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Latest revision as of 00:49, 14 August 2019

Bronx Nights
Date of Scene: 23 May 2019
Location: Westchester, The Bronx
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Pippi, Omnis, Doctor Strange, Sibilance

Pippi has posed:
    THE BRONX, Westchester in particular, wasn't particularly rife with crime -- though touristy areas like the Zoo were always targets for pickpockets and purse snatchers where only a few blocks away ruined buildings provided temporary shelter to go over the spoils of activities. With the sun dropping below the city's rooftops on a late spring evening, the pavement's warm, the winds coming through the buildings carry the heat and smells of the city, adn through the area the hustle and bustle of people going about their lives occurs without any further sense of sonder or wonder.

    Including when a couple of guys come out through the window of an apartment, carrying pillow cases, with hankercheifs pulled up over their faces to try and hide their identities.

    The fire escape rattles with them on it as they make their way down to the alleyway below, giving quiet, excited murmurs of a sucsessful robbery, broken glass littering the inside of a kitchen in their wake!

Omnis has posed:
Kally's hearing was super or anything but it was fairly acute. When she landed on a rooftop nearby, she though she heard the rattle of metal against brick. It wasn't something she'd really expect in this part of town as a normal noise so she looks around. At first, nothing seems out of the ordinary till she begins to focus and notices what appears to the two life signatures moving quickly on what she believes to be the side of a building in an alleyway. She isn't quite sure what to expect so she simply leaps across to the top of said building. Slipping up to the side, she looks down in time to see the men going down the side of the building.

For those that can sense or see such things, she's like a moving beacon for the dead though. So even as she looks down at the men, a spirit that lives inside the building of a long dead tennant comes peeking up through the roof, curious as to who or what was up on the roof that seemed so interesting all of a sudden.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Here in the Bronx, not all is as it seems, as a single cat walks across an alleyway without a sound, but as soon as it bumps its nose against the wall to take a smell of the brick, it slides forwards and presses all four paws against the wall and as if nothing happened, the cat starts to walk up the brick surface. The creature seems immune to the normal pull of gravity for everyone else and is instead obeying it's own rules for reality.

    At the top of the wall, near a fire escape the creature rises up to the roof and then creeps out of the shadows a full grown man, and older one at that with grey at the temples. "Are you going to stop them?" Stephen asks towards Kally as he looks over the wall down towards the thugs.

Sibilance has posed:
    Sibil is here for reasons other than stopping criminals. She's wearing a heavy hoodie and has her tail wrapped around it. She has her hands stuffed in her jacket pockets. She slinks through the shadows, looking for signs of that strange dog person she met before, but instead she hears a fire escape rattle not too fair away.

    She walks up to the bottom of the fire escape and stares up.

    She just waits for them at the bottom, her golden, bestial eyes staring out from the shadow of her hoodie as her tail unfurls from her waist. She waits for them to do something stupid, like attack her for just being there. She hasn't noticed the others that showed up to the scene just yet.

Pippi has posed:
    Kally might not have superhearing, and Strange might be inquiring as to who's going to stop the men, but there's others in the area, probably not as Strange as a cat walking up the wall (which one of the figures catches from the corner of his eye, but gets distracted by nearly tripping down the stairs) or the spirit of a resident poking their head up through the roof (to those who are able to see the spirits), and they almost make it to the bottom, though they pause at the very last level at the figure wearing the hoodie.

    "... little hot for that, ain't it?" One of them asks, twisting his hand a little around the pillow case as if he's going to use it to smack Sibil a bit, the other giving a grin before there's a resounding plastic SLAP!!!

    A dumpster flap opens up, striking the wall, and there is another hooded figure that pops up from the dumpster, points up and then... with a snuffing sound -- notices Sibilance.

    ".../huh/." the second hooded figure states.

Sibilance has posed:
    "Cold-blooded," Sibilance responds in her Spanish-accented voice. While he's got eye-contact with her, she does something rather rude to him, using her tail to gain his attention by rattling it loudly. *SHAKA SHAKA* She gives him a quick mental command. The words come out with a soft, well, sibilance, her voice calm and quiet, "They want to take it all from you. They want to take your cut. Stab you in the back. You can't have that. Right? Your loot is yours." She puts her hands out at her sides in an animated helpless shrug. She's so far overlooked the presence of the plastic flap.

    Then she'll look off toward the other hooded figure, and lifts a hand in greeting. "I remember when I dug in the trash," she mentions aloud.

Omnis has posed:
Her senses suddenly flip a little as she notices another life force on the roof with her. She looks to the spirit first but then the voice catches her attention. The spirit is obviously dead but the man is obviously, well, a man. She stands up straighter and as she does, a blue aura flows out. The distraction of some man coming out of no where on the roof not only loosing her old on it but she kind of doesn't want to hold on to it, just in case. Strange can feel the temperature drop by a good ten to fifteen degrees. She looks at him with a nod, "I planned on it." She then glances over and squints at the figures below, "Though, I might be too late." She gestures, "Hold that thought."

And with that, she leaps over the side. She uses her ability to fly (though not well) to soften the landing as to not crack the pavement but still does do the classic three-point pose landing and look up. It is the snake girl again. She looks to the criminals and while Sibil might be far enough away that the cold isn't too bad, she can certainly feel the temperature change, "Do you have them?" She asks of Sibil and looks to the two guys.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen floats just to the lip of the building and with his feet above the ground far below, he bends his legs and takes a seated position on the building. Looking down at the fracas below and crosses his arms before he has to stifle a yawn. Burglars and petty crooks. Not really his cup of tea.

Pippi has posed:
    The first guy, with his hand tightening better around the sack of loot, his eyes set on the gold of hers. He hears the rattling, and as he turns to his friend, who taps him on the shoulder as Kally descends, his own eyes looking upwards and ready to head off the side of the fire escape, the second guy gets clocked in the head with the pillowcase full of loot!

    "OW! HEY! What the f--" he begins, nad gets clocked again by the first guy with the pillowcase!

    "TAKE MY CUT, HUH? WHAT NOW?!" the first guy cries out, and begins to clobber his partner in crime! What a change!

    The second figure pulls back her hood, showing the rust-and-white furred face Sibil would be familiar with and had begun to say "That's not what I was doo--Bad-Time-To-Talk!" she's interrupted by the first guy striking, and she weighs her options, between Sibil (SNAKE!), Kally (New Person!), and the two guys -- and then hopping up and out of the dumpster, the dog mutant goes to try and tackle the striker!

Sibilance has posed:
    Sibilance takes a few steps away from Kally as she descends. The waft of cold air is deeply uncomfortable for her and it's clear in her behavior. The fuzzy faced gal rushing off to interrupt the sack beatings gets more attention, though, since ... Sibil can't maintain a suggestion if the target feels a sharp burst of pain like, say, from a superpowered dog lady tackling them. The command is severed before the backlash can occur, leaving the ne'er-do-well in mid-swing with the psychic suggestion fading from their mind.

    Well, it's quite a distraction at least.

    She seems content to just watch now, hands still stuffed in her pockets. "I would've," she answers Kally, with a head bob toward the doglady and the hapless criminals. "But she has other ideas."

Omnis has posed:
A blink as she watches Pippi attack. She tilts her head a little and says, "Well, umm, I suppose that works though, doesn't it?" She asks of Sibil, "Not like her method is any less violent. You just didn't have to perform the violence." She watches the other guy and then zips up to him. The one that was attacked by his partner will barely likely note the movement of the rather fast Kally. She grins at the guy and for his sake as well as Pippi's, she states, "Hi, I'm Omnis. I'm a hero. Who you are doesn't matter. You're going to jail." And then she'll attempt to give him the back of her hand, though carefully. No need to kill the guy, just knock him out.

She then will step back and look up. Not only are there a few spirits, typically something only she can notice, she also notices Strange again. She looks down a moment at Sibil and Pippi and gives a nod, "Umm, do you have this from here? I Have...an odd visitor I think."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Remaining on the roof with one leg crossed over the other and the dangling foot tapping away in time with some inaudible music, Strange remains seated on the roof of the building. With a deep inhale, Stephen steps up onto the air and takes a single step forwards before appearing on ground level in front of the five individuals, seemingly unconcerned about anything.

    "Do you devour them or use them as fuel?" Stephen asks Kally with a motion of his thumb over his shoulder towards the trail of ghosts behind him. He doesn't regard the criminals or Sibilance or Pippi as he asks this rather peculiar question with a motion to ... nothing anyone else can see.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi had tackled the first guy, her tail up, her little bulk pinning him as she sits on his chest, and as Kally knocks the other one out, she looks back down at the guy, and gives a sort of embarrassed smile.

    And the guy faints. All those teeth!!

    She looks to Sibil, to Kally, and then tot he unconcious guy and rubs the back of her head.

    "To be honest, I was just grabbing some stuff out of the dumpster, I didn't mean to do any sort of heroing. Don't have any sort of... ah.. training for that stuff?" she states "No idea where to take them from here." she continues and then --

    Then Stephen Strange shows up, from nowhere, and Pippi gives an audiable cry of alarm at its simple showing up, and falls backwards off the beater-dude's chest and rattles the fire escape out of surprise.

Sibilance has posed:
    Strange's appearance marks a loud rattling of Sibil's tail. She looks at him, and then up to where he's indicating, and knits her brow as she fails to see anything that the man is indicating. Then she steps over to Pippi. She digs in her pockets and retrieves her phone, flicking through it slowly. There's a crack in the screen. She rings up the police! She lets them know that there's been a B-n-E, with a robbery frosting on top, and says they've been apprehended in a citizen's arrest. Then she hops up (wow, she can jump) to where Pippi is to dump out the pillow cases unceremoniously on the fire escape, and uses them to tie the hands of the two criminals. She isn't very gentle with them at all, manhandling them like bags of grain.

    "Let the cops deal with them," she tells Pippi. "I'm Ainsley," she finally greets, holding her hand out to the dog person and shows a happy smile. She glances over to Kally and Strange, not sure what to do about them... they don't seem to be interested in the criminal folks, and more interested in each other, so she focuses on the dog lady for now.

Omnis has posed:
A look over at the work of Sibil and she lets the snake girl handle things. She instead turns to Strange and then her eyes go wide and with speed that is rather insane, she attempts to put her hand over his mouth and state, "Hey uh, lets perhaps not..." She looks to the pair and hten back at Strange before saying, "Exnay on the eadday and the owerpay!" She then takes a step back whether she succeeded in putting her hand to his mouth or not. She then twitches a little and leans toward Strange before whispering, "It's...not quite so simple." She swallows a little and looks up a moment where Strange gestured and then at the others around before shifting a little uncomfortably.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen tries to lift his hand up to stop Kally but she's wildly strong. Like one of the students he used to teach. Um, okay. Interesting. Stephen takes a step back and looks up to Sibilance and Pippi, "Great work you two. New York needs more people like you." His grey eyes lingering on the women for a moment before he looks back to Kally. "Did you just speak pig latin to me?"

    The wizard shakes his head, "It is that simple. Tell me what happens to them."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi watches Sibil move, backing away from the snake person with a degree of caution. She even gives a little bit of a growl, her ears pinning back before she looks at the hand, then looks at Ainsley's chest before her canine lips purse slightly, and she rubs the back of her head.

    "I'm ah... I'm called... sorry about the trashcan in the alleywa y the other night, you kinda caught me by surprise--" she stammers a moment, trying to think up a name before she turns back to back to the humans as one of them tells her good job. She feels her tail wag in spite of everything else, her ears flicking forward as she attempts to foce a segue about her name and procedes to ask in burning curiosity:

    "How come you've got a blanket around your shoulders? Are you cold? I thought it was kinda hot today. How long do you think the police will take?" she starts in, her voice having a bit of a shake to it as she tries to avoid the question poised by Sibilance. "Is Pig Latin spoke by mutant pigs?"

Sibilance has posed:
    The growl doesn't get Sibil to react with shock. This dog lady is basically a stray dog, so she isn't surprised at all. She treats Pippi with a careful patience, and simply sits there next to the unconscious chaps with her eyes on them until they can get picked up by the police.

    "I only /look/ like a snake," she explains to Pippi, "No need for all the growling, okay? I eat the same food any human being does, sleep in the same kind of bed. I just want to be your friend. I lived on the street for years, I know what it's like. How scary it all is. How lonely."

    "So... no rush. I'll be here until the cops get here, and then after... if you want to talk."

Omnis has posed:
A look over at hte others again and Kally grins, "Again, I'm Omnis, it was really nice meeting you both. Umm, I'm sorry but I really need to uh..." She looks at Strange and glares at him, "Oofray!" She then smiles and then points at Sibil, "Great job, just like last time with the big man. You're awesome!" SHe then leaps straight up to the roof with no issue and grinds her teeth just a little as she lands.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen watches Kally jump up to the top of the roof and with a shrug of his shoulders he looks up to the two heroines doing their best to save the day and he frowns towards them. "Watch out for that other one. It seems as though she devours spirits."

    With the warning issued, Stephen simply, vanishes. The wizard disappears from where he was standing on the ground and does not reappear at all, having returned to his home on the other side of the rivers.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi's ears flick back as Sibil speaks, and levels a quiet look with those amber eyes of hers, and she gives a huff, and then hops off the fire escape herself. "Thanks for the assist!" she calls back to Sibil, with the two humans vanishing she feels that it might be a good idea to head back towards home.

    Pex would know more answers. Like why does anyone wear a blanket around their shoulders?! Adn mysteriously disappear?!