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Pool Elf
Date of Scene: 22 May 2019
Location: Swimming Pool - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Rahne crosses paths with a returned Kurt, then Sam shows up with some news.
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Wolfsbane, Cannonball

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Possibly a cooler time to be out by the pool late may and all, but it's sunny, and quiet right now which makes it perfect. Laying on deck chair, face down, the fuzzy blue elf, Kurt, seems to be sunning himself, eyes closed, cheek on his forearms and tail swishing back and forth almost like a felines while his elongated feet and toes are allowed to hang, claws scratching the cement beneath him.

Wolfsbane has posed:
It's been a good day for some time outside, down by the lake. A little dipping of the toes in the water, even a bit of a swim in something other than the pool, feeling good. The weather itself is not an issue for Wolfsbane, given the layer of fur she often goes around in, but for others it might not be warm enough. Before long, she'll be wishing it wasn't so hot, wasn't so humid. On her way back toward the buildings, sharp eyes catch sight of something, or someone over around the pool itself. Someone blue. Someone with a tail in motion. Once she realizes who it is, a briefly amused sniff comes from her, an exhale of breath as she changes course to go have a better look.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Sensitive ears can easily pick up Kurt humming, periodically snatches of lyrics escaping his lips, German of course as he continues to sun himself unaware of approaching figures. The tune in question sounding a little classic rocky, using his deeper tone with a little vibrato it seems... perhaps a bit of a braggadocio today in his good mood,
    "Ich habe dieses Brennen, als ob meine Venen gefüllt wären mit nichts als Benzin... Und mit einem Funken," he trails off again, even sounding dozey as he lets one arm sag off the deck chair. He himself has benefits of fur, not to the extent that others, but still, it keeps him warmer in cool weather. From beneath the bench, yellow eyes peer out at the dropped hand, a impish giggle trickling from the shadows.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane can certainly hear the singing amid the versions a few birds are engaged in, though most of what Kurt is singing about is foreign to her, not understood. Adjusting a portion of her outfit top, she moves over toward one of the archways so she can get a better look, the giggle giving her a moment of pause. What's that from? Before long, she's able to pick out the one lounging in the sun, a brief smile passing over her expression before she shakes her head slowly at the sight. Might be best not to wake him, though.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Whatever is down there, giggling, apparently disagrees. A little blue creature looking vaguely like Kurt himself leaps out and grabs his hand and begins biting at him and then letting go when the Bavarian's eyes snap open and with slightly offset BAMFs of displaced air, and clouds of brimstone Kurt appears across the pool leaving the little creature laughing on the ground, rolling about and giggling while Nightcrawler calls out at it,
    "Nur fünf Minuten! Ich kann mich später um dich und die anderen kümmern!"

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane actually hops back a step at the sudden antics of the Bamf, harassing Kurt out of whatever partial slumber he was in. "Och!" she blurts, the surprise enough for her to stop and stare as Kurt teleports away from the lounge chair. Good thing they're outside, so that smell can dissipate more rapidly! "Ahh..Kurt? Are ye all right?" she wonders, expression trying to maintain a balance of concern and amusement.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    The bamf continues to laugh and point, hopping and disappearing into its own little cloud of smoke, leaving Kurt standing, fur on his body standing on end, frazzled, hair in his eyes with his tail whipping back and forth as he hears the other voice. Ears perking he turns and blinks,
    "Rahne!" he blinks again, standing there in floral print trunks and an embaressed expression on his face "I... Yes, fine." he looks back to where the little bugger had been and then back to Wolfsbane, "Domestic dispute?" still groggy, no good punchline at the moment.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane politely glances away as she rubs the back of her neck, putting in an effort to keep a straight face and not look directly at the out-of-sorts elf. Soon the Bamf is gone, leaving the pair alone, her eyes slowly returning to the lashing motion of his tail. So agitated. She's being human enough that there's no version of one behind her.

"If ye say so," she replies doubtfully, coughing back a smile that she can't quite get rid of. Maybe she needed something amusing, and this fit the bill. "I think I'll spare asking ye for an explanation. Ye looked like ye were verra comfortable."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Clearing his throat and taking a moment to smooth his hair out of his face and get his tail back under control, Kurt nods "Nothing worth explaining." A faint smile taking his features "And yes, I was - probably why that one was pesting." closing the distance to speak more normally, instinctively going to all fours as he slows and dropping into his customary crouch, the Bavarian looks up at Rahne,
    "You take one small vacation out of town, briefly, to check out Boston - and they get all rambunctious about going to see Buffalo." with a shrug he smiles again, "But how are you today? It's been a while since we'd crossed paths, I've run into a few of the others, but I've mostly been getting settled back in."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane's mostly dried off, though her hair still looks like it's been wet recently. The layer of fur is thin enough so as to not be much of an issue, and the clothing seems perfect on her, definitely not something she'd have gone swimming in. "Some things are better left behind," she agrees, a shoulder rolling in a slight shrug. She's seen what the Bamfs can get up to and the less mentioned of them, the better.

"Och, is tha' where ye went? Sometimes, it's hard tae keep track o' people coming an' going, an' I'm off a' Muir Island from time tae time as well. Did ye have a good trip, a' least?" the Scottish wolfen mutant wonders, hands settling back at her sides as she watches Kurt. "An' it's been a good day so far. Mostly quiet, th' way I like it. Wi' whit's going on oot there...quiet is good." A serious moment out of her.

Nightcrawler has posed:
?"Well enough, ja. Smaller, maybe less dirty - but they have their problems just the same. I saw some of the sights under my image inducer, managed to keep... them at bay while I did so." He frowns a little, "I'd heard of some of the trouble, with Charles, and the sentinels." he sighs "It never ends does it?" frowning a moment, "You look good at least, new outfit?" head tilting to the side.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane nods in understanding to something he tells her. "Aye, I know whit ye mean about th' way some o' those bigger cities can be. It's why I like it oot here more. Even th' Mutant Town area is still..ye know. It's smelly, an' noisy," she explains, gesturing with her palms up. As for image inducers, she continues, "I dinna use th' things, but I suppose I have a way around it tha' ye dinna." A luxury of being able to shift.

As for the trouble brought up, she merely nods slowly and displays a helpless expression. "There's only so much we can do every day. I worry whit th' next bit o' bad news might be." At least there's a compliment forthcoming, taking her out of that moment of worry. "This? I've had it a bit noo. When I saw it back home, I just had tae have a version made tha' could shift wi' me. Ye like it?" A short pause before she adds, in the same breath, "Tha's no' yuir new costume, is it?" The floral shorts end up with a claw pointed toward them.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt nods, smile becoming slightly fragile "Ja, true... I envy you for being able to be 'invisible' in a manner of say." he takes a moment, quashing down potential melancholy and leans in, letting the old rogue out, "It's quite flattering, on you miss" he then looks down at himself,
    "I could make it so, do think I could fight crime, or sentinels, or the brotherhood? Hawai'ian trunks and all?" he strikes a pose, flexing and puffing out his chest some. "Would catch them off guard, ja?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
Warmth in the cheeks. Time for warmth in the cheeks. Good thing the fuzz hides the coloration. "Och, Kurt, ye silver-tongued devil." Well, he /does/ have the look of a devil, sort of, but this is not at all said in a frightful or demeaning way. "I'm still more comfortable like this, but sometimes I do have tae hide it an' I wanted something I could feel comfortable in whichever way I was," Wolfsbane explains.

This is followed up by another round of blushing as Kurt models and preens in front of her. "I..think ye'd catch a lot o' people off guard in just tha', aye," she remarks, a little of that shy nature bubbling to the surface even as she finds herself staring at him.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Encouraged now, he grins, waggling his brows, "I mean, it's not much different to before I put on the armor, skin tight suit, but that's the acrobat's life, eh?" flipping with ease of long practice to land on one hand, legs bent backwards at the knee for balance, looking up at her again before his back bends nearly in half, feet hitting the ground, twisted so that as he begins to stand he turns to face her once more, arms out wide as he bows,
    "A little showmanship never hurt when doing what we do as well, I suppose." he winks at her, "Though I'll accept the advantages I have, where I have them."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane is nimble, even able to do some things acrobats would be hard-pressed to pull off, but she's not quite as bendy as Kurt and the display he puts on. "I've usually been more modest," she admits. "Back when we first got our New Mutants uniforms, it was unlike anything I'd ever had before." She leaves out whether she found that good or bad, but obviously everyone got used to them over time. "But, ye've always been more bold than I have. Just getting this was a big step for me," said as she gestures to the colorful attire. Briefly, she offers polite applause at the demonstration of his acrobatic side.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Bowing again for the applause, he stands though at a lean due to the makeup of his spine and eventually goes back down into his crouch. "Bold in somethings, Mein Dame, there are those far bolder than I... but it will all come in time. Be you, be as bold or as reserved as you are comfortable with. His tail snakes around to pat her on the shoulder with the spade,
    "That is the important thing, and even I struggle many times. We must love ourselves, even when it hurts to do so, and sometimes you need others to help and support you when those big steps come." smiling up at her, all pointed teeth, likely expecting she'd be less disconcerted considering what she can do.

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Ahh..ye know I..had a difficult time wi' some things when I was a wee lass," Wolfsbane starts to say. It's something she's shared with him before, given their own histories and backgrounds, both of them having made strides from some difficult places. "But it comes a bit more naturally for ye, I think. Ye were a performer." Maybe he still is.

The wolfy mutant goes on, "I've sort o' hid from whit I am before, but I've also hid behind whit I am a' times. I'm still trying tae find a balance, but I feel safer when I'm like this, like I'm more aware o' everything around me, an' everyone. I used tae afraid o' whit I am, but I think I'm growing oot o' tha'."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    With a nod, Kurt takes a moment to think, "Still, there was some hiding, letting them think it was makeup at times, which grew harder and harder." frowning, "And then... when I had to run." he takes a long breath at that.
    "Poor memories, bad times - let them help you become the better person you are, inspired to become the monster they imagine." He stands, a little awkwardly, "If you ever need to talk about it, please, I would be happy to speak with you. Sometimes sharing pain helps it heal, though I know it is not always so." trying to give her his brightest smile.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane takes a glance toward the spot the tail had come into contact with. Sneaky little thing, that. "Aye. I canna imagine whit it was like for ye. This is how ye were born," she notes, something he's certainly well aware of. "I guess ye just had tae do th' best ye could wi' it. I was literally hunted wi' pitchforks an' torches by th' man I later learned was muh own father. But, we both ended up here for th' better."

Sharing that news can't be easy for her, but it happened. The past can't be altered. "It hurt me badly when I found tha' oot, but..I'm still here. Ye're still here," she finishes, gesturing toward the elf, nodding.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Ja, that's the most important part, and I'm glad for it - otherwise what over lovely lady would have come out to catch me sunning myself?" he gives a stage performers frown, flipping his hair out of his eyes, "Sure I'd have stretched back out, warmed up, but I'd not have had a kindred spirit come along. A hollow day, overall." smile flashing again.

Wolfsbane has posed:
There's that blush again, sure to linger. Maybe that's one reason Wolfsbane keeps the fur in place? A basic cover, though body language is harder to hide. "Aye. A' least, it's good tae know I have someone around we can trade bad stories wi'," she tries to joke, giving him a glance again after her eyes scan over the pool area and beyond. "I remember how foolish I was th' first few times I saw ye an' overreacted."

Nightcrawler has posed:
?Reaching to pat her on the shoulder, despite the oddness of his hand. "It's not as uncommon as you'd think, or I'd prefer. But forgive and forget, Rahne. We're on the same side after all, and I have to admit you look good a little fuzzy." he waggles his brows "But then I could be biased towards that, no?" giggling still, watching her react and taking it as encouragement now.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane reacts with a pause, an honest look. "I still feel bad about it, an' I'm sorry if it made ye uncomfortable. Nae matter if ye had tae deal wi' it before, it was still wrong o' me." She has a small smile for what he says after that, admitting, "Ye might just be." But then, she could be as well.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner and Wolfsbane are out at pool, the former apparently taking advantage of cooler weather and his fur to get some quiet time under the late spring sun - which would explain why he's dressed in Hawai'ian print trunks, and theres a towel on one of the deck chairs. The fuzzy blue one has a hand on Wolfsbane's shoulder, talking to her gently,
    "Maybe wrong, but still in the past, ja?" none of the bamfs are around, but there are tiny part-dried footprints by the edge of the pool while the two fuzzy mutants chat.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking along past the pool area. His jeans are showing a bit of dirt along the knees, and shins. Seems the young man has ben messing in the dirt. Upon seeing the two at the pool he will walk over and wave "Hey guys."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Aye, an' I'm glad ye dinna hold it against me," Wolfsbane says. She's looking the way she usually does these days, though she's also giving Kurt a few curious looks along with appearing to be somewhat..well, who can say? She nearly jumps in place at the sound of Sam's voice, leaving her suddenly just out of reach of the blue elf. There's a startled sound to her words as she coughs. "Och, uh, hullo Sam! Nice day, aye?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Worry not, Mein Damem, I'd never hold something like that against you." blinking and turning when she starts, dropping to all fours again and looking to Samuel, "Sam you Kentucky Fried sonuvagun! How have you bein Mein friend?" Kurt stands, arms open wide, "Wunderbar to see you!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will walk over and give Kurt a hug in greeting "Well Guten Tag." he says only butchering the pernunciation a bit. "Seems we are having an influx of folks, seem everyone is worried about the Professor." He will ste back and reaches over to ruffle Wolfsbane hair but only slightly "You seen Berto is back too?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane just stands by like she wasn't spotted within arm's reach of Kurt in nothing more than swim trunks. At least she's dressed decently! Her hair's still a little wet, evidence of her probably having gone swimming as well, but there's nothing here she could have used as far as towels go. A nod to Kurt and she says, "Thank ye for tha', Kurt."

Then her head instinctively ducks a bit at Sam's ruffling - he'll find the wetness at that point - but she doesn't really try to avoid it like she might have in the past. "I'd heard, but I've no' seen him yet. I've been doon around Mutant Town off an' on."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Ja, I myself am just back in from Boston, after I heard - I was looking about, seeing sights - relaxing. Something that we seem never able to do" he grins as his hug is returned and looks back to Rahne as her hair is ruffled, and once more the rogue creeps to the surface. "You know, your hair looks rather nice tossled like that." all teeth again as he grins and looks back to Sam,
    "Were you here when it happened, Sam? Any sort of detail you might have?" Kurt's tail begins flicking again, nervous energy.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Ororo, Quinten, Doug and Ah were all there. The professor was giving his speach, and Doug got a bad feeling something was going on but a moment to late. There was a sniper. Ororo, and Quinten put up shields. Doug went to check on the professor. Ah headed for the Sniper. Grabed him, and tossed him through a building, when figured out he was not normal. Storm, and Quinten handled some that were charging the stage. AH took out one of them as Ah came back. Doug was able to get that the bullet was buzzing in the Professor, and was able to let them know to get it out, Quinen Telekineticed it out."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane levels a withering look toward Kurt but it just doesn't last very long. "Verra funny, Kurt," she remarks, then she grimaces at the Professor news, shaking her head. "How terrible. It's just..one thing after another these days, it seems. Will we ever get tae have some actual peace any more? An' whit's this going on wi' th' android Kitty was working on?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner sighs and rubs the back of his neck as he looks down at the ground, taking in the news about Charles. "Gott sei Dank, dass er solche Leute in der Nähe von Charles gesehen hat." muttered to himself, "Do we know where the came from? Who sent them?" he doesn't notice the stare from Wolfsbane as the details come out, sinking down to crouch, elbows resting on his thighs.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the two and says "We think they were connected to the sentinels, but not 100% sure, they survived some damage." He looks over to Kitty, and says "Ah aint really sure whats happened there to be honest." He admit "I was wanting to ask you to help on a mission the professor gave Doug and Ah Rahne. Ah am thinking we will take as many of the old gang as we can get.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Looking toward Kurt, in his crouch, one of Wolfsbane's hands almost reaches out, hesitating, then it does make it the rest of the way toward his shoulder to offer a reassuring touch. "If ye need me for something, Sam, just say th' word an' I'll do whit I can. Whit do ye have in mind?" She's shut away some of her emotions aside from focusing on the important parts, the here and now.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner leans somewhat into the touch, taking comfort as offered, even raising one three fingered hand to rest on top of hers. "Ja, Sam. Tell me what you need me to do, I wil do what I can." mouth setting in a line, he turns his gaze fully on the Kentukyian now, waiting expectantly, even a half plan would be good right now.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well right now, the Prof wanted some of us to check on Trask and what actually happened with him. See if it was a mutant attack like he claims, and if so who did it. If was not Ah think he wants us to prove it was not a mutant."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane glances toward Kurt when his hand covers hers, and hers is felt to tense briefly from the returned contact before relaxing again. A little jumpy at times, that one. She's spending more time focused on what Sam has to say, leading her to wonder, "Do ye think ye'll need me for some sneaking around, or..?" She trails off here, to see if Sam can give her any more details yet.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner grunts, "Well, maybe Logan would be one of our best helps? Put him on the scent maybe? If you'll forgive the pun?" Noticing the tensing he blinks and removes his hand, "My apologies Rahne." turning attention back to Sam, "And you know I do well with spying, ja?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods to Kurt's words a bit and does not comment about the closeness of the two, actually glad Rahne aint freaking at Kurt's apearance any more. "Ah am not sure if Logan would be the best, hopeing to get in and out of it without there being a fight. And to be honest, if Ah have to chose a tracker, Logan is my second choice." He nods over to Rahne. "Ah put my trust in her every day of the week, and twice on sunday."

Wolfsbane has posed:
After Kurt's hand leaves, Wolfsbane looks back down and murmurs a brief 'Sorry' before she gives him another nearly invisible squeeze, returning her hand to herself where she fiddles with her fingers. "Och, Sam, I appreciate yuir faith in me, but we all know Logan's th' best a' whit he does." Whether he's said it himself or not. "But..like I said, anything ye need, just let me know an' I'll do muh best."

Nightcrawler has posed:
?Giving a small smile. "Well, once you know what the plan should be, Sam, let me know, I'll be happy to help, always. Even if you just want me shadowing our tracker to give them an extra pair of eyes." He sits tail curling around his ankles, staring at the ground, thoughtful.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Ah will keep this in mind, and am sure we can use the help. We will probably have some items with us to hide that we are mutants if we are heading in to talk to people around the sentinels

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane nods slowly to the agreement they've seemingly come to. "Good. I'll wait tae hear more from ye soon. Do ye have any idea when we might be doing this?" She takes to pacing slowly, putting her in motion rather than standing still in one spot.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner's eyes are drawn to the movement, watching Rahne for a moment before looking to Sam. The same question in his eyes, but remaining unspoken so as not to bombard the man. His tail flicks a few times before he consciously gathers it up, to keep it from tripping anyone.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Gotta see where he is for now, he was in the hospital, but not sure if he is still there or not. I am going to have Doug bring up all the info he can so we do not go into the place blind.""

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Probably soon, then," Wolfsbane realizes, pausing as she catches a glimpse of Kurt before or after he's spotted her steps. She's keeping away from the pool, but she appears to be in thought. "I'll wait for th' details, but I'll be ready."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner sighs and nods, "Ja - likely soon. But it's for the best, to keep something like this from happening again." he frowns a little, chagrinned, "I would try to... utilize my little hangars on - but you know how they like to cooperate, eh?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthriehmms and nods his head a bit to this "I will let you guys know something as soon as Ah do." He smiles and says "Well, Ah think ah am going to grab some food, Ah just spent a couple hours planding some seeds and Ah am hungry

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane eyes Kurt at the mention of the Bamfs. She saw the one earlier, leading to a shake of her head. Rather than discussing the task that will be at hand soon, she takes in a breath as it weighs on her and says instead to Sam, "Save me a bit for later?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner nods, "I brought some local brew back wit me from Boston, feel free to enjoy some, Sam... Maybe sometime I'll take a trip to your home state, pick you up a bit of home eh?" smiling again at the thought... "Maybe try the chicken at its source too eh?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit to this and says "Will do, think there is some chicken, and waffles left over from yesterday Ah believe." He looks over to Kurt "Ah am sure ma would be wiling to make some of ya told her you were in the area.