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Getting Patched Up
Date of Scene: 11 May 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Cody gets The Punisher to a grey market trauma doctor after a warehouse gunfight, and has a chat with The Punishers partner, Microchip, over video chat.
Cast of Characters: Punisher, Nemean

Punisher has posed:
Getting a grenade to the face would probably kill most people.

Luckily for the Punisher, he isn't most people... and he had help immediately after it went off.

Having saved Cody Garretts life in the middle of one of his operations, the FBI agent has gotten Punisher out of the cordon around his latest gunfight. Since then, Microchip has hacked into Cody's phone and directed him to one of the Punishers many safehouses, where he says help is standing by to deal with Franks injuries.

In the back of the car, Frank Castle is out from the pain and blood loss... but Cody is pretty sure he stopped the bleeding.

Now it's just a matter of getting The Punisher to the location on the text.

Nemean has posed:
Cody wasn't driving code 3, no lights and sirens, or else people might get suspicious. Still he was driving fast. He was pretty sure he'd stopped the bleeding, though if there were any internal injuries from the concussion of the grenade, he wasan't sure.

The text was an address, which he hadn't put into his GPS because someone could track that GPS. Thankfully he'd been living in New York City all his life, save for his time in the Marine Corps, so he knew the city well. It took a bit longer than if he'd put the address into his GPS, but he pulls up in front of the llocation, then pauses for a second. Parking an unmarked FBI car in front of a safehouse is a terrible idea. He pulls the car around into the alleyway next to the building and then gets out.

He's still a bit bloodied from the grenade as well, mostly from the concussion, but nothing as bad as what Castle got. He hauls one of Frank's arms over his shoulder, and begins to take him towards the side door, hoping that the guy who hacked his phone can unllock it remotely.

Punisher has posed:
When Cody gets close, the side door for the garage building is unlocked. In fact, there's a camera on the door, and it swivels to meet Cody when he's about to go through it.

The inside is extremely spartan. This used to be an active vehicle shop... but it's active days are long gone. Still, the machinery is still there.

Once he's a few feet inside, Cody gets a text, <In the back storage area, there's a surgeon waiting to handle things from here>

Nemean has posed:
Pulling the phone out to check it, he looks at the back storage room, and begins to head that way. But before he gets there he pullls the FBI patch off the front of his vest and shoves it in his pocket.

Once that's done, he steps through to the back room where the surgeon should be waiting, "Hello? Doc?" He asks, as he pushes the door open. He really doubts this is a trap, this guy sending the text seems to actually care, so he doubts he'd be leading them into an ambush.

Punisher has posed:
The back room is actually very well setup as a surgical area. There's a full on plastic room in the middle of it with equipment and instruments; this is a fairly emplaced medical area, with a woman and a man inside.

Both are wearing full head concealment masks when Cody walks in.

"Put him on top here." The man orders of Cody. He's got a voice modulator on... and with the lack of identifiable features, it's impossible for Cody to figure out who either of them are.

Nemean has posed:
"Security precautions, I get it." He says, as he moves and puts Frank down on the table, stepping back away from the doctors and out of the plastic room so they can do their thing. He steps back out of the door to the back and to the empty warehouse, pulling his phone back out and texting the unknown number that he's been delivered.

Punisher has posed:
"Clear out and let us work." Seems the doctor has no manners...

But then, he probably isn't being paid for his bedside demeanor.

Once Cody is out, he actually gets an incoming call on his face to face camera app.

Seems The Punishers partner wants to talk.

Nemean has posed:
Video chat, huh. He answers it, "I'm going to guess you're Mister Castle's mystery partner. Got a name? Codename or callsign is fine, I get how this whole thing works." Cody says as he looks at the screen.

Punisher has posed:
"Call me Micro." The man on the other end replies. A scraggly head of hair and an unkept beard frames a man wearing a mask, much like the two in the plastic room. "I watched the whole thing from above, and through cameras. I get the impression that you were in the area and was called in to help out, so I'm thankful it was you." Microchip states, before he looks to the left just a bit, "I can send some of the recordings to an IP address of your choice. I'd prefer not to send them to this phone. Most of the footage is too big to fit in your memory."

Nemean has posed:
"If you're gonna send them, send them to my home computer.." He replies, "My investigation into the Foot is...Off the books. Frankly something bigger is going on in this city and my bosses haave been trying to put the brakes on it since before it reallly even got started."

"He saved my life, I couldn't just leave him there for the cops to scoop up, even if he didn't bleed out before then." Cody says, "Besides, Frank Castle is someone I'd rather have on my side than against me."

Punisher has posed:
"I'll need an IP address to be sure where I'm sending this stuff to." Microchip replies, then... "yeah, he has that effect on people. Franks one of the best in the world at what he does, but he's the first to realize his limitations. He needs help in his war, so I'm sure he'll be glad to have you as an ally. For that matter, so am I." Microchip sighs a bit, "a lot of people don't understand him, and just call him a lunatic."

A moment later, and he points to the camera, directly at Cody, "As you saw, he's anything but a lunatic."

Nemean has posed:
I'll be honest, I don't know my IP address for my home computer off the top of my head, btu I can send it to you once I get back to my apartment." Cody replies, "And no, he's not. His methods may be a bit extreme, but if he were the lunatic people say he is, he'd have killed me instead of helping me." He considers for a second, "Besides, maybe he and I can share intel on the Foot once he's back up and able to work again. Everything I've got is written on a peice of paper right now so I'll have to digitize it and forward it to you, but I will."

Punisher has posed:
There's a few moments of silence on the other end as Micro looks to the side... then typing, clicking. A few moments later, and Microchip looks back into the video feed. "Right. Going through your entire desktop would be a pain in the ass, so I'll just send you an email address-" A text is sent to Cody's phone with said address, "-and take a look when you've sent it."

He looks to the side again, "you know. I get the feeling Frank is gonna need help with this one. We've been tracking these guys on and off since we ran into a couple mutated soldiers. Now we've dealt with honest-to-frigging-god ninjas. Something screwy is definitely going on, and I know for sure Frank isn't gonna let this go. He's going to want to take the fight back to them in some fashion." He looks back to Cody, "If you're interested in helping to point Frank where he can actually do some damage, I'd appreciate it. The warehouse was supposed to be a scout and recon, maybe provoke a response."

Nemean has posed:
Cody considers for a moment as he looks at the phone, reading the text and nodding, "Sure. So once I find any intel I'll forward it over if it's actionable." Cody looks over towards the door where he left Frank, "He is gonna be okay from all this, right?"

Punisher has posed:
"He's been in this war for years, and before that he was Special Forces. He's been through worse. I'd be worried if I had to go in and extract him myself, but you seem like you have a good head on your shoulders and knew enough to get him to one of his medical contacts." Microchip explains

Microchip looks to the side again,then. "Yeah, doc knows what he's doing. He always wears that vest out in the field, so the real question will be whether or not he has internal bleeding in the chest. So far they're not seeing any, just a concussion and a couple dozen scrapnel wounds... but it's very prelim."

Nemean has posed:
"Good." Cody says, "So if you don't mind me asking, how'd you two get hooked up?" He asks, "I mean I'm sure it's very uesful for someone like him to have a personal hacker and tech guy." He says, "I mean I could use one too, some times it's a real pain in the ass to get a warrant." He considers, "Oh man only a couple of weeks into this craziness and I'm already breaking the laws I'm supposed to enforce.."

Punisher has posed:
"That old saying 'may you live in interesting times' is very apt for this day and age. So many metahumans coming out of the woodwork and alien invasions and everything else. Now we have ninjas trying to take control of several underworlds in various cities." Microchip muses, "we have a partnership to make our world a better place. I know a lot of people in this day and age have a thing against killing, but I see all the crap those Gotham characters have done with that Batman character pretending they can be reformed, and I just think to myself 'he's doing more harm than good'. You know?"

Nemean has posed:
"To some extent, I am inclined to agree." Cody says, as he rubs his face, "But at the same time killing for the sake of it isn't something I can do. In self defense, absolutely.." He shakes his head a bit, "Then again if today's any indication, a lot of people really want to kill Frank so I am sure a lot of his kills are in self defense." He begins to head for the door, "I'm gonna send you that email in a few, once I get back home. Expect it in a bit." And with that he disconnects the call and walks back to his car.