears behind her both in and out of the mindscape allowing her to sit. "I am a member of the Star Sapphire Corps. The Violet Lantern representitive of sector 2814. There is another Star Sapphire but she's been away on business. But yeah, I've been doing the job for just over a year. The problem is I'm starting to get more comfortable using my power and getting stronger. This is really scaring me because, I know what can happen to Star Sapphires who lose themselves to their rings." She frowns as the thought crosses her mind.

Suddenly the image of Earth in Chaos, Violet crystals in various places sealing different people inside. No. All people inside. Some are not alive. Some are. None of them are moving. As the girl sees this she begins panicking, "I didn't do that! I swear! I'm not going to do that!"

Professor X has posed:
Charles raises a hand and the plain around them is reinforced. Autumn can feel the gentle press of Charles' mind gently guiding and bolstering her ability to make the image recede if she wants to.

"It's alright," Charles said quietly. "Focus on my voice. It's alright. We are safe here, now. No one is in danger."

He watches her reactions carefully, a concerned look on his face. "I'm not familiar with the Lanterns... But I can see the tremendous pressure this power puts on you, and how much you want to use that power well. It's not easy having such responsibility."

"Will you tell me a bit about yourself and how you joined the Star Sapphire Corps?" he asks, drawing her attention to the concrete.

Star Shimmer has posed:
The violet covered girl takes a deep breath and the images vanish. "Each of the Lantern Corps are fueled by a different emotion. There are 7 key ones. The Red, The Orange, the Yellow, the Green, The Blue, The Indigo, and the Violet. The emotions linked to them are; Rage, Avarice, Fear, Will, Hope, Compassion, and Love. As a Star Sapphire, I weild the Violet light of love."

She takes a deep breath. "Once upon a time, I was just your average high school kid. I was set to become the valedictorian of my class. There was this catch though. I was a trans girl. My father hated it. It was an abusive situation. I was rescued from it with the help of Star Sapphire and Batman. They put me up in an apartment so I could graduate and stuff. Crazy things were happening I wound up in messed up situations. So much so that I started getting combat lessons from BatWoman."

She pauses for a moment and just rubs her head. "I always had a big heart. I love people. I love to entertain and bring joy. Even while I was in that horrible situation with my family, I would go to the old folks home and help out. Seeing a smile was enough to make my day. Then, One day this ring came flying from the sky and smacked me in the head."

Professor X has posed:
"I'm sorry for how you've been treated," Charles says. "It's so hard for people to accept anyone the least bit different from themselves."

Charles smiles when she talks about who she is and the ring. "The ring must know a good heart when it sees one," he says with a chuckle. "The world certainly could use more people like you, Star Shimmer."

The older man tilts his head curiously. "You have some skill in controlling your thoughts, and I see your ring speaks with you telepathically. Does the Lantern Corps give you training in that? If what I'm sensing is correct, your control has a strong effect on your connection with the.... I don't mean to be rude," Charles says with a polite nod to the orb. "Is it alive?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
"The Lantern power rings are some of the most powerful weapons in the known galaxy. They are very technologically advanced containing an AI which can assist the user. I call mine Libby. She's not A living being but she is very intelligent. She actually taught me much of how to weild the ring." She takes a deep breath. "You've likely seen all the Green Lanterns that come and go on this world. The Green Lantern ring is the Easiest and Safest to use, drawing from Willpower. The closer you get to the edge of the color spectrum, the more dangerous the rings become. The most dangerous being the Red Lantern Rings and the Violet Lantern Rings." She frowns and rubs her head again.

"All rings amplify the traits that allow them to function. A Green ring will amplify the Lantern's willpower, Blue will cause them amplify their ability to inspire hope. Violet... It amplifies the love in our hearts. It helps us to better use our rings. Sadly, when it comes to the Red and the Violet, We can be overwhelmed by the emotions. I control my ring. If I lose control, It could control me. At which point I would lose control of the love in my heart. What you seen was my biggest fear. I love this world with all I am. Its my home and the people here, for better or worse are amazing. That love I feel... I felt before I got the ring. Now its stronger. If I lose control, I would do anything to preserve that love. I would sacrifice lives to make that love permanent. Imagine seeing the entire world, covered in violet crystals containing life. That is why I am worried so much."

Professor X has posed:
Charles nods soberly as he listens attentively.

"Love is a powerful thing," Charles agrees. "I have seen it inspire people to great things, and... atrocities. I'm glad you're already aware of its whole nature. Many people only imagine love as a good thing, forgotting jealously, possessiveness, rage and grief can come with it. Love is attachment and merging with self, after all..." Charles muses more than lectures with a far away look.

"Are you in pain?" Charles asks, his attention returning Autumn fully and noting Autumn touch her head again.

Star Shimmer has posed:
"Its seeing the Real World and this place is still messing with my head. Libby is keeping me from getting too much of a headache from it. The rings protect their wearers." Shimmer gives a smile. "You're very right. The Thing is, Now things are changing. I think Libby was keeping me from using the full power of my ring until I was ready. Now I'm getting to that point and its just starting to really rattle me. I mean I was able to fly from Saturn to Earth in a few minutes. Because of that however, I kinda crashed into Central park and broke a tree. It wasn't too much fun."

"That was your own fault, Star Shimmer. You should have slowed down more."

"Don't give me that! I asked you before hand. I asked if I was at safe speed for my approach!"

"You Were but a you crashed well after your approach. Slow down and then land. No one lands at a hundred miles per hour!"

Professor X has posed:
"If you sit down and close your eyes out there, the headache will pass immediately," Charles suggests.

He suppresses a smile at the conversation between Star Shimmer and Libby.

"I think you both still need to learn to communicate and work together. Understand one another. That takes time. So does adjusting to such an enormous change in your life. Not to mention all the other changes you were navigating before the ring."

"I'm a bit concerned that you don't seem to have more guidance..." he ventures. "I've helped many people adapt to new powers and learn to use them responsibly. The more powerful the individual, the harder it often is. High school does not exactly prepare you for visiting Saturn," he smiles and then looks more serious. "Or coping with powers that could affect the entire planet. If you like and it would not offend the Lantern Corps, I would be honoured to help you."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles bright, In the Physical she does as she is instructed and things do start easing for her. She then looks at Charles with a big grin, "You would?! That would be amazing, What about when I have to go out around the Galaxy though? I mean at the moment, I am the only Star Sapphire in this sector of the galaxy. The Star Sapphire who happens to be with the Justice League has been on Zamaron as she's kind of a Princess. She's been training and stuff so I've just been sorta thrown into the madness I guess." She sighs a little. "Also I am a part of a team, would I still be able to do this stuff? I mean if I can still do both of those things, there wouldn't be a problem. The Star Sapphires aren't really rigid where my non work time comes into play. It would be nice if I got paid to do this but... Thats being a Hero for ya right?"

She smiles and nods, "Yeah, In some ways I understand Libby rather well. I mean I'm pretty good at tech stuff. But in others its just really tricky. Plus having a ring that can create nearly anything with just a thought can be kinda difficult. So many options."

Professor X has posed:
"I can only imagine. I barely manage to choose from the options on a menu when I go out for dinner," Charles says with a laugh. "But yes, I would, gladly. If you're going to give so much of yourself to the world, it's least the world can do for you. As for your obligations, they come first and I would never take away from them, or help without your team's permission. But when you are on Earth, I can help you. And over time, it may be that I can help you when you are away. My only request is that when you would like to meet or talk, you call me instead of coming to find me. Some heroes have a bad habit of making conspiscuous entrances to see me, and it's disruptive. I run a private school, you see," he explains with a smile.

"You said Batman had helped you find some place to stay. Are you taken care of that way? Rent and food, clothing? Enough to have something of a life with people your own age?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer gives a smile, "I'm a Titan. I'm hoping they are going to give me a room at the tower. I still have an apartment in Gotham open to me but, I kinda don't fit in Gotham so much. Seeing a power ring user flying around kinda weirds people out. Almost as much as a man dressed as a bat!" She laughs. "As far as getting incontact with you, I would call and if you permit me to visit your school, I would do so without the use of my ring. Ring Users aren't exactly known for stealth. If I'm flying around I leave a nice violet trail so... That won't work. I will call and just walk or catch a bus or something." She smiles.

Professor X has posed:
Charles smiles. "Well, you can always call," he says. And Autumn just knows his number, as well as she knows her own. "And we will talk about where we meet. We don't allow many visitors at the school. You might be an exception though, we will see."

Charles looks at Autumn for a moment. "You seem to be doing much better now."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer smiles, "It helps when I have someone to talk to. Plus, I think I wore off of the two gangs. I may have caused a little mayhem when I split em up. I accidentally projected my love and... Well they stopped fighting and started making out. So... One extreme to the other I guess." She laughs a little. "As far as shelter and stuff, If worse came to worst I am sure I could crash at Star Sapphire's place. If she's not in town, I doubt anyone would care. I technically should get a job but, there aren't many jobs where you can vanish for sometimes over a month."

Professor X has posed:
Charles raises his eyebrows when Star Shimmer mentions what she had done to the gangs. "That is... A novel way to stop a fight," he concedes, looking faintly amused and concerned.

"What is your legal name, if you don't mind me asking?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer frowns, "I didn't try it I really didn't. I just was trying to stop the fight. I got between em and made a few barriers to keep them separated but, what do you do right?" She sighs and facepalms. "Oh right umm. I guess you would need to know that." She quickly powers down, at least in the astral plane revealing herself to be roughly 20 and still kinda child like. "Autumn Stillwater. A pleasure to meet you." She still has the ring on her finger but its much less conspicuous.

Professor X has posed:
"I believe you," Charles assures her. "A pleasure, Autumn. Thank you for talking with me today. I'm looking forward to working together, and learning from you as well. I've spent some time offworld, but there is so much to know!"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn nods, "I've got a device with access to knowledge from every civilization in the galaxy giving me info when I need it and I've barely scratched the surface! One of the adventures I kinda enjoy is trying different foods from the sector. In many cases, different species will take offense if you don't eat their foods. Times like that I am happy I can use my ring... It can be really gross sometimes!" She laughs. "Anyway I look forward to speeking to you in the non astral space?"

Professor X has posed:
"I wouldn't miss it. And if you come across something interesting to try from offworld, I would love a taste," Charles says with a smile. "Shi'ar cuisine wasn't half bad."

Charles smiles and waves. The plain slowly fades from Autumn's mind's eye.

Several hours later, Autumn's phone rings.

"Autumn Stillwater? My name is Monique Rheaume from Chase Bank. I'm calling to confirm that your new account is set up and available. You just need to come down to one of our branches with two pieces of identification. As instructed, the account will be credited with $3000 a month. A separate account was sent up for you and will be credited once a year with enough to cover the income taxes, but I suggest you let your accountant handle that. If you have any questions, our branch staff will be delighted to help you."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles and gives a wave back. As Charles fades away, Autumn is left still on the roof top, sitting there in her Star Sapphire attire. Thankfully she had the presence of mind not to power down. Then the phone rang. "Hello." Monique explained everything and Autumn's jaw hit the floor.

As the Call ended, the young girl just blinked a few more times. With a stunned tone she lets out a single, "Huh."