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Latest revision as of 00:50, 14 August 2019

A Sneaky Snack React
Date of Scene: 25 May 2019
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Omnis, Wasp (Pym)

Omnis has posed:
When it comes to snack food, Buskwick is not a place to slouch. While for some, the area known as Mutant Town is to be avoided, others know that money spends no matter who spends it. So, a particular food truck has shown up this afternoon with all the typical New York Fair that is known. From pizzas to hot dogs to huge pretzels, Maestro's Mix is a truck that is often here and attracts many. However, at this time with the dangers in the news that have been spread, he has not been doing as good a business as he is used to. With all the business of Sentinels, people of the mutant variety often head home faster than usual but when Maestro's Mix truck shows up, people still venture out. One girl, in particular doesn't seem to mind any of the mess at all mainly due to the opportunity to not only get snacks but eat some on behalf of a couple of spirits that just really enjoy watching someone eat foods they request and describe the taste.

So, here, just a block away from St. Margaret's Church, Kally steps away form the window wearing her typical jeans and a black T-Shirt eating a pretzel and letting out a soft pleased sound before saying, "So salty and yet with that crust and flavor it has just a hint of that tangy flavor that makes pretzels so great." She grins, talking as if just narrating her own flavor sensation though in reality she's doing for Dave. He's the spirit of a long dead mail man who used to work through here, who is now getting ghost drool everywhere as he stares longingly at the pretzel.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Despite the fame (or should the be infamy?) of Mutant Town not everyone in the world knows it by reputation. Especially not people like Nadia Pym who have, through no fault of her own, been living underground for most of their lives. It's not normally the sort of area a tourist would want to casually wander through but sometimes a girl (well this particular girl anyway) has to take a circuitous route because she's worried about being followed by angry Red Room agents.

Still now she's in the area and something smells /good/. So it would be rude not to at least try find out what. Right?

"May I ask what a pretzel is?" she asks curiously with a touch of a Russian accent, as she quietly slips out of an alleyway which seemed deserted up until moments ago. "It smells... bread-y?"

Omnis has posed:
Well, that genuinely makes Kally jump a little. When you can sense living (and dead) beings around you pretty much constantly, one appearing out of no where kinda does take you by surprise. She has no clue about size changing technology or anything like that so Nadia sorta gets the 'jump' on her and out of her, too. SHe looks at Nadia with wide eyes before swallowing and then holding it up, "Umm, this? Have...you not had a pretzel before? Did you just land here on a plane from no where or something?" She then blinks, "Oh hey, sorry, that's kinda rude but then again...umm, well, it is really surprising to hear anyone ask what a pretzel is."

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Nadia Pym tilts her head. "No, several weeks ago and is it really that strange a question?" she replies brightly, no sign she's offended. "The plane came from Siberia which is not /exactly/ no-where... It's about four fifths of Russian land area but only has about about a quarter of the people so... That isn't really important is it?" She flashes a smile. "I am sure not everyone in the world knows about every food stuff. Although I intend to have a very good try at learning."

Omnis has posed:
A blink, "Wow, Siberia. Yeah, that's...well, that's kinda out there." She then looks around, "I suppose not but pretzels are fairly common. Suppose maybe not in Siberia." She then tears off a piece and offers it to Nadia, "Here, this is a pretzel. Tell me, what do you think about it?" She asks and kinda glances to her right at the air. Little does Nadia know that a man in a mail outfit is looking at her with baited breath.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
While generally young people are told 'Don't accept food from strangers' this lesson was never really covered in the Red Room. Besides they did teach detecting and resisting drugs and poisons. So Nadia has no problems accepting the bit of pretzel from Kally.

She pops it in her mouth, chews and hmmms thoughfully. "It is very bready. Slight salty tang to it. Lots of chew... It reminds me a little of a drink called Kvass which is made by fermenting bread." She blinks a few times. "Oh I am being very rude trying your snack... I /do/ have money to buy my own with. And I can offer you a bit of one back in return if you want." She pulls out a purse that looks like it was bought for a girl half her age by someone who has never bought gifts for a teenager before. "I'm Nadia by the way. Nadia Pym, it's nice to meet you."

Omnis has posed:
"I am Kally." She nods her head, "Kally Walker." She says though there's a lack of conviction in her voice over that name. She simply sighs out a little and nods, "I don't mind sharing, but if you want to buy me a bit of your pretzel, I won't mind." She grins and then takes another bite of hers, "I find them to be very good." She then tilts her haed, "Seriously though, you've never had a pretzel? I have never even heard of Kvass so I guess there's that."

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"I have had a very... erm... unusual upbringing," Nadia offers by way of explanation. "Sort of like a live in boarding school. Which is a silly thing to say because all boarding schools are live in." She laughs. "Anyway it is all in the past now and not so important." Although she can't help but glance around, on the off chance her Russian spy friends have caught up with her. "Do you live around here Miss Walker? It is very... well it could be nicer compared to some parts of the city but it is not so bad over all."

Omnis has posed:
A nod and she smiles, "I have an apartment near here. And honestly, I could tell ya a thing or two about unusual upbringing." She sighs and shakes her head while rolling her eyes. She then points down the road, "My building is down that way. It's clean and the rent isn't bad." She shakes her had, "Not very big but it is mine."

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Nadia Pym beams another smile. "I'm sure you could. Lots of people in New York seem very weird, but in a good way. I met a seven foot tall man who got me pizza and a college aged young woman who could control gravity. Oh and one of the... apparantly many Spider themed superheroes." She begins counting coins out for the impending trip to the food truck. Judging by the amount she gets out it's more than just the one pretzel she's intending on buying. "I don't suppose you know any cheap industrial use buildings in this part of the city? I need somewhere affordable to set up a science lab. Once I secure the funding anyway."

Omnis has posed:
A blink at that and she shakes her head, "Umm, no I don't and wow. You seem to have had a lot of interesting meetings." SHe nods her had and then she idly takes another bite of her pretzel and states, "So, do you know which spider-person you met? I havne't met any. Tha tI know of."

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"She said her name was Ghost Spider I think," Nadia says after a moments consideration. "She was pretty awesome, not just because of the crime fighting but also because she mentioned having studied science to an advanced level." Mention of advanced science seems to put a spring in the young womans step. "I also met the Joker once. But that was.. well not something I would really like to do again. Although he didn't do anything /bad/. Not to me anyway. Strangely he seems to be a much better chemist than I expected him to be." She shrugs as if this is a typical thing to come away from the meeting thinking. "Every day has been an adventure. Except the days with immigration paperwork. Those have been.. how do you say... sucky?"

Omnis has posed:
A frown and she shifts, "Yeah, I imaginea ll that paperwork probably sucks." She then looks over at the area around a moment before giving Nadia a moment to purchase a new pretzel from the food truck. She looks back upon her return and smiles, "So, I kinda gather you like science?" She asks and chuckles, "I have a basic understanding, nothing exciting. I am more into painting and such." She shrugs, "I'm decent at it, I think." SHe nods her head, "Not sure about meeting the Joker, though, science or not."

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"I'm educated to... past college level in both genetics and theoretical physics. But I do really /adore/ science too," Nadia admits, carefully breaking off a portion of her pretzel for Kally. "It seems to run in my family. Although I'm not really as interested in entomology as my father is." A shrug. "I'm starting to teach myself more advanced mechanical engineering, perhaps some robotics stuff too. Maaaaybe even software engineering if I find the time."

She frowns for a moment, then hops with delight. "I wonder if I could /make/ time. Or at least bend it a little. If I made a quantum lab it could possibly only have a minimal involvement in time.... I'd really love to stop and chat longer but.. I have a /really great idea/ and I need to find somewhere to do some very complicated math work." She grins, practically from ear to ear, then adds "It was very nice meeting you! I hope you have a wonderful day because you have given me a very interesting idea."