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Latest revision as of 01:02, 14 August 2019

Everyone's gotta eat!
Date of Scene: 18 May 2019
Location: Long Island City, Queens
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Omnis, Sibilance, Spider-Man, Arella Despana

Omnis has posed:
The sound is off in the distance. It's like a car crash. It's not super loud, it's a pretty far off sound. It makes Kally AKA Omnes turn her head a little. She shrugs and goes back to ordering her hotdog from the vendor.

"Yeah, extra relish please!" She nods her head and the guy really isn't all that taken aback. Super folks gotta eat, too and this girl dressed up in a super costume might not even really be super. She could just be a performer. Either way, he doesn't seem to mind selling her a hotdog. Then the sound comes again, this time louder. Kally turns to look but can't see past all the people.

She looks back in time to grab her hotdog and smiles as she offers the man a five just in time to blink as the sound is much louder this time, a car goes flying up into the air and smashes into bus before she sighs and takes off. Kally hits the nearby wall with a thud, foot hitting hte brick wall as she grabs on to a ledge (causing a little indentation into teh brick) as she holds there.

One block away from her, a huge man is jogging along the street, a domino mask over his eyes and a black outfit covers his form. His blond hair is cut short and his body is easily ten feet tall with muscles to spare. He is casually carrying what appears to be an ATM over his head as he runs along, not seeming to care who or what he hits as he occasionally smashes into or knocks aside a vehicle.

Kally frowns, "Always ruining lunch time. Criminals have terrible timing." She then takes a big bite out of her hot dog and leaps high before landing right in the guy's path, taking another bite and just eyes him. He doesn't appear to be keen on stopping.

"Hey! Bright tights! Out of the way!" He laughs and keeps moving.

Sibilance has posed:
    A sound starts down the road. He wouldn't hear it at first, or see the person it belongs to. But as he gets closer, it's all too clear what it is. It's a snake person. A rattlesnake' person, shaking her tail with a rapid agitation. There's some bandages around her tail and she looks... displeased with her situation. He's clearly causing trouble, and knocking things around, and breaking cars and buses, and now it'll be impossible for her to get a taxi. So she leaps up onto a vehicle, rattling her tail and trying to get the brute's attention for however briefly it's needed to maintain eye contact.

Go to sleep. Theft is tiring work." She tries to just knock him out with mind control, so she doesn't have to get physical with the guy.

Spider-Man has posed:
Nobody should ever ruin lunch time. If Peter had his way it would be a crime to commit crime before noon, and not at all because he's late. No never late. Swinging between buildings with his backpack and headphones, Spider-Man is on his way to class when he hears the first sound of something hitting something else with a great deal of force. Shattering glass, very angry car alarm, and a whole lot of screaming are like an alarm clock for the incredibly tired hero now firing off a different line in another direction to bring him closer to the originating point of this chaotic situation.

This time of day has a lot of pedestrian foot traffic and quite a few people on their daily commute via public transit, so there are plenty of people on the sidewalk and a bus load of individuals about to be window spectators to a vehicle flipping up in the air towards them. The first indication that the Wallcrawler is on the scene is the appearance of a stick white wall of webbing that connects between the two buildings lining the street. It creates a barrier into which the flipping car is caught, then the red and blue figure lands against the door with his knees bent, spread slightly, and one hand out towards the handle while gazing in at the driver, "This is a no parking zone between the hours of nine and twelve..."

The door flings off beneath his tug and he webs it to the wall to keep it from raining down upon anyone on the ground, "I'm going to give you a warning this once, but next time your car is definitely being towed." The terrified lady behind the wheel is eased up onto his back before he swings down to the sidewalk and ushers her out of harms way, "Sorry about your door. Bill that guy." Pointing to the domino masked, dark clothes wearing blonde man. This hand turns over and fires a web first from one then the other wrist to yank himself like a bullet into the a series of flips towards bulldozer man and the two ladies confronting him.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella Despana is rather casually traversing the New York City streets and paying little heed to what is going on around her. Even the elaborate theft of the ATM and superheroes attempting to stop the looming collossus of a man from careening down the street are paid little heed. Arella is not a hero. The Hypocarsy in attempting to help the inhabitants of Midgard when she had done so much that was horrible to them. Arella is amazonian in physique and has a number of advantages in terms of her physical durability. When Rhino strikes her alot of this goes out thge window. She bounces around from wall to wall like a pinbal in a 1980's machine. When she lands after impact one might notice a creature out of myth wearing civilian clothes. She's a supermodel - lithe and voluptuous - in a hoodie. Black blue skin - white hair - green eyes which are a little too large. And she is coughing up blue - hemocilic blood. A Dark Elf for any who would recognise her. When she lands on top of a coffee stand (a good one) despite her injuries she seems deeply indignant. And obviously inhuman. In fact depending on the edition this creature exposed to the New Yorkers would be either a monster or a player chaarcter in a Dungeons and Dragons manual.

Omnis has posed:
The man was gonna just plow through Kally when he hits something and blinks at the sight of Arella going flying. He shrugs and continues his movement only to look at Sibilance. Technically, Sibilance's plan totally works. The only problem with it is the ATM above the guy's head. When he looks over at Sibiliance and blinks, "Huh...what...?" He blinks several times and the his hands go slack and he slumps a little and the ATM slams right into his head and then to the ground. "OW!" He declares angrily as he drops to a knee and holds his head, "What the hell?!"

Of course, Omnes turns a grin to Sibilance and nods, "Thanks!" And then the air around her becomes colder. It's like someoned flipped on the air conditioner but outside. A dark blue aura forms around her and she uppercuts the guy right in the jaw. He flails upward on to his heels and stumbles back several steps before falling on his butt, his eyes wide. He immediately slams a hand down, cracking pavement around it as he tries to push up, "That's it! I'm gonna pound you into paste!"

The woman in the car is quite grateful to be alive thanks to Spider-Man and the people below actually cheer a little at the sight. Meanwhile, the man who owns the coffee stand comes around and looks up, "You ok...uh....lady?" He asks and seems confused at the sight of her. That's definitely not normal in any way but this is NYC. They do have a lot of heroes. Could this be one from out of town? Either way the Coffee Guy shifts uncomfortably, "You look hurt. That is what hurt is for you, right?"

Sibilance has posed:
    Sibil hesitates when the command fails because he clunks himself in the head. She flinches from the sight of it, and then breathes a brief, hissing sigh. That probably won't work twice. But Omnes is working in her favor, so the snake girl hops off the car and darts about, keeping her head down so she doesn't draw any attention in the chaos.

    She tries to slip behind the big guy, leap up, and bite him firmly on the shoulder, a quick strike from a direction that isn't easy to react from. Then she would kick off of him and dash off for cover somewhere out of sight. If she managed to break the skin and he's vulnerable to it, the venom should start numbing nerves rapidly as it courses through him.

    Sibil peeks out from behind cover. She isn't particularly stealthy, but she is very fast and agile... and she kinda doesn't want to be near Omnes for too long. That cold air isn't good for her.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella is of no help in this encounbter but at least has the courage of character not to die. She stands up look ing around for anyone who might have gotten displaced in her 'encounter' with the human Monster truck. A tribute to her durability - only a few specks of blue blood are around her.

Omnis has posed:
"You little gnats are gonna get crushed." And with that the guy rushes right at Omenes first. He brings both hands down in an axe handle fashion at her and she dives to the side with ease and grins, "Too slow." And hten he swings an arm out and she leaps over, it, "Come on! You can do better!" She declares with a smile as she lands on the other side of his arm only for him to do something unexpected and bring his head down in a massive headbutt. She blocks it and winces as she hears something crack in her arm and she goes down to a knee, "That's better." She states and winces.

Of course, the big guy hardly expected teeth in his shoulder. It's a meaty shoulder and those teeth barely make it in, but make it in they do. The guy yells out angrily as he suddenly reaches up to try and grab one bit him. Sibilance, for her part, already had slipped away but boy do her teeth hurt. It's like when you bite into something hard when you are eating. Teeth didn't break but boy do they hurt.

The big guy turns his attention back to Omnes but she has already moved and slipped to the side when he looks for her, "Hey, get back here." He takes a step after her and slumps a little, "Ow...what the...heck?" He looks woozy and shakey.

Arella can clearly see there's people that need help. The man's thrashing about and her flung body. A woman desperately trying to open the door that was dented at the top by Arella's body, "Help!" The lady calls out even as the big guy stomps near to her and then stomps away in his struggle to stay standing.

Sibilance has posed:
    Sibilance watches the big guy starting to go down, getting slower, clumsier. She squints at the sight of it. "Right... not immune to that." She then pulls herself up to a stand, and reaches up to check and see if her teeth are intact. They grow back -- a fact she learned when someone clocked her in the fact with a lead pipe once -- but they don't feel nice when they get broken. Thankfully, they're still intact. She decides to keep trying to play damage control, and finds another safe-ish vantage to stand on, and announces to the man, "Hey, over here!" She shakes her rattle tail a few times.

    "I said go to sleep," she commands him, now that he's more weakened, if he looks at her and she can make eye contact with him. This time he may not even feel it when he falls to the pavement, so there's very little in the way. She rubs at her jaw, flinching at the soreness, after the command, and keeps her eyes on the big guy.

Omnis has posed:
The big thief really isn't having a good day. Being tough and strong really doesn't help against poisons and mind control. He looks over at Omnes just in time to get punched in the gut and go stumbling back only to spot Sibilance. He stares at her and points, "You did this...did..." He looks confused a moment and then slowly rotates to the right and then left, swaying as he says, "Yeah...sleep...good." And then he falls to the ground with a loud thud. The huge man ending up passed out on the street even as OMness smiles and nods.

She walks over to the big guy, looks at him beofre looking up to Sibilance and giving her a thumbs up, "Great job!" She nods her head and then she looks around, "Looks like everyone is ok for the most part." She reaches over and pulls the door open for the poor trapped woman who smiles a thank you before looking to Sibilance, "Bad guy, down even if lunch is ruined. Thanks for the help." She then looks at the time, "Crud, late." She looks up, "I'm Omnes, hope to see you around again." She then hops up with incredible speed to land on a rooftop nearby and then takes off at a run that would put most sports cars to shame, leaping and running through the city.

Sibilance has posed:
    Sibil raises her hand and says, "Sibilance!" and then Omnes is gone, and she's left staring down at the unconscious fellow. "I guess... I call this in..." She pulls her phone out of her pocket, and rings up the appropriate authorities. Once she's done, she breathes a sigh of exhaustion. "Can't go anywhere in New York without getting into trouble," she murmurs, "Gotta stop doing this. Get back home..." And then she goes to ring up an Uber or something similar to get transportation back to her place.