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Latest revision as of 00:57, 14 August 2019

A Viking Kind of Club
Date of Scene: 22 May 2019
Location: Club Mjolnir, Clinton (Hell's Kitchen), Manhattan
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Hela, Spider-Man, Josef Forster, Overlord

Hela has posed:
Club Mjolnir has been quite successful since it first opened, initially because people were drawn to actually witness 'Miracle Elle' the woman from Norway who saved many during the Black Sleep plague. But the unique theme, the new approach to socialization, forcing strangers to sit together in long mead hall type benches, and such touches as alcohol served in drinking horns had its own appeal. It was almost like going back in time in parts, and much of the decor and offering on the menu for both drink and food has been quite authentic, for those in the know. Naturally those who cared not to mingle with strangers, could always opt for the more private setting of dining in Faering boats serving as table, still a different experience.

At the moment the music played was a Viking fare, it may sound something medieval for those unfamiliar with the style. There were crowds gathered around some tables, and open spots still at others. Servers in period garb moving about the great hall to serve food and drinks.

The Proprietress, the aforementioned 'Miracle Elle' has she has been dubbed by the media, stands out for her presence, which gives an eerie sensation. Much of it likely a result of her jarring makeup and gothic manner of dress, as she walks about the club and ensures everyone are satisfied.

Spider-Man has posed:
This would have been a lot easier with a date, but Pete doesn't have a long list of potential suiters sitting on his cellphone waiting for him to fire off an invitational text. What he gets instead is to look out of place in what he thought was going to be a very modern and trendy outfit, but is actually kind of clumsy compared to some of the other patrons, and about as gothic as a rainbow. Pinstriped suit jacket over a cotton blend white buttonup, slacks and dark shoes, he could be going for a job interview at Blockbuster... if those still existed.

Well, there's the one, but that doesn't count.

He also had to wait in line. Being in Hells Kitchen aside, the place was interesting enough to attract a fair few visitors right? So there he was for an hour waiting outside with the rest of the schmucks. Hopefully the entertainment on the street was just as exciting as what he finds when he finally makes it through the front door where he's greeted and taken to one of the long tables with an empty place for one. He's all smiles when he arrives, hand shakes and polite conversation about the weather, "Hey, I'm Peter Parker... the weather tonight, huh?" See? Exactly like that.

Time to see who he meets.

Josef Forster has posed:
Amidst a crowd of freshly salted, changed, and exit salted dock workers is Josef, being ushered along by his rowdy and excited coworkers. The small gang make their way to the nearest available longbenches and begin ordering up...well, basicly everything. Josef is conspicuous mostly by his not already acting like a drunken wastrel, casually looking over the menu like it's a common restaurant. When Peter is all the bubbling socialite, Josef meets him with a nod and slight smile, "Hey man, how's it goin?" And resumes his menu reading. At which point the guy he came in with that's closest shoves his way over his shoulder sticks a horn of mead in Peter's face commandingly chanting at him to chug it, drawing largely drowned out groans from Josef.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller comes walking into the place looking around. He has been working around Hell's kitchen and would have decided to try this place out. He has not been here before, but bigs hunk of cooked meat, beer, sounds like the place to be. Once inside he does give the bench a little test to make sure it will hold him, and then has a seat, hopfully near one end to not be to cramped.

Hela has posed:
With Peter walking in on his own, sans company, Elle starts to drift towards him. Some around him introduce themselves, but as they were already engaged in conversation about the merit of a sword vs a spear, they get back to it. Luckily, about that time, Elle arrives behind him and greets, "welcome to Club Mjolnir, is this your first visit with us?"

When Josef Forster arrives with his group, they also gets some nods of recognition, though for some reason Josef gets a bit of a glare.

Just so happens Joseph is soon ushered at the edge of that very table, and Elle gestures at him with her hand, "welcome to Club Mjolnir. You seem like someone who knows important people, you must have a story or two to share with the table."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Not b- Oh hey.." Pete starts to answer Josef's question when there's suddenly a horn of mead in his face, "I, uh... I don't really drink.." His refusals drowned out by the constant chanting and his chin puffing slightly when he sniffs at the contents of what he's been handed, Elle's arrival offers him a moment to steel himself before engaging in libation, "Hey. Wait." Motioning at her with a finger extending out from the horn in hand, moving up and down her dark gothic garb, "You're Elle? Uhh Miracle Elle, right?"

The way he passes the horn off without actually drinking is so swift it very well may go unnoticed, switched out for a glass of water which he has far less hangups about drinking. "Wow, this is your place? Oh, sorry, yeah. First time here, but this is...." Looking around at the decor, the tables and his newest comrades at his own long style bench, "...interesting."

Josef Forster has posed:
Josef pushes the guy off him, who clatters to the floor, highly amused by his own crash. Josef glances to Peter and shakes his head, "Ya dont have to, sorry about them." He says with an embarrassed shake of his head. At the glare, Josef doesn't notice, as he's nose deep in mutton...Well, in a picture of mutton, the waitress is to busy dealing with a series of obnoxious dock workers to be able to get to him. As the line pushes him down to the end of the table, till he's sitting facing towards the door for leg room, when Elle demands his attention with her hostliness! "Huh? Oh, uh, hi. No, I'm uh..." He points over his shoulder to the crowd already hard partying and trying to use drinking horns like a trumpet, "I'm the designated driver." He blinks a few times before shrugging and looking around for a waitstaff, apparently either secretly amazingly smooth, or just to dense to know he's talking to a famous person...On either side of things.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller smiles at the lady and says "Maybe met a few but not sure if I would say know at least not well." He will not seem to be trying to flaunt himself or such. Here it would see you would be the impotant person to know." He will offer her a smile, and looks over at the rowdy guys. He will hmms softly having ready a bit abour Miracle Elle himself in the papers. "I would wager you have met more important people than most of the rest of the folks here.

Hela has posed:
"That is what they call me," Elle answers Peter's question as she turns to face him, an amused smile on her visage, there's something of a Norwegian lilt to her words, showing she's not from around these parts. Likely why all reports pointed to having to go to Norway if one wants Miracle Elle's cure against the Black Sleep.

"Indeed," Elle inclines her head ever so slightly, "my homage to my culture and heritage, celebrating the Gods and their seat of Asgard," she motions at the replica of Mjolnir hanging above the bar at the far end of the hall, "I believe American are familiar with this as the weapon of Thor, from the Avengers?"

Elle does consider Josef for a moment longer, before commenting, "where do you hail from? Do you know anything of the Gods of Asgard?"

"I am important, but not because I'm special, rather for the role I serve," Elle offers humbly to Joseph. "I have met a great many people, some held prominence, some did not, all sought to be healed the same, regardless of stature."

Spider-Man has posed:
"But it's not your name. Did you pick it or did someone else?" Peter asks with an easy, friendly smile as he too is moved down the bench as more people are added to their table until he's sitting beside Josef with a menu laid open infront of him. He's still absently nursing his glass of water and periodically looking down at the menu while sparing glances over to Elle and the rest of the tables occupants. At least until the hostess points out the replica of the might hammer of Thor, Pete peeks his head up to look and up nods with brows raised curiously, "Is it a replica of the legendary weapon or the actual one?" Sipping his water, hand held up as he swallows to finish the incomplete thought, "I guess the two are the same, but what I mean is... has your artist seen it close enough to replicate it? Not that anyone here would know, just curious."

With that complete, Pete glances over at Josef, "So, what's good, what would you recommend?" Pointing all fingers down at the menu a second before patting his palms against it. "I feel kind of touristy ordering mutton and mead, ya know?"

Josef Forster has posed:
Josef glances back to Elle, "Huh?...Oh. I'm from a couple states over, Pennsylvania. Grew up in an orphanage there. And uh...I little? I guess? I mean...I think they live in Norway, or Sweden or something now? I heard Asgard, like, got blown up, or something a couple years ago, right? I dunno, I'm hit and miss with the news." He gives a bit of a sheepish shrug at his blatant ignorance. Pete's question about Mjolnir on the wall warrants a slight chuckle from Josef, "If it were the real one, I dont think they could've gotten it up there." His clarification is met by snickering. Peter's asking for recommendations earns him a shrug! Good for you, Petey! "I dunno, I've never been here. That mutton looks pretty amazing though....Careful on the mead though, I hear the honey distracts you from how drunk you're getting." Meanwhile, the group of dock workers are pounding on the table along with a small group congregating around them demanding more mead and some table dancers....Because classy, "....And some people dont need the encouragement, as you can see." Josef deadpans, barely audible over the crowds and music.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller will look down the table at the loud ones again. He will look around the place seeming to be checking where the security are and if they sem to be bothered or paying attention to the others. Perhaps he has picked up a habit from working his second job. He smiles and says to Ella. "Well, I am pretty sire all the people you helped would rank you pretty high on level of importance.

Hela has posed:
"The first person I brought back from the Black Plague was a young girl, Ingrid, her parents were so thankful that they decided to tell everyone what I've done for them, and what a miracle it was. I guess that's what brought the moniker 'Miracle Elle', it is of course, only Elle that is my name," Elle answers Peter's question with the story of what she thinks originated her name in the media. Nothing how Peter is still browsing the menu, Elle quips, "I would recommend Fårikål or Kantareller og Geitost." She doesn't explain what either are, after all, the menu explains it well enough.

A mischevious grin spreads on Elle's lips at Peter's astute question, "it is a precise replica, were Thor to be in attendance, which he occasionally is to my deepest honor, he could hold it next to it and only Thor himself would know the difference." Sure, there are others who would, like Elle, but why share such unimportant facts.

Elle laughs at Josef's words about Asgard blowing up, "such nonsense," she shakes her head, "the gods are eternal, Asgard cannot be destroyed." But then Josef makes an unlikely observation about the Mjolnir replica, which leads Elle to press, "pray tell, what is the difficulty in getting the real Mjolnir to hang up there?"

Some of Josef's friends who demand table dancers get a rather disarming glower from Elle, who raises her voice at them, "my club is a place to celebrate a culture of valor, of honor, and respect to those worthy of it. We have musicians, we have servers, we have bartenders, we do NOT have table dancers...be respectful of my staff, or you will be asked to leave." Her voice, when she reprimends those dock workers, seem to eeriely shift, making her sound quite intimidating without her having done anything. For some reason, it feels as if her very voice compels respecting her request.

She doesn't linger on the dock workers, fully expecting their compliance with her slightly compulsory request, as she turns to Joseph again, "it is always important to know and acknowledge what is truth, and what is fantasy, the channeling is mine...but no the power. Those I have healed, were healed by the virtues of the Gods of Asgard. Life restored, in return to a virtuous life."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Oh, no, I mean is it a replica based on the pictography of Mjolnir or a replica of the actual Mjolnir.." Pete clarifies to Josef with a little laugh and a hand rubbing across the back of his neck just below the hairline, "Like a replica of a replica or something. I don't know, I'm trying to sound smart... give a guy a break." The pseudo recommendation has him nodding all the same and looking down at the menu after another sip of water, but Elle's draws his eyes to the mentioned food items, "My Uncle Ben loved goat cheese.. I'll have the Kantareller og Geitost." To the waitress with a smile, holding up the menu, "And... maybe some water with lime? Unless there's a nonalcoholic mead."

With that out of the way he returns his attention to Elle, one elbow on the table once he's turne a little to face her. "Truly a noble thing you did." Nodding slowly, but curiosity lingers there. "Turns out it was good for business too, but you definitely deserve all the successes the world can offer." As for Mjolnir's authenticity, Pete glances off towards where the replica hands and up nods, "That's cool. Heck, it could be made out of plastic and I wouldn't know the difference. Like I said, I was just trying to sound smart." Smiling as he says so in a distinctly awkward way.

Josef Forster has posed:
Josef Forster shrugs to Elle's question about Mjolnir's weight, "I dunno. I just remember the like, two stories I ever heard about it mentioning it being unliftably heavy, or something. Not something your average interior decorator would be able to lug halfway up a wall." He shrugs again and looks back to Peter, "Well, I think nonalcoholic mead'd just be honey....Ya want a jar of honey?.....I could go for a jar of honey, that actually sounds pretty good..." He glances down and rubs at his chin. At Elle's commanding tone, all the dock workers go quiet, and Josef glances up, his eyes unlidding a bit in surprise as he ever so slightly leans away from her, ".....Sorry about them, half of them called us from the bar before we clocked out. I can take em home if you want."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller will order a heafty meal, and add to the conversation "Also if it was the real one there would probably be alot of patch work on the walls, from when ever Thor needed it, and it flew through a wal or something to get to him." He will look at Elle, and something comes to mind "You would be the woman who gave Thor the t-shirt from here?" He asks as if he might have seen Thor wearing it.

Hela has posed:
"The actual..." Elle quips at Peter's remark to Josef, with an air of mystery to her voice, after all, not too many get a chance to take sight of Mjolnir and some who do meet their doom. "You're not just trying, you give the impression of a clever man." She seems pleased as Peter settles for Kantareller og Geitost, rather than an American fare to satisfy the picky eaters. "You'll love it," she promises, before bowing her head at the praise she's offered, "very kind of you to say." She smirks at another astute observation from Peter, and slips him a business card with her contact, "I should like to see you again, in a private conversation I can assuage your concerns about any greed behind this endeavor."

"It's also not something you're average American would know," Elle notes at Josef's explanation, "you know something of Asgard, or of Thor, or of the Eddas, regardless...you should seek to learn more of the culture," she offers briskly. "They can remain, so long as they respect my staff, and patrons...this is a place of camraderie, no one is to be heckled, or harrassed."

"There is someone who knows Thor," Elle chuckles as Joseph mentions another issue with hanging the actual Mjolnir in this club. "He did get the shirt from here, you can buy them at the gift shop, right of the bar," Elle points in the direction for Joseph's sake, "Thor is a rather frequent visitor, well, in his terms frequent...he always draws a large crowd when he comes. We honor him here, as you can see."

Taking a step back, Elle says louder, "I do apologize, but there are many more things to running a business, I must move on, but I do welcome you and hope you come here again, have a happy evening."