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Latest revision as of 01:03, 14 August 2019

The Tangled web we weave...
Date of Scene: 18 May 2019
Location: Boathouse - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Professor X, Gambit

Professor X has posed:
Charles wheels through the light morning breeze across the grounds toward the boathouse. He waves to some students studying on the lawns, and stops to chat with another he comes across on the path. Eventually he arrives at the boathouse. He stops to stare at the lake for a long moment, his brow creased. Then he seems to make up his mind and heads inside. He takes the chair lift up to the second floor and wheels off.

"Remy?" he calls as he wheels in.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau sticks his head out and grins slightly, "'Ello dare Professor," he says stepping out of his room and into the Boathouse's common area, though since at the moment Remy is living in the boathouse by himself that's not saying much. "Wish yah woulda called, Ah'd 'ave at least straightened up.." which is another misnomer really. Despite some of his...reputation, the Cajun keeps his area immaculate. Mostly that however is due to a lack of owning many possessions. "Ah was jus' about ta put on a pot of coffee, but c'n swap out tea bags if yah prefer?" he asks casually. Hospitable as always, though obviously surprised that the man has ventured down here.

Professor X has posed:
"I was nearby," Charles says with a smile and a wink. "Coffee would be lovely. Black, please."

Charles looks around the common area. "I haven't been here in some time. And haven't seen you since I got back. How are you, Remy?" he asks as he settles in the living room where he can glance over at the view out the window. He waits while Remy gets the coffee and accepts his cup with a smile and thanks when it comes. "I feel so out of touch with what you have been up to."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau ours the two cups of coffee, handing the professor his first, before adding three teaspoons of honey to his own and stirring it slowly. He takes a seat at the table opposite the older man and sips contempulitively. "Not'ing changes but de changes, as de saying goes non?" he says with a smile on his lips. "Been trying ta get mah life in order as it were. Convince de woman Ah love dat we wort' fighting foh. Fighting gian' killer robots. Oh an' according to de guy on de phone, Ah may 'ave won a cruise." He adds this last with a bit of wry amusement.

Professor X has posed:
Charles smiles as he takes a sip of his coffee. "I think I won the same cruise, yesterday," he adds lightly.

"Are you having any luck convincing her?" Charles asks, his face softening. It seems like nothing that is on Charles' mind is ever more pressing than how his people are doing. "If it is not too personal to ask." He sips from his coffee again and his eyes wander about the room again as Remy begins to speak, the room bringing back old memories.

Gambit has posed:
"Two steps foreword, one step back." He says with a shrug. "Yah get two proudful, self reliant, an' let's be honest damaged people like me an Rogue an' yah not 'zactlly looking foh a walk down de summer pat'." He sips his coffee, and since it's the Professor as his guest, opens his secret stash of cookies (hidden in a box labeled Rice" and brings over a tray of Girl Scout Samoas to share as well. "So dis strictly a social call, or dare somet'ing on yah mind.

Professor X has posed:
Charles nods understandingly about Remy and Rogue. He takes one of the offered cookies, has a bite and washes it down with a bit more coffee.

"I do have something I wanted to talk with you about," Charles admits. "I have been thinking a lot about who we are, as X-Men. What we should and should not do. The people I have been helping you all become." The professor pauses and thinks for a moment, searching for the right words.

"The world keeps changing, and I am faced with the reality that no matter what I wish were the case, I cannot always achieve the greater good without crossing lines that should not be crossed. That could leave lasting marks on the hearts of some of the others. Lead them down paths I would rather they didn't take."

Charles looks over from staring at the view to focus squarely on Remy, judging his reaction. "Does that make sense to you?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau gives just a light nod, sipping his coffee as the older man speaks, leaning back in his chair slightly. "Can' make an omelet wit'out breaking a few eggs," The Cajun simplifies casually. "slavery not ended if not foh de Civil war. De Civil Rights movement not have been effective wit'out t'ings like de Watts Riots as much as MArtain Lut'or King."

Professor X has posed:
Charles nods slowly. "It may be true. But it is a dangerous way to think, especially for people like us. The road to extremism, to thinking we know better, is easy to walk. And regrets can shatter a person. We can't afford to create another Magneto. Or saddle people with burdens they can't carry. Shouldn't carry. You see how delicate this is? How dangerous? I've walked this line for so long, Remy. But I fear... I can't keep it exactly where it has been. And I could never say that to most of the others. Or ask certain things from them."

Gambit has posed:
A small nod as well, "And of course yah dealing wit' de fact dat Magnet isn' entirely wrong. No more den Malcom X was." It's not a position that remy normally vocalizes either. He does after all believe in the Dream as it were. Still he is not blinded by it the way Scott sometimes is. "Dare always gonna be dose who see violence as de easy an' mos' effective solution, cause all too frequently it is easier an more effective."

Professor X has posed:
Charles nods in agreement but looks pained. He looks away to the lake again and sips from his coffee.

"You've seen enough life and come through enough, to understand," he says, almost as much an affirmation to himself. "I need you, Remy, for things I can't ask the others to do. You, Logan, Emma. The things you do, they will be secret from the others, even from Rogue. They might not understand, or it might be too dangerous for them to. But what we are building /must/ be protected. For everyone. Even if it comes at an extra cost to each of us. Understand, I would never ask you to do what shouldn't be done, but we will walk the line together."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly, sips his coffee. "Alright, Ah'm in. But wit' all due respect yah should reconsider if yah don' wan' Rogue in on what yah t'inking." He stands and fetches the coffee pot, refilling both of their drinks. "Yah t'ink yah c'n be raised by Mystique an' not get de dirty on yah? She don' like it's dare. Sometimes even manages ta pretend it isn'... but dis is de same woman who grabbed Ms. Marvel's face an' drained 'er till dey drove a plane inta de ground. She can walk in de shadows.

Professor X has posed:
Charles' brow creases. He nods his thanks for having his coffee topped up and holds his cup between both hands.

"I... I'm not sure, Remy. I see Rogue and I can't help see the girl who came to me. She is strong and fierce and... Brittle. I know I can count on her to fight to the end, but," Charles shakes his head. "I will think on it. I promise. Perhaps when she comes to own that part of her fully. Like you. Like Logan. You have no illusions, you accept who you are, the good and the bad."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly, "Alright Professor, Ah'm willin' ta go by yah decision of de mattah wit' a single caveat. An' dis is not up foh debate. Ah won' lie ta 'er. Won' bring it up wit' 'er. Won't tell 'er about it, but if she comes ta me... Ah'm not gonna lie. Trus' one of de few t'ings me an Rogue actully c'n share wit' each ot'er. Ah won' Jeperdise dat.

Professor X has posed:
Charles studies Remy's face. His own face is a neutral mask for a moment. Then he acquiesces.

"No lies," he says and exhales. "Thank you, Remy. This is not an easy thing to take on, so I want you to know how much I appreciate it."

Charles sips from his coffee again and swallows. "I came to you first because I knew I could count on you, and because the first job needs your particular skills. I have been hearing whispers of a new anti-mutant group, much worse than anything we've seen. But there are no records we can get into without leaving... Traces. And I can't ask my contacts to look into it, I'm not certain who could be watching. But I have the name of an FBI Special Agent who works in counter-terrorism and handles... Special far-right threats. She has a laptop she takes with her, and she has case files on it. It is heavily encrypted, no network access. I'm confident Kitty or Forge can crack the encryption, but I need the laptop. It needs to look like a random cat burglary, and /nothing/ can ever lead back to us."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly, "Ah'll need a day or two ta scope out de area.Ah take it yah wan' it done as clean as possible, while makin' it look like amateur hour. Zero Body count." He adds almost unnessicarily then with a slight smile adds, "An' if Ah am captured of killed de secretary will disavow any knowledge of my actions."

Professor X has posed:
"Something like that," Charles says with a smile. "Clean, please. I don't want to hurt some innocent federal agent do her best to protect people. It is bad enough we are stealing highly sensitive material from a federal agent."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly, considering. "Alright Ah'll see what Ah c'n do. Ah'll need all of de information dat yah c'n give me on de woman, on de laptop, basically anyt'ing at all yah c'n give me. Foh yah own sake Ah'd den ask yah not ask me too many questions aftah dat.

Professor X has posed:
"I will give you everything I have, and ask nothing after that. Thank you, my friend. Truly," Charles says and sets his coffee down.

"You know, I had been thinking of having a formal staff party some time soon. Perhaps at Warren's place, off the grounds. It could make for a very... Special evening. Something about that summer air and the right music," he adds with a smile. He wheels back from the table and cocks his head slightly. "You do know she's like a daughter to me, don't you? You'd better be good to her," he jokingly remonstrates Remy. Mostly jokingly.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau chuckles a little bit and adds, "Ah keep dat in mind, but 'onestly Professor? De last man ta give me de Dad talk was de Guild master of de Guild of Assassins. Yah c'n be a pretty intimidating guy in de right circumstance, but yah ain' gonna 'ave not'ing on Marius Boudreaux." he stands then to walk the other man out.